/* * Copyright (c) 2016-2019 Intel, Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Research Organization for Information Science * and Technology (RIST). All rights reserved. * $COPYRIGHT$ * * Additional copyrights may follow * * $HEADER$ * */ #include "orte_config.h" #include "orte/types.h" #include "opal/types.h" #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #include #include "opal/dss/dss_types.h" #include "opal/mca/compress/compress.h" #include "opal/util/argv.h" #include "orte/mca/errmgr/errmgr.h" #include "orte/mca/rmaps/base/base.h" #include "orte/mca/routed/routed.h" #include "orte/runtime/orte_globals.h" #include "orte/util/nidmap.h" int orte_util_nidmap_create(opal_pointer_array_t *pool, opal_buffer_t *buffer) { char *raw = NULL; uint8_t *vpids=NULL, u8; uint16_t u16; uint32_t u32; int n, ndaemons, rc, nbytes; bool compressed; char **names = NULL, **ranks = NULL; orte_node_t *nptr; opal_byte_object_t bo, *boptr; size_t sz; /* pack a flag indicating if the HNP was included in the allocation */ if (orte_hnp_is_allocated) { u8 = 1; } else { u8 = 0; } if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (rc = opal_dss.pack(buffer, &u8, 1, OPAL_UINT8))) { ORTE_ERROR_LOG(rc); return rc; } /* pack a flag indicating if we are in a managed allocation */ if (orte_managed_allocation) { u8 = 1; } else { u8 = 0; } if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (rc = opal_dss.pack(buffer, &u8, 1, OPAL_UINT8))) { ORTE_ERROR_LOG(rc); return rc; } /* daemon vpids start from 0 and increase linearly by one * up to the number of nodes in the system. The vpid is * a 32-bit value. We don't know how many of the nodes * in the system have daemons - we may not be using them * all just yet. However, even the largest systems won't * have more than a million nodes for quite some time, * so for now we'll just allocate enough space to hold * them all. Someone can optimize this further later */ if (256 >= pool->size) { nbytes = 1; } else if (65536 >= pool->size) { nbytes = 2; } else { nbytes = 4; } vpids = (uint8_t*)malloc(nbytes * pool->size); ndaemons = 0; for (n=0; n < pool->size; n++) { if (NULL == (nptr = (orte_node_t*)opal_pointer_array_get_item(pool, n))) { continue; } /* add the hostname to the argv */ opal_argv_append_nosize(&names, nptr->name); /* store the vpid */ if (1 == nbytes) { if (NULL == nptr->daemon) { vpids[ndaemons] = UINT8_MAX; } else { vpids[ndaemons] = nptr->daemon->name.vpid; } } else if (2 == nbytes) { if (NULL == nptr->daemon) { u16 = UINT16_MAX; } else { u16 = nptr->daemon->name.vpid; } memcpy(&vpids[nbytes*ndaemons], &u16, 2); } else { if (NULL == nptr->daemon) { u32 = UINT32_MAX; } else { u32 = nptr->daemon->name.vpid; } memcpy(&vpids[nbytes*ndaemons], &u32, 4); } ++ndaemons; } /* construct the string of node names for compression */ raw = opal_argv_join(names, ','); if (opal_compress.compress_block((uint8_t*)raw, strlen(raw)+1, (uint8_t**)&bo.bytes, &sz)) { /* mark that this was compressed */ compressed = true; bo.size = sz; } else { /* mark that this was not compressed */ compressed = false; bo.bytes = (uint8_t*)raw; bo.size = strlen(raw)+1; } /* indicate compression */ if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (rc = opal_dss.pack(buffer, &compressed, 1, OPAL_BOOL))) { if (compressed) { free(bo.bytes); } goto cleanup; } /* if compressed, provide the uncompressed size */ if (compressed) { sz = strlen(raw)+1; if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (rc = opal_dss.pack(buffer, &sz, 1, OPAL_SIZE))) { free(bo.bytes); goto cleanup; } } /* add the object */ boptr = &bo; if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (rc = opal_dss.pack(buffer, &boptr, 1, OPAL_BYTE_OBJECT))) { if (compressed) { free(bo.bytes); } goto cleanup; } if (compressed) { free(bo.bytes); } /* compress the vpids */ if (opal_compress.compress_block(vpids, nbytes*ndaemons, (uint8_t**)&bo.bytes, &sz)) { /* mark that this was compressed */ compressed = true; bo.size = sz; } else { /* mark that this was not compressed */ compressed = false; bo.bytes = vpids; bo.size = nbytes*ndaemons; } /* indicate compression */ if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (rc = opal_dss.pack(buffer, &compressed, 1, OPAL_BOOL))) { if (compressed) { free(bo.bytes); } goto cleanup; } /* provide the #bytes/vpid */ if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (rc = opal_dss.pack(buffer, &nbytes, 1, OPAL_INT))) { if (compressed) { free(bo.bytes); } goto cleanup; } /* if compressed, provide the uncompressed size */ if (compressed) { sz = nbytes*ndaemons; if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (rc = opal_dss.pack(buffer, &sz, 1, OPAL_SIZE))) { free(bo.bytes); goto cleanup; } } /* add the object */ boptr = &bo; if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (rc = opal_dss.pack(buffer, &boptr, 1, OPAL_BYTE_OBJECT))) { if (compressed) { free(bo.bytes); } goto cleanup; } if (compressed) { free(bo.bytes); } cleanup: if (NULL != names) { opal_argv_free(names); } if (NULL != raw) { free(raw); } if (NULL != ranks) { opal_argv_free(ranks); } if (NULL != vpids) { free(vpids); } return rc; } int orte_util_decode_nidmap(opal_buffer_t *buf) { uint8_t u8, *vp8 = NULL; uint16_t *vp16 = NULL; uint32_t *vp32 = NULL, vpid; int cnt, rc, nbytes, n; bool compressed; size_t sz; opal_byte_object_t *boptr; char *raw = NULL, **names = NULL; orte_node_t *nd; orte_job_t *daemons; orte_proc_t *proc; orte_topology_t *t; /* unpack the flag indicating if HNP is in allocation */ cnt = 1; if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (rc = opal_dss.unpack(buf, &u8, &cnt, OPAL_UINT8))) { ORTE_ERROR_LOG(rc); goto cleanup; } if (1 == u8) { orte_hnp_is_allocated = true; } else { orte_hnp_is_allocated = false; } /* unpack the flag indicating if we are in managed allocation */ cnt = 1; if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (rc = opal_dss.unpack(buf, &u8, &cnt, OPAL_UINT8))) { ORTE_ERROR_LOG(rc); goto cleanup; } if (1 == u8) { orte_managed_allocation = true; } else { orte_managed_allocation = false; } /* unpack compression flag for node names */ cnt = 1; if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (rc = opal_dss.unpack(buf, &compressed, &cnt, OPAL_BOOL))) { ORTE_ERROR_LOG(rc); goto cleanup; } /* if compressed, get the uncompressed size */ if (compressed) { cnt = 1; if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (rc = opal_dss.unpack(buf, &sz, &cnt, OPAL_SIZE))) { ORTE_ERROR_LOG(rc); goto cleanup; } } /* unpack the nodename object */ cnt = 1; if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (rc = opal_dss.unpack(buf, &boptr, &cnt, OPAL_BYTE_OBJECT))) { ORTE_ERROR_LOG(rc); goto cleanup; } /* if compressed, decompress */ if (compressed) { if (!opal_compress.decompress_block((uint8_t**)&raw, sz, boptr->bytes, boptr->size)) { ORTE_ERROR_LOG(ORTE_ERROR); if (NULL != boptr->bytes) { free(boptr->bytes); } free(boptr); rc = ORTE_ERROR; goto cleanup; } } else { raw = (char*)boptr->bytes; boptr->bytes = NULL; boptr->size = 0; } if (NULL != boptr->bytes) { free(boptr->bytes); } free(boptr); names = opal_argv_split(raw, ','); free(raw); /* unpack compression flag for daemon vpids */ cnt = 1; if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (rc = opal_dss.unpack(buf, &compressed, &cnt, OPAL_BOOL))) { ORTE_ERROR_LOG(rc); goto cleanup; } /* unpack the #bytes/vpid */ cnt = 1; if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (rc = opal_dss.unpack(buf, &nbytes, &cnt, OPAL_INT))) { ORTE_ERROR_LOG(rc); goto cleanup; } /* if compressed, get the uncompressed size */ if (compressed) { cnt = 1; if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (rc = opal_dss.unpack(buf, &sz, &cnt, OPAL_SIZE))) { ORTE_ERROR_LOG(rc); goto cleanup; } } /* unpack the vpid object */ cnt = 1; if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (rc = opal_dss.unpack(buf, &boptr, &cnt, OPAL_BYTE_OBJECT))) { ORTE_ERROR_LOG(rc); goto cleanup; } /* if compressed, decompress */ if (compressed) { if (!opal_compress.decompress_block((uint8_t**)&vp8, sz, boptr->bytes, boptr->size)) { ORTE_ERROR_LOG(ORTE_ERROR); if (NULL != boptr->bytes) { free(boptr->bytes); } free(boptr); rc = ORTE_ERROR; goto cleanup; } } else { vp8 = (uint8_t*)boptr->bytes; sz = boptr->size; boptr->bytes = NULL; boptr->size = 0; } if (NULL != boptr->bytes) { free(boptr->bytes); } free(boptr); if (2 == nbytes) { vp16 = (uint16_t*)vp8; vp8 = NULL; } else if (4 == nbytes) { vp32 = (uint32_t*)vp8; vp8 = NULL; } /* if we are the HNP, we don't need any of this stuff */ if (ORTE_PROC_IS_HNP) { goto cleanup; } /* get the daemon job object */ daemons = orte_get_job_data_object(ORTE_PROC_MY_NAME->jobid); /* get our topology */ for (n=0; n < orte_node_topologies->size; n++) { if (NULL != (t = (orte_topology_t*)opal_pointer_array_get_item(orte_node_topologies, n))) { break; } } /* create the node pool array - this will include * _all_ nodes known to the allocation */ for (n=0; NULL != names[n]; n++) { /* add this name to the pool */ nd = OBJ_NEW(orte_node_t); nd->name = strdup(names[n]); nd->index = n; opal_pointer_array_set_item(orte_node_pool, n, nd); /* set the topology - always default to homogeneous * as that is the most common scenario */ nd->topology = t; /* see if it has a daemon on it */ if (1 == nbytes && UINT8_MAX != vp8[n]) { vpid = vp8[n]; } else if (2 == nbytes && UINT16_MAX != vp16[n]) { vpid = vp16[n]; } else if (4 == nbytes && UINT32_MAX != vp32[n]) { vpid = vp32[n]; } else { vpid = UINT32_MAX; } if (UINT32_MAX != vpid) { if (NULL == (proc = (orte_proc_t*)opal_pointer_array_get_item(daemons->procs, vpid))) { proc = OBJ_NEW(orte_proc_t); proc->name.jobid = ORTE_PROC_MY_NAME->jobid; proc->name.vpid = vpid; proc->state = ORTE_PROC_STATE_RUNNING; ORTE_FLAG_SET(proc, ORTE_PROC_FLAG_ALIVE); daemons->num_procs++; opal_pointer_array_set_item(daemons->procs, proc->name.vpid, proc); } OBJ_RETAIN(nd); proc->node = nd; OBJ_RETAIN(proc); nd->daemon = proc; } } /* update num procs */ if (orte_process_info.num_procs != daemons->num_procs) { orte_process_info.num_procs = daemons->num_procs; } /* need to update the routing plan */ orte_routed.update_routing_plan(); if (orte_process_info.max_procs < orte_process_info.num_procs) { orte_process_info.max_procs = orte_process_info.num_procs; } cleanup: if (NULL != vp8) { free(vp8); } if (NULL != vp16) { free(vp16); } if (NULL != vp32) { free(vp32); } if (NULL != names) { opal_argv_free(names); } return rc; } int orte_util_pass_node_info(opal_buffer_t *buffer) { uint16_t *slots=NULL, slot = UINT16_MAX; uint8_t *flags=NULL, flag = UINT8_MAX; int8_t i8, ntopos; int rc, n, nbitmap, nstart; bool compressed, unislots = true, uniflags = true, unitopos = true; orte_node_t *nptr; opal_byte_object_t bo, *boptr; size_t sz, nslots; opal_buffer_t bucket; orte_topology_t *t; /* make room for the number of slots on each node */ nslots = sizeof(uint16_t) * orte_node_pool->size; slots = (uint16_t*)malloc(nslots); /* and for the flags for each node - only need one bit/node */ nbitmap = (orte_node_pool->size / 8) + 1; flags = (uint8_t*)calloc(1, nbitmap); /* handle the topologies - as the most common case by far * is to have homogeneous topologies, we only send them * if something is different. We know that the HNP is * the first topology, and that any differing topology * on the compute nodes must follow. So send the topologies * if and only if: * * (a) the HNP is being used to house application procs and * there is more than one topology in our array; or * * (b) the HNP is not being used, but there are more than * two topologies in our array, thus indicating that * there are multiple topologies on the compute nodes */ if (!orte_hnp_is_allocated || (ORTE_GET_MAPPING_DIRECTIVE(orte_rmaps_base.mapping) & ORTE_MAPPING_NO_USE_LOCAL)) { nstart = 1; } else { nstart = 0; } OBJ_CONSTRUCT(&bucket, opal_buffer_t); ntopos = 0; for (n=nstart; n < orte_node_topologies->size; n++) { if (NULL == (t = (orte_topology_t*)opal_pointer_array_get_item(orte_node_topologies, n))) { continue; } /* pack the index */ if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (rc = opal_dss.pack(&bucket, &t->index, 1, OPAL_INT))) { ORTE_ERROR_LOG(rc); OBJ_DESTRUCT(&bucket); goto cleanup; } /* pack this topology string */ if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (rc = opal_dss.pack(&bucket, &t->sig, 1, OPAL_STRING))) { ORTE_ERROR_LOG(rc); OBJ_DESTRUCT(&bucket); goto cleanup; } /* pack the topology itself */ if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (rc = opal_dss.pack(&bucket, &t->topo, 1, OPAL_HWLOC_TOPO))) { ORTE_ERROR_LOG(rc); OBJ_DESTRUCT(&bucket); goto cleanup; } ++ntopos; } /* pack the number of topologies in allocation */ if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (rc = opal_dss.pack(buffer, &ntopos, 1, OPAL_INT8))) { goto cleanup; } if (1 < ntopos) { /* need to send them along */ if (opal_compress.compress_block((uint8_t*)bucket.base_ptr, bucket.bytes_used, &bo.bytes, &sz)) { /* the data was compressed - mark that we compressed it */ compressed = true; if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (rc = opal_dss.pack(buffer, &compressed, 1, OPAL_BOOL))) { ORTE_ERROR_LOG(rc); OBJ_DESTRUCT(&bucket); goto cleanup; } /* pack the uncompressed length */ if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (rc = opal_dss.pack(buffer, &bucket.bytes_used, 1, OPAL_SIZE))) { ORTE_ERROR_LOG(rc); OBJ_DESTRUCT(&bucket); goto cleanup; } bo.size = sz; } else { /* mark that it was not compressed */ compressed = false; if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (rc = opal_dss.pack(buffer, &compressed, 1, OPAL_BOOL))) { ORTE_ERROR_LOG(rc); OBJ_DESTRUCT(&bucket); goto cleanup; } opal_dss.unload(&bucket, (void**)&bo.bytes, &bo.size); } unitopos = false; /* pack the info */ boptr = &bo; if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (rc = opal_dss.pack(buffer, &boptr, 1, OPAL_BYTE_OBJECT))) { ORTE_ERROR_LOG(rc); OBJ_DESTRUCT(&bucket); goto cleanup; } OBJ_DESTRUCT(&bucket); free(bo.bytes); } /* construct the per-node info */ OBJ_CONSTRUCT(&bucket, opal_buffer_t); for (n=0; n < orte_node_pool->size; n++) { if (NULL == (nptr = (orte_node_t*)opal_pointer_array_get_item(orte_node_pool, n))) { continue; } /* track the topology, if required */ if (!unitopos) { i8 = nptr->topology->index; if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (rc = opal_dss.pack(&bucket, &i8, 1, OPAL_INT8))) { ORTE_ERROR_LOG(rc); OBJ_DESTRUCT(&bucket); goto cleanup; } } /* store the number of slots */ slots[n] = nptr->slots; if (UINT16_MAX == slot) { slot = nptr->slots; } else if (slot != nptr->slots) { unislots = false; } /* store the flag */ if (ORTE_FLAG_TEST(nptr, ORTE_NODE_FLAG_SLOTS_GIVEN)) { flags[n/8] |= (1 << (7 - (n % 8))); if (UINT8_MAX == flag) { flag = 1; } else if (1 != flag) { uniflags = false; } } else { if (UINT8_MAX == flag) { flag = 0; } else if (0 != flag) { uniflags = false; } } } /* deal with the topology assignments */ if (!unitopos) { if (opal_compress.compress_block((uint8_t*)bucket.base_ptr, bucket.bytes_used, (uint8_t**)&bo.bytes, &sz)) { /* mark that this was compressed */ compressed = true; bo.size = sz; } else { /* mark that this was not compressed */ compressed = false; bo.bytes = bucket.base_ptr; bo.size = bucket.bytes_used; } /* indicate compression */ if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (rc = opal_dss.pack(buffer, &compressed, 1, OPAL_BOOL))) { if (compressed) { free(bo.bytes); } goto cleanup; } /* if compressed, provide the uncompressed size */ if (compressed) { sz = nslots; if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (rc = opal_dss.pack(buffer, &sz, 1, OPAL_SIZE))) { free(bo.bytes); goto cleanup; } } /* add the object */ boptr = &bo; rc = opal_dss.pack(buffer, &boptr, 1, OPAL_BYTE_OBJECT); if (compressed) { free(bo.bytes); } } OBJ_DESTRUCT(&bucket); /* if we have uniform #slots, then just flag it - no * need to pass anything */ if (unislots) { i8 = -1 * slot; if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (rc = opal_dss.pack(buffer, &i8, 1, OPAL_INT8))) { goto cleanup; } } else { if (opal_compress.compress_block((uint8_t*)slots, nslots, (uint8_t**)&bo.bytes, &sz)) { /* mark that this was compressed */ i8 = 1; compressed = true; bo.size = sz; } else { /* mark that this was not compressed */ i8 = 0; compressed = false; bo.bytes = flags; bo.size = nbitmap; } /* indicate compression */ if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (rc = opal_dss.pack(buffer, &i8, 1, OPAL_INT8))) { if (compressed) { free(bo.bytes); } goto cleanup; } /* if compressed, provide the uncompressed size */ if (compressed) { sz = nslots; if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (rc = opal_dss.pack(buffer, &sz, 1, OPAL_SIZE))) { free(bo.bytes); goto cleanup; } } /* add the object */ boptr = &bo; rc = opal_dss.pack(buffer, &boptr, 1, OPAL_BYTE_OBJECT); if (compressed) { free(bo.bytes); } } /* if we have uniform flags, then just flag it - no * need to pass anything */ if (uniflags) { if (1 == flag) { i8 = -1; } else { i8 = -2; } if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (rc = opal_dss.pack(buffer, &i8, 1, OPAL_INT8))) { goto cleanup; } } else { if (opal_compress.compress_block(flags, nbitmap, (uint8_t**)&bo.bytes, &sz)) { /* mark that this was compressed */ i8 = 2; compressed = true; bo.size = sz; } else { /* mark that this was not compressed */ i8 = 3; compressed = false; bo.bytes = flags; bo.size = nbitmap; } /* indicate compression */ if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (rc = opal_dss.pack(buffer, &i8, 1, OPAL_INT8))) { if (compressed) { free(bo.bytes); } goto cleanup; } /* if compressed, provide the uncompressed size */ if (compressed) { sz = nbitmap; if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (rc = opal_dss.pack(buffer, &sz, 1, OPAL_SIZE))) { free(bo.bytes); goto cleanup; } } /* add the object */ boptr = &bo; rc = opal_dss.pack(buffer, &boptr, 1, OPAL_BYTE_OBJECT); if (compressed) { free(bo.bytes); } } cleanup: if (NULL != slots) { free(slots); } if (NULL != flags) { free(flags); } return rc; } int orte_util_parse_node_info(opal_buffer_t *buf) { int8_t i8; bool compressed; int rc = ORTE_SUCCESS, cnt, n, m, index; orte_node_t *nptr; size_t sz; opal_byte_object_t *boptr; uint16_t *slots = NULL; uint8_t *flags = NULL; uint8_t *topologies = NULL; uint8_t *bytes = NULL; orte_topology_t *t2; hwloc_topology_t topo; char *sig; opal_buffer_t bucket; /* check to see if we have uniform topologies */ cnt = 1; if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (rc = opal_dss.unpack(buf, &i8, &cnt, OPAL_INT8))) { ORTE_ERROR_LOG(rc); goto cleanup; } /* we already defaulted to uniform topology, so only need to * process this if it is non-uniform */ if (1 < i8) { /* unpack the compression flag */ cnt = 1; if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (rc = opal_dss.unpack(buf, &compressed, &cnt, OPAL_BOOL))) { ORTE_ERROR_LOG(rc); goto cleanup; } if (compressed) { /* get the uncompressed size */ cnt = 1; if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (rc = opal_dss.unpack(buf, &sz, &cnt, OPAL_SIZE))) { ORTE_ERROR_LOG(rc); goto cleanup; } } /* unpack the topology object */ cnt = 1; if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (rc = opal_dss.unpack(buf, &boptr, &cnt, OPAL_BYTE_OBJECT))) { ORTE_ERROR_LOG(rc); goto cleanup; } /* if compressed, decompress */ if (compressed) { if (!opal_compress.decompress_block((uint8_t**)&bytes, sz, boptr->bytes, boptr->size)) { ORTE_ERROR_LOG(ORTE_ERROR); if (NULL != boptr->bytes) { free(boptr->bytes); } free(boptr); rc = ORTE_ERROR; goto cleanup; } } else { bytes = (uint8_t*)boptr->bytes; sz = boptr->size; boptr->bytes = NULL; boptr->size = 0; } if (NULL != boptr->bytes) { free(boptr->bytes); } /* setup to unpack */ OBJ_CONSTRUCT(&bucket, opal_buffer_t); opal_dss.load(&bucket, bytes, sz); for (n=0; n < i8; n++) { /* unpack the index */ cnt = 1; if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (rc = opal_dss.unpack(&bucket, &index, &cnt, OPAL_INT))) { ORTE_ERROR_LOG(rc); goto cleanup; } /* unpack the signature */ cnt = 1; if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (rc = opal_dss.unpack(&bucket, &sig, &cnt, OPAL_STRING))) { ORTE_ERROR_LOG(rc); goto cleanup; } /* unpack the topology */ cnt = 1; if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (rc = opal_dss.unpack(&bucket, &topo, &cnt, OPAL_HWLOC_TOPO))) { ORTE_ERROR_LOG(rc); goto cleanup; } /* record it */ t2 = OBJ_NEW(orte_topology_t); t2->index = index; t2->sig = sig; t2->topo = topo; opal_pointer_array_set_item(orte_node_topologies, index, t2); } OBJ_DESTRUCT(&bucket); /* now get the array of assigned topologies */ /* unpack the compression flag */ cnt = 1; if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (rc = opal_dss.unpack(buf, &compressed, &cnt, OPAL_BOOL))) { ORTE_ERROR_LOG(rc); goto cleanup; } if (compressed) { /* get the uncompressed size */ cnt = 1; if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (rc = opal_dss.unpack(buf, &sz, &cnt, OPAL_SIZE))) { ORTE_ERROR_LOG(rc); goto cleanup; } } /* unpack the topologies object */ cnt = 1; if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (rc = opal_dss.unpack(buf, &boptr, &cnt, OPAL_BYTE_OBJECT))) { ORTE_ERROR_LOG(rc); goto cleanup; } /* if compressed, decompress */ if (compressed) { if (!opal_compress.decompress_block((uint8_t**)&bytes, sz, boptr->bytes, boptr->size)) { ORTE_ERROR_LOG(ORTE_ERROR); if (NULL != boptr->bytes) { free(boptr->bytes); } free(boptr); rc = ORTE_ERROR; goto cleanup; } } else { bytes = (uint8_t*)boptr->bytes; sz = boptr->size; boptr->bytes = NULL; boptr->size = 0; } if (NULL != boptr->bytes) { free(boptr->bytes); } free(boptr); OBJ_CONSTRUCT(&bucket, opal_buffer_t); opal_dss.load(&bucket, bytes, sz); /* cycle across the node pool and assign the values */ for (n=0; n < orte_node_pool->size; n++) { if (NULL != (nptr = (orte_node_t*)opal_pointer_array_get_item(orte_node_pool, n))) { /* unpack the next topology index */ cnt = 1; if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (rc = opal_dss.unpack(&bucket, &i8, &cnt, OPAL_INT8))) { ORTE_ERROR_LOG(rc); goto cleanup; } nptr->topology = opal_pointer_array_get_item(orte_node_topologies, index); } } } /* check to see if we have uniform slot assignments */ cnt = 1; if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (rc = opal_dss.unpack(buf, &i8, &cnt, OPAL_INT8))) { ORTE_ERROR_LOG(rc); goto cleanup; } /* if so, then make every node the same */ if (0 > i8) { i8 = -1 * i8; for (n=0; n < orte_node_pool->size; n++) { if (NULL != (nptr = (orte_node_t*)opal_pointer_array_get_item(orte_node_pool, n))) { nptr->slots = i8; } } } else { /* if compressed, get the uncompressed size */ if (1 == i8) { cnt = 1; if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (rc = opal_dss.unpack(buf, &sz, &cnt, OPAL_SIZE))) { ORTE_ERROR_LOG(rc); goto cleanup; } } /* unpack the slots object */ cnt = 1; if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (rc = opal_dss.unpack(buf, &boptr, &cnt, OPAL_BYTE_OBJECT))) { ORTE_ERROR_LOG(rc); goto cleanup; } /* if compressed, decompress */ if (1 == i8) { if (!opal_compress.decompress_block((uint8_t**)&slots, sz, boptr->bytes, boptr->size)) { ORTE_ERROR_LOG(ORTE_ERROR); if (NULL != boptr->bytes) { free(boptr->bytes); } free(boptr); rc = ORTE_ERROR; goto cleanup; } } else { slots = (uint16_t*)boptr->bytes; boptr->bytes = NULL; boptr->size = 0; } if (NULL != boptr->bytes) { free(boptr->bytes); } free(boptr); /* cycle across the node pool and assign the values */ for (n=0, m=0; n < orte_node_pool->size; n++) { if (NULL != (nptr = (orte_node_t*)opal_pointer_array_get_item(orte_node_pool, n))) { nptr->slots = slots[m]; ++m; } } } /* check to see if we have uniform flag assignments */ cnt = 1; if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (rc = opal_dss.unpack(buf, &i8, &cnt, OPAL_INT8))) { ORTE_ERROR_LOG(rc); goto cleanup; } /* if so, then make every node the same */ if (0 > i8) { i8 += 2; for (n=0; n < orte_node_pool->size; n++) { if (NULL != (nptr = (orte_node_t*)opal_pointer_array_get_item(orte_node_pool, n))) { if (i8) { ORTE_FLAG_SET(nptr, ORTE_NODE_FLAG_SLOTS_GIVEN); } else { ORTE_FLAG_UNSET(nptr, ORTE_NODE_FLAG_SLOTS_GIVEN); } } } } else { /* if compressed, get the uncompressed size */ if (1 == i8) { cnt = 1; if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (rc = opal_dss.unpack(buf, &sz, &cnt, OPAL_SIZE))) { ORTE_ERROR_LOG(rc); goto cleanup; } } /* unpack the slots object */ cnt = 1; if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (rc = opal_dss.unpack(buf, &boptr, &cnt, OPAL_BYTE_OBJECT))) { ORTE_ERROR_LOG(rc); goto cleanup; } /* if compressed, decompress */ if (1 == i8) { if (!opal_compress.decompress_block((uint8_t**)&flags, sz, boptr->bytes, boptr->size)) { ORTE_ERROR_LOG(ORTE_ERROR); if (NULL != boptr->bytes) { free(boptr->bytes); } free(boptr); rc = ORTE_ERROR; goto cleanup; } } else { flags = (uint8_t*)boptr->bytes; boptr->bytes = NULL; boptr->size = 0; } if (NULL != boptr->bytes) { free(boptr->bytes); } free(boptr); /* cycle across the node pool and assign the values */ for (n=0, m=0; n < orte_node_pool->size; n++) { if (NULL != (nptr = (orte_node_t*)opal_pointer_array_get_item(orte_node_pool, n))) { if (flags[m]) { ORTE_FLAG_SET(nptr, ORTE_NODE_FLAG_SLOTS_GIVEN); } else { ORTE_FLAG_UNSET(nptr, ORTE_NODE_FLAG_SLOTS_GIVEN); } ++m; } } } cleanup: if (NULL != slots) { free(slots); } if (NULL != flags) { free(flags); } if (NULL != topologies) { free(topologies); } return rc; } int orte_util_generate_ppn(orte_job_t *jdata, opal_buffer_t *buf) { uint16_t ppn; uint8_t *bytes; int32_t nbytes; int rc = ORTE_SUCCESS; orte_app_idx_t i; int j, k; opal_byte_object_t bo, *boptr; bool compressed; orte_node_t *nptr; orte_proc_t *proc; size_t sz; opal_buffer_t bucket; OBJ_CONSTRUCT(&bucket, opal_buffer_t); for (i=0; i < jdata->num_apps; i++) { /* for each app_context */ for (j=0; j < jdata->map->nodes->size; j++) { if (NULL == (nptr = (orte_node_t*)opal_pointer_array_get_item(jdata->map->nodes, j))) { continue; } if (NULL == nptr->daemon) { continue; } ppn = 0; for (k=0; k < nptr->procs->size; k++) { if (NULL != (proc = (orte_proc_t*)opal_pointer_array_get_item(nptr->procs, k))) { if (proc->name.jobid == jdata->jobid) { ++ppn; } } } if (0 < ppn) { if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (rc = opal_dss.pack(&bucket, &nptr->index, 1, ORTE_STD_CNTR))) { goto cleanup; } if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (rc = opal_dss.pack(&bucket, &ppn, 1, OPAL_UINT16))) { goto cleanup; } } } opal_dss.unload(&bucket, (void**)&bytes, &nbytes); if (opal_compress.compress_block(bytes, (size_t)nbytes, (uint8_t**)&bo.bytes, &sz)) { /* mark that this was compressed */ compressed = true; bo.size = sz; } else { /* mark that this was not compressed */ compressed = false; bo.bytes = bytes; bo.size = nbytes; } /* indicate compression */ if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (rc = opal_dss.pack(buf, &compressed, 1, OPAL_BOOL))) { if (compressed) { free(bo.bytes); } goto cleanup; } /* if compressed, provide the uncompressed size */ if (compressed) { sz = nbytes; if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (rc = opal_dss.pack(buf, &sz, 1, OPAL_SIZE))) { free(bo.bytes); goto cleanup; } } /* add the object */ boptr = &bo; rc = opal_dss.pack(buf, &boptr, 1, OPAL_BYTE_OBJECT); if (OPAL_SUCCESS != rc) { break; } } cleanup: OBJ_DESTRUCT(&bucket); return rc; } int orte_util_decode_ppn(orte_job_t *jdata, opal_buffer_t *buf) { orte_std_cntr_t index; orte_app_idx_t n; int cnt, rc, m; opal_byte_object_t *boptr; bool compressed; uint8_t *bytes; size_t sz; uint16_t ppn, k; orte_node_t *node; orte_proc_t *proc; opal_buffer_t bucket; /* reset any flags */ for (m=0; m < orte_node_pool->size; m++) { if (NULL != (node = (orte_node_t*)opal_pointer_array_get_item(orte_node_pool, m))) { ORTE_FLAG_UNSET(node, ORTE_NODE_FLAG_MAPPED); } } for (n=0; n < jdata->num_apps; n++) { /* unpack the compression flag */ cnt = 1; if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (rc = opal_dss.unpack(buf, &compressed, &cnt, OPAL_BOOL))) { ORTE_ERROR_LOG(rc); return rc; } /* if compressed, unpack the raw size */ if (compressed) { cnt = 1; if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (rc = opal_dss.unpack(buf, &sz, &cnt, OPAL_SIZE))) { ORTE_ERROR_LOG(rc); return rc; } } /* unpack the byte object describing this app */ cnt = 1; if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (rc = opal_dss.unpack(buf, &boptr, &cnt, OPAL_BYTE_OBJECT))) { ORTE_ERROR_LOG(rc); return rc; } if (ORTE_PROC_IS_HNP) { /* just discard it */ free(boptr->bytes); free(boptr); continue; } /* decompress if required */ if (compressed) { if (!opal_compress.decompress_block(&bytes, sz, boptr->bytes, boptr->size)) { ORTE_ERROR_LOG(ORTE_ERROR); OBJ_RELEASE(boptr); return ORTE_ERROR; } } else { bytes = boptr->bytes; sz = boptr->size; boptr->bytes = NULL; boptr->size = 0; } if (NULL != boptr->bytes) { free(boptr->bytes); } free(boptr); /* setup to unpack */ OBJ_CONSTRUCT(&bucket, opal_buffer_t); opal_dss.load(&bucket, bytes, sz); /* unpack each node and its ppn */ cnt = 1; while (OPAL_SUCCESS == (rc = opal_dss.unpack(&bucket, &index, &cnt, ORTE_STD_CNTR))) { /* get the corresponding node object */ if (NULL == (node = (orte_node_t*)opal_pointer_array_get_item(orte_node_pool, index))) { rc = ORTE_ERR_NOT_FOUND; ORTE_ERROR_LOG(rc); goto error; } /* add the node to the job map if not already assigned */ if (!ORTE_FLAG_TEST(node, ORTE_NODE_FLAG_MAPPED)) { OBJ_RETAIN(node); opal_pointer_array_add(jdata->map->nodes, node); ORTE_FLAG_SET(node, ORTE_NODE_FLAG_MAPPED); } /* get the ppn */ cnt = 1; if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (rc = opal_dss.unpack(&bucket, &ppn, &cnt, OPAL_UINT16))) { ORTE_ERROR_LOG(rc); goto error; } /* create a proc object for each one */ for (k=0; k < ppn; k++) { proc = OBJ_NEW(orte_proc_t); proc->name.jobid = jdata->jobid; /* leave the vpid undefined as this will be determined * later when we do the overall ranking */ proc->app_idx = n; proc->parent = node->daemon->name.vpid; OBJ_RETAIN(node); proc->node = node; /* flag the proc as ready for launch */ proc->state = ORTE_PROC_STATE_INIT; opal_pointer_array_add(node->procs, proc); node->num_procs++; /* we will add the proc to the jdata array when we * compute its rank */ } node->num_procs += ppn; cnt = 1; } OBJ_DESTRUCT(&bucket); } if (OPAL_ERR_UNPACK_READ_PAST_END_OF_BUFFER != rc) { ORTE_ERROR_LOG(rc); } /* reset any flags */ for (m=0; m < jdata->map->nodes->size; m++) { node = (orte_node_t*)opal_pointer_array_get_item(jdata->map->nodes, m); if (NULL != node) { ORTE_FLAG_UNSET(node, ORTE_NODE_FLAG_MAPPED); } } return ORTE_SUCCESS; error: OBJ_DESTRUCT(&bucket); /* reset any flags */ for (m=0; m < jdata->map->nodes->size; m++) { node = (orte_node_t*)opal_pointer_array_get_item(jdata->map->nodes, m); if (NULL != node) { ORTE_FLAG_UNSET(node, ORTE_NODE_FLAG_MAPPED); } } return rc; }