/* * $HEADER$ */ #include "ompi_config.h" #include "support.h" #include #include "runtime/runtime_types.h" #include "mca/pcm/base/base.h" static char *cmd1_str="diff ./test1_out ./test1_out_std"; static char *cmd2_str="diff ./test2_out ./test2_out_std"; char *env[] = { "ENV1=blah blah blah", "ENV2=foo bar is fun", "ENV3=123", NULL }; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { ompi_rte_node_schedule_t *schedout, *schedin; FILE *test1_out=NULL; /* output file for first test */ FILE *test2_out=NULL; /* output file for second test */ FILE *test2_in = NULL; int result; /* result of system call */ int jobid = 123; test_init("sched_comm_t"); /* Open output files for the tests */ test1_out = fopen("./test1_out", "w+" ); if( test1_out == NULL ) { printf("can't open test 1 output file\n"); exit(-1); } test2_out = fopen("./test2_out", "w+" ); if( test2_out == NULL ) { printf("can't open test 2 output file\n"); exit(-1); } schedout = OBJ_NEW(ompi_rte_node_schedule_t); schedout->argv = argv; schedout->argc = argc; schedout->env = env; schedout->cwd = "/foo/bar/baz"; result = mca_pcm_base_send_schedule(test1_out, jobid, schedout, schedout->nodelist); if (result != OMPI_SUCCESS) { test_failure("send_schedule failed"); exit(1); } fclose( test1_out ); /* See if the file matches the test standard */ result = system( cmd1_str ); if( result == 0 ) { test_success(); } else { test_failure( "sched_comm test1 failed" ); } /* test 2 */ schedin = OBJ_NEW(ompi_rte_node_schedule_t); test2_in = fopen("./test1_out", "r"); result = mca_pcm_base_recv_schedule(test2_in, &jobid, schedin, schedin->nodelist); if (result != OMPI_SUCCESS) { test_failure("recv_schedule failed"); exit(1); } mca_pcm_base_send_schedule(test2_out, jobid, schedin, schedin->nodelist); if (result != OMPI_SUCCESS) { test_failure("send_schedule (2) failed"); exit(1); } fclose( test2_out ); /* See if the file matches the test standard */ result = system( cmd2_str ); if( result == 0 ) { test_success(); } else { test_failure( "sched_comm test2 failed" ); } OBJ_RELEASE(schedin); OBJ_RELEASE(schedout); test_finalize(); return 0; }