#!/bin/env perl # # $HEADER$ # # This script is used to make a nightly snapshot tarball of Open MPI. # # $1: scratch root # $2: e-mail address for destination # $3: URL_ARG # $4: config file # $5: vpath_arg # use strict; use Data::Dumper; # Set this to true for additional output; typically only when # debugging my $debug = 1; # do you want a success mail? my $want_success_mail = 1; # download "latest" filename my $latest_name = "latest_snapshot.txt"; # checksum filenames my $md5_checksums = "md5sums.txt"; my $sha1_checksums = "sha1sums.txt"; # max length of logfile to send in an e-mail my $max_log_len = 100; # email subjects my $success_subject = "Success"; my $fail_subject = "=== TEST FAILURE ==="; # max number of snapshots to keep downloaded my $max_snapshots = 3; ############################################################################ # Shouldn't need to change below this line ############################################################################ #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # send a mail sub send_mail { my ($subject, $to) = @_; shift; shift; my $msg = \@_; our $mail; open MAIL, "|$mail -s \"$subject\" \"$to\"" || die "Could not open pipe to output e-mail\n"; my $i = 0; while ($i <= $#$msg) { print MAIL $$msg[$i]; ++$i; } close MAIL; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # abort the script, and send an error e-mail as a result sub test_abort { my $msg = \@_; our @email_output; our $email_arg; push(@email_output, "Building the nightly tarball ended in error:\n\n"); push(@email_output, @$msg); send_mail($fail_subject, $email_arg, @email_output); exit(1); } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # run a command and save the stdout / stderr sub do_command { my ($cmd) = @_; print "*** Running command: $cmd\n" if ($debug); pipe OUTread, OUTwrite; pipe ERRread, ERRwrite; # Child my $pid; if (($pid = fork()) == 0) { # close OUTread; # close ERRread; close(STDERR); open STDERR, ">&ERRwrite" || die "Can't redirect stderr\n"; select STDERR; $| = 1; close(STDOUT); open STDOUT, ">&OUTwrite" || die "Can't redirect stdout\n"; select STDOUT; $| = 1; exec(split(' ', $cmd)) || die "Can't execute command: $cmd\n"; } close OUTwrite; close ERRwrite; # Parent my (@out, @err); my ($rin, $rout); my $done = 2; $rin = ''; vec($rin, fileno(OUTread), 1) = 1; vec($rin, fileno(ERRread), 1) = 1; while ($done > 0) { my $nfound = select($rout = $rin, undef, undef, undef); if (vec($rout, fileno(OUTread), 1) == 1) { my $data = ; if (!defined($data)) { vec($rin, fileno(OUTread), 1) = 0; --$done; } else { push(@out, $data); print "OUT:$data" if ($debug); } } if (vec($rout, fileno(ERRread), 1) == 1) { my $data = ; if (!defined($data)) { vec($rin, fileno(ERRread), 1) = 0; --$done; } else { push(@err, $data); print "ERR:$data" if ($debug); } } } close OUTerr; close OUTread; waitpid($pid, 0); my $status = $?; print "*** Command complete, exit status: $status\n" if ($debug); # Return an anonymous hash containing the relevant data return { stdout => \@out, stderr => \@err, status => $status }; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # find a program from a list and load it into the target variable sub find_program { my @names = @_; # loop through the list and save the first one that we find my $i = 0; while ($i <= $#names) { my $ret = system("which $names[$i] 2>&1 >/dev/null"); my $status = $ret >> 8; if ($status == 0) { return $names[$i]; } } return undef; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub trim { my ($max, $msg) = @_; my @out; my $i = 0; if ($#$msg > $max) { $i = $#$msg - $max + 1; push(@out, "...previous $i lines snipped...\n"); } while ($i <= $#$msg) { push(@out, $$msg[$i]); ++$i; } \@out; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # main # # grab the args my $scratch_root_arg = $ARGV[0]; my $email_arg = $ARGV[1]; my $url_arg = $ARGV[2]; my $config_arg = $ARGV[3]; my $vpath_arg = $ARGV[4]; # global vars our @email_output; my $ret; # Sanity checks if (-z $scratch_root_arg || -z $email_arg || -z $url_arg) { print "Must specify scratch root directory, e-mail address, and URL_ARG Can also optionally specify a config file and whether want VPATH building\n"; exit(1); } # prefix the e-mail my $unamen = `uname -n`; my $unameo = `uname -o`; my $unamer = `uname -r`; my $unamem = `uname -m`; chomp($unamen); chomp($unameo); chomp($unamer); chomp($unamem); push(@email_output, "Host: $unamen / $unameo / $unamer / $unamem\n"); # Find a mail program our $mail = find_program(qw(Mail mailx mail)); print "Found mail: $mail\n"; die "Could not find mail program; aborting in despair\n" if (!defined($mail)); # figure out what download command to use my $download = find_program(qw(wget lynx curl)); test_abort("Cannot find downloading program -- aborting in despair\n") if (!defined($download)); # move into the scratch directory, and ensure we have an absolute path # for it if (! -d $scratch_root_arg) { mkdir($scratch_root_arg); } test_abort("Could not cd to scratch root: $scratch_root_arg\n") if (! -d $scratch_root_arg); chdir($scratch_root_arg); $scratch_root_arg = `pwd`; chomp($scratch_root_arg); # ensure some subdirs exist foreach my $dir (qw(downloads)) { if (! -d $dir) { mkdir($dir); } } # get the latest snapshot version number chdir("downloads"); unlink($latest_name); do_command("$download $url_arg/$latest_name"); test_abort("Could not download latest snapshot number -- aborting") if (! -f $latest_name); my $version = `cat $latest_name`; chomp($version); push(@email_output, "Snapshot: $version\n\n"); # see if we need to download the tarball my $tarball_name = "openmpi-$version.tar.gz"; if (! -f $tarball_name) { do_command("$download $url_arg/$tarball_name"); test_abort "Could not download tarball -- aborting" if (! -f $tarball_name); # get the checksums unlink($md5_checksums); do_command("$download $url_arg/$md5_checksums"); unlink($sha1_checksums); do_command("$download $url_arg/$sha1_checksums"); } # compare the md5sum my $md5_file = `grep $version.tar.gz $md5_checksums`; chomp($md5_file); my $md5sum = find_program(qw(md5sum)); if (!defined($md5sum)) { push(@email_output, "WARNING: Could not find md5sum executable, so I will not be able to check WARNING: the validity of downloaded executables against their known MD5 WARNING: checksums. Proceeding anyway...\n\n"); } elsif (! $md5_file) { push(@email_output, "WARNING: Could not find md5sum check file, so I will not be able to check WARNING: the validity of downloaded executables against their known MD5 WARNING: checksums. Proceeding anyway...\n\n"); } else { my $md5_actual = `$md5sum $tarball_name 2>&1`; chomp($md5_actual); test_abort("md5sum from checksum file does not match actual ($md5_file != $md5_actual)") if ($md5_file ne $md5_actual); } # compare the sha1sum my $sha1_file = `grep $version.tar.gz $sha1_checksums`; chomp($sha1_file); my $sha1sum = find_program(qw(sha1sum)); if (!defined($sha1sum)) { push(@email_output, "WARNING: Could not find sha1sum executable, so I will not be able to check WARNING: the validity of downloaded executables against their known SHA1 WARNING: checksums. Proceeding anyway...\n\n"); } elsif (! $sha1_file) { push(@email_output, "WARNING: Could not find sha1sum check file, so I will not be able to check WARNING: the validity of downloaded executables against their known SHA1 WARNING: checksums. Proceeding anyway...\n\n"); } else { my $sha1_actual = `$sha1sum $tarball_name 2>&1`; chomp($sha1_actual); test_abort "sha1sum from checksum file does not match actual ($sha1_file != $sha1_actual)" if ($sha1_file ne $sha1_actual); } # subroutine for building a single configuration sub try_build { my ($srcroot, $installdir, $confargs, $vpath_mode) = @_; my $ret; my $startdir = `pwd`; chomp($startdir); # make the source root if (! -d $srcroot) { mkdir($srcroot); } chdir($srcroot); # save what we're testing my $name = "[default]"; $name = $confargs if ($confargs); # expand the tarball (do NOT assume GNU tar). don't use # do_command here because we need to use a pipe. This isn't an # "interesting" command, anyway -- we don't need any stdout or # stderr. So if it fails, it fails -- no big deal. system("gunzip -c $scratch_root_arg/downloads/$tarball_name | tar xf -"); my $status = $? >> 8; if ($status != 0) { return { status => $status, message => "Failed to unzip the tarball", } } chdir("openmpi-$version"); # configure it my $config_command = "./configure"; if ($vpath_mode) { mkdir("vpath_build"); chdir("vpath_build"); if ($vpath_mode eq "relative") { $config_command = "../configure"; } else { $config_command = "$srcroot/openmpi-$version/configure"; } } $ret = do_command("$config_command --prefix=$installdir $confargs"); if ($ret->{status} != 0) { $ret->{message} = "Failed to unzip the tarball"; return $ret; } # build it $ret = do_command("make all"); if ($ret->{status} != 0) { $ret->{message} = "Failed to \"make all\""; return $ret; } # save the compile warnings my $make_all_stderr = $ret->{stderr}; # install it $ret = do_command("make install"); if ($ret->{status} != 0) { $ret->{make_all_stderr} = $make_all_stderr; $ret->{message} = "Failed to \"make install\""; return $ret; } # try compiling and linking a simple C application chdir(".."); if (! -d test) { mkdir("test"); } chdir("test"); open C, ">hello.c"; print C "#include int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { MPI_Init(&argc, &argv); MPI_Finalize(); return 0; }\n"; $ret = do_command("$installdir/bin/mpicc hello.c -o hello"); if ($ret->{status} != 0) { $ret->{make_all_stderr} = $make_all_stderr; $ret->{message} = "Failed to compile/link C \"hello world\" MPI app"; return $ret; } unlink("hello"); print "COMPILE: C ok\n"; # if we have a C++ compiler, try compiling and linking a simple # C++ application open INFO, "$installdir/bin/ompi_info --parsable|"; my @have_cxx = grep { /^bindings:cxx:/ } ; chomp @have_cxx; close INFO; if ($have_cxx[0] eq "bindings:cxx:yes") { open CXX, ">hello.cc"; print CXX "#include int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { MPI::nit(argc, argv); MPI::Finalize(); return 0; }\n"; do_command("$installdir/bin/mpic++ hello.cc -o hello"); if ($ret->{status} != 0) { $ret->{make_all_stderr} = $make_all_stderr; $ret->{message} = "Failed to compile/link C++ \"hello world\" MPI app"; return $ret; } unlink("hello"); print "COMPILE: CXX ok\n"; } # if we have a F77 compiler, try compiling and linking a simple # F77 application open INFO, "$installdir/bin/ompi_info --parsable|"; my @have_f77 = grep { /^bindings:f77:/ } ; chomp(@have_f77); close INFO; if ($have_f77[0] eq "bindings:f77:yes") { open F77, ">hello.f"; print F77 "C program main include 'mpif.h' call MPI_INIT(ierr) call MPI_FINALIZE(ierr) stop end\n"; do_command("$installdir/bin/mpif77 hello.f -o hello"); if ($ret->{status} != 0) { $ret->{make_all_stderr} = $make_all_stderr; $ret->{message} = "Failed to compile/link F77 \"hello world\" MPI app"; return $ret; } unlink("hello"); print "COMPILE: F77 ok\n"; } # all done -- clean up chdir($startdir); system("rm -rf $srcroot"); return { make_all_stderr => $make_all_stderr, status => 0, }; } # Make a root for this build to play in (scratch_root_arg is absolute, so # root will be absolute) my $root= "$scratch_root_arg/build-$version"; system("rm -rf $root"); mkdir($root); chdir($root); # loop over all configurations # be lazy: if no configurations supplied and no vpath, do a default # configure/build my $results; my $do_default = 0; if (! $config_arg || ! -f $config_arg) { if (! $vpath_arg) { $do_default = 1; } } if ($do_default) { my $dir = "$root/default"; my $name = "[default]"; my $config = "CFLAGS=-g --disable-f77 --enable-debug"; $ret = try_build($dir, "$dir/install", $config, ""); $results->{$name} = $ret; $results->{$name}->{config} = $config; } elsif (-f $config_arg) { open CONF, "$config_arg"; my $i = 1; while () { my $line = $_; chomp($line); my ($name, $config) = split(/:/, $line); if (! $config) { $config = $name; } if (! $config && ! $name) { $name = "[default]"; $config = "CFLAGS=-g"; } my $dir = "$root/config-$i"; $ret = try_build($dir, "$dir/install", "$config", ""); $results->{$name} = $ret; $results->{$name}->{config} = $config; ++$i; } close CONF; } # did we want vpath builds? if ($vpath_arg) { my $config = "CFLAGS=-g"; my ($dir, $name); $dir = "$root/vpath-relative"; $name = "vpath-relative"; $ret = try_build($dir, "$dir/install", $config, "relative"); $results->{$name} = $ret; $results->{$name}->{config} = $config; $dir = "$root/vpath-absolute"; $name = "vpath-absolute"; $ret = try_build($dir, "$dir/install", $config, "absolute"); $results->{$name} = $ret; $results->{$name}->{config} = $config; } # trim the downloads dir to $max_snapshots my $dir = "$scratch_root_arg/downloads"; opendir(DOWNLOADS, $dir); my @tarballs = sort(grep { /^openmpi.+gz\$/ && -f "$dir/$_" } readdir(DOWNLOADS)); closedir(DOWNLOADS); my $i = $#tarballs; while ($i > $max_snapshots) { unlink($tarballs[$i]); ++$i; } # send success mail push(@email_output, "Summary of results: Building tarball and compiling/linking MPI \"hello world\" --------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); foreach my $config (keys(%$results)) { my $str; if ($results->{$config}->{status} == 0) { $str = "Success "; } else { $str = "FAILURE "; } $str .= $config . "\n"; push(@email_output, $str); } push(@email_output, "-------------------------------------------------------------------------- \n"); # Include additional details if relevant print Dumper($results); my $displayed = 0; foreach my $config (keys(%$results)) { my $output = 0; my $str = "Build: " . $config . " Config options: " . $results->{$config}->{config} . " Result: " . ($results->{$config}->{status} == 0 ? "Success" : "FAILURE") . "\n"; if ($results->{$config}->{status} != 0 && $results->{$config}->{stdout} && $#{$results->{$config}->{stdout}} >= 0) { push(@email_output, $str); $displayed = $output = 1; push(@email_output, "--Standard output---------------------------------------------------------\n"); my $tmp = trim($max_log_len, $results->{$config}->{stdout}); push(@email_output, @$tmp); push(@email_output, "--Standard output end-----------------------------------------------------\n"); } if ($results->{$config}->{stderr} && $#{$results->{$config}->{stderr}} >= 0) { push(@email_output, $str) if ($output == 0); $displayed = $output = 1; push(@email_output, "--Standard error----------------------------------------------------------\n"); my $tmp = trim($max_log_len, $results->{$config}->{stderr}); push(@email_output, @$tmp); push(@email_output, "--Standard error end------------------------------------------------------\n"); } if ($results->{$config}->{make_all_stderr} && $#{$results->{$config}->{make_all_stderr}} >= 0) { push(@email_output, $str) if ($output == 0); $displayed = $output = 1; push(@email_output, "--\"make all\" standard error---------------------------------------------------\n"); my $tmp = trim($max_log_len, $results->{$config}->{make_all_stderr}); push(@email_output, @$tmp); push(@email_output, "--\"make all\" standard error end-----------------------------------------------\n"); } if ($output == 1) { push(@email_output, "\n==========================================================================\n\n"); } } # if we didn't display anything extra, then say so if (!$displayed) { push(@email_output, "No additional interesting intformation\n\n"); } push(@email_output, "Your friendly server,\nCyrador\n"); send_mail($success_subject, $email_arg, @email_output); exit(0);