# Copyright (c) 2008-2010 High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart, # University of Stuttgart. All rights reserved. # # $COPYRIGHT$ # # Additional copyrights may follow # # $HEADER$ # # first try to find a f77 compiler, will be checked when f77 support is enabled. # There might be a bug in CMake, the CMAKE_GENERATOR_FC is set to "ifort" by default, # which causes CMake can't find the correct Fortran compiler. # We have to set CMAKE_GENERATOR_FC empty. SET(CMAKE_GENERATOR_FC "") include(CMakeDetermineFortranCompiler) include(CMakeFortranInformation) IF(OMPI_WANT_F77_BINDINGS AND NOT F77_SETUP_DONE) SET(OMPI_MPI_INTEGER_KIND 0 CACHE INTERNAL "MPI_INTEGER_KIND") SET(OMPI_MPI_ADDRESS_KIND 0 CACHE INTERNAL "MPI_ADDRESS_KIND") SET(OMPI_MPI_OFFSET_KIND 0 CACHE INTERNAL "MPI_OFFSET_KIND") GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(F77_NAME ${CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER} NAME) GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(F77_PATH ${CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER} PATH) SET(F77 ${F77_NAME} CACHE INTERNAL "Name of the fortran compiler.") # Default compiler settings. IF(${F77} STREQUAL "ifort.exe") #settings for Intel Fortran SET(F77_OPTION_COMPILE "/c" CACHE INTERNAL "Fortran compiler option for compiling without linking.") SET(F77_OUTPUT_OBJ "/Fo" CACHE INTERNAL "Fortran compiler option for setting object file name.") SET(F77_OUTPUT_EXE "/Fe" CACHE INTERNAL "Fortran compiler option for setting executable file name.") SET(F77_DYNAMIC_FLAG_DEBUG "/MDd" CACHE INTERNAL "Compile flag for using dynamically-loaded, multithread C runtime (Debug).") SET(F77_DYNAMIC_FLAG "/MD" CACHE INTERNAL "Compile flag for using dynamically-loaded, multithread C runtime.") IF(CMAKE_CL_64) SET(F77_LIB_PATH "$ENV{IFORT_COMPILER11}/lib/intel64") ELSE(CMAKE_CL_64) SET(F77_LIB_PATH "$ENV{IFORT_COMPILER11}/lib/ia32") ENDIF(CMAKE_CL_64) IF(NOT F77_LIB_PATH) IF(CMAKE_CL_64) FIND_LIBRARY(F77_IFCONSOL_LIB ifconsol.lib PATHS ${F77_PATH}/../../intel64) ELSE(CMAKE_CL_64) FIND_LIBRARY(F77_IFCONSOL_LIB ifconsol.lib PATHS ${F77_PATH}/../../ia32) ENDIF(CMAKE_CL_64) GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(F77_LIB_PATH ${F77_IFCONSOL_LIB} PATH) UNSET(F77_IFCONSOL_LIB CACHE) ELSE(NOT F77_LIB_PATH) STRING(REPLACE "\\" "/" F77_LIB_PATH ${F77_LIB_PATH}) ENDIF(NOT F77_LIB_PATH) ELSEIF(${F77} STREQUAL "g95.exe") #settings for G95 SET(F77_OPTION_COMPILE "-c" CACHE INTERNAL "Fortran compiler option for compiling without linking.") SET(F77_OUTPUT_OBJ "-o" CACHE INTERNAL "Fortran compiler option for setting object file name.") SET(F77_OUTPUT_EXE "-o" CACHE INTERNAL "Fortran compiler option for setting executable file name.") ELSE(${F77} STREQUAL "ifort.exe") # in other case, let user specify their fortran configrations. SET(F77_OPTION_COMPILE "-c" CACHE STRING "Fortran compiler option for compiling without linking.") SET(F77_OUTPUT_OBJ "-o" CACHE STRING "Fortran compiler option for setting object file name.") SET(F77_OUTPUT_EXE "-o" CACHE STRING "Fortran compiler option for setting executable file name.") SET(F77_LIB_PATH "" CACHE PATH "Library path for the fortran compiler") SET(F77_INCLUDE_PATH "" CACHE PATH "Include path for the fortran compiler") ENDIF(${F77} STREQUAL "ifort.exe") # Export env variables for fortran compiler. SET(ENV{PATH} "${C_COMPILER_PATH};${F77_PATH};$ENV{PATH}") SET(ENV{LIB} "${C_COMPILER_LIB};${F77_LIB_PATH};$ENV{LIB}") SET(ENV{INCLUDE} "${C_COMPILER_INCLUDE};${F77_INCLUDE_PATH};$ENV{INCLUDE}") SET(ENV{LIBPATH} "${C_COMPILER_LIBPATH};$ENV{LIBPATH}") # make sure the compiler actually works, if not cross-compiling MESSAGE(STATUS "Checking for working Fortran compiler...") FILE(WRITE ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}${CMAKE_FILES_DIRECTORY}/CMakeTmp/testFortranCompiler.f "\t PROGRAM TESTFortran \n" "\t PRINT *, 'Hello' \n" "\t END \n") # lets use execute_process to run the compile test EXECUTE_PROCESS(COMMAND ${F77} testFortranCompiler.f WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}${CMAKE_FILES_DIRECTORY}/CMakeTmp OUTPUT_VARIABLE OUTPUT RESULT_VARIABLE RESULT ERROR_VARIABLE ERROR) IF(RESULT) SET(F77_SETUP_DONE FALSE CACHE INTERNAL "f77 setup done.") MESSAGE(STATUS "${OUTPUT}\n${ERROR}") MESSAGE(STATUS "Fortran compiler ${F77} can't compile a simple fortran program.") MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Cannot continue. Please check Fortran compiler installation, or disable Fortran 77 support.") ELSE(RESULT) MESSAGE(STATUS "Checking for working Fortran compiler...${F77}") SET(F77_SETUP_DONE TRUE CACHE INTERNAL "f77 setup done.") ENDIF(RESULT) INCLUDE(F77_find_ext_symbol_convention) # make sure we know the linking convention # this macro will also test linking with C code OMPI_F77_FIND_EXT_SYMBOL_CONVENTION() ELSEIF(NOT OMPI_WANT_F77_BINDINGS) SET(OMPI_F77_DOUBLE_UNDERSCORE 0 CACHE INTERNAL "external symbol convention - double underscore") SET(OMPI_F77_SINGLE_UNDERSCORE 0 CACHE INTERNAL "external symbol convention - single underscore") SET(OMPI_F77_CAPS 0 CACHE INTERNAL "external symbol convention - captital") SET(OMPI_F77_PLAIN 0 CACHE INTERNAL "external symbol convention - plain") UNSET(SYMBOL_CONVENTION_CHECK_DONE CACHE) UNSET(F77_OPTION_COMPILE CACHE) UNSET(F77_OUTPUT_OBJ CACHE) UNSET(F77_OUTPUT_EXE CACHE) UNSET(F77_LIB_PATH CACHE) UNSET(F77_INCLUDE_PATH CACHE) UNSET(F77_IFCONSOL_LIB CACHE) UNSET(F77_SETUP_DONE CACHE) ENDIF(OMPI_WANT_F77_BINDINGS AND NOT F77_SETUP_DONE) # a few definitions needed by OMPI_F77_FIND_EXT_SYMBOL_CONVENTION check. OMPI_DEF_VAR(OMPI_F77_DOUBLE_UNDERSCORE "Whether fortran symbols have a trailing double underscore or not." 0 1) OMPI_DEF_VAR(OMPI_F77_SINGLE_UNDERSCORE "Whether fortran symbols have a trailing single underscore or not." 0 1) OMPI_DEF_VAR(OMPI_F77_CAPS "Whether fortran symbols are all caps or not." 0 1) OMPI_DEF_VAR(OMPI_F77_PLAIN "Whether fortran symbols have no trailing underscore or not." 0 1)