/* * Copyright (c) 2013-2018 Mellanox Technologies, Inc. * All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2015-2019 Research Organization for Information Science * and Technology (RIST). All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2018 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved * $COPYRIGHT$ * * Additional copyrights may follow * * $HEADER$ */ #include "oshmem_config.h" #ifdef HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_PARAM_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_NETDB_H #include #endif #include "opal/util/output.h" #include "opal/runtime/opal_progress.h" #include "opal/mca/base/base.h" #include "opal/sys/atomic.h" #include "opal/runtime/opal.h" #include "opal/mca/rcache/base/base.h" #include "opal/mca/mpool/base/base.h" #include "opal/mca/allocator/base/base.h" #include "ompi/runtime/mpiruntime.h" #include "oshmem/constants.h" #include "oshmem/runtime/runtime.h" #include "oshmem/runtime/params.h" #include "oshmem/mca/spml/base/base.h" #include "oshmem/mca/scoll/base/base.h" #include "oshmem/mca/atomic/base/base.h" #include "oshmem/mca/memheap/base/base.h" #include "oshmem/mca/sshmem/base/base.h" #include "oshmem/info/info.h" #include "oshmem/proc/proc.h" #include "oshmem/proc/proc_group_cache.h" #include "oshmem/op/op.h" #include "oshmem/request/request.h" #include "oshmem/shmem/shmem_lock.h" #include "oshmem/runtime/oshmem_shmem_preconnect.h" extern int oshmem_shmem_globalexit_status; static int _shmem_finalize(void); int oshmem_shmem_finalize(void) { int ret = OSHMEM_SUCCESS; if (oshmem_shmem_initialized && !oshmem_shmem_aborted) { /* Should be called first because ompi_mpi_finalize makes orte and opal finalization */ ret = _shmem_finalize(); if (OSHMEM_SUCCESS == ret) { oshmem_shmem_initialized = false; } SHMEM_MUTEX_DESTROY(shmem_internal_mutex_alloc); } /* Note: ompi_mpi_state is set atomically in ompi_mpi_init() and ompi_mpi_finalize(). Those 2 functions have the appropriate memory barriers such that we don't need one here. */ int32_t state = ompi_mpi_state; if ((OSHMEM_SUCCESS == ret) && (state >= OMPI_MPI_STATE_INIT_COMPLETED && state < OMPI_MPI_STATE_FINALIZE_PAST_COMM_SELF_DESTRUCT) && oshmem_shmem_globalexit_status == 0) { PMPI_Comm_free(&oshmem_comm_world); ret = ompi_mpi_finalize(); } return ret; } static int _shmem_finalize(void) { int ret = OSHMEM_SUCCESS; shmem_barrier_all(); shmem_lock_finalize(); /* Finalize preconnect framework */ if (OSHMEM_SUCCESS != (ret = oshmem_shmem_preconnect_all_finalize())) { return ret; } /* free requests */ if (OSHMEM_SUCCESS != (ret = oshmem_request_finalize())) { return ret; } oshmem_proc_group_finalize_scoll(); /* Close down MCA modules */ if (OSHMEM_SUCCESS != (ret = mca_base_framework_close(&oshmem_atomic_base_framework) ) ) { return ret; } if (OSHMEM_SUCCESS != (ret = mca_base_framework_close(&oshmem_scoll_base_framework) ) ) { return ret; } if (OSHMEM_SUCCESS != (ret = mca_base_framework_close(&oshmem_memheap_base_framework) ) ) { return ret; } if (OSHMEM_SUCCESS != (ret = mca_base_framework_close(&oshmem_sshmem_base_framework) ) ) { return ret; } if (OSHMEM_SUCCESS != (ret = MCA_SPML_CALL(del_procs(oshmem_group_all->proc_array, oshmem_group_all->proc_count)))) { return ret; } oshmem_shmem_barrier(); /* free spml resource */ if (OSHMEM_SUCCESS != (ret = mca_spml_base_finalize())) { return ret; } if (OSHMEM_SUCCESS != (ret = mca_base_framework_close(&oshmem_spml_base_framework) ) ) { return ret; } /* free op resources */ if (OSHMEM_SUCCESS != (ret = oshmem_op_finalize())) { return ret; } /* free proc_group resources */ if (OSHMEM_SUCCESS != (ret = oshmem_proc_group_finalize())) { return ret; } /* free proc resources */ if (OSHMEM_SUCCESS != (ret = oshmem_proc_finalize())) { return ret; } /* free info resources */ if (OSHMEM_SUCCESS != (ret = oshmem_info_finalize())) { return ret; } return ret; }