 * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Trustees of Indiana University and Indiana
 *                         University Research and Technology
 *                         Corporation.  All rights reserved.
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The University of Tennessee and The University
 *                         of Tennessee Research Foundation.  All rights
 *                         reserved.
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart, 
 *                         University of Stuttgart.  All rights reserved.
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Regents of the University of California.
 *                         All rights reserved.
 * Additional copyrights may follow


#include "ompi_config.h"

#include "mpi.h"
#include "opal/mca/mca.h"
#include "ompi/mca/coll/coll.h"
#include "ompi/request/request.h"

#if defined(c_plusplus) || defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {

 * Globally exported variable

extern const mca_coll_base_component_1_0_0_t mca_coll_hierarch_component;
extern int mca_coll_hierarch_priority_param;
extern int mca_coll_hierarch_verbose_param;
extern int mca_coll_hierarch_use_rdma_param;
extern int mca_coll_hierarch_ignore_sm_param;
extern int mca_coll_hierarch_symmetric_param;

 * Data structure for attaching data to the communicator 

/* Clarifying some terminology:
 *  comm:    the input communicator, consisting of several lower level communicators.
 *  lcomm:   low level communicator, often refered to as subcommunicator
 *  lleader: local leader, a dedicated process of each low level communicator
             ATTENTION: an lleader might be the 'head' of a low level
	     communicator of size one!
 *  llcomm:  local leader communicator, grouping all local leaders of a comm.

    struct mca_coll_base_comm_t {
	struct ompi_communicator_t        *hier_comm; /* link back to the attached comm */ 
	struct ompi_communicator_t       *hier_lcomm; /* low level communicator */
	ompi_pointer_array_t              hier_llead; /* local leader communicator structure */
	int                        hier_num_lleaders; /* number of local leaders */
	int                               hier_level; /* level in the hierarchy. For debugging*/
 	int                            hier_num_reqs; /* num. of requests */
	ompi_request_t                   **hier_reqs; /* list of requests */
	int                        hier_num_colorarr; /* size of the colorarr array */
	int                                *hier_llr; /* color array compacted (1 entry per color).
						         Array of size hier_num_lleaders */
	int                         *hier_max_offset; /* Number of processes for each color. 
							 Array of size hier_num_lleaders */
	int                           *hier_colorarr; /* array containing the color of all procs */

    struct mca_coll_hierarch_llead_t {
	struct ompi_communicator_t    *llcomm; /* local leader communicator */
	int                         *lleaders; /* list of local leaders, ranks in comm */
	int                        my_lleader; /* rank of my lleader in lcomm */
	int                        am_lleader; /* am I an lleader? */
	int                            offset; /* Offset used for this llcomm */
    typedef struct mca_coll_hierarch_llead_t mca_coll_hierarch_llead_t;

static inline int mca_coll_hierarch_count_lleaders ( int size, int *carr)

 * Determine the number of local leaders. Please note, that any process
 * with color = MPI_UNDEFINED will be counted as the head of a group of its own.
 * Please note furthermore, that every process with color=MPI_UNDEFINED will be
 * stored in this array on its own...
    int cnt, i, j, found;
    int *llr=NULL;

    llr = (int *) malloc ( size * sizeof(int));
    if (NULL == llr ){

    llr[0] = carr[0];
    for (cnt=1, i=1; i<size; i++ ) {
	if ( carr[i] == MPI_UNDEFINED ) {
	    llr[cnt++] = carr[i];
	for ( found=0, j=0; j<cnt; j++ ) {
	    if ( carr[i] == llr[j] ) {
		found = 1;
	if ( !found ) {
	    llr[cnt++] = carr[i];

    free (llr);
    return cnt;

static inline int mca_coll_hierarch_get_offset ( int rank, int size, int *carr) 
    int offset, i, color = carr[rank];

    if ( color == MPI_UNDEFINED ) {
	/* always */
	return 1;

    for ( offset=0, i=0; i<=rank; i++) {
	if ( carr[i] == color ) {

    return offset;

/* This function determine the parameters required in hierarchical
 * collective operations. It is called from the collective operations themselves.
 * @param root (input):  rank of the root process in comm
 * @param data (input):  coll_base_comm structure of the hierarchical module. Contains
 *                       all relevant, precomputed data for this set of collectives.
 * @param llroot (output): rank of the root process in llcomm, MPI_UNDEFINED for all 
 *                         processes not being part of the local leader communicator.
 * @param lroot (output):  rank of the local leader in the low level communicator, 
 *                         or MPI_UNDEFINED if there is no low level communicator.
 * return value: llcomm (local leader communicator) or MPI_COMM_NULL for
 *               all processes not being part of the local leader communicator.

struct ompi_communicator_t*  mca_coll_hierarch_get_llcomm (int rroot, 
							   struct mca_coll_base_comm_t *data,
							   int* llroot, 
							   int* lleader); 

/* This function is supposed to set up all elements of the mca_coll_base_comm_t 
 * structure, including:
 *   data->hier_num_lleaders: determine number of local leaders in the comms
 *   data->hier_llr:          array of size hier_num_lleaders containing the colors
 *   data->hier_max_offset:   array containing the counter for each color how often
 *                            it appears in the colorarr array. 

int mca_coll_hierarch_get_llr ( struct mca_coll_base_comm_t *data );

/* This function is supposed to set all elements of the llead structure based on the 
 * offset and the rank of the process.
 * @param rank(input): rank of the calling process in comm
 * @param data(input): coll_base_comm structure of the hierarchical module. Contains
 *                     all relevant, precomputed data for this set of collectives.
 * @param llead(output): ptr to the mca_coll_hierarch_llead_t element which should 
 *                       be set
 * @param offset(input): offset which shall be used.

int mca_coll_hierarch_get_all_lleaders ( int rank, struct mca_coll_base_comm_t *data, 
					 struct mca_coll_hierarch_llead_t *llead, 
					 int offset );

 * coll API functions
int mca_coll_hierarch_init_query(bool allow_hierarch_user_threads,
				 bool have_hidden_threads);
const struct mca_coll_base_module_1_0_0_t *
mca_coll_hierarch_comm_query(struct ompi_communicator_t *comm, 
			     int *priority, struct mca_coll_base_comm_t **data);
int mca_coll_hierarch_comm_unquery(struct ompi_communicator_t *comm, 
				   struct mca_coll_base_comm_t *data);

const struct mca_coll_base_module_1_0_0_t *
mca_coll_hierarch_module_init(struct ompi_communicator_t *comm);

int mca_coll_hierarch_module_finalize(struct ompi_communicator_t *comm);

int mca_coll_hierarch_allgather_intra(void *sbuf, int scount, 
				      struct ompi_datatype_t *sdtype, 
				      void *rbuf, int rcount, 
				      struct ompi_datatype_t *rdtype, 
				      struct ompi_communicator_t *comm);
int mca_coll_hierarch_allgatherv_intra(void *sbuf, int scount, 
				       struct ompi_datatype_t *sdtype, 
				       void * rbuf, int *rcounts, 
				       int *disps, 
				       struct ompi_datatype_t *rdtype, 
				       struct ompi_communicator_t *comm);
int mca_coll_hierarch_allreduce_intra(void *sbuf, void *rbuf, int count, 
				      struct ompi_datatype_t *dtype, 
				      struct ompi_op_t *op, 
				      struct ompi_communicator_t *comm);
int mca_coll_hierarch_alltoall_intra(void *sbuf, int scount, 
				     struct ompi_datatype_t *sdtype, 
				     void* rbuf, int rcount, 
				     struct ompi_datatype_t *rdtype, 
				     struct ompi_communicator_t *comm);
int mca_coll_hierarch_alltoallv_intra(void *sbuf, int *scounts, 
				      int *sdisps, 
				      struct ompi_datatype_t *sdtype, 
				      void *rbuf, int *rcounts, 
				      int *rdisps, 
				      struct ompi_datatype_t *rdtype, 
				      struct ompi_communicator_t *comm);
int mca_coll_hierarch_alltoallw_intra(void *sbuf, int *scounts, 
				      int *sdisps, 
				      struct ompi_datatype_t **sdtypes, 
				      void *rbuf, int *rcounts, 
				      int *rdisps, 
				      struct ompi_datatype_t **rdtypes, 
				      struct ompi_communicator_t *comm);
int mca_coll_hierarch_barrier_intra(struct ompi_communicator_t *comm);
int mca_coll_hierarch_bcast_intra(void *buff, int count, 
				  struct ompi_datatype_t *datatype,
				  int root, 
				  struct ompi_communicator_t *comm);
int mca_coll_hierarch_exscan_intra(void *sbuf, void *rbuf, int count, 
				   struct ompi_datatype_t *dtype, 
				   struct ompi_op_t *op, 
				   struct ompi_communicator_t *comm);
int mca_coll_hierarch_gather_intra(void *sbuf, int scount, 
				   struct ompi_datatype_t *sdtype, 
				   void *rbuf, int rcount, 
				   struct ompi_datatype_t *rdtype, 
				   int root, 
				   struct ompi_communicator_t *comm);
int mca_coll_hierarch_gatherv_intra(void *sbuf, int scount, 
				    struct ompi_datatype_t *sdtype, 
				    void *rbuf, int *rcounts, int *disps, 
				    struct ompi_datatype_t *rdtype, 
				    int root, 
				    struct ompi_communicator_t *comm);
int mca_coll_hierarch_reduce_intra(void *sbuf, void* rbuf, int count, 
				   struct ompi_datatype_t *dtype, 
				   struct ompi_op_t *op, 
				   int root,
				   struct ompi_communicator_t *comm);
int mca_coll_hierarch_reduce_scatter_intra(void *sbuf, void *rbuf, 
					   int *rcounts, 
					   struct ompi_datatype_t *dtype, 
					   struct ompi_op_t *op, 
					   struct ompi_communicator_t *comm);
int mca_coll_hierarch_scan_intra(void *sbuf, void *rbuf, int count, 
				 struct ompi_datatype_t *dtype, 
				 struct ompi_op_t *op, 
				 struct ompi_communicator_t *comm);
int mca_coll_hierarch_scatter_intra(void *sbuf, int scount, 
				    struct ompi_datatype_t *sdtype, void *rbuf, 
				    int rcount, struct ompi_datatype_t *rdtype, 
				    int root, struct ompi_communicator_t *comm);
int mca_coll_hierarch_scatterv_intra(void *sbuf, int *scounts, int *disps, 
				     struct ompi_datatype_t *sdtype, 
				     void* rbuf, int rcount, 
				     struct ompi_datatype_t *rdtype, int root, 
				     struct ompi_communicator_t *comm);

 * These are trivial implementations of these routines used during comm_query/init,
 * since we cannot access any other collectives
int mca_coll_hierarch_allgather_tmp(void *sbuf, int scount,
				    struct ompi_datatype_t *sdtype,
				    void *rbuf, int rcount,
				    struct ompi_datatype_t *rdtype,
				    struct ompi_communicator_t *comm);
int mca_coll_hierarch_allreduce_tmp(void *sbuf, void *rbuf, int count,
				    struct ompi_datatype_t *dtype,
				    struct ompi_op_t *op,
				    struct ompi_communicator_t *comm);
int mca_coll_hierarch_bcast_tmp ( void *buf, int count,  struct ompi_datatype_t *dtype,
				  int root, struct ompi_communicator_t *comm);

int mca_coll_hierarch_gather_tmp(void *sbuf, int scount,
				 struct ompi_datatype_t *sdtype,
				 void *rbuf, int rcount,
				 struct ompi_datatype_t *rdtype,
				 int root, struct ompi_communicator_t *comm);
int mca_coll_hierarch_reduce_tmp(void *sbuf, void *rbuf, int count,
				 struct ompi_datatype_t *dtype,
				 struct ompi_op_t *op,
				 int root, struct ompi_communicator_t *comm);

#if defined(c_plusplus) || defined(__cplusplus)