# This is the VERSION file for Open MPI, describing the precise # version of Open MPI in this distribution. The various components of # the version number below are combined to form a single version # number string. # major, minor, and release are generally combined in the form # ... If minor and release are both zero, then # release is omitted. major=1 minor=0 release=0 # Only one of alpha or beta can be nonzero. If both are zero, alpha # will be preferred. If alpha is nonzero, it will be appended to the # version string as "a". If beta is nonzero (and alpha is # zero), it will be appended to the version string as "b". alpha=0 beta=0 # If want_svn=1, then the SVN r number will be included in the overall # Open MPI version number in some form. want_svn=1 # If svn_r=-1, then the SVN r numbere will be obtained dynamically at # run time, either 1) via the "svnversion" command (if this is a # Subversion checkout) in the form "r", or b) with the date (if # this is not a Subversion checkout, and the svnversion command cannot # be used) in the form of "svn". Alternatively, if svn_r is not # -1, the value of svn_r will be directly appended to the version # string. This happens during "make dist", for example: if the # distribution tarball is being made from an SVN checkout, the value # of svn_r in this file is replaced with the output of "svnversion". svn_r=-1