/* * Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Los Alamos National Security, Inc. All rights reserved. * $COPYRIGHT$ * * Additional copyrights may follow * * $HEADER$ * */ #include "orte_config.h" #include "orte/constants.h" #include #include #ifdef HAVE_LIMITS_H #include #endif #include #ifdef HAVE_FCNTL_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #include "opal/class/opal_pointer_array.h" #include "opal/util/argv.h" #include "opal_stdint.h" #include "orte/util/name_fns.h" #include "orte/util/proc_info.h" #include "orte/runtime/orte_globals.h" #include "orte/mca/db/base/base.h" #include "db_print.h" static int init(void); static void finalize(void); static int add_log(const char *table, const opal_value_t *kvs, int nkvs); orte_db_base_module_t orte_db_print_module = { init, finalize, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, add_log }; static opal_pointer_array_t tables; static FILE *fpout=NULL; static int init(void) { OBJ_CONSTRUCT(&tables, opal_pointer_array_t); opal_pointer_array_init(&tables, 1, INT_MAX, 1); if (0 == strcmp(mca_db_print_component.filename, "-")) { fpout = stdout; } else if (0 == strcmp(mca_db_print_component.filename, "+")) { fpout = stderr; } else if (NULL == (fpout = fopen(mca_db_print_component.filename, "w"))) { opal_output(0, "ERROR: cannot open log file %s", mca_db_print_component.filename); return ORTE_ERROR; } return ORTE_SUCCESS; } static void finalize(void) { int i; char *ptr; for (i=0; i < tables.size; i++) { if (NULL != (ptr = (char*)opal_pointer_array_get_item(&tables, i))) { free(ptr); } } OBJ_DESTRUCT(&tables); if (NULL != fpout && stdout != fpout && stderr != fpout) { fclose(fpout); fpout = NULL; } } static int add_log(const char *table, const opal_value_t *kvs, int nkvs) { char **cmdargs=NULL, *vstr; time_t nowtime; struct tm nowtm; char tbuf[1024]; int i; bool found; opal_output_verbose(2, orte_db_base.output, "%s Logging data for table %s", ORTE_NAME_PRINT(ORTE_PROC_MY_NAME), table); found = false; for (i=0; i < tables.size; i++) { if (NULL == (vstr = (char*)opal_pointer_array_get_item(&tables, i))) { continue; } if (0 == strcmp(vstr, table)) { /* already handled this one */ found = true; break; } } if (!found) { /* record that we have it */ vstr = strdup(table); opal_pointer_array_add(&tables, vstr); /* create and print the column headers */ for (i=0; i < nkvs; i++) { opal_argv_append_nosize(&cmdargs, kvs[i].key); } vstr = opal_argv_join(cmdargs, '|'); fprintf(fpout, "%s\n", vstr); free(vstr); opal_argv_free(cmdargs); cmdargs = NULL; } /* cycle through the provided values and print them */ for (i=0; i < nkvs; i++) { switch (kvs[i].type) { case OPAL_STRING: snprintf(tbuf, sizeof(tbuf), "%s", kvs[i].data.string); opal_argv_append_nosize(&cmdargs, tbuf); break; case OPAL_SIZE: snprintf(tbuf, sizeof(tbuf), "%" PRIsize_t "", kvs[i].data.size); opal_argv_append_nosize(&cmdargs, tbuf); break; case OPAL_INT: snprintf(tbuf, sizeof(tbuf), "%d", kvs[i].data.integer); opal_argv_append_nosize(&cmdargs, tbuf); break; case OPAL_INT8: snprintf(tbuf, sizeof(tbuf), "%" PRIi8 "", kvs[i].data.int8); opal_argv_append_nosize(&cmdargs, tbuf); break; case OPAL_INT16: snprintf(tbuf, sizeof(tbuf), "%" PRIi16 "", kvs[i].data.int16); opal_argv_append_nosize(&cmdargs, tbuf); break; case OPAL_INT32: snprintf(tbuf, sizeof(tbuf), "%" PRIi32 "", kvs[i].data.int32); opal_argv_append_nosize(&cmdargs, tbuf); break; case OPAL_INT64: snprintf(tbuf, sizeof(tbuf), "%" PRIi64 "", kvs[i].data.int64); opal_argv_append_nosize(&cmdargs, tbuf); break; case OPAL_UINT: snprintf(tbuf, sizeof(tbuf), "%u", kvs[i].data.uint); opal_argv_append_nosize(&cmdargs, tbuf); break; case OPAL_UINT8: snprintf(tbuf, sizeof(tbuf), "%" PRIu8 "", kvs[i].data.uint8); opal_argv_append_nosize(&cmdargs, tbuf); break; case OPAL_UINT16: snprintf(tbuf, sizeof(tbuf), "%" PRIu16 "", kvs[i].data.uint16); opal_argv_append_nosize(&cmdargs, tbuf); break; case OPAL_UINT32: snprintf(tbuf, sizeof(tbuf), "%" PRIu32 "", kvs[i].data.uint32); opal_argv_append_nosize(&cmdargs, tbuf); break; case OPAL_UINT64: snprintf(tbuf, sizeof(tbuf), "%" PRIu64 "", kvs[i].data.uint64); opal_argv_append_nosize(&cmdargs, tbuf); break; case OPAL_PID: snprintf(tbuf, sizeof(tbuf), "%lu", (unsigned long)kvs[i].data.pid); opal_argv_append_nosize(&cmdargs, tbuf); break; case OPAL_FLOAT: snprintf(tbuf, sizeof(tbuf), "%f", kvs[i].data.fval); opal_argv_append_nosize(&cmdargs, tbuf); break; case OPAL_TIMEVAL: /* we only care about seconds */ nowtime = kvs[i].data.tv.tv_sec; (void)localtime_r(&nowtime, &nowtm); strftime(tbuf, sizeof(tbuf), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", &nowtm); opal_argv_append_nosize(&cmdargs, tbuf); break; default: snprintf(tbuf, sizeof(tbuf), "Unsupported type: %s", opal_dss.lookup_data_type(kvs[i].type)); opal_argv_append_nosize(&cmdargs, tbuf); break; } } /* assemble the value string */ vstr = opal_argv_join(cmdargs, ','); /* print it */ fprintf(fpout, "%s\n", vstr); free(vstr); return ORTE_SUCCESS; }