#include "orte_config.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <signal.h> #include <math.h> #include "opal/runtime/opal_progress.h" #include "orte/util/proc_info.h" #include "orte/util/name_fns.h" #include "orte/runtime/orte_globals.h" #include "orte/mca/rml/rml.h" #include "orte/mca/errmgr/errmgr.h" #include "orte/runtime/runtime.h" #include "orte/runtime/orte_wait.h" #include "orte/mca/qos/qos.h" #include "orte/util/attr.h" #define MY_TAG 12345 #define MAX_COUNT 3 static volatile bool msgs_recvd; static volatile bool channel_inactive = false; static volatile bool channel_active = false; static volatile bool msg_active = false; static volatile orte_rml_channel_num_t channel; static volatile int num_msgs_recvd = 0; static volatile int num_msgs_sent = 0; static void close_channel_callback(int status, orte_rml_channel_num_t channel_num, orte_process_name_t * peer, opal_list_t *qos_attributes, void * cbdata) { if (ORTE_SUCCESS != status) opal_output(0, "close channel not successful status =%d", status); else opal_output(0, "close channel successful - channel num = %d", channel_num); channel_active = false; } static void open_channel_callback(int status, orte_rml_channel_num_t channel_num, orte_process_name_t * peer, opal_list_t *qos_attributes, void * cbdata) { if (ORTE_SUCCESS != status) { opal_output(0, "open channel not successful status =%d", status); } else { channel = channel_num; opal_output(0, "Open channel successful - channel num = %d", channel_num); } channel_inactive = false; } static void send_callback(int status, orte_process_name_t *peer, opal_buffer_t* buffer, orte_rml_tag_t tag, void* cbdata) { OBJ_RELEASE(buffer); num_msgs_sent++; if (ORTE_SUCCESS != status) { opal_output(0, "rml_send_nb not successful status =%d", status); } if(num_msgs_sent == 5) msg_active = false; } static void recv_callback(int status, orte_process_name_t *sender, opal_buffer_t* buffer, orte_rml_tag_t tag, void* cbdata) { //orte_rml_recv_cb_t *blob = (orte_rml_recv_cb_t*)cbdata; num_msgs_recvd++; opal_output(0, "recv_callback received msg =%d", num_msgs_recvd); if ( num_msgs_recvd == 5) { num_msgs_recvd =0; msgs_recvd = false; } } static void channel_send_callback (int status, orte_rml_channel_num_t channel, opal_buffer_t * buffer, orte_rml_tag_t tag, void *cbdata) { OBJ_RELEASE(buffer); if (ORTE_SUCCESS != status) { opal_output(0, "send_nb_channel not successful status =%d", status); } msg_active = false; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ int count; int msgsize; int *type, type_val; int *i, j, rc, n; orte_process_name_t peer; double maxpower; opal_buffer_t *buf; orte_rml_recv_cb_t blob; opal_list_t *qos_attributes; int window; uint32_t timeout = 1; bool retry = false; uint8_t *msg; /* * Init */ orte_init(&argc, &argv, ORTE_PROC_NON_MPI); if (argc > 1) { count = atoi(argv[1]); if (count < 0) { count = INT_MAX-1; } } else { count = MAX_COUNT; } peer.jobid = ORTE_PROC_MY_NAME->jobid; peer.vpid = ORTE_PROC_MY_NAME->vpid + 1; if (peer.vpid == orte_process_info.num_procs) { peer.vpid = 0; } type_val = orte_qos_ack; type = &type_val; window = 5; count =3; qos_attributes = OBJ_NEW (opal_list_t); if (ORTE_SUCCESS == (rc = orte_set_attribute( qos_attributes, ORTE_QOS_TYPE, ORTE_ATTR_GLOBAL, (void*)type, OPAL_UINT8))) { type = &window; if (ORTE_SUCCESS == (rc = orte_set_attribute(qos_attributes, ORTE_QOS_WINDOW_SIZE, ORTE_ATTR_GLOBAL, (void*) type, OPAL_UINT32))) { // orte_get_attribute( &qos_attributes, ORTE_QOS_WINDOW_SIZE, (void**)&type, OPAL_UINT32); // opal_output(0, "%s set attribute window =%d complete \n", ORTE_NAME_PRINT(ORTE_PROC_MY_NAME), *type ); type = &timeout; orte_set_attribute (qos_attributes, ORTE_QOS_ACK_NACK_TIMEOUT, ORTE_ATTR_GLOBAL, (void*)type, OPAL_UINT32); orte_set_attribute (qos_attributes, ORTE_QOS_MSG_RETRY, ORTE_ATTR_GLOBAL, NULL, OPAL_BOOL); /* Uncomment following lines to print channel attributes */ /* opal_output(0, "%s set attribute retry =%d complete \n", ORTE_NAME_PRINT(ORTE_PROC_MY_NAME), retry ); orte_get_attribute( qos_attributes, ORTE_QOS_TYPE, (void**)&type, OPAL_UINT8); opal_output(0, "%s set attribute type =%d complete \n", ORTE_NAME_PRINT(ORTE_PROC_MY_NAME), *type ); orte_get_attribute( qos_attributes, ORTE_QOS_WINDOW_SIZE, (void**)&type, OPAL_UINT32); opal_output(0, "%s set attribute window =%d complete \n", ORTE_NAME_PRINT(ORTE_PROC_MY_NAME), *type ) orte_get_attribute( qos_attributes, ORTE_QOS_ACK_NACK_TIMEOUT, (void**)&type, OPAL_UINT32); opal_output(0, "%s set attribute timeout =%d complete \n", ORTE_NAME_PRINT(ORTE_PROC_MY_NAME), *type );*/ channel_inactive = true; orte_rml.open_channel ( &peer, qos_attributes, open_channel_callback, NULL); opal_output(0, "%s process sent open channel request %d waiting for completion \n", ORTE_NAME_PRINT(ORTE_PROC_MY_NAME), j); ORTE_WAIT_FOR_COMPLETION(channel_inactive); opal_output(0, "%s open channel complete to %s", ORTE_NAME_PRINT(ORTE_PROC_MY_NAME), ORTE_NAME_PRINT(&peer)); } } for (j = 0; j< count; j++) { if (ORTE_PROC_MY_NAME->vpid == 0) { /* rank0 starts ring */ msg_active = true; for (n = 0; n< window; n++ ) { buf = OBJ_NEW(opal_buffer_t); maxpower = (double)(j%7); msgsize = (int)pow(10.0, maxpower); opal_output(0, "Ring %d message %d size %d bytes", j,n, msgsize); msg = (uint8_t*)malloc(msgsize); opal_dss.pack(buf, msg, msgsize, OPAL_BYTE); free(msg); orte_rml.send_buffer_channel_nb(channel, buf, MY_TAG, channel_send_callback, NULL); OBJ_CONSTRUCT(&blob, orte_rml_recv_cb_t); blob.active = true; orte_rml.recv_buffer_nb(ORTE_NAME_WILDCARD, MY_TAG, ORTE_RML_NON_PERSISTENT, orte_rml_recv_callback, &blob); ORTE_WAIT_FOR_COMPLETION(blob.active); OBJ_DESTRUCT(&blob); //orte_rml.send_buffer_nb(&peer, buf,MY_TAG, send_callback, NULL) } ORTE_WAIT_FOR_COMPLETION(msg_active); opal_output(0, "%s Ring %d completed", ORTE_NAME_PRINT(ORTE_PROC_MY_NAME), j); //sleep(2); } else { msg_active = true; for (n =0; n < window; n++) { OBJ_CONSTRUCT(&blob, orte_rml_recv_cb_t); blob.active = true; orte_rml.recv_buffer_nb(ORTE_NAME_WILDCARD, MY_TAG, ORTE_RML_NON_PERSISTENT, orte_rml_recv_callback, &blob); ORTE_WAIT_FOR_COMPLETION(blob.active); opal_output(0, "%s received message %d from %s", ORTE_NAME_PRINT(ORTE_PROC_MY_NAME), j, ORTE_NAME_PRINT(&blob.name)); /* send it along */ buf = OBJ_NEW(opal_buffer_t); opal_dss.copy_payload(buf, &blob.data); OBJ_DESTRUCT(&blob); orte_rml.send_buffer_channel_nb(channel, buf, MY_TAG, channel_send_callback, NULL); } ORTE_WAIT_FOR_COMPLETION(msg_active); opal_output(0, "%s Ring %d completed", ORTE_NAME_PRINT(ORTE_PROC_MY_NAME), j); //sleep (2); } } channel_active = true; orte_rml.close_channel ( channel,close_channel_callback, NULL); opal_output(0, "%s process sent close channel request waiting for completion \n", ORTE_NAME_PRINT(ORTE_PROC_MY_NAME)); ORTE_WAIT_FOR_COMPLETION(channel_active); opal_output(0, "%s close channel complete to %s", ORTE_NAME_PRINT(ORTE_PROC_MY_NAME), ORTE_NAME_PRINT(&peer)); orte_finalize(); return 0; }