/* -*- C -*- * * $HEADER$ * */ #include "ompi_config.h" #include <stdio.h> #include "mpi.h" #include "ompi/mca/dpm/dpm.h" static ompi_communicator_t *newcomp; static ompi_proc_t *sender; static void xnt(ompi_communicator_t *newcomm, ompi_proc_t *remote_proc, void *cbdata) { bool *lock = (bool*)cbdata; newcomp = newcomm; sender = remote_proc; *lock = false; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { char port[1024]; bool lock; FILE *fp; int rank, rc; int msg=0; /* program requires an argument specifying the file where * the connection info is to be stored */ if (2 != argc) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: paccept <filename>\n"); exit(1); } MPI_Init(&argc, &argv); /* get a port */ if (OMPI_SUCCESS != ompi_dpm.open_port(port, ORTE_RML_TAG_INVALID)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open port\n"); goto cleanup; } /* put it in the file */ fp = fopen(argv[1], "w"); fprintf(fp, "%s\n", port); fclose(fp); /* register the accept */ lock = true; if (OMPI_SUCCESS != ompi_dpm.paccept(port, xnt, &lock)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to setup accept\n"); goto cleanup; } /* wait for completion */ OMPI_WAIT_FOR_COMPLETION(lock); /* allocate comm_cid */ rank = ompi_comm_rank(MPI_COMM_SELF); rc = ompi_comm_nextcid(newcomp, /* new communicator */ MPI_COMM_SELF, /* old communicator */ NULL, /* bridge comm */ &rank, /* local leader */ &sender->super.proc_name, /* remote leader */ OMPI_COMM_CID_INTRA_OOB, /* mode */ false); /* send or recv first */ if ( OMPI_SUCCESS != rc ) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to negotiate cid\n"); goto cleanup; } /* activate comm and init coll-component */ rc = ompi_comm_activate(&newcomp, /* new communicator */ MPI_COMM_SELF, /* old communicator */ NULL, /* bridge comm */ &rank, /* local leader */ &sender->super.proc_name, /* remote leader */ OMPI_COMM_CID_INTRA_OOB, /* mode */ false); /* send or recv first */ if ( OMPI_SUCCESS != rc ) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to activate communicator\n"); goto cleanup; } fprintf(stderr, "HANDSHAKE COMPLETE\n"); MPI_Recv(&msg, 1, MPI_INT, 0, 1, newcomp, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE); MPI_Comm_disconnect(&newcomp); fprintf(stderr, "MESSAGE RECVD: %d\n", msg); ompi_dpm.pclose(port); cleanup: MPI_Finalize(); return 0; }