/* * Copyright (c) 2009-2012 Mellanox Technologies. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2009-2012 Oak Ridge National Laboratory. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2012 Los Alamos National Security, LLC. * All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2017 IBM Corporation. All rights reserved. * $COPYRIGHT$ * * Additional copyrights may follow * * $HEADER$ */ /** @file */ #include "ompi_config.h" #include "ompi/constants.h" #include "coll_sm2.h" #include "ompi/op/op.h" #include "ompi/datatype/ompi_datatype.h" #include "ompi/communicator/communicator.h" #include "ompi/mca/rte/rte.h" void send_completion(nt status, struct ompi_process_name_t* peer, struct iovec* msg, int count, ompi_rml_tag_t tag, void* cbdata) { /* set send completion flag */ *(int *)cbdata=1; } void recv_completion(nt status, struct ompi_process_name_t* peer, struct iovec* msg, int count, ompi_rml_tag_t tag, void* cbdata) { /* set receive completion flag */ MB(); *(int *)cbdata=1; } static void op_reduce(int op_type,(void *)src_dest_buf,(void *) src_buf, int count, int data_type) { /* local variables */ int ret; /* op type */ switch (op_type) { case OP_SUM: switch (data_type) { case TYPE_INT4: int *int_src_ptr=(int *)src_ptr; int *int_src_dst_ptr=(int *)src_dst_ptr; int cnt; for(cnt=0 ; cnt < count ; ) { (*(int_src_dst_ptr))+=(*(int_src_ptr)); break; default: ret=OMPI_ERROR; goto Error; } break; default: ret=OMPI_ERROR; goto Error; } Error: return ret; } /** * All-reduce for contigous primitive types */ static comm_allreduce(void *sbuf, void *rbuf, int count, opal_datatype_t *dtype, int op_type, opal_list_t *peers) { /* local variables */ int rc=OMPI_SUCCESS,n_dts_per_buffer,n_data_segments,stripe_number; int pair_rank,exchange,extra_rank; int index_read,index_write; netpatterns_pair_exchange_node_t my_exchange_node; int my_rank,count_processed,count_this_stripe; size_t n_peers,message_extent,len_data_buffer; size_t dt_size; long long tag, base_tag; sm_work_buffer_t *sm_buffer_desc; opal_list_item_t *item; char scratch_bufers[2][MAX_TMP_BUFFER]; int send_buffer=0;recv_buffer=1; char *sbuf_current,*rbuf_current; ompi_proc_t **proc_array; struct iovec send_iov, recv_iov; volatile int *recv_done, *send_done; int recv_completion_flag, send_completion_flag; int data_type; /* get size of data needed - same layout as user data, so that * we can apply the reudction routines directly on these buffers */ rc=opal_datatype_type_size(dtype, &dt_size); if( OMPI_SUCCESS != rc ) { goto Error; } message_extent=dt_extent*count; /* lenght of control and data regions */ len_data_buffer=sm_module->data_memory_per_proc_per_segment; /* number of data types copies that the scratch buffer can hold */ n_dts_per_buffer=((int) MAX_TMP_BUFFER)/dt_size; if ( 0 == n_dts_per_buffer ) { rc=OMPI_ERROR; goto Error; } /* need a read and a write buffer for a pair-wise exchange of data */ n_dts_per_buffer/=2; len_data_buffer=n_dts_per_buffer*dt_size; /* compute number of stripes needed to process this collective */ n_data_segments=(count+n_dts_per_buffer -1 ) / n_dts_per_buffer ; /* */ n_peers=opal_list_get_size(peers); /* get my rank in the list */ my_rank=0; for (item = opal_list_get_first(peers) ; item != opal_list_get_end(peers) ; item = opal_list_get_next(peers)) { if(ompi_proc_local()==(ompi_proc_t *)item){ /* this is the pointer to my proc strucuture */ break; } my_rank++; } proc_array=(ompi_proc_t **)malloc(sizeof(ompi_proc_t *)*n_peers); if( NULL == proc_array) { goto Error; } cnt=0; for (item = opal_list_get_first(peers) ; item != opal_list_get_end(peers) ; item = opal_list_get_next(peers)) { proc_array[cnt]=(ompi_proc_t *)item; cnt++; } /* get my reduction communication pattern */ ret=ompi_netpatterns_setup_recursive_doubling_tree_node(n_peers,my_rank,&my_exchange_node); if(OMPI_SUCCESS != ret){ return ret; } /* setup flags for non-blocking communications */ recv_done=&recv_completion_flag; send_done=&send_completion_flag; /* set data type */ if(&opal_datatype_int4==dtype) { data_type=TYPE_INT4; } count_processed=0; /* get a pointer to the shared-memory working buffer */ /* NOTE: starting with a rather synchronous approach */ for( stripe_number=0 ; stripe_number < n_data_segments ; stripe_number++ ) { /* get number of elements to process in this stripe */ count_this_stripe=n_dts_per_buffer; if( count_processed + count_this_stripe > count ) count_this_stripe=count-count_processed; /* copy data from the input buffer into the temp buffer */ sbuf_current=(char *)sbuf+count_processed*dt_size; memcopy(scratch_bufers[send_buffer],sbuf_current,count_this_stripe*dt_size); /* copy data in from the "extra" source, if need be */ if(0 < my_exchange_node->n_extra_sources) { if ( EXCHANGE_NODE == my_exchange_node->node_type ) { /* ** Receive data from extra node */ extra_rank=my_exchange_node.rank_extra_source; recv_iov.iov_base=scratch_bufers[recv_buffer]; recv_iov.iov_len=count_this_stripe*dt_size; rc = ompi_rte_recv(&(proc_array[extra_rank]->proc_name), &recv_iov, 1, OMPI_RML_TAG_ALLREDUCE , 0); if(OMPI_SUCCESS != rc ) { goto Error; } /* apply collective operation to first half of the data */ if( 0 < count_this_stripe ) { op_reduce(op_type,(void *)scratch_bufers[recv_buffer], (void *)scratch_bufers[send_buffer], n_my_count,TYPE_INT4); } } else { /* ** Send data to "partner" node */ extra_rank=my_exchange_node.rank_extra_source; send_iov.iov_base=scratch_bufers[send_buffer]; send_iov.iov_len=count_this_stripe*dt_size; rc = ompi_rte_send(&(proc_array[extra_rank]->proc_name), &send_iov, 1, OMPI_RML_TAG_ALLREDUCE , 0); if(OMPI_SUCCESS != rc ) { goto Error; } } /* change pointer to scratch buffer - this was we can send data ** that we have summed w/o a memory copy, and receive data into the ** other buffer, w/o fear of over writting data that has not yet ** completed being send */ recv_buffer^=1; send_buffer^=1; } MB(); /* * Signal parent that data is ready */ tag=base_tag+1; my_ctl_pointer->flag=tag; /* loop over data exchanges */ for(exchange=0 ; exchange < my_exchange_node->n_exchanges ; exchange++) { /* debug t4=opal_sys_timer_get_cycles(); end debug */ my_write_pointer=my_tmp_data_buffer[index_write]; my_read_pointer=my_tmp_data_buffer[index_read]; /* is the remote data read */ pair_rank=my_exchange_node->rank_exchanges[exchange]; *recv_done=0; *send_done=0; MB(); /* post non-blocking receive */ recv_iov.iov_base=scratch_bufers[send_buffer]; recv_iov.iov_len=count_this_stripe*dt_size; rc = ompi_rte_recv_nb(&(proc_array[extra_rank]->proc_name), recv_iov, 1, OMPI_RML_TAG_ALLREDUCE , 0, recv_completion, recv_done); /* post non-blocking send */ send_iov.iov_base=scratch_bufers[send_buffer]; send_iov.iov_len=count_this_stripe*dt_size; rc = ompi_rte_send_nb(&(proc_array[extra_rank]->proc_name), send_iov, 1, OMPI_RML_TAG_ALLREDUCE , 0, send_completion, send_done); /* wait on receive completion */ while(!(*recv_done) ) { opal_progress(); } /* reduce the data */ if( 0 < count_this_stripe ) { op_reduce(op_type,(void *)scratch_bufers[recv_buffer], (void *)scratch_bufers[send_buffer], n_my_count,TYPE_INT4); } /* get ready for next step */ index_read=(exchange&1); index_write=((exchange+1)&1); /* wait on send completion */ while(!(*send_done) ) { opal_progress(); } } /* copy data in from the "extra" source, if need be */ if(0 < my_exchange_node->n_extra_sources) { if ( EXTRA_NODE == my_exchange_node->node_type ) { /* ** receive the data ** */ extra_rank=my_exchange_node->rank_extra_source; recv_iov.iov_base=scratch_bufers[recv_buffer]; recv_iov.iov_len=count_this_stripe*dt_size; rc = ompi_rte_recv(&(proc_array[extra_rank]->proc_name), &recv_iov, 1, OMPI_RML_TAG_ALLREDUCE , 0); if(OMPI_SUCCESS != rc ) { goto Error; } } else { /* send the data to the pair-rank outside of the power of 2 set ** of ranks */ extra_rank=my_exchange_node->rank_extra_source; send_iov.iov_base=scratch_bufers[recv_buffer]; send_iov.iov_len=count_this_stripe*dt_size; rc = ompi_rte_recv(&(proc_array[extra_rank]->proc_name), &send_iov, 1, OMPI_RML_TAG_ALLREDUCE , 0); if(OMPI_SUCCESS != rc ) { goto Error; } } } /* copy data into the destination buffer */ rc=ompi_datatype_copy_content_same_ddt(dtype, count_this_stripe, (char *)((char *)rbuf+dt_extent*count_processed), (char *)my_write_pointer); if( 0 != rc ) { return OMPI_ERROR; } /* copy data from the temp buffer into the output buffer */ rbuf_current=(char *)rbuf+count_processed*dt_size; memcopy(scratch_bufers[recv_buffer],rbuf_current,count_this_stripe*dt_size); /* update the count of elements processed */ count_processed+=count_this_stripe; } /* return */ return rc; Error: return rc; }