/* -*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset:4 ; indent-tabs-mode:nil -*- */ /* * Copyright (c) 2004-2007 The Trustees of Indiana University and Indiana * University Research and Technology * Corporation. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The University of Tennessee and The University * of Tennessee Research Foundation. All rights * reserved. * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart, * University of Stuttgart. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2006-2010 QLogic Corporation. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2012-2017 Los Alamos National Security, LLC. All rights * reserved. * Copyright (c) 2013-2017 Intel, Inc. All rights reserved * Copyright (c) 2017 Research Organization for Information Science * and Technology (RIST). All rights reserved. * $COPYRIGHT$ * * Additional copyrights may follow * * $HEADER$ */ #include "ompi_config.h" #include "opal/mca/event/event.h" #include "opal/util/output.h" #include "opal/util/show_help.h" #include "opal/util/opal_environ.h" #include "ompi/proc/proc.h" #include "mtl_psm2.h" #include "mtl_psm2_types.h" #include "mtl_psm2_request.h" #include "psm2.h" #include #include #include #include static int param_priority; /* MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE_SUPPORT */ opal_mutex_t mtl_psm2_mq_mutex = OPAL_MUTEX_STATIC_INIT; #if OPAL_CUDA_SUPPORT static bool cuda_envvar_set = false; #endif static int ompi_mtl_psm2_component_open(void); static int ompi_mtl_psm2_component_close(void); static int ompi_mtl_psm2_component_query(mca_base_module_t **module, int *priority); static int ompi_mtl_psm2_component_register(void); static mca_mtl_base_module_t* ompi_mtl_psm2_component_init( bool enable_progress_threads, bool enable_mpi_threads ); mca_mtl_psm2_component_t mca_mtl_psm2_component = { { /* First, the mca_base_component_t struct containing meta * information about the component itself */ .mtl_version = { MCA_MTL_BASE_VERSION_2_0_0, .mca_component_name = "psm2", MCA_BASE_MAKE_VERSION(component, OMPI_MAJOR_VERSION, OMPI_MINOR_VERSION, OMPI_RELEASE_VERSION), .mca_open_component = ompi_mtl_psm2_component_open, .mca_close_component = ompi_mtl_psm2_component_close, .mca_query_component = ompi_mtl_psm2_component_query, .mca_register_component_params = ompi_mtl_psm2_component_register, }, .mtl_data = { /* The component is not checkpoint ready */ MCA_BASE_METADATA_PARAM_NONE }, .mtl_init = ompi_mtl_psm2_component_init, } }; struct ompi_mtl_psm2_shadow_variable { int variable_type; void *storage; mca_base_var_storage_t default_value; const char *env_name; mca_base_var_info_lvl_t info_level; const char *mca_name; const char *description; }; struct ompi_mtl_psm2_shadow_variable ompi_mtl_psm2_shadow_variables[] = { {MCA_BASE_VAR_TYPE_STRING, &ompi_mtl_psm2.psm2_devices, {.stringval = "self,shm,hfi"}, "PSM2_DEVICES", OPAL_INFO_LVL_3, "devices", "Comma-delimited list of PSM2 devices. Valid values: self, shm, hfi (default: self,shm,hfi)"}, {MCA_BASE_VAR_TYPE_STRING, &ompi_mtl_psm2.psm2_memory, {.stringval = "normal"}, "PSM2_MEMORY", OPAL_INFO_LVL_9, "memory_model", "PSM2 memory usage mode (default: normal)"}, {MCA_BASE_VAR_TYPE_UNSIGNED_LONG, &ompi_mtl_psm2.psm2_mq_sendreqs_max, {.ulval = 1048576}, "PSM2_MQ_SENDREQS_MAX", OPAL_INFO_LVL_3, "mq_sendreqs_max", "PSM2 maximum number of isend requests in flight (default: 1M)"}, {MCA_BASE_VAR_TYPE_UNSIGNED_LONG, &ompi_mtl_psm2.psm2_mq_recvreqs_max, {.ulval = 1048576}, "PSM2_MQ_RECVREQS_MAX", OPAL_INFO_LVL_3, "mq_recvreqs_max", "PSM2 maximum number of irecv requests in flight (default: 1M)"}, {MCA_BASE_VAR_TYPE_UNSIGNED_LONG, &ompi_mtl_psm2.psm2_mq_rndv_hfi_threshold, {.ulval = 64000}, "PSM2_MQ_RNDV_HFI_THRESH", OPAL_INFO_LVL_3, "hfi_eager_limit", "PSM2 eager to rendezvous threshold (default: 64000)"}, {MCA_BASE_VAR_TYPE_UNSIGNED_LONG, &ompi_mtl_psm2.psm2_mq_rndv_shm_threshold, {.ulval = 16000}, "PSM2_MQ_RNDV_SHM_THRESH", OPAL_INFO_LVL_3, "shm_eager_limit", "PSM2 shared memory eager to rendezvous threshold (default: 16000)"}, {MCA_BASE_VAR_TYPE_BOOL, &ompi_mtl_psm2.psm2_recvthread, {.boolval = true}, "PSM2_RCVTHREAD", OPAL_INFO_LVL_3, "use_receive_thread", "Use PSM2 progress thread (default: true)"}, {MCA_BASE_VAR_TYPE_BOOL, &ompi_mtl_psm2.psm2_shared_contexts, {.boolval = true}, "PSM2_SHAREDCONTEXTS", OPAL_INFO_LVL_6, "use_shared_contexts", "Share PSM contexts between MPI processes (default: true)"}, {MCA_BASE_VAR_TYPE_UNSIGNED_LONG, &ompi_mtl_psm2.psm2_shared_contexts_max, {.ulval = 8}, "PSM2_SHAREDCONTEXTS_MAX", OPAL_INFO_LVL_9, "max_shared_contexts", "Maximum number of contexts available on a node (default: 8, max: 8)"}, {MCA_BASE_VAR_TYPE_UNSIGNED_LONG, &ompi_mtl_psm2.psm2_tracemask, {.ulval = 1}, "PSM2_TRACEMASK", OPAL_INFO_LVL_9, "trace_mask", "PSM2 tracemask value. See PSM2 documentation for accepted values (default: 1)"}, {-1}, }; static void ompi_mtl_psm2_set_shadow_env (struct ompi_mtl_psm2_shadow_variable *variable) { mca_base_var_storage_t *storage = variable->storage; char *env_value; int ret = 0; switch (variable->variable_type) { case MCA_BASE_VAR_TYPE_BOOL: ret = asprintf (&env_value, "%s=%s", variable->env_name, storage->boolval ? "YES" : "NO"); break; case MCA_BASE_VAR_TYPE_UNSIGNED_LONG: if (0 == strcmp (variable->env_name, "PSM2_TRACEMASK")) { /* PSM2 documentation shows the tracemask as a hexidecimal number. to be consitent * use hexidecimal here. */ ret = asprintf (&env_value, "%s=0x%lx", variable->env_name, storage->ulval); } else { ret = asprintf (&env_value, "%s=%lu", variable->env_name, storage->ulval); } break; case MCA_BASE_VAR_TYPE_STRING: ret = asprintf (&env_value, "%s=%s", variable->env_name, storage->stringval); break; } if (0 > ret) { fprintf (stderr, "ERROR setting PSM2 environment variable: %s\n", variable->env_name); } else { putenv (env_value); } } static void ompi_mtl_psm2_register_shadow_env (struct ompi_mtl_psm2_shadow_variable *variable) { mca_base_var_storage_t *storage = variable->storage; char *env_value; env_value = getenv (variable->env_name); switch (variable->variable_type) { case MCA_BASE_VAR_TYPE_BOOL: if (env_value) { int tmp; (void) mca_base_var_enum_bool.value_from_string (&mca_base_var_enum_bool, env_value, &tmp); storage->boolval = !!tmp; } else { storage->boolval = variable->default_value.boolval; } break; case MCA_BASE_VAR_TYPE_UNSIGNED_LONG: if (env_value) { storage->ulval = strtol (env_value, NULL, 0); } else { storage->ulval = variable->default_value.ulval; } break; case MCA_BASE_VAR_TYPE_STRING: if (env_value) { storage->stringval = env_value; } else { storage->stringval = variable->default_value.stringval; } break; } (void) mca_base_component_var_register (&mca_mtl_psm2_component.super.mtl_version, variable->mca_name, variable->description, variable->variable_type, NULL, 0, 0, variable->info_level, MCA_BASE_VAR_SCOPE_READONLY, variable->storage); } static int get_num_total_procs(int *out_ntp) { *out_ntp = (int)ompi_process_info.num_procs; return OMPI_SUCCESS; } static int get_num_local_procs(int *out_nlp) { /* num_local_peers does not include us in * its calculation, so adjust for that */ *out_nlp = (int)(1 + ompi_process_info.num_local_peers); return OMPI_SUCCESS; } static int ompi_mtl_psm2_component_register(void) { int num_local_procs, num_total_procs; ompi_mtl_psm2.connect_timeout = 180; (void) mca_base_component_var_register(&mca_mtl_psm2_component.super.mtl_version, "connect_timeout", "PSM2 connection timeout value in seconds", MCA_BASE_VAR_TYPE_INT, NULL, 0, 0, OPAL_INFO_LVL_9, MCA_BASE_VAR_SCOPE_READONLY, &ompi_mtl_psm2.connect_timeout); (void) get_num_local_procs(&num_local_procs); (void) get_num_total_procs(&num_total_procs); /* set priority high enough to beat ob1's default (also set higher than psm) */ if (num_local_procs == num_total_procs) { /* disable hfi if all processes are local */ setenv("PSM2_DEVICES", "self,shm", 0); /* ob1 is much faster than psm2 with shared memory */ param_priority = 10; } else { param_priority = 40; } (void) mca_base_component_var_register (&mca_mtl_psm2_component.super.mtl_version, "priority", "Priority of the PSM2 MTL component", MCA_BASE_VAR_TYPE_INT, NULL, 0, 0, OPAL_INFO_LVL_9, MCA_BASE_VAR_SCOPE_READONLY, ¶m_priority); for (int i = 0 ; ompi_mtl_psm2_shadow_variables[i].variable_type >= 0 ; ++i) { ompi_mtl_psm2_register_shadow_env (ompi_mtl_psm2_shadow_variables + i); } ompi_mtl_psm2_register_pvars(); return OMPI_SUCCESS; } static int ompi_mtl_psm2_component_open(void) { int res; glob_t globbuf = {0}; /* Component available only if Omni-Path hardware is present */ res = glob("/dev/hfi1_[0-9]", GLOB_DOOFFS, NULL, &globbuf); if (globbuf.gl_pathc > 0) { globfree(&globbuf); } if (0 != res) { res = glob("/dev/hfi1_[0-9][0-9]", GLOB_APPEND, NULL, &globbuf); if (globbuf.gl_pathc > 0) { globfree(&globbuf); } if (0 != res) { return OPAL_ERR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } } /* Component available only if at least one hfi1 port is ACTIVE */ bool foundOnlineHfi1Port = false; size_t i; char portState[128]; FILE *devFile; if (glob("/sys/class/infiniband/hfi1_*/ports/*/state", GLOB_DOOFFS, NULL, &globbuf) != 0) { return OPAL_ERR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } for (i=0;i < globbuf.gl_pathc; i++) { devFile = fopen(globbuf.gl_pathv[i], "r"); fgets(portState, sizeof(portState), devFile); fclose(devFile); if (strstr(portState, "ACTIVE") != NULL) { /* Found at least one ACTIVE port */ foundOnlineHfi1Port = true; break; } } globfree(&globbuf); if (!foundOnlineHfi1Port) { return OPAL_ERR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } return OMPI_SUCCESS; } static int ompi_mtl_psm2_component_query(mca_base_module_t **module, int *priority) { /* * if we get here it means that PSM2 is available so give high priority */ *priority = param_priority; *module = (mca_base_module_t *)&ompi_mtl_psm2.super; return OMPI_SUCCESS; } static int ompi_mtl_psm2_component_close(void) { #if OPAL_CUDA_SUPPORT if (cuda_envvar_set) { opal_unsetenv("PSM2_CUDA", &environ); } #endif return OMPI_SUCCESS; } static int get_local_rank(int *out_rank) { ompi_node_rank_t my_node_rank; *out_rank = 0; if (OMPI_NODE_RANK_INVALID == (my_node_rank = ompi_process_info.my_node_rank)) { return OMPI_ERROR; } *out_rank = (int)my_node_rank; return OMPI_SUCCESS; } static mca_mtl_base_module_t * ompi_mtl_psm2_component_init(bool enable_progress_threads, bool enable_mpi_threads) { psm2_error_t err; int verno_major = PSM2_VERNO_MAJOR; int verno_minor = PSM2_VERNO_MINOR; int local_rank = -1, num_local_procs = 0; #if OPAL_CUDA_SUPPORT int ret; char *cuda_env; glob_t globbuf = {0}; #endif /* Compute the total number of processes on this host and our local rank * on that node. We need to provide PSM2 with these values so it can * allocate hardware contexts appropriately across processes. */ if (OMPI_SUCCESS != get_num_local_procs(&num_local_procs)) { opal_output(0, "Cannot determine number of local processes. " "Cannot continue.\n"); return NULL; } if (OMPI_SUCCESS != get_local_rank(&local_rank)) { opal_output(0, "Cannot determine local rank. Cannot continue.\n"); return NULL; } err = psm2_error_register_handler(NULL /* no ep */, PSM2_ERRHANDLER_NOP); if (err) { opal_output(0, "Error in psm2_error_register_handler (error %s)\n", psm2_error_get_string(err)); return NULL; } for (int i = 0 ; ompi_mtl_psm2_shadow_variables[i].variable_type >= 0 ; ++i) { ompi_mtl_psm2_set_shadow_env (ompi_mtl_psm2_shadow_variables + i); } #if OPAL_CUDA_SUPPORT /* * If using CUDA enabled Open MPI, the user likely intends to * run with CUDA buffers. So, force-set the envvar here if user failed * to set it. */ ret = glob("/sys/module/nvidia", GLOB_DOOFFS, NULL, &globbuf); if (globbuf.gl_pathc > 0) { globfree(&globbuf); } cuda_env = getenv("PSM2_CUDA"); if (!cuda_env && (0 == ret)) { opal_show_help("help-mtl-psm2.txt", "no psm2 cuda env", true, ompi_process_info.nodename); opal_setenv("PSM2_CUDA", "1", false, &environ); cuda_envvar_set = true; } #endif err = psm2_init(&verno_major, &verno_minor); if (err) { opal_show_help("help-mtl-psm2.txt", "psm2 init", true, psm2_error_get_string(err)); return NULL; } /* Complete PSM2 initialization */ ompi_mtl_psm2_module_init(local_rank, num_local_procs); ompi_mtl_psm2.super.mtl_request_size = sizeof(mca_mtl_psm2_request_t) - sizeof(struct mca_mtl_request_t); return &ompi_mtl_psm2.super; }