// -*- c++ -*- // // Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Trustees of Indiana University and Indiana // University Research and Technology // Corporation. All rights reserved. // Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The University of Tennessee and The University // of Tennessee Research Foundation. All rights // reserved. // Copyright (c) 2004-2005 High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart, // University of Stuttgart. All rights reserved. // Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Regents of the University of California. // All rights reserved. // Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. // Copyright (c) 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. // $COPYRIGHT$ // // Additional copyrights may follow // // $HEADER$ #include "mpicxx.h" /* Need to include ompi_config.h after mpicxx.h so that we get SEEK_SET and friends right */ #include "ompi_config.h" #if OPAL_CXX_USE_PRAGMA_IDENT #pragma ident OMPI_IDENT_STRING #elif OPAL_CXX_USE_IDENT #ident OMPI_IDENT_STRING #endif namespace MPI { const char ompi_libcxx_version_string[] = OMPI_IDENT_STRING; } #include "ompi/errhandler/errhandler.h" namespace MPI { #if ! OMPI_HAVE_CXX_EXCEPTION_SUPPORT int mpi_errno = MPI_SUCCESS; #endif void* const BOTTOM = (void*) MPI_BOTTOM; void* const IN_PLACE = (void*) MPI_IN_PLACE; // error-handling specifiers const Errhandler ERRORS_ARE_FATAL((MPI_Errhandler)&(ompi_mpi_errors_are_fatal)); const Errhandler ERRORS_RETURN((MPI_Errhandler)&(ompi_mpi_errors_return)); const Errhandler ERRORS_THROW_EXCEPTIONS((MPI_Errhandler)&(ompi_mpi_errors_throw_exceptions)); // elementary datatypes const Datatype CHAR(MPI_CHAR); const Datatype SHORT(MPI_SHORT); const Datatype INT(MPI_INT); const Datatype LONG(MPI_LONG); const Datatype SIGNED_CHAR(MPI_SIGNED_CHAR); const Datatype UNSIGNED_CHAR(MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR); const Datatype UNSIGNED_SHORT(MPI_UNSIGNED_SHORT); const Datatype UNSIGNED(MPI_UNSIGNED); const Datatype UNSIGNED_LONG(MPI_UNSIGNED_LONG); const Datatype FLOAT(MPI_FLOAT); const Datatype DOUBLE(MPI_DOUBLE); const Datatype LONG_DOUBLE(MPI_LONG_DOUBLE); const Datatype BYTE(MPI_BYTE); const Datatype PACKED(MPI_PACKED); const Datatype WCHAR(MPI_WCHAR); // datatypes for reductions functions (C / C++) const Datatype FLOAT_INT(MPI_FLOAT_INT); const Datatype DOUBLE_INT(MPI_DOUBLE_INT); const Datatype LONG_INT(MPI_LONG_INT); const Datatype TWOINT(MPI_2INT); const Datatype SHORT_INT(MPI_SHORT_INT); const Datatype LONG_DOUBLE_INT(MPI_LONG_DOUBLE); #if OMPI_WANT_F77_BINDINGS // elementary datatype (Fortran) const Datatype REAL((MPI_Datatype)&(ompi_mpi_real)); const Datatype INTEGER((MPI_Datatype)&(ompi_mpi_integer)); const Datatype DOUBLE_PRECISION((MPI_Datatype)&(ompi_mpi_dblprec)); const Datatype F_COMPLEX((MPI_Datatype)&(ompi_mpi_cplex)); const Datatype LOGICAL((MPI_Datatype)&(ompi_mpi_logical)); const Datatype CHARACTER((MPI_Datatype)&(ompi_mpi_character)); // datatype for reduction functions (Fortran) const Datatype TWOREAL((MPI_Datatype)&(ompi_mpi_2real)); const Datatype TWODOUBLE_PRECISION((MPI_Datatype)&(ompi_mpi_2dblprec)); const Datatype TWOINTEGER((MPI_Datatype)&(ompi_mpi_2integer)); // optional datatypes (Fortran) const Datatype INTEGER2((MPI_Datatype)&(ompi_mpi_integer)); const Datatype REAL2((MPI_Datatype)&(ompi_mpi_real)); const Datatype INTEGER1((MPI_Datatype)&(ompi_mpi_char)); const Datatype INTEGER4((MPI_Datatype)&(ompi_mpi_short)); const Datatype REAL4((MPI_Datatype)&(ompi_mpi_real)); const Datatype REAL8((MPI_Datatype)&(ompi_mpi_double)); #endif // OMPI_WANT_f77_BINDINGS // optional datatype (C / C++) const Datatype UNSIGNED_LONG_LONG(MPI_UNSIGNED_LONG_LONG); const Datatype LONG_LONG(MPI_LONG_LONG); // c++ types const Datatype BOOL((MPI_Datatype)&(ompi_mpi_cxx_bool)); const Datatype COMPLEX((MPI_Datatype)&(ompi_mpi_cxx_cplex)); const Datatype DOUBLE_COMPLEX((MPI_Datatype)&(ompi_mpi_cxx_dblcplex)); const Datatype LONG_DOUBLE_COMPLEX((MPI_Datatype)&(ompi_mpi_cxx_ldblcplex)); // reserved communicators Intracomm COMM_WORLD(MPI_COMM_WORLD); Intracomm COMM_SELF(MPI_COMM_SELF); // collective operations const Op MAX(MPI_MAX); const Op MIN(MPI_MIN); const Op SUM(MPI_SUM); const Op PROD(MPI_PROD); const Op MAXLOC(MPI_MAXLOC); const Op MINLOC(MPI_MINLOC); const Op BAND(MPI_BAND); const Op BOR(MPI_BOR); const Op BXOR(MPI_BXOR); const Op LAND(MPI_LAND); const Op LOR(MPI_LOR); const Op LXOR(MPI_LXOR); const Op REPLACE(MPI_REPLACE); // null handles const Group GROUP_NULL = MPI_GROUP_NULL; const Win WIN_NULL = MPI_WIN_NULL; const Info INFO_NULL = MPI_INFO_NULL; //const Comm COMM_NULL = MPI_COMM_NULL; //const MPI_Comm COMM_NULL = MPI_COMM_NULL; Comm_Null COMM_NULL; const Datatype DATATYPE_NULL = MPI_DATATYPE_NULL; Request REQUEST_NULL = MPI_REQUEST_NULL; const Op OP_NULL = MPI_OP_NULL; const Errhandler ERRHANDLER_NULL; #if OMPI_PROVIDE_MPI_FILE_INTERFACE const File FILE_NULL = MPI_FILE_NULL; #endif // constants specifying empty or ignored input const char** ARGV_NULL = (const char**) MPI_ARGV_NULL; const char*** ARGVS_NULL = (const char***) MPI_ARGVS_NULL; // empty group const Group GROUP_EMPTY(MPI_GROUP_EMPTY); // special datatypes for contstruction of derived datatypes const Datatype UB(MPI_UB); const Datatype LB(MPI_LB); } /* namespace MPI */