 * Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Mellanox Technologies, Inc.
 *                         All rights reserved.
 * Copyright (c) 2014      Intel, Inc. All rights reserved
 * Additional copyrights may follow


#include <stddef.h>     /* include for ptrdiff_t */
#include <stdint.h>     /* include for fixed width types */
#if defined(c_plusplus) || defined(__cplusplus)
#    include <complex>
#    define OSHMEM_COMPLEX_TYPE(type)    std::complex<type>
#    include <complex.h>
#    define OSHMEM_COMPLEX_TYPE(type)    type complex

 * SHMEM version

#     define OSHMEM_DECLSPEC __attribute__((visibility("default")))
#  else
#     define OSHMEM_DECLSPEC
#  endif

#       define OSHMEM_DESTRUCTOR  __attribute__((__destructor__))
#    else
#       define OSHMEM_DESTRUCTOR
#    endif

#include <shmem-compat.h>
#include <shmemx.h>

#if defined(c_plusplus) || defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {

 * OpenSHMEM API (www.openshmem.org)

 * Environment variables

/* Following environment variables are Mellanox extension */

/* size of symmetric heap in bytes.
 * Can be qualified with the letter 'K', 'M', 'G' or 'T'

 * Type of allocator used by symmetric heap

 * Constants and definitions
#define SHMEM_MAJOR_VERSION             1
#define SHMEM_MINOR_VERSION             2
#define SHMEM_VENDOR_STRING             "http://www.open-mpi.org/"
#define SHMEM_MAX_NAME_LEN              256


enum shmem_wait_ops {

#define _SHMEM_BARRIER_SYNC_SIZE        (1)
#define _SHMEM_ALLTOALL_SYNC_SIZE       (1)
#define _SHMEM_SYNC_VALUE               (-1)

#define SHMEM_SYNC_VALUE               _SHMEM_SYNC_VALUE

 * Initialization routines
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_init(void);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_finalize(void) OSHMEM_DESTRUCTOR;
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_global_exit(int status);

 * Query routines
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  int shmem_n_pes(void);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  int shmem_my_pe(void);

 * Info routines
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_info_get_version(int *major, int *minor);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_info_get_name(char *name);

 * Accessability routines
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC int shmem_pe_accessible(int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC int shmem_addr_accessible(const void *addr, int pe);

 * Symmetric heap routines
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void* shmem_malloc(size_t size);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void* shmem_align(size_t align, size_t size);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void* shmem_realloc(void *ptr, size_t size);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_free(void* ptr);

 * Remote pointer operations
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void *shmem_ptr(const void *ptr, int pe);

 * Elemental put routines
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_char_p(char* addr, char value, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_short_p(short* addr, short value, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_int_p(int* addr, int value, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_long_p(long* addr, long value, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_float_p(float* addr, float value, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_double_p(double* addr, double value, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_longlong_p(long long* addr, long long value, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_longdouble_p(long double* addr, long double value, int pe);

 * Block data put routines
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_short_put(short *target, const short *source, size_t len, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_int_put(int* target, const int* source, size_t len, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_long_put(long *target, const long *source, size_t len, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_float_put(float *target, const float *source, size_t len, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_double_put(double *target, const double *source, size_t len, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_longlong_put(long long *target, const long long *source, size_t len, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_longdouble_put(long double *target, const long double *source, size_t len, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_put32(void *target, const void *source, size_t len, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_put64(void *target, const void *source, size_t len, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_put128(void *target, const void *source, size_t len, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_putmem(void *target, const void *source, size_t len, int pe);

 * Strided put routines
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_short_iput(short* target, const short* source, ptrdiff_t tst, ptrdiff_t sst,size_t len, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_int_iput(int* target, const int* source, ptrdiff_t tst, ptrdiff_t sst,size_t len, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_float_iput(float* target, const float* source, ptrdiff_t tst, ptrdiff_t sst,size_t len, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_double_iput(double* target, const double* source, ptrdiff_t tst, ptrdiff_t sst,size_t len, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_longlong_iput(long long* target, const long long* source, ptrdiff_t tst, ptrdiff_t sst,size_t len, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_longdouble_iput(long double* target, const long double* source, ptrdiff_t tst, ptrdiff_t sst,size_t len, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_long_iput(long* target, const long* source, ptrdiff_t tst, ptrdiff_t sst,size_t len, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_iput32(void* target, const void* source, ptrdiff_t tst, ptrdiff_t sst,size_t len, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_iput64(void* target, const void* source, ptrdiff_t tst, ptrdiff_t sst,size_t len, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_iput128(void* target, const void* source, ptrdiff_t tst, ptrdiff_t sst,size_t len, int pe);

 * Nonblocking put routines
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_putmem_nbi(void *target, const void *source, size_t len, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_char_put_nbi(char *target, const char *source, size_t len, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_short_put_nbi(short *target, const short *source, size_t len, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_int_put_nbi(int* target, const int* source, size_t len, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_long_put_nbi(long *target, const long *source, size_t len, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_longlong_put_nbi(long long *target, const long long *source, size_t len, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_float_put_nbi(float *target, const float *source, size_t len, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_double_put_nbi(double *target, const double *source, size_t len, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_longdouble_put_nbi(long double *target, const long double *source, size_t len, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_put8_nbi(void *target, const void *source, size_t len, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_put16_nbi(void *target, const void *source, size_t len, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_put32_nbi(void *target, const void *source, size_t len, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_put64_nbi(void *target, const void *source, size_t len, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_put128_nbi(void *target, const void *source, size_t len, int pe);

 * Elemental get routines
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  char shmem_char_g(const char* addr, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  short shmem_short_g(const short* addr, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  int shmem_int_g(const int* addr, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  long shmem_long_g(const long* addr, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  float shmem_float_g(const float* addr, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  double shmem_double_g(const double* addr, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  long long shmem_longlong_g(const long long* addr, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  long double shmem_longdouble_g(const long double* addr, int pe);

 * Block data get routines
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_short_get(short *target, const short *source, size_t len, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_int_get(int *target, const int *source, size_t len, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_long_get(long *target, const long *source, size_t len, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_float_get(float *target, const float *source, size_t len, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_double_get(double *target, const double *source, size_t len, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_longlong_get(long long *target, const long long *source, size_t len, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_longdouble_get(long double *target, const long double *source, size_t len, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_get32(void *target, const void *source, size_t len, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_get64(void *target, const void *source, size_t len, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_get128(void *target, const void *source, size_t len, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_getmem(void *target, const void *source, size_t len, int pe);

 * Strided get routines
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_short_iget(short* target, const short* source, ptrdiff_t tst, ptrdiff_t sst,size_t len, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_int_iget(int* target, const int* source, ptrdiff_t tst, ptrdiff_t sst,size_t len, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_float_iget(float* target, const float* source, ptrdiff_t tst, ptrdiff_t sst,size_t len, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_double_iget(double* target, const double* source, ptrdiff_t tst, ptrdiff_t sst,size_t len, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_longlong_iget(long long* target, const long long* source, ptrdiff_t tst, ptrdiff_t sst,size_t len, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_longdouble_iget(long double* target, const long double* source, ptrdiff_t tst, ptrdiff_t sst,size_t len, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_long_iget(long* target, const long* source, ptrdiff_t tst, ptrdiff_t sst,size_t len, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_iget32(void* target, const void* source, ptrdiff_t tst, ptrdiff_t sst,size_t len, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_iget64(void* target, const void* source, ptrdiff_t tst, ptrdiff_t sst,size_t len, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_iget128(void* target, const void* source, ptrdiff_t tst, ptrdiff_t sst,size_t len, int pe);

 * Nonblocking data get routines
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_getmem_nbi(void *target, const void *source, size_t len, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_char_get_nbi(char *target, const char *source, size_t len, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_short_get_nbi(short *target, const short *source, size_t len, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_int_get_nbi(int *target, const int *source, size_t len, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_long_get_nbi(long *target, const long *source, size_t len, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_longlong_get_nbi(long long *target, const long long *source, size_t len, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_float_get_nbi(float *target, const float *source, size_t len, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_double_get_nbi(double *target, const double *source, size_t len, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_longdouble_get_nbi(long double *target, const long double *source, size_t len, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_get8_nbi(void *target, const void *source, size_t len, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_get16_nbi(void *target, const void *source, size_t len, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_get32_nbi(void *target, const void *source, size_t len, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_get64_nbi(void *target, const void *source, size_t len, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_get128_nbi(void *target, const void *source, size_t len, int pe);

 * Atomic operations
/* Atomic swap */
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC long shmem_swap(long *target, long value, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC double shmem_double_swap(double *target, double value, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC float shmem_float_swap(float *target, float value, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC int shmem_int_swap(int *target, int value, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC long shmem_long_swap(long *target, long value, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC long long shmem_longlong_swap(long long*target, long long value, int pe);

/* Atomic conditional swap */
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC int shmem_int_cswap(int *target, int cond, int value, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC long shmem_long_cswap(long *target, long cond, long value, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC long long shmem_longlong_cswap(long long *target, long long cond, long long value, int pe);

/* Atomic Fetch&Add */
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC int shmem_int_fadd(int *target, int value, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC long shmem_long_fadd(long *target, long value, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC long long shmem_longlong_fadd(long long *target, long long value, int pe);

/* Atomic Fetch&Inc */
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC int shmem_int_finc(int *target, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC long shmem_long_finc(long *target, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC long long shmem_longlong_finc(long long *target, int pe);

/* Atomic Add*/
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_int_add(int *target, int value, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_long_add(long *target, long value, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_longlong_add(long long *target, long long value, int pe);

/* Atomic Inc */
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_int_inc(int *target, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_long_inc(long *target, int pe);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_longlong_inc(long long *target, int pe);

 * Lock functions
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_set_lock(volatile long *lock);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_clear_lock(volatile long *lock);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC int shmem_test_lock(volatile long *lock);

 * P2P sync routines
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_short_wait(volatile short *addr, short value);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_int_wait(volatile int *addr, int value);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_long_wait(volatile long *addr, long value);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_longlong_wait(volatile long long *addr, long long value);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_wait(volatile long *addr, long value);

OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_short_wait_until(volatile short *addr, int cmp, short value);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_int_wait_until(volatile int *addr, int cmp, int value);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_long_wait_until(volatile long *addr, int cmp, long value);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_longlong_wait_until(volatile long long *addr, int cmp, long long value);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_wait_until(volatile long *addr, int cmp, long value);

 * Barrier sync routines
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_barrier(int PE_start, int logPE_stride, int PE_size, long *pSync);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_barrier_all(void);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_fence(void);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC  void shmem_quiet(void);

 * Collective routines
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_broadcast32(void *target, const void *source, size_t nlong, int PE_root, int PE_start, int logPE_stride, int PE_size, long *pSync);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_broadcast64(void *target, const void *source, size_t nlong, int PE_root, int PE_start, int logPE_stride, int PE_size, long *pSync);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_broadcast(void *target, const void *source, size_t nlong, int PE_root, int PE_start, int logPE_stride, int PE_size, long *pSync);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_collect32(void *target, const void *source, size_t nlong, int PE_start, int logPE_stride, int PE_size, long *pSync);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_collect64(void *target, const void *source, size_t nlong, int PE_start, int logPE_stride, int PE_size, long *pSync);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_fcollect32(void *target, const void *source, size_t nlong, int PE_start, int logPE_stride, int PE_size, long *pSync);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_fcollect64(void *target, const void *source, size_t nlong, int PE_start, int logPE_stride, int PE_size, long *pSync);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_alltoall32(void *target, const void *source, size_t nelems, int PE_start, int logPE_stride, int PE_size, long *pSync);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_alltoall64(void *target, const void *source, size_t nelems, int PE_start, int logPE_stride, int PE_size, long *pSync);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_alltoalls32(void *target, const void *source, ptrdiff_t dst, ptrdiff_t sst, size_t nelems, int PE_start, int logPE_stride, int PE_size, long *pSync);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_alltoalls64(void *target, const void *source, ptrdiff_t dst, ptrdiff_t sst, size_t nelems, int PE_start, int logPE_stride, int PE_size, long *pSync);

 * Reduction routines
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_short_and_to_all(short *target, const short *source, int nreduce, int PE_start, int logPE_stride, int PE_size, short *pWrk, long *pSync);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_int_and_to_all(int *target, const int *source, int nreduce, int PE_start, int logPE_stride, int PE_size, int *pWrk, long *pSync);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_long_and_to_all(long *target, const long *source, int nreduce, int PE_start, int logPE_stride, int PE_size, long *pWrk, long *pSync);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_longlong_and_to_all(long long *target, const long long *source, int nreduce, int PE_start, int logPE_stride, int PE_size, long long *pWrk, long *pSync);

OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_short_or_to_all(short *target, const short *source, int nreduce, int PE_start, int logPE_stride, int PE_size, short *pWrk, long *pSync);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_int_or_to_all(int *target, const int *source, int nreduce, int PE_start, int logPE_stride, int PE_size, int *pWrk, long *pSync);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_long_or_to_all(long *target, const long *source, int nreduce, int PE_start, int logPE_stride, int PE_size, long *pWrk, long *pSync);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_longlong_or_to_all(long long *target, const long long *source, int nreduce, int PE_start, int logPE_stride, int PE_size, long long *pWrk, long *pSync);

OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_short_xor_to_all(short *target, const short *source, int nreduce, int PE_start, int logPE_stride, int PE_size, short *pWrk, long *pSync);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_int_xor_to_all(int *target, const int *source, int nreduce, int PE_start, int logPE_stride, int PE_size, int *pWrk, long *pSync);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_long_xor_to_all(long *target, const long *source, int nreduce, int PE_start, int logPE_stride, int PE_size, long *pWrk, long *pSync);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_longlong_xor_to_all(long long *target, const long long *source, int nreduce, int PE_start, int logPE_stride, int PE_size, long long *pWrk, long *pSync);

OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_short_max_to_all(short *target, const short *source, int nreduce, int PE_start, int logPE_stride, int PE_size, short *pWrk, long *pSync);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_int_max_to_all(int *target, const int *source, int nreduce, int PE_start, int logPE_stride, int PE_size, int *pWrk, long *pSync);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_long_max_to_all(long *target, const long *source, int nreduce, int PE_start, int logPE_stride, int PE_size, long *pWrk, long *pSync);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_longlong_max_to_all(long long *target, const long long *source, int nreduce, int PE_start, int logPE_stride, int PE_size, long long *pWrk, long *pSync);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_float_max_to_all(float *target, const float *source, int nreduce, int PE_start, int logPE_stride, int PE_size, float *pWrk, long *pSync);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_double_max_to_all(double *target, const double *source, int nreduce, int PE_start, int logPE_stride, int PE_size, double *pWrk, long *pSync);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_longdouble_max_to_all(long double *target, const long double *source, int nreduce, int PE_start, int logPE_stride, int PE_size, long double *pWrk, long *pSync);

OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_short_min_to_all(short *target, const short *source, int nreduce, int PE_start, int logPE_stride, int PE_size, short *pWrk, long *pSync);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_int_min_to_all(int *target, const int *source, int nreduce, int PE_start, int logPE_stride, int PE_size, int *pWrk, long *pSync);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_long_min_to_all(long *target, const long *source, int nreduce, int PE_start, int logPE_stride, int PE_size, long *pWrk, long *pSync);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_longlong_min_to_all(long long *target, const long long *source, int nreduce, int PE_start, int logPE_stride, int PE_size, long long *pWrk, long *pSync);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_float_min_to_all(float *target, const float *source, int nreduce, int PE_start, int logPE_stride, int PE_size, float *pWrk, long *pSync);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_double_min_to_all(double *target, const double *source, int nreduce, int PE_start, int logPE_stride, int PE_size, double *pWrk, long *pSync);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_longdouble_min_to_all(long double *target, const long double *source, int nreduce, int PE_start, int logPE_stride, int PE_size, long double *pWrk, long *pSync);

OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_short_sum_to_all(short *target, const short *source, int nreduce, int PE_start, int logPE_stride, int PE_size, short *pWrk, long *pSync);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_int_sum_to_all(int *target, const int *source, int nreduce, int PE_start, int logPE_stride, int PE_size, int *pWrk, long *pSync);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_long_sum_to_all(long *target, const long *source, int nreduce, int PE_start, int logPE_stride, int PE_size, long *pWrk, long *pSync);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_longlong_sum_to_all(long long *target, const long long *source, int nreduce, int PE_start, int logPE_stride, int PE_size, long long *pWrk, long *pSync);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_float_sum_to_all(float *target, const float *source, int nreduce, int PE_start, int logPE_stride, int PE_size, float *pWrk, long *pSync);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_double_sum_to_all(double *target, const double *source, int nreduce, int PE_start, int logPE_stride, int PE_size, double *pWrk, long *pSync);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_longdouble_sum_to_all(long double *target, const long double *source, int nreduce, int PE_start, int logPE_stride, int PE_size, long double *pWrk, long *pSync);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_complexf_sum_to_all(OSHMEM_COMPLEX_TYPE(float) *target, const OSHMEM_COMPLEX_TYPE(float) *source, int nreduce, int PE_start, int logPE_stride, int PE_size, OSHMEM_COMPLEX_TYPE(float) *pWrk, long *pSync);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_complexd_sum_to_all(OSHMEM_COMPLEX_TYPE(double) *target, const OSHMEM_COMPLEX_TYPE(double) *source, int nreduce, int PE_start, int logPE_stride, int PE_size, OSHMEM_COMPLEX_TYPE(double) *pWrk, long *pSync);

OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_short_prod_to_all(short *target, const short *source, int nreduce, int PE_start, int logPE_stride, int PE_size, short *pWrk, long *pSync);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_int_prod_to_all(int *target, const int *source, int nreduce, int PE_start, int logPE_stride, int PE_size, int *pWrk, long *pSync);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_long_prod_to_all(long *target, const long *source, int nreduce, int PE_start, int logPE_stride, int PE_size, long *pWrk, long *pSync);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_longlong_prod_to_all(long long *target, const long long *source, int nreduce, int PE_start, int logPE_stride, int PE_size, long long *pWrk, long *pSync);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_float_prod_to_all(float *target, const float *source, int nreduce, int PE_start, int logPE_stride, int PE_size, float *pWrk, long *pSync);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_double_prod_to_all(double *target, const double *source, int nreduce, int PE_start, int logPE_stride, int PE_size, double *pWrk, long *pSync);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_longdouble_prod_to_all(long double *target, const long double *source, int nreduce, int PE_start, int logPE_stride, int PE_size, long double *pWrk, long *pSync);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_complexf_prod_to_all(OSHMEM_COMPLEX_TYPE(float) *target, const OSHMEM_COMPLEX_TYPE(float) *source, int nreduce, int PE_start, int logPE_stride, int PE_size, OSHMEM_COMPLEX_TYPE(float) *pWrk, long *pSync);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_complexd_prod_to_all(OSHMEM_COMPLEX_TYPE(double) *target, const OSHMEM_COMPLEX_TYPE(double) *source, int nreduce, int PE_start, int logPE_stride, int PE_size, OSHMEM_COMPLEX_TYPE(double) *pWrk, long *pSync);

 * Platform specific cache management routines
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_udcflush(void);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_udcflush_line(void* target);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_set_cache_inv(void);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_set_cache_line_inv(void* target);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_clear_cache_inv(void);
OSHMEM_DECLSPEC void shmem_clear_cache_line_inv(void* target);

#if defined(c_plusplus) || defined(__cplusplus)

#endif /* OSHMEM_SHMEM_H */