/* * unit test for name server replica. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Authors: Ralph H. Castain -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "orte_config.h" #include #include #include "support.h" #include "include/orte_constants.h" #include "util/sys_info.h" #include "util/proc_info.h" #include "mca/mca.h" #include "mca/base/base.h" #include "mca/ns/base/base.h" /* output files needed by the test */ static FILE *test_out=NULL; static char *cmd_str="diff ./test_ns_replica_out ./test_ns_replica_out_std"; int main(int argc, char **argv) { printf("Test test_ns_replica disabled. Does not compile.\n"); return 77; #if 0 orte_process_name_t *test_name; orte_process_name_t *procs; int num_procs; orte_cellid_t cell; orte_jobid_t job; orte_vpid_t vpid; bool multi, hidden; int i, j; char *tmp; int result; /* result from system call */ test_init("test_ns_replica"); test_out = fopen( "test_ns_replica_out", "w+" ); if( test_out == NULL ) { test_failure("test_ns_replica couldn't open test file failed"); test_finalize(); exit(1); } /* ensure orte_process_info struct initialized */ orte_proc_info(); /* set seed to true to force replica selection */ orte_process_info.seed = true; /* startup the MCA */ if (OMPI_SUCCESS == mca_base_open()) { fprintf(test_out, "MCA started\n"); } else { fprintf(test_out, "MCA could not start - please report error to bugs@open-mpi.org\n"); exit (1); } /* open the name server */ if (OMPI_SUCCESS == orte_ns_base_open()) { fprintf(test_out, "NS opened\n"); test_success(); } else { fprintf(test_out, "NS could not open\n"); test_failure("test_ns_replica mca_ns_base_open failed"); test_finalize(); exit(1); } /* startup the name server */ if (OMPI_SUCCESS != orte_ns_base_select(&multi, &hidden)) { fprintf(test_out, "NS could not start\n"); test_failure("test_ns_replica mca_ns_base_select failed"); test_finalize(); exit(1); } else { fprintf(test_out, "NS started\n"); test_success(); } /* create a name */ test_name = orte_ns.create_process_name(0, 1, 1); if (NULL == test_name) { /* got error */ fprintf(test_out, "create process name failed\n"); test_failure("test_ns_replica orte_ns create_process_name failed"); test_finalize(); exit(1); } else { fprintf(test_out, "got process name: %0X %0X %0X\n", test_name->cellid, test_name->jobid, test_name->vpid); test_success(); } /* convert a string to a name */ tmp = strdup("1234.5678.9AEF"); test_name = orte_ns.convert_string_to_process_name(tmp); if (NULL == test_name) { /* got error */ fprintf(test_out, "convert string to process name failed\n"); test_failure("test_ns_replica orte_ns convert_string_to_process_name failed"); test_finalize(); exit(1); } else { fprintf(test_out, "got process name: %0X(%ld) %0X(%ld) %0X(%ld)\n", (int)test_name->cellid, (long int)test_name->cellid, (int)test_name->jobid, (long int)test_name->jobid, (unsigned int)test_name->vpid, (long int)test_name->vpid); test_success(); } /* create a cellid */ cell = orte_ns.create_cellid(); if (0 == cell) { /* got error */ test_failure("test_ns_replica orte_ns test create_cellid"); fprintf(test_out, "create cellid: error\n"); test_finalize(); exit(1); } else { fprintf(test_out, "cellid created: %d\n", cell); test_success(); } for (i=0; i<10; i++) { /* loop through */ /* create jobid */ job = orte_ns.create_jobid(); if (0 == job) { /* got error */ fprintf(test_out, "create jobid: error\n"); test_failure("test_ns_replica orte_ns create_jobid failed"); test_finalize(); exit(1); } else { fprintf(test_out, "jobid created: %d\n", job); test_success(); } for (j=0; j<5; j++) { /* loop through several vpid ranges */ /* get range of vpids */ vpid = orte_ns.reserve_range(job, 250); if (0 == vpid) { /* got error */ fprintf(test_out, "get range: error\n"); test_failure("test_ns_replica orte_ns reserve_range failed"); test_finalize(); exit(1); } else { fprintf(test_out, "range reserved: %d\n", vpid); test_success(); } /* create a name */ test_name = orte_ns.create_process_name((mca_ns_base_cellid_t)i, job, vpid); /* get and print its string values */ tmp = orte_ns.get_proc_name_string(test_name); fprintf(test_out, "(%d) strings: name - %s\n", i, tmp); tmp = orte_ns.get_vpid_string(test_name); fprintf(test_out, "\tvpid: %s\n", tmp); tmp = orte_ns.get_jobid_string(test_name); fprintf(test_out, "\tjobid: %s\n", tmp); tmp = orte_ns.get_cellid_string(test_name); fprintf(test_out, "\tcellid: %s\n", tmp); /* get and print its numeric values */ vpid = orte_ns.get_vpid(test_name); job = orte_ns.get_jobid(test_name); cell = orte_ns.get_cellid(test_name); fprintf(test_out, "(%d) ints cell %0X(%ld) job %0X(%ld) vpid %0x(%ld)\n\n", i, cell, (long int)cell, job, (long int)job, vpid, (long int)vpid); } } /* check that we can get a name from the environment */ if (NULL != orte_process_info.my_name) { /* clear the name if set */ free(orte_process_info.my_name); orte_process_info.my_name = NULL; } if (ORTE_SUCCESS != orte_ns.set_my_name()) { fprintf(test_out, "name discovery failed\n"); } else { fprintf(test_out, "name discovery succeeded: name set to [%d,%d,%d]\n", ORTE_NAME_ARGS(*orte_process_info.my_name)); } /* check get peers */ orte_process_info.vpid_start = 0; orte_process_info.num_procs = 1000; if (ORTE_SUCCESS != orte_ns.get_peers(&procs, &num_procs)) { fprintf(test_out, "get peers failed\n"); } else { fprintf(test_out, "get peers succeeded\n"); } fclose( test_out ); result = system( cmd_str ); if( result == 0 ) { test_success(); } else { test_failure( "test_ns_replica orte_ns get_proc_name_string, etc failed"); } test_finalize(); return(0); #endif }