/* * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Trustees of Indiana University. * All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Trustees of the University of Tennessee. * All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart, * University of Stuttgart. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. * $COPYRIGHT$ * * Additional copyrights may follow * * $HEADER$ */ /** @file */ #include "ompi_config.h" #include "ompi/include/constants.h" #include "ompi/communicator/communicator.h" #include "ompi/datatype/convertor.h" #include "ompi/mca/coll/coll.h" #include "opal/include/sys/atomic.h" #include "coll_sm.h" /** * Shared memory broadcast. * * For the root, the general algorithm is to wait for a set of * segments to become available. Once it is, the root claims the set * by writing the current operation number and the number of processes * using the set to the flag. The root then loops over the set of * segments; for each segment, it copies a fragment of the user's * buffer into the shared data segment and then writes the data size * into its childrens' control buffers. The process is repeated until * all fragments have been written. * * For non-roots, for each set of buffers, they wait until the current * operation number appears in the in-use flag (i.e., written by the * root). Then for each segment, they wait for a nonzero to appear * into their control buffers. If they have children, they copy the * data from their parent's shared data segment into their shared data * segment, and write the data size into each of their childrens' * control buffers. They then copy the data from their shared [local] * data segment into the user's output buffer. The process is * repeated until all fragments have been received. If they do not * have children, they copy the data directly from the parent's shared * data segment into the user's output buffer. */ int mca_coll_sm_bcast_intra(void *buff, int count, struct ompi_datatype_t *datatype, int root, struct ompi_communicator_t *comm) { struct iovec iov; mca_coll_base_comm_t *data = comm->c_coll_selected_data; int i, ret, rank, size, num_children, src_rank; int flag_num, segment_num, max_segment_num; int parent_rank; size_t total_size, max_data, bytes; mca_coll_sm_in_use_flag_t *flag; ompi_convertor_t convertor; mca_coll_sm_tree_node_t *me, *parent, **children; mca_coll_base_mpool_index_t *index; /* Setup some identities */ rank = ompi_comm_rank(comm); size = ompi_comm_size(comm); OBJ_CONSTRUCT(&convertor, ompi_convertor_t); iov.iov_len = mca_coll_sm_component.sm_fragment_size; bytes = 0; me = &data->mcb_tree[(rank + size - root) % size]; D(("rank %d: virtual rank %d\n", rank, me - data->mcb_tree)); parent = me->mcstn_parent; children = me->mcstn_children; num_children = me->mcstn_num_children; /* Only have one top-level decision as to whether I'm the root or not. Do this at the slight expense of repeating a little logic -- but it's better than a conditional branch in every loop iteration. */ /********************************************************************* * Root *********************************************************************/ if (root == rank) { /* The root needs a send convertor to pack from the user's buffer to shared memory */ if (OMPI_SUCCESS != (ret = ompi_convertor_copy_and_prepare_for_send(ompi_mpi_local_convertor, datatype, count, buff, &convertor))) { return ret; } ompi_convertor_get_packed_size(&convertor, &total_size); D(("root got send convertor w/ total_size == %lu\n", (unsigned long) total_size)); /* Main loop over sending fragments */ do { flag_num = (data->mcb_operation_count++ % mca_coll_sm_component.sm_comm_num_in_use_flags); FLAG_SETUP(flag_num, flag, data); FLAG_WAIT_FOR_IDLE(flag); FLAG_RETAIN(flag, size - 1, data->mcb_operation_count - 1); /* Loop over all the segments in this set */ segment_num = flag_num * mca_coll_sm_component.sm_comm_num_in_use_flags; max_segment_num = (flag_num + 1) * mca_coll_sm_component.sm_comm_num_in_use_flags; do { index = &(data->mcb_mpool_index[segment_num]); /* Copy the fragment from the user buffer to my fragment in the current segment */ COPY_FRAGMENT_IN(convertor, index, rank, iov, max_data); bytes += max_data; /* Wait for the write to absolutely complete */ opal_atomic_wmb(); /* Tell my children that this fragment is ready */ PARENT_NOTIFY_CHILDREN(children, num_children, index, max_data); ++segment_num; } while (bytes < total_size && segment_num < max_segment_num); } while (bytes < total_size); } /********************************************************************* * Non-root *********************************************************************/ else { /* Non-root processes need a receive convertor to unpack from shared mmory to the user's buffer */ if (OMPI_SUCCESS != (ret = ompi_convertor_copy_and_prepare_for_recv(ompi_mpi_local_convertor, datatype, count, buff, &convertor))) { return ret; } ompi_convertor_get_packed_size(&convertor, &total_size); D(("rank %d got recv convertor w/ total_size == %lu\n", rank, (unsigned long) total_size)); /* Loop over receiving (and possibly re-sending) the fragments */ do { flag_num = (data->mcb_operation_count % mca_coll_sm_component.sm_comm_num_in_use_flags); /* Wait for the root to mark this set of segments as ours */ FLAG_SETUP(flag_num, flag, data); FLAG_WAIT_FOR_OP(flag, data->mcb_operation_count); ++data->mcb_operation_count; /* Loop over all the segments in this set */ segment_num = flag_num * mca_coll_sm_component.sm_comm_num_in_use_flags; max_segment_num = (flag_num + 1) * mca_coll_sm_component.sm_comm_num_in_use_flags; do { /* Pre-calculate some values */ parent_rank = (parent->mcstn_id + root) % size; index = &(data->mcb_mpool_index[segment_num]); /* Wait for my parent to tell me that the segment is ready */ CHILD_WAIT_FOR_NOTIFY(rank, index, max_data); /* If I have children, send the data to them */ if (num_children > 0) { /* Copy the fragment from the parent's portion in the segment to my portion in the segment. */ COPY_FRAGMENT_BETWEEN(parent_rank, rank, index, max_data); /* Wait for the write to absolutely complete */ opal_atomic_wmb(); /* Tell my children that this fragment is ready */ PARENT_NOTIFY_CHILDREN(children, num_children, index, max_data); /* Set the "copy from buffer" to be my local segment buffer so that we don't potentially incur a non-local memory copy from the parent's fan out data segment [again] when copying to the user's buffer */ src_rank = rank; } /* If I don't have any children, set the "copy from buffer" to be my parent's fan out segment to copy directly from my parent */ else { src_rank = parent_rank; } /* Copy to my output buffer */ COPY_FRAGMENT_OUT(convertor, src_rank, index, iov, max_data); bytes += max_data; ++segment_num; } while (bytes < total_size && segment_num < max_segment_num); /* Wait for all copy-out writes to complete before I say I'm done with the segments */ opal_atomic_wmb(); /* We're finished with this set of segments */ FLAG_RELEASE(flag); } while (bytes < total_size); } /* Kill the convertor */ OBJ_DESTRUCT(&convertor); /* All done */ D(("rank %d done with bcast\n", rank)); return OMPI_SUCCESS; }