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%                         Corporation.  All rights reserved.
% Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The University of Tennessee and The University
%                         of Tennessee Research Foundation.  All rights
%                         reserved.
% Copyright (c) 2004-2005 High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart, 
%                         University of Stuttgart.  All rights reserved.
% Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Regents of the University of California.
%                         All rights reserved.
% Additional copyrights may follow

  title = 	 {GNU Coding Standards},
  author =	 {Richard Stallman et al.},
  organization = {Free Software Foundation},
  month =	 {October},
  year =	 2001,
  note =	 {Included in the GNU {\tt autoconf} distribution; see {\tt ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/autoconf/}}

  title = 	 {Open MPI User's Guide},
  author =	 {The Open MPI Team},
  organization = {The Open MPI Project}

  title = 	 {Open MPI Installation Guide},
  author =	 {The Open MPI Team},
  organization = {The Open MPI Project}


  author = {Rajeev Thakur and William Gropp and Ewing Lusk},
  title = {On Implementing {MPI-IO} Portably and with High Performance},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on I/O in Parallel and
  Distributed Systems},
  pages = {23--32},
  year = {1999},
  month = {May},
  pubaddress =      "New York, NY",
  publisher = {ACM Press}

  author = {Rajeev Thakur and William Gropp and Ewing Lusk},
  title = {Data Sieving and Collective {I/O} in {ROMIO}},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7th Symposium on the Frontiers of Massively
  Parallel Computation},
  pages = {182--189},
  year = {1999},
  month = {February},
  publisher = {IEEE Computer Society Press}


@Book{		 gropp94:_using_mpi,
  author       = "William Gropp and Ewing Lusk and Anthony Skjellum",
  title	       = "Using {MPI}: {P}ortable {P}arallel {P}rogramming
                  with the {M}essage {P}assing {I}nterface",
  publisher    = "MIT Press",
  year	       = 1994

@Book{		 gropp99:_using_mpi_2,
  author       = "William Gropp and Ewing Lusk and Rajeev Thakur",
  title	       = "Using {MPI-2}: {A}dvanced {F}eatures of the 
                  {M}essage {P}assing {I}nterface",
  publisher    = "MIT Press",
  year	       = 1999

@Book{		 snir96:_mpi_the_compl_refer,
  author       = "Marc Snir and Steve W. Otto and Steve Huss-Lederman
                  and David W. Walker and Jack Dongarra",
  title	       = "{MPI}: {T}he {C}omplete {R}eference",
  address      = "Cambridge, MA",
  publisher    = "MIT Press",
  year	       = 1996

  author       = {William Gropp and Steven Huss-Lederman and Andrew
                  Lumsdaine and Ewing Lusk and Bill Nitzberg and
                  William Saphir and Marc Snir},
  title	       = {{MPI} --- {T}he Complete Reference: {V}olume 2, the
                  {MPI}-2 Extensions},
  publisher    = {MIT Press},
  year	       = 1998

@inproceedings{	 mpi_forum93:_mpi,
  title	       = "{MPI}: {A} {M}essage {P}assing {I}nterface",
  author       = "{Message Passing Interface Forum}",
  booktitle    = "Proc.~of Supercomputing '93",
  publisher    = "{IEEE} Computer Society Press",
  place	       = "Portland, OR",
  month	       = "November",
  pages	       = "878--883",
  year	       = 1993

@InProceedings{  geist96:_mpi2_lyon,
  author       = "Al Geist and William Gropp and Steve Huss-Lederman
                  and Andrew Lumsdaine and Ewing Lusk and William
                  Saphir and Tony Skjellum and Marc Snir",
  title	       = "{MPI}-2: {E}xtending the {M}essage-{P}assing {I}nterface",
  booktitle    = "Euro-Par '96 Parallel Processing",
  editor       = "Luc Bouge and Pierre Fraigniaud and Anne Mignotte
                  and Yves Robert",
  number       = 1123,
  series       = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
  year	       = 1996,
  publisher    = "Springer Verlag",
  pages	       = "128--135"

% MagPIe

 author = {Thilo Kielmann and Henri E. Bal and Sergei Gorlatch},
 title = {{Bandwidth-efficient Collective Communication
           for Clustered Wide Area Systems}},
 booktitle = {{International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium
               (IPDPS 2000)}},
 address = {Cancun, Mexico},
 month = {May},
 year = 2000,
 pages = {492--499},
 publisher = {IEEE}


  author       = {Jason Duell and Paul Hargrove and Eric Roman},
  title        = {{T}he {D}esign and {I}mplementation of {B}erkeley {L}ab's
  {L}inux {C}heckpoint/{R}estart},
  year         = {2002}

% random

  author = "Q. Snell and A. Mikler and J. Gustafson",
  title  = "{NetPIPE}: {A} {N}etwork {P}rotocol {I}ndependent {P}erformace 
  text   = "Q.O. Snell, A.Mikler, and J.L. Gustafson. Netpipe: A Network
  Protocol Independent Performance Evaluator. In IASTED International Conference
  on Intelligent Information Management and Systems, June 1996.", 
  year   = "1996" 