/* -*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset:4 ; indent-tabs-mode:nil -*- */
 * Copyright (c) 2009-2012 Oak Ridge National Laboratory.  All rights reserved.
 * Copyright (c) 2009-2012 Mellanox Technologies.  All rights reserved.
 * Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Los Alamos National Security, LLC. All rights
 *                         reserved.
 * Copyright (c) 2014      Intel, Inc.  All rights reserved.
 * Additional copyrights may follow

#include "ompi_config.h"

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <strings.h>

#include "ompi/proc/proc.h"
#include "ompi/patterns/comm/coll_ops.h"

#include "opal/dss/dss.h"
#include "opal/util/error.h"
#include "opal/util/output.h"
#include "opal/class/opal_list.h"
#include "opal/class/opal_hash_table.h"
#include "opal/align.h"

#include "bcol_basesmuma.h"


struct file_info_t {
    uint32_t vpid;
    uint32_t jobid;
    uint64_t file_size;
    uint64_t size_ctl_structure;
    uint64_t data_seg_alignment;
    char file_name[SM_BACKING_FILE_NAME_MAX_LEN];

/* need to allocate space for the peer */
static void bcol_basesmuma_smcm_proc_item_t_construct
(bcol_basesmuma_smcm_proc_item_t * item) {

/* need to free the space for the peer */
static void bcol_basesmuma_smcm_proc_item_t_destruct
(bcol_basesmuma_smcm_proc_item_t * item) {


bcol_basesmuma_smcm_mmap_t* bcol_basesmuma_smcm_create_mmap(int fd, size_t size, char *file_name,
                                                            size_t size_ctl_structure,
                                                            size_t data_seg_alignment)
    bcol_basesmuma_smcm_mmap_t *map;
    bcol_basesmuma_smcm_file_header_t *seg;
    unsigned char *addr = NULL;

    /* map the file and initialize segment state */
    seg = (bcol_basesmuma_smcm_file_header_t*)
        mmap(NULL, size, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0);
    if((void*)-1 == seg) {
        return NULL;

    /* set up the map object */
    map = (bcol_basesmuma_smcm_mmap_t* )malloc(sizeof(bcol_basesmuma_smcm_mmap_t));

    strncpy(map->map_path, file_name, OPAL_PATH_MAX);
    /* the first entry in the file is the control structure. The first
       entry in the control structure is an mca_common_sm_file_header_t
       element */
    map->map_seg = seg;

    addr = ((unsigned char *)seg) + size_ctl_structure;
    /* If we have a data segment (i.e., if 0 != data_seg_alignment),
       then make it the first aligned address after the control
       structure. */
    if (0 != data_seg_alignment) {
        addr = OPAL_ALIGN_PTR(addr,  data_seg_alignment, unsigned char*);

        /* is addr past end of file ? */
        if((unsigned char*)seg + size < addr) {
            opal_output(0, "bcol_basesmuma_smcm_mmap_init: "
                        "memory region too small len %lu  addr %p\n",
                        (unsigned long)size, addr);
            return NULL;
    map->data_addr = addr;
    map->map_addr = (unsigned char *)seg;
    map->map_size = size;

    return map;

/* smcm_allgather_connection:
   This function is called when a shared memory subgroup wants to establish shared memory "connections" among
   a group of processes.

   This function DOES NOT create any shared memory backing files, it only mmaps already existing files. Shared
   memory files are created by the shared memory registration function
   Input params:

   - sbgp module   The subgrouping module contains the list of ranks to wire up.

   - peer_list      An opal list containing a list of bcol_basesmuma_smcm_proc_item_t types. This
   contains a list of peers whose shared memory files I have already mapped.
   Upon completion of the allgather exchange with all members of the group and depending on the
   value of "map_all", my peers' shared memory files are mapped into my local virtual memory
   space, with all pertinent information being stored in an bcol_basesmuma_smcm_proc_item_t which is
   subsequently appended onto the "peer_list".

   - comm           The ompi_communicator_t communicator.

   - input          A data struct that caches the information about my shared memory file.

   - map_all        Bool that determines whether or not to go ahead and map the files from all of the peers
   defined in the sbgp-ing module. If map_all == true, then go ahead and mmap all of the files
   obtained in the exchange and append the information to the "peer_list". If map_all == false
   then make a check and only mmap those peers' files whose vpid/jobid/filename combination do
   not already exist in the "peer_list". Once mapping is completed, append this peer's information
   to the "peer_list".

int bcol_basesmuma_smcm_allgather_connection(
                                             mca_bcol_basesmuma_module_t *sm_bcol_module,
                                             mca_sbgp_base_module_t *module,
                                             opal_list_t *peer_list,
                                             bcol_basesmuma_smcm_proc_item_t ***back_files,
                                             ompi_communicator_t *comm,
                                             bcol_basesmuma_smcm_file_t input,
                                             char *base_fname,
                                             bool map_all)

    /* define local variables */

    int rc, i, fd;
    ptrdiff_t mem_offset;
    ompi_proc_t *proc_temp, *my_id;
    bcol_basesmuma_smcm_proc_item_t *temp;
    bcol_basesmuma_smcm_proc_item_t *item_ptr;
    bcol_basesmuma_smcm_proc_item_t **backing_files;
    struct file_info_t local_file;
    struct file_info_t *all_files=NULL;
    signal(SIGSEGV, SIG_DFL);
    signal(SIGABRT, SIG_DFL);
    /* sanity check */
    if (strlen(input.file_name) > SM_BACKING_FILE_NAME_MAX_LEN-1) {
        opal_output (0, "backing file name too long:  %s len :: %d\n",
                     input.file_name, (int) strlen(input.file_name));
        return OMPI_ERR_BAD_PARAM;

    backing_files = (bcol_basesmuma_smcm_proc_item_t **)
        calloc(module->group_size, sizeof(bcol_basesmuma_smcm_proc_item_t *));
    if (!backing_files) {
        return OMPI_ERR_OUT_OF_RESOURCE;

    *back_files = backing_files;

    my_id = ompi_proc_local();

    /* Phase One:
       gather a list of processes that will participate in the allgather - I'm
       preparing this list from the sbgp-ing module that was passed into the function */

    /* fill in local file information */

    strcpy (local_file.file_name, input.file_name);

    /* will exchange this data type as a string of characters -
     * this routine is first called before MPI_init() completes
     * and before error handling is setup, so can't use the
     * MPI data types to send this data */
    all_files = (struct file_info_t *) calloc(module->group_size,
                                              sizeof (struct file_info_t));
    if (!all_files) {
        return OMPI_ERR_OUT_OF_RESOURCE;

    /* exchange data */
    rc = comm_allgather_pml(&local_file,all_files,sizeof(struct file_info_t), MPI_CHAR,
    if( OMPI_SUCCESS != rc ) {
        opal_output (0, "failed in comm_allgather_pml.  Error code: %d\n", rc);
        goto Error;

    /* Phase four:
       loop through the receive buffer, unpack the data recieved from remote peers */

    for (i = 0; i < module->group_size; i++) {
        struct file_info_t *rem_file = all_files + i;

        /* check if this is my index or if the file is already mapped (set above). ther
         * is no reason to look through the peer list again because no two members of
         * the group will have the same vpid/jobid pair. ignore this previously found
         * mapping if map_all was requested (NTH: not sure why exactly since we re-map
         * and already mapped file) */
        if (sm_bcol_module->super.sbgp_partner_module->my_index == i) {

        proc_temp = ompi_comm_peer_lookup(comm,module->group_list[i]);

        OPAL_LIST_FOREACH(item_ptr, peer_list, bcol_basesmuma_smcm_proc_item_t) {
            /* if the vpid/jobid/filename combination already exists in the list,
               then do not map this peer's file --- because you already have */
            if (proc_temp->proc_name.vpid == item_ptr->peer.vpid &&
                proc_temp->proc_name.jobid == item_ptr->peer.jobid &&
                0 == strcmp (item_ptr->sm_file.file_name, rem_file->file_name)) {
                /* record file data */
                backing_files[i] = item_ptr;

        if (!map_all && backing_files[i]) {

        temp = OBJ_NEW(bcol_basesmuma_smcm_proc_item_t);
        if (!temp) {
            rc = OMPI_ERR_OUT_OF_RESOURCE;
            goto Error;

        temp->peer.vpid = rem_file->vpid;
        temp->peer.jobid = rem_file->jobid;

        temp->sm_file.file_name = strdup (rem_file->file_name);
        if (!temp->sm_file.file_name) {
            rc = OMPI_ERR_OUT_OF_RESOURCE;
            goto Error;

        temp->sm_file.size = (size_t) rem_file->file_size;
        temp->sm_file.mpool_size = (size_t) rem_file->file_size;
        temp->sm_file.size_ctl_structure = (size_t) rem_file->size_ctl_structure;
        temp->sm_file.data_seg_alignment = (size_t) rem_file->data_seg_alignment;

        /* Phase Five:
           If map_all == true, then  we map every peer's file
           else we check to see if I have already mapped this
           vpid/jobid/filename combination and if I have, then
           I do not mmap this peer's file.
        fd = open(temp->sm_file.file_name, O_RDWR, 0600);
        if (0 > fd) {
            opal_output (0, "SMCM Allgather failed to open sm backing file %s. errno = %d\n", temp->sm_file.file_name, errno);
            rc = OMPI_ERROR;
            goto Error;

        /* map the file */
        temp->sm_mmap = bcol_basesmuma_smcm_create_mmap(fd,temp->sm_file.size,
        if (NULL == temp->sm_mmap) {
            opal_output (0, "mmapping failed to map remote peer's file\n");
            rc = OMPI_ERROR;
            goto Error;

        /* compute memory offset */
        mem_offset = (ptrdiff_t) temp->sm_mmap->data_addr -
            (ptrdiff_t) temp->sm_mmap->map_seg;
        temp->sm_mmap->map_seg->seg_offset = mem_offset;
        temp->sm_mmap->map_seg->seg_size = temp->sm_file.size - mem_offset;
        /* more stuff to follow */

        /* append this peer's info, including shared memory map addr, onto the
           peer_list */

        /* record file data */
        backing_files[i] = (bcol_basesmuma_smcm_proc_item_t *) temp;

        opal_list_append(peer_list, (opal_list_item_t*) temp);

    rc = OMPI_SUCCESS;


    /* error clean-up and return */
    if (NULL != all_files) {

    return rc;


 * mmap the specified file as a shared file.  No information exchange with other
 * processes takes place within this routine.
 * This function assumes that the memory has already been allocated, and only the
 * mmap needs to be done.
bcol_basesmuma_smcm_mmap_t *bcol_basesmuma_smcm_mem_reg(void *in_ptr,
                                                        size_t length,
                                                        size_t alignment,
                                                        char* file_name)
    /* local variables */
    int fd = -1;
    bcol_basesmuma_smcm_mmap_t *map = NULL;
    /* if pointer is not allocated - return error.  We have no clue how the user will allocate or
     *   free this memory.

    /* open the shared memory backing file */

    fd = open(file_name, O_CREAT|O_RDWR,0600);
    if (fd < 0) {
        opal_output(0, "basesmuma shared memory allocation open failed with errno: %d\n",
    } else if (0 != ftruncate(fd,length)) {
        opal_output(0, "basesmuma shared memory allocation ftruncate failed with errno: %d\n",
    } else {

        map = bcol_basesmuma_smcm_reg_mmap(in_ptr, fd, length, alignment, file_name);
        if (NULL == map) {
            return NULL;

    /* takes us to the top of the control structure */

    return map;


bcol_basesmuma_smcm_mmap_t * bcol_basesmuma_smcm_reg_mmap(void *in_ptr,
                                                          int fd,
                                                          size_t length,
                                                          size_t alignment,
                                                          char *file_name)

    /* local variables */
    bcol_basesmuma_smcm_mmap_t *map;
    bcol_basesmuma_smcm_file_header_t *seg;
    unsigned char* myaddr = NULL;

    /* map the file and initialize the segment state */
    seg = (bcol_basesmuma_smcm_file_header_t *)
        mmap(in_ptr, length, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED|MAP_FIXED, fd, 0);
    if((void*)-1 == seg) {
        return NULL;

    /* set up the map object */

    /*map = OBJ_NEW(mca_common_sm_mmap_t); */
    map=(bcol_basesmuma_smcm_mmap_t *)malloc(sizeof(bcol_basesmuma_smcm_mmap_t));
    strncpy(map->map_path, file_name, OPAL_PATH_MAX);

    /* the first entry in the file is the control structure. the first entry
       in the control structure is an mca_common_sm_file_header_t element */
    map->map_seg = seg;

    myaddr = (unsigned char *) seg;
    /* if we have a data segment (i.e. if 0 != data_seg_alignement) */

    if ( 0 != alignment) {
        myaddr = OPAL_ALIGN_PTR(myaddr, alignment, unsigned char*);

        /* is addr past the end of the file? */
        if ((unsigned char *) seg+length < myaddr) {
            opal_output(0, "mca_bcol_basesmuma_sm_alloc_mmap: memory region too small len %lu add %p\n",
                        (unsigned long) length, myaddr);
            return NULL;


    map->data_addr = (unsigned char*) myaddr;
    map->map_addr = (unsigned char*) seg;
    map->map_size = length;

    return map;