 * Copyright (c) 2004-2010 The Trustees of Indiana University and Indiana
 *                         University Research and Technology
 *                         Corporation.  All rights reserved.
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The University of Tennessee and The University
 *                         of Tennessee Research Foundation.  All rights
 *                         reserved.
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart,
 *                         University of Stuttgart.  All rights reserved.
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Regents of the University of California.
 *                         All rights reserved.
 * Copyright (c) 2009      Cisco Systems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
 * Additional copyrights may follow
/** @file:
 * The Open RTE Error and Recovery Manager (ErrMgr)
 * This framework is the logically central clearing house for process/daemon
 * state updates. In particular when a process fails and another process detects
 * it, then that information is reported through this framework. This framework
 * then (depending on the active component) decides how to handle the failure.
 * For example, if a process fails this may activate an automatic recovery
 * of the process from a previous checkpoint, or initial state. Conversely,
 * the active component could decide not to continue the job, and request that
 * it be terminated. The error and recovery policy is determined by individual
 * components within this framework.


 * includes

#include "orte_config.h"
#include "orte/constants.h"
#include "orte/types.h"

#include "opal/mca/mca.h"
#include "opal/mca/base/base.h"

#include "opal/class/opal_object.h"
#include "opal/util/output.h"
#include "opal/util/error.h"
#include "opal/util/opal_sos.h"

#include "orte/runtime/orte_globals.h"
#include "orte/mca/plm/plm_types.h"


 * Structure to describe a predicted process fault.
 * This can be expanded in the future to support assurance levels, and
 * additional information that may wish to be conveyed.
struct orte_errmgr_predicted_proc_t {
    /** This is an object, so must have a super */
    opal_list_item_t super;

    /** Process Name */
    orte_process_name_t proc_name;
typedef struct orte_errmgr_predicted_proc_t orte_errmgr_predicted_proc_t;

 * Structure to describe a predicted node fault.
 * This can be expanded in the future to support assurance levels, and
 * additional information that may wish to be conveyed.
struct orte_errmgr_predicted_node_t {
    /** This is an object, so must have a super */
    opal_list_item_t super;

    /** Node Name */
    char * node_name;
typedef struct orte_errmgr_predicted_node_t orte_errmgr_predicted_node_t;

 * Structure to describe a suggested remapping element for a predicted fault.
 * This can be expanded in the future to support weights , and
 * additional information that may wish to be conveyed.
struct orte_errmgr_predicted_map_t {
    /** This is an object, so must have a super */
    opal_list_item_t super;

    /** Process Name (predicted to fail) */
    orte_process_name_t proc_name;

    /** Node Name (predicted to fail) */
    char * node_name;

    /** Process Name (Map to) */
    orte_process_name_t map_proc_name;

    /** Node Name (Map to) */
    char * map_node_name;

    /** Just off current node */
    bool off_current_node;

    /** Pre-map fixed node assignment */
    char * pre_map_fixed_node;
typedef struct orte_errmgr_predicted_map_t orte_errmgr_predicted_map_t;

 * Macro definitions
 * Thess macros and associated error name array are used to output intelligible error
 * messages.

#define ORTE_ERROR_NAME(n)  opal_strerror(n)
#define ORTE_ERROR_LOG(n)                       \
    if (true == OPAL_SOS_IS_NATIVE(n)) {        \
        orte_errmgr.log(n, __FILE__, __LINE__); \
    } else {                                    \
        OPAL_SOS_LOG(n);                        \

 * Framework Interfaces
 * Module initialization function.
 * @retval ORTE_SUCCESS The operation completed successfully
 * @retval ORTE_ERROR   An unspecifed error occurred
typedef int (*orte_errmgr_base_module_init_fn_t)(void);

 * Module finalization function.
 * @retval ORTE_SUCCESS The operation completed successfully
 * @retval ORTE_ERROR   An unspecifed error occurred
typedef int (*orte_errmgr_base_module_finalize_fn_t)(void);

 * This is not part of any module so it can be used at any time!
typedef void (*orte_errmgr_base_module_log_fn_t)(int error_code, char *filename, int line);

 * Alert - self aborting
 * This function is called when a process is aborting due to some internal error.
 * It will finalize the process
 * itself, and then exit - it takes no other actions. The intent here is to provide
 * a last-ditch exit procedure that attempts to clean up a little.
typedef void (*orte_errmgr_base_module_abort_fn_t)(int error_code, char *fmt, ...)
__opal_attribute_format_funcptr__(__printf__, 2, 3);

 * Alert - process aborted
 * This function is called by the PLM when a remote process aborts during execution. Actions taken
 * in response to the abnormal termination of a remote application process will vary across
 * the various errmgr components.
 * NOTE: Local process errors should always be reported through the error_detected interface and
 * NOT here.
 * @param *name Pointer to the name of the proc that aborted
 * @retval ORTE_SUCCESS Whatever action that was taken was successful
 * @retval ORTE_ERROR Appropriate error code
typedef int (*orte_errmgr_base_module_update_state_fn_t)(orte_jobid_t job,
                                                         orte_job_state_t jobstate,
                                                         orte_process_name_t *proc_name,
                                                         orte_proc_state_t state,
                                                         pid_t pid,
                                                         orte_exit_code_t exit_code);

 * Predicted process/node failure notification
 * @param[in] proc_list List of processes (or NULL if none)
 * @param[in] node_list List of nodes (or NULL if none)
 * @param[in] suggested_map List of mapping suggestions to use on recovery (or NULL if none)
 * @retval ORTE_SUCCESS The operation completed successfully
 * @retval ORTE_ERROR   An unspecifed error occurred
typedef int (*orte_errmgr_base_module_predicted_fault_fn_t)(opal_list_t *proc_list,
                                                            opal_list_t *node_list,
                                                            opal_list_t *suggested_map);

 * Suggest a node to map a restarting process onto
 * @param[in] proc Process that is being mapped
 * @param[in] oldnode Previous node where this process resided
 * @param[in|out] node_list List of nodes to select from
 * @retval ORTE_SUCCESS The operation completed successfully
 * @retval ORTE_ERROR   An unspecifed error occurred
typedef int (*orte_errmgr_base_module_suggest_map_targets_fn_t)(orte_proc_t *proc,
                                                                orte_node_t *oldnode,
                                                                opal_list_t *node_list);

 * Handle fault tolerance updates
 * @param[in] state Fault tolerance state update
 * @retval ORTE_SUCCESS The operation completed successfully
 * @retval ORTE_ERROR   An unspecifed error occurred
typedef int  (*orte_errmgr_base_module_ft_event_fn_t)(int state);

 * Module Structure
struct orte_errmgr_base_module_2_3_0_t {
    /** Initialization Function */
    orte_errmgr_base_module_init_fn_t                   init;
    /** Finalization Function */
    orte_errmgr_base_module_finalize_fn_t               finalize;

    orte_errmgr_base_module_log_fn_t                    log;
    orte_errmgr_base_module_abort_fn_t                  abort;

    /** Actual process failure notification */
    orte_errmgr_base_module_update_state_fn_t           update_state;
    /** Predicted process/node failure notification */
    orte_errmgr_base_module_predicted_fault_fn_t        predicted_fault;
    /** Suggest a node to map a restarting process onto */
    orte_errmgr_base_module_suggest_map_targets_fn_t    suggest_map_targets;

    /** Handle any FT Notifications */
    orte_errmgr_base_module_ft_event_fn_t               ft_event;
typedef struct orte_errmgr_base_module_2_3_0_t orte_errmgr_base_module_2_3_0_t;
typedef orte_errmgr_base_module_2_3_0_t orte_errmgr_base_module_t;
ORTE_DECLSPEC extern orte_errmgr_base_module_t orte_errmgr;

 * ErrMgr Component
struct orte_errmgr_base_component_3_0_0_t {
    /** MCA base component */
    mca_base_component_t base_version;
    /** MCA base data */
    mca_base_component_data_t base_data;

    /** Verbosity Level */
    int verbose;
    /** Output Handle for opal_output */
    int output_handle;
    /** Default Priority */
    int priority;
typedef struct orte_errmgr_base_component_3_0_0_t orte_errmgr_base_component_3_0_0_t;
typedef orte_errmgr_base_component_3_0_0_t orte_errmgr_base_component_t;

 * Macro for use in components that are of type errmgr
  "errmgr", 3, 0, 0

