/* -*- C -*- * * $HEADER$ * * The most basic of MPI applications */ #include #include "opal/threads/condition.h" #include "opal/util/argv.h" #include "orte/util/proc_info.h" #include "orte/mca/plm/plm.h" #include "orte/mca/rml/rml.h" #include "orte/mca/errmgr/errmgr.h" #include "orte/runtime/runtime.h" #include "orte/runtime/orte_globals.h" #include "orte/util/name_fns.h" #define MY_TAG 12345 int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int rc; orte_job_t *jdata; orte_app_context_t *app; char cwd[1024]; orte_process_name_t name; struct iovec msg; orte_vpid_t i; if (0 > (rc = orte_init(ORTE_NON_TOOL))) { fprintf(stderr, "couldn't init orte - error code %d\n", rc); return rc; } /* setup the job object */ jdata = OBJ_NEW(orte_job_t); jdata->controls |= ORTE_JOB_CONTROL_NON_ORTE_JOB; /* create an app_context that defines the app to be run */ app = OBJ_NEW(orte_app_context_t); app->app = strdup("hostname"); opal_argv_append_nosize(&app->argv, "hostname"); app->num_procs = 3; getcwd(cwd, sizeof(cwd)); app->cwd = strdup(cwd); app->user_specified_cwd = false; /* add the app to the job data */ opal_pointer_array_add(jdata->apps, app); jdata->num_apps = 1; #if 0 /* setup a map object */ jdata->map = OBJ_NEW(orte_job_map_t); jdata->map->display_map = true; #endif /* launch the job */ fprintf(stderr, "Parent: My local rank is %ld with %ld num_local_procs - spawning children!\n", (long)orte_process_info.local_rank, (long)orte_process_info.num_local_procs); if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (rc = orte_plm.spawn(jdata))) { ORTE_ERROR_LOG(rc); orte_finalize(); return 1; } fprintf(stderr, "Parent: children spawned!\n"); #if 0 /* send messages to all children - this will verify that we know their contact info */ name.jobid = jdata->jobid; i = 1; msg.iov_base = (void *) &i; msg.iov_len = sizeof(i); for (i=0; i < app->num_procs; i++) { name.vpid = i; fprintf(stderr, "Parent: sending message to child %s\n", ORTE_NAME_PRINT(&name)); if (0 > (rc = orte_rml.send(&name, &msg, 1, MY_TAG, 0))) { ORTE_ERROR_LOG(rc); } } #endif /* All done */ orte_finalize(); return 0; }