#!/usr/bin/perl # # Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Trustees of Indiana University. # All rights reserved. # Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Trustees of the University of Tennessee. # All rights reserved. # Copyright (c) 2004-2005 High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart, # University of Stuttgart. All rights reserved. # Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Regents of the University of California. # All rights reserved. # $COPYRIGHT$ # # Additional copyrights may follow # # $HEADER$ # if (scalar(@ARGV) != 1) { print "Usage: fix_headers.pl <header_file_list>\n"; exit(3); } $header_file = @ARGV[0]; $temp_file = "/tmp/temp.c"; open(HEADERS, "$header_file") || print "Could not open $header_file\n"; open(MOD_FILES, "> modified_files.txt") || print "Could not open modified.txt\n"; while (<HEADERS>) { #open all the c files #check if this header is present #if it is present, then substitute it with the protection $header_string = $_; chomp($header_string); $protection = $_; $protection =~ s/\./_/; $protection =~ s/\//_/; $protection =~ s/#include//; $protection =~ tr/a-z/A-z/; $protection =~ s/\s<//; $protection =~ s/>//; $protection = "HAVE_" . $protection; print $protection; $string_to_replace = "#ifdef $protection$_#endif\n"; print $string_to_replace; open(C_FILES, "find . -name *.c |") || print "find failed\n"; while (<C_FILES>) { $c_file = $_; if (not /mca/) { open(C_FILE, "$c_file") || print "Open failed on $c_file\n"; chomp($protection); #ensure that this protection has not been already put in place $protected = 0; $written_to_file = 0; while (<C_FILE>) { if (/$protection/) { $protected = 1; } } close (C_FILE); if ($protected == 0) { #this file is not yet protected open(C_FILE, "$c_file") || print "Open failed on $c_file\n"; open(TEMP, "> $temp_file") || print "Open failed on temp.c \n"; while (<C_FILE>) { if (/$header_string/) { print TEMP $string_to_replace; print "Replacing defintion ---- $c_file"; if ($written_to_file == 0) { print MOD_FILES $c_file; $written_to_file = 1; } } else { print TEMP $_; } } close (TEMP_C); system("cp $temp_file $c_file"); } } } close (C_FILES); #Now to do the same for header files open(H_FILES, "find . -name *.h |") || print "find failed\n"; while (<H_FILES>) { $h_file = $_; if (not /mca/) { open(H_FILE, "$h_file") || print "Open failed on $h_file\n"; chomp($protection); #ensure that this protection has not been already put in place $protected = 0; $written_to_file = 0; while (<H_FILE>) { if (/$protection/) { $protected = 1; } } close (H_FILE); if ($protected == 0) { #this file is not yet protected open(H_FILE, "$h_file") || print "Open failed on $h_file\n"; open(TEMP, "> $temp_file") || print "Open failed on temp.c \n"; while (<H_FILE>) { if (/$header_string/) { print TEMP $string_to_replace; print "Replacing defintion ---- $h_file"; if ($written_to_file == 0) { print MOD_FILES $h_file; $written_to_file = 1; } } else { print TEMP $_; } } close (TEMP_C); system("cp $temp_file $h_file"); } } } close (H_FILES); } close(HEADERS); close(MOD_FILES); system("rm -f $temp_file");