# # Copyright (c) 2010 High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart, # University of Stuttgart. All rights reserved. # $COPYRIGHT$ # # Additional copyrights may follow # # $HEADER$ # #Generate content for opal_config.h.cmake # # NAME: name of the variable to be defined in configure file # VALUE: value to be defined for the variable # DESC: description of the definition # IS_STR: whether this variable should be defined with quotation marks # FORCE_DEF: whether use "#cmakedefiine" or just "#define" in the line # VAR_FORMAT: whether we should use the variable name instead of the value # in the template file. MACRO(APPEND_CONFIG_FILE NAME VALUE DESC IS_STR FORCE_DEF VAR_FORMAT) #We don't want to always generate the template file, but only when required. IF(NOT WRITE_CONFIG_DONE) UNSET(APPEND_STRING) IF(${VAR_FORMAT}) IF(${IS_STR}) IF(${FORCE_DEF}) SET(APPEND_STRING "/* ${DESC} */\n#define ${NAME} \"\${${NAME}}\"\n\n") ELSE(${FORCE_DEF}) SET(APPEND_STRING "/* ${DESC} */\n#cmakedefine ${NAME} \"\${${NAME}}\"\n\n") ENDIF(${FORCE_DEF}) ELSE(${IS_STR}) IF(${FORCE_DEF}) SET(APPEND_STRING "/* ${DESC} */\n#define ${NAME} \${${NAME}}\n\n") ELSE(${FORCE_DEF}) SET(APPEND_STRING "/* ${DESC} */\n#cmakedefine ${NAME} \${${NAME}}\n\n") ENDIF(${FORCE_DEF}) ENDIF(${IS_STR}) ELSE(${VAR_FORMAT}) IF(${IS_STR}) IF(${FORCE_DEF}) SET(APPEND_STRING "/* ${DESC} */\n#define ${NAME} \"${VALUE}\"\n\n") ELSE(${FORCE_DEF}) SET(APPEND_STRING "/* ${DESC} */\n#cmakedefine ${NAME} \"${VALUE}\"\n\n") ENDIF(${FORCE_DEF}) ELSE(${IS_STR}) IF(${FORCE_DEF}) SET(APPEND_STRING "/* ${DESC} */\n#define ${NAME} ${VALUE}\n\n") ELSE(${FORCE_DEF}) SET(APPEND_STRING "/* ${DESC} */\n#cmakedefine ${NAME} ${VALUE}\n\n") ENDIF(${FORCE_DEF}) ENDIF(${IS_STR}) ENDIF(${VAR_FORMAT}) FILE(APPEND ${OpenMPI_BINARY_DIR}/opal/include/opal_config.h.cmake ${APPEND_STRING}) ENDIF(NOT WRITE_CONFIG_DONE) ENDMACRO(APPEND_CONFIG_FILE NAME VALUE DESC IS_STR FORCE_DEF VAR_FORMAT) #define a name with value and #write the line in template file. MACRO(OMPI_DEF NAME VALUE DESC IS_STR FORCE_DEF) SET(${NAME} ${VALUE}) APPEND_CONFIG_FILE(${NAME} ${VALUE} ${DESC} ${IS_STR} ${FORCE_DEF} 0) ENDMACRO(OMPI_DEF NAME VALUE DESC IS_STR FORCE_DEF) #define a name with variable and #write the line in template file. MACRO(OMPI_DEF_VAR NAME DESC IS_STR FORCE_DEF) APPEND_CONFIG_FILE(${NAME} "" ${DESC} ${IS_STR} ${FORCE_DEF} 1) ENDMACRO(OMPI_DEF_VAR NAME DESC IS_STR FORCE_DEF) #define/cache a name with value and #write the line in template file. MACRO(OMPI_DEF_CACHE NAME VALUE CACHE_TYPE DESC IS_STR FORCE_DEF) SET(${NAME} ${VALUE} CACHE ${CACHE_TYPE} "${DESC}") APPEND_CONFIG_FILE(${NAME} ${VALUE} ${DESC} ${IS_STR} ${FORCE_DEF} 0) ENDMACRO(OMPI_DEF_CACHE NAME VALUE OPT DESC IS_STR FORCE_DEF) #define/cache a name with variable and #write the line in template file. MACRO(OMPI_DEF_CACHE_VAR NAME VALUE CACHE_TYPE DESC IS_STR FORCE_DEF) SET(${NAME} ${VALUE} CACHE ${CACHE_TYPE} "${DESC}") APPEND_CONFIG_FILE(${NAME} "" ${DESC} ${IS_STR} ${FORCE_DEF} 1) ENDMACRO(OMPI_DEF_CACHE_VAR NAME VALUE OPT DESC IS_STR FORCE_DEF) #add an configure option and #write the line in template file. MACRO(OMPI_DEF_OPT NAME DESC DEFAULT_VAL) UNSET(APPEND_STRING) OPTION(${NAME} "${DESC}" ${DEFAULT_VAL}) IF(${${NAME}} STREQUAL "OFF") SET(${NAME} 0) ELSE(${${NAME}} STREQUAL "OFF") SET(${NAME} 1) ENDIF(${${NAME}} STREQUAL "OFF") OMPI_DEF_VAR(${NAME} "${DESC}" 0 1) ENDMACRO(OMPI_DEF_OPT NAME DESC DEFAULT_VAL)