$HEADER$ If you have checked out a DEVELOPER'S COPY of Open MPI (i.e., you checked out from subversion), you must first run: shell$ ./autogen.sh You will need very recent versions of GNU Autoconf, Automake, and Libtool. If autogen.sh fails, read the HACKING file. Everyone must run "configure" and "make" to build Open MPI. Execute the following commands to install the Open MPI system from within the directory at the top of the tree: shell$ ./configure --prefix=/where/to/install shell$ make all install --> NOTE: If a user is going to do a parallel build, they should just use make -j 8 install make -j 8 all install it will build and only install the /include directory. if you re-run "make -j 8 all install" again, then all the proper files and directories will be installed. To compile an MPI program: C programs: mpicc your-code.c C++ programs: mpiCC your-code.cc or mpic++ your-code.cc (for case-insensitive filesystems) F77 programs: mpif77 your-code.f We do not yet have a proper mpirun program. There is a script in src/mpirun/mpirun that uses ssh to start individual MPI processes (along with a bunch of associated environment variables); it will eventually be replaced with a real mpirun command.