/* -*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset:4 ; indent-tabs-mode:nil -*- */ /* * Copyright (c) 2011-2015 Los Alamos National Security, LLC. All rights * reserved. * Copyright (c) 2011 UT-Battelle, LLC. All rights reserved. * $COPYRIGHT$ * * Additional copyrights may follow * * $HEADER$ */ #include "opal_config.h" #include "btl_ugni.h" #include "btl_ugni_frag.h" #include "btl_ugni_smsg.h" #include "opal/include/opal/align.h" static pthread_t mca_btl_ugni_progress_thread_id; static volatile int stop_progress_thread = 0; unsigned int mca_btl_ugni_progress_thread_wakeups = 0; static void *mca_btl_ugni_prog_thread_fn(void * data) { uint32_t which; gni_return_t status; gni_cq_handle_t cq_vec[2]; struct mca_btl_ugni_module_t *btl = (mca_btl_ugni_module_t *)data; /* * need to block signals */ cq_vec[0] = btl->smsg_remote_irq_cq; cq_vec[1] = btl->rdma_local_irq_cq; while (stop_progress_thread == 0) { /* * this ugni call doesn't need a lock */ status = GNI_CqVectorMonitor(cq_vec, 2, -1, &which); if (status == GNI_RC_NOT_DONE) continue; if ((status == GNI_RC_SUCCESS) && (stop_progress_thread == 0)) { mca_btl_ugni_progress_thread_wakeups++; opal_progress(); } } return (void *) (intptr_t) OPAL_SUCCESS; } int mca_btl_ugni_spawn_progress_thread(struct mca_btl_base_module_t *btl) { int rc, ret=OPAL_SUCCESS; pthread_attr_t attr; pthread_attr_init(&attr); rc = pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED); if (0 != rc) { BTL_ERROR(("btl/ugni pthread_attr_setdetachstate returned %s ",strerror(rc))); ret = OPAL_ERROR; goto fn_exit; } rc = pthread_create(&mca_btl_ugni_progress_thread_id, &attr, mca_btl_ugni_prog_thread_fn, (void *)btl); if (0 != rc) { BTL_ERROR(("btl/ugni pthread_create returned %s ",strerror(rc))); ret = OPAL_ERROR; goto fn_exit; } rc = pthread_attr_destroy(&attr); if (0 != rc) { BTL_ERROR(("btl/ugni pthread_attr_destory returned %s ",strerror(rc))); ret = OPAL_ERROR; } fn_exit: return ret; } int mca_btl_ugni_kill_progress_thread(void) { int ret=OPAL_SUCCESS; void *thread_rc; stop_progress_thread = 1; /* * post a CQ to myself to wake my thread up */ ret = mca_btl_ugni_post_cqwrite (mca_btl_ugni_component.modules[0].local_ep, mca_btl_ugni_component.modules[0].rdma_local_cq, mca_btl_ugni_component.modules[0].device->smsg_irq_mhndl, 0xdead, NULL, NULL, NULL); /* * TODO: if error returned, need to kill off thread manually */ if (OPAL_SUCCESS != ret) { /* force the thread to exit */ pthread_cancel (mca_btl_ugni_progress_thread_id); goto fn_exit; } pthread_join (mca_btl_ugni_progress_thread_id, &thread_rc); if (0 != (intptr_t) thread_rc) { BTL_ERROR(("btl/ugni error returned from progress thread: %d", (int) (intptr_t) thread_rc)); ret = (int)(intptr_t) thread_rc; } fn_exit: return ret; }