/* * $HEADER$ */ #include #include #include "support.h" #include "class/ompi_object.h" #include "class/ompi_hash_table.h" char *num_keys[] = { "1234", "1234", "5678", "5678", "12450", "12450", "45623", "45623", NULL }; char *str_keys[] = { "foo", "bar", "2", "this cow jumped over the moon", "this is another key", "this is another value", "key key", "value value", NULL }; char *perm_keys[] = { "abcdef", "abcdef", "bcdefa", "bcdefa", "cdefab", "cdefab", "defabc", "defabc", "efabcd", "efabcd", "fabcde", "fabcde", "badcfe", "badcfe", "badcef", "badcef", "abdcfe", "abdcfe", "bcdaef", "bcdaef", NULL }; static void validate_table(ompi_hash_table_t *table, char *keys[], int is_numeric_keys) { int j; const char *val; for ( j = 0; keys[j]; j += 2) { if ( 1 == is_numeric_keys ) val = ompi_hash_table_get_value_uint32(table, atoi(keys[j])); else val = ompi_hash_table_get_value_ptr(table, keys[j], strlen(keys[j])); test_verify_str(keys[j+1], val); } test_verify_int(j/2, ompi_hash_table_get_size(table)); } static void test_htable(ompi_hash_table_t *table) { int j; printf("\nTesting integer keys...\n"); for ( j = 0; num_keys[j]; j += 2) { ompi_hash_table_set_value_uint32(table, atoi(num_keys[j]), num_keys[j+1]); } validate_table(table, num_keys, 1); /* remove all values for next test */ ompi_hash_table_remove_all(table); test_verify_int(0, ompi_hash_table_get_size(table)); printf("\nTesting string keys...\n"); for ( j = 0; str_keys[j]; j += 2) { ompi_hash_table_set_value_ptr(table, str_keys[j], strlen(str_keys[j]), str_keys[j+1]); } validate_table(table, str_keys, 0); /* remove all values for next test */ ompi_hash_table_remove_all(table); test_verify_int(0, ompi_hash_table_get_size(table)); printf("\nTesting collision resolution...\n"); /* All of the string keys in keys array should have the same hash value. */ for ( j = 0; perm_keys[j]; j += 2) { ompi_hash_table_set_value_ptr(table, perm_keys[j], strlen(perm_keys[j]), perm_keys[j+1]); } validate_table(table, perm_keys, 0); /* remove all values for next test */ ompi_hash_table_remove_all(table); test_verify_int(0, ompi_hash_table_get_size(table)); printf("\n\n"); } static void test_dynamic(void) { ompi_hash_table_t *table; table = OBJ_NEW(ompi_hash_table_t); if ( NULL == table ) { printf("Error: Unable to create hash table.\n"); exit(-1); } printf("Testing with dynamically created table...\n"); ompi_hash_table_init(table, 4); test_htable(table); OBJ_RELEASE(table); } static void test_static(void) { ompi_hash_table_t table; OBJ_CONSTRUCT(&table, ompi_hash_table_t); ompi_hash_table_init(&table, 128); printf("Testing with statically created table...\n"); test_htable(&table); OBJ_DESTRUCT(&table); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { /* local variables */ test_init("ompi_hash_table_t"); test_dynamic(); test_static(); return test_finalize(); }