/* -*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset:4 ; indent-tabs-mode:nil -*- */
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Trustees of Indiana University and Indiana
 *                         University Research and Technology
 *                         Corporation.  All rights reserved.
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2007 The University of Tennessee and The University
 *                         of Tennessee Research Foundation.  All rights
 *                         reserved.
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart, 
 *                         University of Stuttgart.  All rights reserved.
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Regents of the University of California.
 *                         All rights reserved.
 * Copyright (c) 2006-2007 University of Houston. All rights reserved.
 * Copyright (c) 2007-2012 Cisco Systems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
 * Copyright (c) 2009      Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * Copyright (c) 2012      Oak Ridge National Labs.  All rights reserved.
 * Copyright (c) 2013      Los Alamos National Security, LLC.  All rights
 *                         reserved.
 * Additional copyrights may follow

 * @file:
 * Infrastructure for MPI group support.
#ifndef OMPI_GROUP_H
#define OMPI_GROUP_H

#include "ompi_config.h"
#include "ompi/proc/proc.h"
#include "mpi.h"
#include "opal/class/opal_pointer_array.h"
#include "opal/util/output.h"


#define BSIZE ((int)sizeof(unsigned char)*8)

struct ompi_group_sporadic_list_t 
  int rank_first; 
  int length; 
struct ompi_group_sporadic_data_t
    struct ompi_group_sporadic_list_t  *grp_sporadic_list; 
                                            /** list to hold the sporadic struct */
    int                        grp_sporadic_list_len;/** length of the structure*/
struct ompi_group_strided_data_t
    int grp_strided_offset;         /** offset to start from when including or excluding */
    int grp_strided_stride;         /** stride for including or excluding */
    int grp_strided_last_element;       /** the last element to be included for */
struct ompi_group_bitmap_data_t
    unsigned char *grp_bitmap_array;     /* the bit map array for sparse groups of type BMAP */
    int            grp_bitmap_array_len; /* length of the bit array */

 * Group structure
 * Currently we have four formats for storing the process pointers that are members 
 * of the group.
 * PList: a dense format that stores all the process pointers of the group.
 * Sporadic: a sparse format that stores the ranges of the ranks from the parent group,
 *           that are included in the current group.
 * Strided: a sparse format that stores three integers that describe a red-black pattern
 *          that the current group is formed from its parent group.
 * Bitmap: a sparse format that maintains a bitmap of the included processes from the
 *         parent group. For each process that is included from the parent group
 *         its corresponding rank is set in the bitmap array.
struct ompi_group_t {
    opal_object_t super;    /**< base class */
    int grp_proc_count;     /**< number of processes in group */
    int grp_my_rank;        /**< rank in group */
    int grp_f_to_c_index;   /**< index in Fortran <-> C translation array */
    struct ompi_proc_t **grp_proc_pointers;
                            /**< list of pointers to ompi_proc_t structures
                                 for each process in the group */
    uint32_t grp_flags;     /**< flags, e.g. freed, cannot be freed etc.*/
    /** pointer to the original group when using sparse storage */
    struct ompi_group_t *grp_parent_group_ptr;
        struct ompi_group_sporadic_data_t grp_sporadic;
        struct ompi_group_strided_data_t  grp_strided;
        struct ompi_group_bitmap_data_t   grp_bitmap;
    } sparse_data;

typedef struct ompi_group_t ompi_group_t;

 * Padded struct to maintain back compatibiltiy.
 * See ompi/communicator/communicator.h comments with struct ompi_communicator_t
 * for full explanation why we chose the following padding construct for predefines.
#define PREDEFINED_GROUP_PAD (sizeof(void*) * 32)

struct ompi_predefined_group_t {
    struct ompi_group_t group;
    char padding[PREDEFINED_GROUP_PAD - sizeof(ompi_group_t)];

typedef struct ompi_predefined_group_t ompi_predefined_group_t;

 * The following include pulls in shared typedefs with debugger plugins.
 * For more information on why we do this see the Notice to developers 
 * comment at the top of the ompi_msgq_dll.c file.
#include "group_dbg.h"

#define OMPI_GROUP_IS_INTRINSIC(_group) ((_group)->grp_flags&OMPI_GROUP_INTRINSIC)
#define OMPI_GROUP_IS_DENSE(_group) ((_group)->grp_flags & OMPI_GROUP_DENSE)
#define OMPI_GROUP_IS_SPORADIC(_group) ((_group)->grp_flags & OMPI_GROUP_SPORADIC)
#define OMPI_GROUP_IS_STRIDED(_group) ((_group)->grp_flags & OMPI_GROUP_STRIDED)
#define OMPI_GROUP_IS_BITMAP(_group) ((_group)->grp_flags & OMPI_GROUP_BITMAP)

#define OMPI_GROUP_SET_INTRINSIC(_group) ( (_group)->grp_flags |= OMPI_GROUP_INTRINSIC)
#define OMPI_GROUP_SET_DENSE(_group) ( (_group)->grp_flags |= OMPI_GROUP_DENSE)
#define OMPI_GROUP_SET_SPORADIC(_group) ( (_group)->grp_flags |= OMPI_GROUP_SPORADIC)
#define OMPI_GROUP_SET_STRIDED(_group) ( (_group)->grp_flags |= OMPI_GROUP_STRIDED)
#define OMPI_GROUP_SET_BITMAP(_group) ( (_group)->grp_flags |= OMPI_GROUP_BITMAP)

 * Table for Fortran <-> C group handle conversion
OMPI_DECLSPEC extern struct opal_pointer_array_t ompi_group_f_to_c_table;
OMPI_DECLSPEC extern struct ompi_predefined_group_t ompi_mpi_group_null;
OMPI_DECLSPEC extern struct ompi_predefined_group_t *ompi_mpi_group_null_addr;

 * function prototypes

 * Allocate a new group structure.
 * @param group_size Number of MPI processes in the group
 * @return Pointer to new group structure
OMPI_DECLSPEC ompi_group_t *ompi_group_allocate(int group_size);
ompi_group_t *ompi_group_allocate_sporadic(int group_size);
ompi_group_t *ompi_group_allocate_strided(void);
ompi_group_t *ompi_group_allocate_bmap(int orig_group_size, int group_size);

 * Increment the reference count of the proc structures.
 * @param group Pointer to ompi_group_t structute (IN)
OMPI_DECLSPEC void ompi_group_increment_proc_count(ompi_group_t *group);

 * Decrement the reference count of the proc structures.
 * @param group Pointer to ompi_group_t structute (IN)
OMPI_DECLSPEC void ompi_group_decrement_proc_count(ompi_group_t *group);

 * Initialize OMPI group infrastructure.
 * @return Error code
int ompi_group_init(void);

 * Clean up OMPI group infrastructure.
 * @return Error code
int ompi_group_finalize(void);

 * Get group size.
 * @param group Pointer to ompi_group_t structute (IN)
 * @return Group size
static inline int ompi_group_size(ompi_group_t *group)
    return group->grp_proc_count;

 * Get group rank
 * @param group Pointer to ompi_group_t structure (IN)
 * @return Group rank
static inline int ompi_group_rank(ompi_group_t *group)
    return group->grp_my_rank;

 * Set group rank in the input group structure
 * @param group Group Pointer to ompi_group_t structure (IN)
 * @param proc_pointer Pointer to ompi_proc_t structure for process.
 *                     MPI_PROC_NULL may be used to indicate proc not
 *                     in group
 * @return Error code
void ompi_set_group_rank(ompi_group_t *group, struct ompi_proc_t *proc_pointer);

 * Abstracting MPI_Group_translate_ranks to an ompi function for internal use
OMPI_DECLSPEC int ompi_group_translate_ranks ( ompi_group_t *group1, 
                                               int n_ranks, const int *ranks1,
                                               ompi_group_t *group2,
                                               int *ranks2);

 * Abstracting MPI_Group_compare to an ompi function for internal use
OMPI_DECLSPEC int ompi_group_compare(ompi_group_t *group1,
                                     ompi_group_t *group2,
                                     int *result);

 * Abstracting MPI_Group_free, since it is required by some internal functions...
int ompi_group_free (ompi_group_t **group);

 * Functions to handle process pointers for sparse group formats
OMPI_DECLSPEC ompi_proc_t* ompi_group_get_proc_ptr (ompi_group_t* group , int rank);

int ompi_group_translate_ranks_sporadic ( ompi_group_t *group1, 
                                 int n_ranks, const int *ranks1,
                                 ompi_group_t *group2, 
                                 int *ranks2);
int ompi_group_translate_ranks_sporadic_reverse ( ompi_group_t *group1, 
                                 int n_ranks, const int *ranks1,
                                 ompi_group_t *group2, 
                                 int *ranks2);
int ompi_group_translate_ranks_strided ( ompi_group_t *group1, 
                                 int n_ranks, const int *ranks1,
                                 ompi_group_t *group2, 
                                 int *ranks2);
int ompi_group_translate_ranks_strided_reverse ( ompi_group_t *group1, 
                                 int n_ranks, const int *ranks1,
                                 ompi_group_t *group2, 
                                 int *ranks2);
int ompi_group_translate_ranks_bmap ( ompi_group_t *group1, 
                                 int n_ranks, const int *ranks1,
                                 ompi_group_t *group2, 
                                 int *ranks2);
int ompi_group_translate_ranks_bmap_reverse ( ompi_group_t *group1, 
                                 int n_ranks, const int *ranks1,
                                 ompi_group_t *group2, 
                                 int *ranks2);

 *  Prototypes for the group back-end functions. Argument lists 
 are similar to the according  C MPI functions.
int ompi_group_incl(ompi_group_t* group, int n, const int *ranks,
                    ompi_group_t **new_group);
int ompi_group_excl(ompi_group_t* group, int n, const int *ranks,
                    ompi_group_t **new_group);
int ompi_group_range_incl(ompi_group_t* group, int n_triplets, 
                          int ranges[][3],ompi_group_t **new_group);
int ompi_group_range_excl(ompi_group_t* group, int n_triplets, 
                          int ranges[][3],ompi_group_t **new_group);
int ompi_group_union (ompi_group_t* group1, ompi_group_t* group2, 
                      ompi_group_t **new_group);
int ompi_group_intersection(ompi_group_t* group1,ompi_group_t* group2,
                            ompi_group_t **new_group);
int ompi_group_difference(ompi_group_t* group1, ompi_group_t* group2,
                          ompi_group_t **new_group);

 *  Include Functions to handle Sparse storage formats
int ompi_group_incl_plist(ompi_group_t* group, int n, const int *ranks,
                          ompi_group_t **new_group);
int ompi_group_incl_spor(ompi_group_t* group, int n, const int *ranks,
                         ompi_group_t **new_group);
int ompi_group_incl_strided(ompi_group_t* group, int n, const int *ranks,
                            ompi_group_t **new_group);
int ompi_group_incl_bmap(ompi_group_t* group, int n, const int *ranks,
                         ompi_group_t **new_group);

 *  Functions to calculate storage spaces
int ompi_group_calc_plist ( int n, const int *ranks );
int ompi_group_calc_strided ( int n, const int *ranks );
int ompi_group_calc_sporadic ( int n, const int *ranks );
int ompi_group_calc_bmap ( int n, int orig_size , const int *ranks );

 * Function to return the minimum value in an array
int ompi_group_minloc (int list[], int length);

 * Inline function to check if sparse groups are enabled and return the direct access
 * to the proc pointer, otherwise the lookup function
static inline struct ompi_proc_t* ompi_group_peer_lookup(ompi_group_t *group, int peer_id)
    if (peer_id >= group->grp_proc_count) {
        opal_output(0, "ompi_group_lookup_peer: invalid peer index (%d)", peer_id);
        return (struct ompi_proc_t *) NULL;
    return ompi_group_get_proc_ptr (group, peer_id);
    return group->grp_proc_pointers[peer_id];

 *  Function to print the group info
int ompi_group_dump (ompi_group_t* group);

 * Ceil Function so not to include the math.h lib
int ompi_group_div_ceil (int num, int den);

#endif /* OMPI_GROUP_H */