#!/usr/bin/env perl use warnings; use strict; use Getopt::Long; use File::Temp qw/ tempfile tempdir /; use File::Basename; my $coverity_project = "open-mpi%2Fpmix"; # Coverity changes this URL periodically my $coverity_tool_url = "https://scan.coverity.com/download/cxx/linux64"; my $filename_arg; my $coverity_token_arg; my $dry_run_arg = 0; my $verbose_arg = 0; my $debug_arg = 0; my $logfile_dir_arg = "/tmp"; my $configure_args = ""; my $make_args = "-j 32"; my $help_arg = 0; &Getopt::Long::Configure("bundling"); my $ok = Getopt::Long::GetOptions("filename=s" => \$filename_arg, "coverity-token=s" => \$coverity_token_arg, "logfile-dir=s" => \$logfile_dir_arg, "configure-args=s" => \$configure_args, "make-args=s" => \$make_args, "dry-run!" => \$dry_run_arg, "verbose!" => \$verbose_arg, "debug!" => \$debug_arg, "help|h" => \$help_arg); $ok = 0 if (!defined($filename_arg)); $ok = 0 if (!defined($coverity_token_arg)); if (!$ok || $help_arg) { print "Usage: $0 --filename=FILENAME --coverity-token=TOKEN [--dry-run] [--verbose] [--help]\n"; exit($ok); } die "Cannot read $filename_arg" if (! -r $filename_arg); $verbose_arg = 1 if ($debug_arg); ###################################################################### sub verbose { print @_ if ($verbose_arg); } # run a command and save the stdout / stderr sub safe_system { my $allowed_to_fail = shift; my $cmd = shift; my $stdout_file = shift; # Redirect stdout if requested or not verbose if (defined($stdout_file)) { $stdout_file = "$logfile_dir_arg/$stdout_file"; unlink($stdout_file); $cmd .= " >$stdout_file"; } elsif (!$debug_arg) { $cmd .= " >/dev/null"; } $cmd .= " 2>&1"; my $rc = system($cmd); if (0 != $rc && !$allowed_to_fail) { # If we die/fail, ensure to change out of the temp tree so # that it can be removed upon exit. chdir("/"); die "Command $cmd failed: exit status $rc"; } system("cat $stdout_file") if ($debug_arg && defined($stdout_file) && -f $stdout_file); } ###################################################################### # Make an area to work my $dir = tempdir(CLEANUP => 1); chdir($dir); verbose "*** Working in $dir\n"; ###################################################################### # Get the coverity tool, put it in our path. my $cdir = "/home/common/mpiteam/coverity"; safe_system(0, "mkdir $cdir") if (! -d $cdir); # Optimization: the tool is pretty large. If our local copy is less # than a day old, just use that without re-downloading. my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size, $atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = stat("$cdir/coverity_tool.tgz"); my $now = time(); if (!defined($mtime) || $mtime < $now - 24*60*60) { verbose "*** Downloading new copy of the coverity tool\n"; safe_system(0, "wget $coverity_tool_url --post-data \"token=$coverity_token_arg&project=$coverity_project\" -O coverity_tool.tgz"); safe_system(0, "cp coverity_tool.tgz $cdir"); } verbose "*** Expanding coverity tool tarball\n"; safe_system(0, "tar xf $cdir/coverity_tool.tgz"); opendir(my $dh, ".") || die "Can't opendir ."; my @files = grep { /^cov/ && -d "./$_" } readdir($dh); closedir($dh); my $cov_dir = "$dir/$files[0]/bin"; $ENV{PATH} = "$cov_dir:$ENV{PATH}"; ###################################################################### # Expand the PMIX tarball, build it verbose "*** Extracting PMIX tarball\n"; safe_system(0, "tar xf $filename_arg"); my $tarball_filename = basename($filename_arg); $tarball_filename =~ m/^pmix-(.+)\.tar.+$/; my $pmix_ver = $1; chdir("pmix-$pmix_ver"); verbose "*** Configuring PMIX tarball\n"; safe_system(0, "./configure $configure_args", "configure"); verbose "*** Building PMIX tarball\n"; safe_system(0, "cov-build --dir cov-int make $make_args", "cov-build"); # Tar up the Coverity results verbose "*** Tarring up results\n"; safe_system(0, "tar jcf $pmix_ver-analyzed.tar.bz2 cov-int"); # If not dry-run, submit to Coverity if ($dry_run_arg) { verbose "*** Would have submitted, but this is a dry run\n"; } else { verbose "*** Submitting results\n"; safe_system(0, "curl --form token=$coverity_token_arg " . "--form email=rhc\@open-mpi.org " . "--form file=\@$pmix_ver-analyzed.tar.bz2 " . "--form version=$pmix_ver " . "--form description=nightly-master " . "https://scan.coverity.com/builds?project=$coverity_project", "coverity-submit"); } verbose("*** All done\n"); # Chdir out of the tempdir so that it can be removed chdir("/"); exit(0);