/* * Copyright (c) 2013 Mellanox Technologies, Inc. * All rights reserved. * $COPYRIGHT$ * * Additional copyrights may follow * * $HEADER$ */ #include "oshmem_config.h" #include "opal/util/argv.h" #include "opal/util/show_help.h" #include "opal/mca/mca.h" #include "opal/mca/base/base.h" #include "opal/mca/base/mca_base_component_repository.h" #include "oshmem/util/oshmem_util.h" #include "oshmem/mca/memheap/memheap.h" #include "oshmem/mca/memheap/base/base.h" #include "orte/mca/errmgr/errmgr.h" mca_memheap_base_module_t mca_memheap; /** * Function for weeding out memheap components that shouldn't be executed. * Implementation inspired by btl/base. * * Call the init function on all available components to find out if * they want to run. Select all components that don't fail. Failing * components will be closed and unloaded. The selected modules will * be pointed to by mca_memheap_base_module_t. */ static memheap_context_t* _memheap_create(void); /** * Choose to init one component with the highest priority. * If the include list if it is not empty choose a component that appear in the list. * O/W choose the highest priority component not in the exclude list. * Include and exclude lists may be given in the shmem launcher command line. */ int mca_memheap_base_select() { int priority = 0; int max_priority = 0; mca_base_component_list_item_t *cli, *next; mca_memheap_base_component_t *component = NULL; mca_memheap_base_component_t *max_priority_component = NULL; mca_memheap_base_module_t *module = NULL; memheap_context_t *context = NULL; char** include = opal_argv_split(mca_memheap_base_include, ','); char** exclude = opal_argv_split(mca_memheap_base_exclude, ','); context = _memheap_create(); if (!context) { return OSHMEM_ERROR; } OPAL_LIST_FOREACH_SAFE(cli, next, &oshmem_memheap_base_framework.framework_components, mca_base_component_list_item_t) { component = (mca_memheap_base_component_t *) cli->cli_component; /* Verify if the component is in the include or the exclude list. */ /* If there is an include list - item must be in the list to be included */ if (NULL != include) { char** argv = include; bool found = false; while (argv && *argv) { if (strcmp(component->memheap_version.mca_component_name, *argv) == 0) { found = true; break; } argv++; } /* If not in the list do not choose this component */ if (found == false) { continue; } /* Otherwise - check the exclude list to see if this item has been specifically excluded */ } else if (NULL != exclude) { char** argv = exclude; bool found = false; while (argv && *argv) { if (strcmp(component->memheap_version.mca_component_name, *argv) == 0) { found = true; break; } argv++; } if (found == true) { continue; } } /* Verify that the component has an init function */ if (NULL == component->memheap_init) { MEMHEAP_VERBOSE(10, "select: no init function; for component %s. No component selected", component->memheap_version.mca_component_name); } else { MEMHEAP_VERBOSE(5, "select: component %s size : user %d private: %d", component->memheap_version.mca_component_name, (int)context->user_size, (int)context->private_size); /* Init the component in order to get its priority */ module = component->memheap_init(context, &priority); /* If the component didn't initialize, remove it from the opened list, remove it from the component repository and return an error */ if (NULL == module) { MEMHEAP_VERBOSE(10, "select: init of component %s returned failure", component->memheap_version.mca_component_name); opal_list_remove_item(&oshmem_memheap_base_framework.framework_components, &cli->super); mca_base_component_close((mca_base_component_t *) component, oshmem_memheap_base_framework.framework_output); } /* Calculate memheap size in case it was not set during component initialization */ module->memheap_size = context->user_size; } /* Init max priority component */ if (NULL == max_priority_component) { max_priority_component = component; mca_memheap_base_module_initialized = module; max_priority = priority; } /* Update max priority component if current component has greater priority */ if (priority > max_priority) { max_priority = priority; max_priority_component = component; mca_memheap_base_module_initialized = module; } } opal_argv_free(include); opal_argv_free(exclude); /* Verify that a component was selected */ if (NULL == max_priority_component) { MEMHEAP_VERBOSE(10, "select: no component selected"); return OSHMEM_ERROR; } /* Verify that some module was initialized */ if (NULL == mca_memheap_base_module_initialized) { opal_show_help("help-oshmem-memheap.txt", "find-available:none-found", true, "memheap"); orte_errmgr.abort(1, NULL ); } MEMHEAP_VERBOSE(10, "SELECTED %s component %s", max_priority_component->memheap_version.mca_type_name, max_priority_component->memheap_version.mca_component_name); setenv(SHMEM_HEAP_TYPE, max_priority_component->memheap_version.mca_component_name, 1); mca_memheap = *mca_memheap_base_module_initialized; return OSHMEM_SUCCESS; } static size_t _memheap_size(void) { char *p; long long factor = 1; int idx; long long size = 0; p = getenv(SHMEM_HEAP_SIZE); if (!p) return SIZE_IN_MEGA_BYTES(DEFAULT_SYMMETRIC_HEAP_SIZE); if (1 == sscanf(p, "%lld%n", &size, &idx)) { if (p[idx] != '\0') { if (p[idx + 1] == '\0') { if (p[idx] == 'k' || p[idx] == 'K') { factor = 1024; } else if (p[idx] == 'm' || p[idx] == 'M') { factor = 1024 * 1024; } else if (p[idx] == 'g' || p[idx] == 'G') { factor = 1024 * 1024 * 1024; } else if (p[idx] == 't' || p[idx] == 'T') { factor = 1024UL * 1024UL * 1024UL * 1024UL; } else { size = 0; } } else { size = 0; } } } if (size <= 0) { MEMHEAP_ERROR("Set incorrect symmetric heap size %s.\n", p, DEFAULT_SYMMETRIC_HEAP_SIZE); return 0; } return (size_t) memheap_align(size * factor); } static memheap_context_t* _memheap_create(void) { int rc = OSHMEM_SUCCESS; static memheap_context_t context; size_t user_size; user_size = _memheap_size(); if (user_size < MEMHEAP_BASE_MIN_SIZE) { MEMHEAP_ERROR("Requested memheap size is less than minimal meamheap size (%llu < %llu)", (unsigned long long)user_size, MEMHEAP_BASE_MIN_SIZE); return NULL ; } /* Inititialize symmetric area */ if (OSHMEM_SUCCESS == rc) { rc = mca_memheap_base_alloc_init(&mca_memheap_base_map, user_size + MEMHEAP_BASE_PRIVATE_SIZE); } /* Inititialize static/global variables area */ if (OSHMEM_SUCCESS == rc) { rc = mca_memheap_base_static_init(&mca_memheap_base_map); } /* Memory Registration */ if (OSHMEM_SUCCESS == rc) { rc = mca_memheap_base_reg(&mca_memheap_base_map); } /* Init OOB channel */ if (OSHMEM_SUCCESS == rc) { rc = memheap_oob_init(&mca_memheap_base_map); } if (OSHMEM_SUCCESS == rc) { context.user_size = user_size; context.private_size = MEMHEAP_BASE_PRIVATE_SIZE; context.user_base_addr = (void*) ((unsigned char*) mca_memheap_base_map.mem_segs[HEAP_SEG_INDEX].seg_base_addr + 0); context.private_base_addr = (void*) ((unsigned char*) mca_memheap_base_map.mem_segs[HEAP_SEG_INDEX].seg_base_addr + context.user_size); } return ((OSHMEM_SUCCESS == rc) ? &context : NULL ); }