#include #include #include #include #define SIZE 20 #define POS 10 #define INITIAL_VALUE 10 static pmix_proc_t myproc; /* this is the event notification function we pass down below * when registering for general events - i.e.,, the default * handler. We don't technically need to register one, but it * is usually good practice to catch any events that occur */ static void notification_fn(size_t evhdlr_registration_id, pmix_status_t status, const pmix_proc_t *source, pmix_info_t info[], size_t ninfo, pmix_info_t results[], size_t nresults, pmix_event_notification_cbfunc_fn_t cbfunc, void *cbdata) { /* this example doesn't do anything with default events */ fprintf(stderr, "Default event handler called with status %s\n", PMIx_Error_string(status)); if (NULL != cbfunc) { cbfunc(PMIX_EVENT_ACTION_COMPLETE, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, cbdata); } } /* this is an event notification function that we explicitly request * be called when the PMIX_ERR_JOB_TERMINATED notification is issued. * We could catch it in the general event notification function and test * the status to see if it was "job terminated", but it often is simpler * to declare a use-specific notification callback point. In this case, * we are asking to know whenever a job terminates, and we will then * know we can exit */ static void model_callback(size_t evhdlr_registration_id, pmix_status_t status, const pmix_proc_t *source, pmix_info_t info[], size_t ninfo, pmix_info_t results[], size_t nresults, pmix_event_notification_cbfunc_fn_t cbfunc, void *cbdata) { size_t n; fprintf(stderr, "Model event handler called with status %d(%s)\n", status, PMIx_Error_string(status)); /* check to see what model declared itself */ for (n=0; n < ninfo; n++) { if (PMIX_STRING == info[n].value.type) { fprintf(stderr, "\t%s:\t%s\n", info[n].key, info[n].value.data.string); } } /* we must NOT tell the event handler state machine that we * are the last step as that will prevent it from notifying * anyone else that might be listening for declarations */ if (NULL != cbfunc) { cbfunc(PMIX_SUCCESS, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, cbdata); } } /* event handler registration is done asynchronously because it * may involve the PMIx server registering with the host RM for * external events. So we provide a callback function that returns * the status of the request (success or an error), plus a numerical index * to the registered event. The index is used later on to deregister * an event handler - if we don't explicitly deregister it, then the * PMIx server will do so when it see us exit */ static void model_registration_callback(pmix_status_t status, size_t evhandler_ref, void *cbdata) { volatile int *active = (volatile int*)cbdata; if (PMIX_SUCCESS != status) { fprintf(stderr, "Client %s:%d EVENT HANDLER REGISTRATION FAILED WITH STATUS %d, ref=%lu\n", myproc.nspace, myproc.rank, status, (unsigned long)evhandler_ref); } *active = status; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i, rank, size, next, prev, tag = 201; int array_size = SIZE; int pos = POS; int *send_array; int *recv_array; pmix_info_t *info; size_t ninfo; pmix_status_t code = PMIX_MODEL_DECLARED; pmix_status_t rc; volatile int active; if (1 < argc) { fprintf(stderr, "Declaring ourselves\n"); /* declare ourselves as a non-MPI library prior to MPI_Init */ ninfo = 4; PMIX_INFO_CREATE(info, ninfo); PMIX_INFO_LOAD(&info[0], PMIX_PROGRAMMING_MODEL, "EXAMPLE", PMIX_STRING); PMIX_INFO_LOAD(&info[1], PMIX_MODEL_LIBRARY_NAME, "FOOL", PMIX_STRING); PMIX_INFO_LOAD(&info[2], PMIX_MODEL_LIBRARY_VERSION, "1.2.3", PMIX_STRING); PMIX_INFO_LOAD(&info[3], PMIX_THREADING_MODEL, "NONE", PMIX_STRING); if (PMIX_SUCCESS != (rc = PMIx_Init(&myproc, info, ninfo))) { fprintf(stderr, "PMIx Init failed: %s\n", PMIx_Error_string(rc)); exit(1); } PMIX_INFO_FREE(info, ninfo); /* register a handler specifically for when models declare */ active = -1; ninfo = 1; PMIX_INFO_CREATE(info, ninfo); PMIX_INFO_LOAD(&info[0], PMIX_EVENT_HDLR_NAME, "APP-MODEL", PMIX_STRING); PMIx_Register_event_handler(&code, 1, info, ninfo, model_callback, model_registration_callback, (void*)&active); while (-1 == active) { usleep(10); } PMIX_INFO_FREE(info, ninfo); if (0 != active) { exit(active); } } /* initialize the MPI library - it will declare itself */ MPI_Init(&argc, &argv); MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank); MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size); if (argc <= 1) { fprintf(stderr, "Registering handler\n"); /* register a handler specifically for when models declare */ active = -1; ninfo = 1; PMIX_INFO_CREATE(info, ninfo); PMIX_INFO_LOAD(&info[0], PMIX_EVENT_HDLR_NAME, "APP-MODEL", PMIX_STRING); PMIx_Register_event_handler(&code, 1, info, ninfo, model_callback, model_registration_callback, (void*)&active); while (-1 == active) { usleep(10); } PMIX_INFO_FREE(info, ninfo); if (0 != active) { exit(active); } } fprintf(stderr, "Rank %d has cleared MPI_Init\n", rank); next = (rank + 1) % size; prev = (rank + size - 1) % size; send_array = malloc(sizeof(int) * SIZE); recv_array = malloc(sizeof(int) * SIZE); for (i = 0; i < array_size; ++i) { send_array[i] = 17; recv_array[i] = -1; } if (0 == rank) { send_array[pos] = INITIAL_VALUE; MPI_Send(send_array, array_size, MPI_INT, next, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD); } /* if we didn't already do it, declare another model now */ if (argc <= 1) { fprintf(stderr, "Declaring ourselves\n"); /* declare ourselves as a non-MPI library after MPI_Init */ ninfo = 4; PMIX_INFO_CREATE(info, ninfo); PMIX_INFO_LOAD(&info[0], PMIX_PROGRAMMING_MODEL, "EXAMPLE", PMIX_STRING); PMIX_INFO_LOAD(&info[1], PMIX_MODEL_LIBRARY_NAME, "FOOL", PMIX_STRING); PMIX_INFO_LOAD(&info[2], PMIX_MODEL_LIBRARY_VERSION, "1.2.3", PMIX_STRING); PMIX_INFO_LOAD(&info[3], PMIX_THREADING_MODEL, "NONE", PMIX_STRING); if (PMIX_SUCCESS != (rc = PMIx_Init(&myproc, info, ninfo))) { fprintf(stderr, "PMIx Init failed: %s\n", PMIx_Error_string(rc)); exit(1); } PMIX_INFO_FREE(info, ninfo); } while (1) { recv_array[pos] = -1; MPI_Recv(recv_array, array_size, MPI_INT, prev, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE); send_array[pos] = recv_array[pos]; if (rank == 0) { --send_array[pos]; } MPI_Send(send_array, array_size, MPI_INT, next, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD); if (0 == send_array[pos]) { break; } } if (rank == 0) { MPI_Recv(recv_array, array_size, MPI_INT, prev, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE); } fprintf(stderr, "Rank %d has completed ring\n", rank); MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); fprintf(stderr, "Rank %d has completed MPI_Barrier\n", rank); /* decrement the PMIx refcount */ PMIx_Finalize(NULL, 0); MPI_Finalize(); return 0; }