# Copyright (c) 2007-2010 High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart, # University of Stuttgart. All rights reserved. # $COPYRIGHT$ # # Additional copyrights may follow # # $HEADER$ # INCLUDE(list_subdirs) # there are several steps and issues for checking mca components: # # 1. go through each framwork dir, add the top-level headers # to the source list. # # 2. go through each component dir, the framwork base dir is checked # also in this setp, and is added to the source list. # # 2a. if a .windows file exists in a framwork base dir, that means there # might be properties that have to be checked for this dir, e.g. files # need to be excluded. # # 2b. if a .windows file exists in a component dir, this component # should be included in the solution. There could be properties that # need to check for this component. If it's a static build or not a # DSO shared build, just add necessary sources; if it is a DSO build, # generate a proper CMakeLists.txt file for each component, so that # this component will be compiled separately. # # 3. Generate static-components.h file with available mca components. # # # Available properties in .windows files: # # exclude_list: files that need to be excluded from the solution. # # required_check: a CMake module has to be run to check the libraries/headers # that needed by this component. The check might return two # variables: RESULT_INCLUDE_PATH, RESULT_LINK_LIBRARIES and RESULT_SOURCE_FILES. # RESULT_INCLUDE_PATH is handled in this macro, and RESULT_LINK_LIBRARIES # is handled in upper layer. # # not_single_shared_lib: this component should not be built separately, it's not # a single mca shared library. # # mca_link_libraries: this component has to be linked with other targets or libraries, # e.g. Ws2_32.lib # mca_priority: priority of the mca component. SET(MCA_FRAMEWORK_LIST "") CHECK_SUBDIRS("${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/mca" MCA_FRAMEWORK_LIST) #MESSAGE("MCA_FRAMEWORK_LIST:${MCA_FRAMEWORK_LIST}") FILE(GLOB ${PROJECT_NAME}_MCA_HEADER_FILES "mca/*.C" "mca/*.h") SET(${PROJECT_NAME}_MCA_FILES ${${PROJECT_NAME}_MCA_FILES} ${${PROJECT_NAME}_MCA_HEADER_FILES}) SOURCE_GROUP(mca FILES ${${PROJECT_NAME}_MCA_HEADER_FILES}) # clear the variables first SET(MCA_FRAMEWORK "") SET(MCA_FRAMEWORK_FILES "") SET(MCA_FILES "") # parse each mca subdir FOREACH (MCA_FRAMEWORK ${MCA_FRAMEWORK_LIST}) IF(NOT ${MCA_FRAMEWORK} STREQUAL "CMakeFiles" AND NOT ${MCA_FRAMEWORK} STREQUAL "svn") #SET(CURRENT_PATH "mca/${${PROJECT_NAME}_MCA_SUBDIR}") FILE(GLOB MCA_FRAMEWORK_FILES "mca/${MCA_FRAMEWORK}/*.c" "mca/${MCA_FRAMEWORK}/*.h" "mca/${MCA_FRAMEWORK}/*.cc" "mca/${MCA_FRAMEWORK}/*.cpp") SET(MCA_FILES ${MCA_FILES} ${MCA_FRAMEWORK_FILES}) SOURCE_GROUP(mca\\${MCA_FRAMEWORK} FILES ${MCA_FRAMEWORK_FILES}) SET(COMPONENT_LIST "") CHECK_SUBDIRS("${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/mca/${MCA_FRAMEWORK}" COMPONENT_LIST) SET(CURRENT_COMPONENT_PRIORITY "") SET(MCA_PRIORITY_LIST "") # parse each component subdir of current mca framework FOREACH (MCA_COMPONENT ${COMPONENT_LIST}) IF(${MCA_COMPONENT} STREQUAL "base") SET(CURRENT_PATH "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/mca/${MCA_FRAMEWORK}/base") FILE(GLOB MCA_FRAMEWORK_BASE_FILES "${CURRENT_PATH}/*.c" "${CURRENT_PATH}/*.h" "${CURRENT_PATH}/*.cc" "${CURRENT_PATH}/*.cpp") IF(EXISTS "${CURRENT_PATH}/.windows") #MESSAGE("MCA_FRAMEWORK_BASE_FILES:${MCA_FRAMEWORK_BASE_FILES}") SET(EXCLUDE_LIST "") FILE(STRINGS ${CURRENT_PATH}/.windows EXCLUDE_LIST REGEX "^exclude_list=") IF(NOT EXCLUDE_LIST STREQUAL "") STRING(REPLACE "exclude_list=" "" EXCLUDE_LIST ${EXCLUDE_LIST}) ENDIF(NOT EXCLUDE_LIST STREQUAL "") # remove the files in the exclude list FOREACH(FILE ${EXCLUDE_LIST}) LIST(REMOVE_ITEM MCA_FRAMEWORK_BASE_FILES "${CURRENT_PATH}/${FILE}") ENDFOREACH(FILE) ENDIF(EXISTS "${CURRENT_PATH}/.windows") SET_SOURCE_FILES_PROPERTIES(${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/mca/${MCA_FRAMEWORK}/base/static-components.h PROPERTIES GENERATED true) SET(MCA_FRAMEWORK_BASE_FILES ${MCA_FRAMEWORK_BASE_FILES} ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/mca/${MCA_FRAMEWORK}/base/static-components.h) SET(MCA_FILES ${MCA_FILES} ${MCA_FRAMEWORK_BASE_FILES}) SOURCE_GROUP(mca\\${MCA_FRAMEWORK}\\base FILES ${MCA_FRAMEWORK_BASE_FILES}) # Install help files if they are here. INSTALL(DIRECTORY ${CURRENT_PATH}/ DESTINATION share/openmpi/ FILES_MATCHING PATTERN "*.txt" PATTERN ".svn" EXCLUDE PATTERN ".hg" EXCLUDE) ELSEIF(EXISTS "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/mca/${MCA_FRAMEWORK}/${MCA_COMPONENT}/.windows") SET(COMPONENT_FILES "") SET(RESULT_SOURCE_FILES "") SET(CURRENT_PATH ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/mca/${MCA_FRAMEWORK}/${MCA_COMPONENT}) # by default, build this component. SET(BUILD_COMPONENT TRUE) # do we have to run a check module first? SET(REQUIRED_CHECK "") FILE(STRINGS ${CURRENT_PATH}/.windows REQUIRED_CHECK REGEX "^required_check=") SET(EXTRA_INCLUDE_PATH "") IF(NOT REQUIRED_CHECK STREQUAL "") STRING(REPLACE "required_check=" "" REQUIRED_CHECK ${REQUIRED_CHECK}) UNSET(RESULT_INCLUDE_PATH) UNSET(RESULT_LINK_LIBRARIES) INCLUDE(${REQUIRED_CHECK}) IF(RESULT) SET(COMPONENT_FILES ${COMPONENT_FILES} ${RESULT_SOURCE_FILES}) SET(EXTRA_INCLUDE_PATH ${RESULT_INCLUDE_PATH}) # these extra libraries will be set up in up layer, e.g. ompi SET(EXTRA_LINK_LIBRARIES ${EXTRA_LINK_LIBRARIES} ${RESULT_LINK_LIBRARIES}) ELSE(RESULT) # Required check failed, don't build this component. SET(BUILD_COMPONENT FALSE) ENDIF(RESULT) ENDIF(NOT REQUIRED_CHECK STREQUAL "") IF(BUILD_COMPONENT) IF(NOT COMPONENT_FILES) FILE(GLOB_RECURSE COMPONENT_FILES "${CURRENT_PATH}/*.C" "${CURRENT_PATH}/*.h" "${CURRENT_PATH}/*.cc" "${CURRENT_PATH}/*.cpp") #check exclude list SET(EXCLUDE_LIST "") FILE(STRINGS ${CURRENT_PATH}/.windows EXCLUDE_LIST REGEX "^exclude_list=") IF(NOT EXCLUDE_LIST STREQUAL "") STRING(REPLACE "exclude_list=" "" EXCLUDE_LIST ${EXCLUDE_LIST}) ENDIF(NOT EXCLUDE_LIST STREQUAL "") # remove the files in the exclude list FOREACH(FILE ${EXCLUDE_LIST}) LIST(REMOVE_ITEM COMPONENT_FILES "${CURRENT_PATH}/${FILE}") ENDFOREACH(FILE) ENDIF(NOT COMPONENT_FILES) # check the library build type FILE(STRINGS ${CURRENT_PATH}/.windows VALUE REGEX "^not_single_shared_lib=") IF(NOT VALUE STREQUAL "") STRING(REPLACE "not_single_shared_lib=" "" NOT_SINGLE_SHARED_LIB ${VALUE}) ENDIF(NOT VALUE STREQUAL "") IF(NOT OPAL_WANT_LIBLTDL OR NOT_SINGLE_SHARED_LIB STREQUAL "1") SET(NOT_SINGLE_SHARED_LIB "") # add sources for static build or for the shared build when this is not a stand along library. SET(MCA_FILES ${MCA_FILES} ${COMPONENT_FILES}) SOURCE_GROUP(mca\\${MCA_FRAMEWORK}\\${MCA_COMPONENT} FILES ${COMPONENT_FILES}) INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${EXTRA_INCLUDE_PATH}) IF(EXISTS "${CURRENT_PATH}/configure.params") FILE(STRINGS ${CURRENT_PATH}/configure.params CURRENT_COMPONENT_PRIORITY REGEX "PRIORITY") ELSE(EXISTS "${CURRENT_PATH}/configure.params") FILE(STRINGS ${CURRENT_PATH}/.windows CURRENT_COMPONENT_PRIORITY REGEX "^mca_priority=") ENDIF(EXISTS "${CURRENT_PATH}/configure.params") IF(NOT CURRENT_COMPONENT_PRIORITY STREQUAL "") STRING(REGEX REPLACE "[A-Z_a-z]+=" "" CURRENT_COMPONENT_PRIORITY ${CURRENT_COMPONENT_PRIORITY}) ENDIF(NOT CURRENT_COMPONENT_PRIORITY STREQUAL "") SET(MCA_PRIORITY_LIST ${MCA_PRIORITY_LIST} "${CURRENT_COMPONENT_PRIORITY}:${MCA_COMPONENT}") ELSE(NOT OPAL_WANT_LIBLTDL OR NOT_SINGLE_SHARED_LIB STREQUAL "1") # get the libraries required for this component. SET(MCA_LINK_LIBRARIES "") FILE(STRINGS ${CURRENT_PATH}/.windows VALUE REGEX "^mca_link_libraries=") IF(NOT VALUE STREQUAL "") STRING(REPLACE "mca_link_libraries=" "" MCA_LINK_LIBRARIES ${VALUE}) ENDIF(NOT VALUE STREQUAL "") # the mca_common_* libraries should be installed into bin, # this will avoid the runtime open module failure. IF("${MCA_FRAMEWORK}" STREQUAL "common") SET(LIB_NAME_PREFIX "lib") SET(INSTALL_DEST "RUNTIME DESTINATION bin LIBRARY DESTINATION lib ARCHIVE DESTINATION lib") SET(PDB_DEST "bin") ELSE("${MCA_FRAMEWORK}" STREQUAL "common") SET(LIB_NAME_PREFIX "") IF(OMPI_DEBUG_BUILD) SET(INSTALL_DEST "RUNTIME DESTINATION lib/openmpi/debug LIBRARY DESTINATION lib/openmpi/debug ARCHIVE DESTINATION lib/openmpi/debug") SET(PDB_DEST "lib/openmpi/debug") ELSE(OMPI_DEBUG_BUILD) SET(INSTALL_DEST "RUNTIME DESTINATION lib/openmpi LIBRARY DESTINATION lib/openmpi ARCHIVE DESTINATION lib/openmpi") ENDIF(OMPI_DEBUG_BUILD) ENDIF("${MCA_FRAMEWORK}" STREQUAL "common") # generate CMakeLists.txt for each component for DSO build. FILE (WRITE "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/mca/${MCA_FRAMEWORK}/${MCA_COMPONENT}/CMakeLists.txt" " # # Copyright (c) 2007-2008 High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart, # University of Stuttgart. All rights reserved. # $COPYRIGHT$ # # Additional copyrights may follow # # $HEADER$ # # make new project for shared build INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(\${EXTRA_INCLUDE_PATH}) ADD_LIBRARY(${LIB_NAME_PREFIX}mca_${MCA_FRAMEWORK}_${MCA_COMPONENT} SHARED \${COMPONENT_FILES}) SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES(${LIB_NAME_PREFIX}mca_${MCA_FRAMEWORK}_${MCA_COMPONENT} PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS \"-D_USRDLL -DOPAL_IMPORTS -DOMPI_IMPORTS -DORTE_IMPORTS /TP\") TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES (${LIB_NAME_PREFIX}mca_${MCA_FRAMEWORK}_${MCA_COMPONENT} libopen-pal ${MCA_LINK_LIBRARIES} ${EXTRA_LINK_LIBRARIES}) INSTALL(TARGETS ${LIB_NAME_PREFIX}mca_${MCA_FRAMEWORK}_${MCA_COMPONENT} ${INSTALL_DEST}) IF (OMPI_DEBUG_BUILD) INSTALL(FILES ${OpenMPI_BINARY_DIR}/Debug/${LIB_NAME_PREFIX}mca_${MCA_FRAMEWORK}_${MCA_COMPONENT}${CMAKE_DEBUG_POSTFIX}.pdb DESTINATION ${PDB_DEST}) ENDIF (OMPI_DEBUG_BUILD) ") ADD_SUBDIRECTORY (${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/mca/${MCA_FRAMEWORK}/${MCA_COMPONENT} mca/${MCA_FRAMEWORK}/${MCA_COMPONENT}) # for single dll, reset these two variables for the next component. UNSET(EXTRA_INCLUDE_PATH) UNSET(EXTRA_LINK_LIBRARIES) ENDIF(NOT OPAL_WANT_LIBLTDL OR NOT_SINGLE_SHARED_LIB STREQUAL "1") # Install help files if they are here. INSTALL(DIRECTORY ${CURRENT_PATH}/ DESTINATION share/openmpi/ FILES_MATCHING PATTERN "*.txt" PATTERN ".svn" EXCLUDE PATTERN ".hg" EXCLUDE) ENDIF(BUILD_COMPONENT) ENDIF(${MCA_COMPONENT} STREQUAL "base") ENDFOREACH(MCA_COMPONENT) # generate the correct order of the components. LIST(SORT MCA_PRIORITY_LIST) FOREACH(MCA_COMPONENT ${MCA_PRIORITY_LIST}) STRING(REGEX REPLACE "[0-9]*:" "" COMPONENT_NAME ${MCA_COMPONENT}) SET (OUTFILE_EXTERN "extern const mca_base_component_t mca_${MCA_FRAMEWORK}_${COMPONENT_NAME}_component" "\n${OUTFILE_EXTERN}") SET(FRAMEWORK_STRUCT_DEF "&mca_${MCA_FRAMEWORK}_${COMPONENT_NAME}_component,\n" ${FRAMEWORK_STRUCT_DEF}) SET(BEST_COMPONENT_PRIORITY ${CURRENT_COMPONENT_PRIORITY}) ENDFOREACH(MCA_COMPONENT ${MCA_PRIORITY_LIST}) STRING(LENGTH "${FRAMEWORK_STRUCT_DEF}" STRUCT_STRING_LENTH) IF(STRUCT_STRING_LENTH GREATER 0) STRING (REPLACE ";" "" OUTFILE_STRUCT ${FRAMEWORK_STRUCT_DEF}) ENDIF(STRUCT_STRING_LENTH GREATER 0) # write out static-component.h for this mca. FILE(WRITE "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/mca/${MCA_FRAMEWORK}/base/static-components.h" "/* * $HEADER$ */ #if defined(c_plusplus) || defined(__cplusplus) extern \"C\" { #endif ${OUTFILE_EXTERN} const mca_base_component_t *mca_${MCA_FRAMEWORK}_base_static_components[] = { ${OUTFILE_STRUCT} NULL }; #if defined(c_plusplus) || defined(__cplusplus) } #endif ") SET(OUTFILE_EXTERN "") SET(OUTFILE_STRUCT "") SET(FRAMEWORK_STRUCT_DEF "") ENDIF(NOT ${MCA_FRAMEWORK} STREQUAL "CMakeFiles" AND NOT ${MCA_FRAMEWORK} STREQUAL "svn") ENDFOREACH (MCA_FRAMEWORK)