# Copyright (c) 2009 High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart, # University of Stuttgart. All rights reserved. # $COPYRIGHT$ # # Additional copyrights may follow # # $HEADER$ # # The CCP components need to import the type library ccpapi.tlb, # if it's not installed, the CCP components won't be built. # This module is included in a .windows file, it must return two variables: # RESULT : find result # RESULT_INCLUDE_PATH : the path need to include if RESULT is true IF(NOT ORTE_WANT_CCP) SET(RESULT FALSE) ELSEIF(NOT CCP_FOUND) MESSAGE(STATUS "looking for ccp...") IF(CMAKE_CL_64) FIND_PATH(CCP_LIB_PATH ccpapi.tlb PATHS $ENV{CCP_LIB64} ) ELSE(CMAKE_CL_64) FIND_PATH(CCP_LIB_PATH ccpapi.tlb PATHS $ENV{CCP_LIB32} ) ENDIF(CMAKE_CL_64) IF(CCP_LIB_PATH) SET(CCP_FOUND TRUE CACHE INTERNAL "find result of CCP.") SET(RESULT TRUE) SET(RESULT_INCLUDE_PATH ${CCP_LIB_PATH}) MESSAGE(STATUS "looking for ccp...found.") ELSE(CCP_LIB_PATH) SET(CCP_FOUND FALSE CACHE INTERNAL "find result of CCP.") SET(RESULT FALSE) MESSAGE(STATUS "looking for ccp...failed.") ENDIF(CCP_LIB_PATH) ELSE(NOT CCP_FOUND) SET(RESULT_INCLUDE_PATH ${CCP_LIB_PATH}) SET(RESULT TRUE) ENDIF(NOT ORTE_WANT_CCP)