/* * Copyright (c) 2004-2010 The Trustees of Indiana University and Indiana * University Research and Technology * Corporation. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2004-2006 The University of Tennessee and The University * of Tennessee Research Foundation. All rights * reserved. * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart, * University of Stuttgart. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2009 Oak Ridge National Labs. All rights reserved. * $COPYRIGHT$ * * Additional copyrights may follow * * $HEADER$ */ #include "ompi_config.h" #include "mpi.h" #include #include #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_PARAM_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_NETDB_H #include #endif #include MCA_timer_IMPLEMENTATION_HEADER #include "opal/mca/installdirs/installdirs.h" #include "opal/class/opal_value_array.h" #include "opal/class/opal_pointer_array.h" #include "opal/util/printf.h" #include "opal/memoryhooks/memory.h" #include "opal/mca/base/mca_base_param.h" #include "orte/util/show_help.h" #include "ompi/tools/ompi_info/ompi_info.h" #include "ompi/include/mpi_portable_platform.h" /* * Public variables */ const char *ompi_info_component_all = "all"; const char *ompi_info_param_all = "all"; const char *ompi_info_path_prefix = "prefix"; const char *ompi_info_path_bindir = "bindir"; const char *ompi_info_path_libdir = "libdir"; const char *ompi_info_path_incdir = "incdir"; const char *ompi_info_path_mandir = "mandir"; const char *ompi_info_path_pkglibdir = "pkglibdir"; const char *ompi_info_path_sysconfdir = "sysconfdir"; const char *ompi_info_path_exec_prefix = "exec_prefix"; const char *ompi_info_path_sbindir = "sbindir"; const char *ompi_info_path_libexecdir = "libexecdir"; const char *ompi_info_path_datarootdir = "datarootdir"; const char *ompi_info_path_datadir = "datadir"; const char *ompi_info_path_sharedstatedir = "sharedstatedir"; const char *ompi_info_path_localstatedir = "localstatedir"; const char *ompi_info_path_infodir = "infodir"; const char *ompi_info_path_pkgdatadir = "pkgdatadir"; const char *ompi_info_path_pkgincludedir = "pkgincludedir"; /* * External variables * * This exists in mca/base/mca_base_param.c. It's not extern'ed * in mca_base_param.h so that no one else will use it. */ extern opal_value_array_t mca_base_params; void ompi_info_do_params(bool want_all_in, bool want_internal) { int count; char *type, *component, *str; bool found; int i; bool want_all = false; opal_list_t *info; ompi_info_open_components(); if (want_all_in) { want_all = true; } else { /* See if the special param "all" was givin to --param; that * superceeds any individual type */ count = opal_cmd_line_get_ninsts(ompi_info_cmd_line, "param"); for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { type = opal_cmd_line_get_param(ompi_info_cmd_line, "param", (int)i, 0); if (0 == strcmp(ompi_info_type_all, type)) { want_all = true; break; } } } /* Get a dump of all the MCA params */ mca_base_param_dump(&info, want_internal); /* Show the params */ if (want_all) { for (i = 0; i < mca_types.size; ++i) { if (NULL == (type = (char *)opal_pointer_array_get_item(&mca_types, i))) { continue; } ompi_info_show_mca_params(info, type, ompi_info_component_all, want_internal); } } else { for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { type = opal_cmd_line_get_param(ompi_info_cmd_line, "param", (int)i, 0); component = opal_cmd_line_get_param(ompi_info_cmd_line, "param", (int)i, 1); for (found = false, i = 0; i < mca_types.size; ++i) { if (NULL == (str = (char *)opal_pointer_array_get_item(&mca_types, i))) { continue; } if (0 == strcmp(str, type)) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { char *usage = opal_cmd_line_get_usage_msg(ompi_info_cmd_line); orte_show_help("help-ompi_info.txt", "not-found", true, type); free(usage); exit(1); } ompi_info_show_mca_params(info, type, component, want_internal); } } /* Release all the MCA param memory */ mca_base_param_dump_release(info); } void ompi_info_show_mca_params(opal_list_t *info, const char *type, const char *component, bool want_internal) { opal_list_item_t *i; mca_base_param_info_t *p; char *value_string, *empty = ""; char *message, *content, *tmp; int value_int, j; mca_base_param_source_t source; char *src_file; for (i = opal_list_get_first(info); i != opal_list_get_last(info); i = opal_list_get_next(i)) { p = (mca_base_param_info_t*) i; if (NULL != p->mbpp_type_name && 0 == strcmp(type, p->mbpp_type_name)) { if (0 == strcmp(component, ompi_info_component_all) || NULL == p->mbpp_component_name || (NULL != p->mbpp_component_name && 0 == strcmp(component, p->mbpp_component_name))) { /* Find the source of the value */ if (OPAL_SUCCESS != mca_base_param_lookup_source(p->mbpp_index, &source, &src_file)) { continue; } /* Make a char *for the default value. Invoke a * lookup because it may transform the char *("~/" -> * "/") or get the value from the * environment, a file, etc. */ if (MCA_BASE_PARAM_TYPE_STRING == p->mbpp_type) { mca_base_param_lookup_string(p->mbpp_index, &value_string); /* Can't let the char *be NULL because we * assign it to a std::string, below */ if (NULL == value_string) { value_string = strdup(empty); } } else { mca_base_param_lookup_int(p->mbpp_index, &value_int); asprintf(&value_string, "%d", value_int); } /* Build up the strings to ompi_info_output. */ if (ompi_info_pretty) { asprintf(&message, "MCA %s", p->mbpp_type_name); /* Put in the real, full name (which may be * different than the categorization). */ asprintf(&content, "%s \"%s\" (%s: <%s>, data source: ", p->mbpp_read_only ? "information" : "parameter", p->mbpp_full_name, p->mbpp_read_only ? "value" : "current value", (0 == strlen(value_string)) ? "none" : value_string); /* Indicate where the param was set from */ switch(source) { case MCA_BASE_PARAM_SOURCE_DEFAULT: asprintf(&tmp, "%sdefault value", content); free(content); content = tmp; break; case MCA_BASE_PARAM_SOURCE_ENV: asprintf(&tmp, "%senvironment or cmdline", content); free(content); content = tmp; break; case MCA_BASE_PARAM_SOURCE_FILE: asprintf(&tmp, "%sfile [%s]", content, src_file); free(content); content = tmp; break; case MCA_BASE_PARAM_SOURCE_OVERRIDE: asprintf(&tmp, "%sAPI override", content); free(content); content = tmp; break; default: break; } /* Is this parameter deprecated? */ if (p->mbpp_deprecated) { asprintf(&tmp, "%s, deprecated", content); free(content); content = tmp; } /* Does this parameter have any synonyms? */ if (p->mbpp_synonyms_len > 0) { asprintf(&tmp, "%s, synonyms: ", content); free(content); content = tmp; for (j = 0; j < p->mbpp_synonyms_len; ++j) { if (j > 0) { asprintf(&tmp, "%s, %s", content, p->mbpp_synonyms[j]->mbpp_full_name); free(content); content = tmp; } else { asprintf(&tmp, "%s%s", content, p->mbpp_synonyms[j]->mbpp_full_name); free(content); content = tmp; } } } /* Is this parameter a synonym of something else? */ else if (NULL != p->mbpp_synonym_parent) { asprintf(&tmp, "%s, synonym of: %s", content, p->mbpp_synonym_parent->mbpp_full_name); free(content); content = tmp; } asprintf(&tmp, "%s)", content); free(content); content = tmp; ompi_info_out(message, message, content); free(message); free(content); /* If we have a help message, ompi_info_output it */ if (NULL != p->mbpp_help_msg) { ompi_info_out("", "", p->mbpp_help_msg); } } else { /* build the message*/ asprintf(&tmp, "mca:%s:%s:param:%s:", p->mbpp_type_name, (NULL == p->mbpp_component_name) ? "base" : p->mbpp_component_name, p->mbpp_full_name); /* Output the value */ asprintf(&message, "%svalue", tmp); ompi_info_out(message, message, value_string); free(message); /* Indicate where the param was set from */ asprintf(&message, "%sdata_source", tmp); switch(source) { case MCA_BASE_PARAM_SOURCE_DEFAULT: content = strdup("default value"); break; case MCA_BASE_PARAM_SOURCE_ENV: content = strdup("environment-cmdline"); break; case MCA_BASE_PARAM_SOURCE_FILE: asprintf(&content, "file: %s", src_file); break; case MCA_BASE_PARAM_SOURCE_OVERRIDE: content = strdup("API override"); break; default: break; } ompi_info_out(message, message, content); free(message); free(content); /* Output whether it's read only or writable */ asprintf(&message, "%sstatus", tmp); content = p->mbpp_read_only ? "read-only" : "writable"; ompi_info_out(message, message, content); free(message); /* If it has a help message, ompi_info_output that */ if (NULL != p->mbpp_help_msg) { asprintf(&message, "%shelp", tmp); content = p->mbpp_help_msg; ompi_info_out(message, message, content); free(message); } /* Is this parameter deprecated? */ asprintf(&message, "%sdeprecated", tmp); content = p->mbpp_deprecated ? "yes" : "no"; ompi_info_out(message, message, content); free(message); /* Does this parameter have any synonyms? */ if (p->mbpp_synonyms_len > 0) { for (j = 0; j < p->mbpp_synonyms_len; ++j) { asprintf(&message, "%ssynonym:name", tmp); content = p->mbpp_synonyms[j]->mbpp_full_name; ompi_info_out(message, message, content); free(message); } } /* Is this parameter a synonym of something else? */ else if (NULL != p->mbpp_synonym_parent) { asprintf(&message, "%ssynonym_of:name", tmp); content = p->mbpp_synonym_parent->mbpp_full_name; ompi_info_out(message, message, content); free(message); } } /* If we allocated the string, then free it */ if (NULL != value_string) { free(value_string); } } } } } void ompi_info_do_path(bool want_all, opal_cmd_line_t *cmd_line) { int i, count; char *scope; /* Check bozo case */ count = opal_cmd_line_get_ninsts(cmd_line, "path"); for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { scope = opal_cmd_line_get_param(cmd_line, "path", i, 0); if (0 == strcmp("all", scope)) { want_all = true; break; } } if (want_all) { ompi_info_show_path(ompi_info_path_prefix, opal_install_dirs.prefix); ompi_info_show_path(ompi_info_path_exec_prefix, opal_install_dirs.exec_prefix); ompi_info_show_path(ompi_info_path_bindir, opal_install_dirs.bindir); ompi_info_show_path(ompi_info_path_sbindir, opal_install_dirs.sbindir); ompi_info_show_path(ompi_info_path_libdir, opal_install_dirs.libdir); ompi_info_show_path(ompi_info_path_incdir, opal_install_dirs.includedir); ompi_info_show_path(ompi_info_path_mandir, opal_install_dirs.mandir); ompi_info_show_path(ompi_info_path_pkglibdir, opal_install_dirs.pkglibdir); ompi_info_show_path(ompi_info_path_libexecdir, opal_install_dirs.libexecdir); ompi_info_show_path(ompi_info_path_datarootdir, opal_install_dirs.datarootdir); ompi_info_show_path(ompi_info_path_datadir, opal_install_dirs.datadir); ompi_info_show_path(ompi_info_path_sysconfdir, opal_install_dirs.sysconfdir); ompi_info_show_path(ompi_info_path_sharedstatedir, opal_install_dirs.sharedstatedir); ompi_info_show_path(ompi_info_path_localstatedir, opal_install_dirs.localstatedir); ompi_info_show_path(ompi_info_path_infodir, opal_install_dirs.infodir); ompi_info_show_path(ompi_info_path_pkgdatadir, opal_install_dirs.pkgdatadir); ompi_info_show_path(ompi_info_path_pkglibdir, opal_install_dirs.pkglibdir); ompi_info_show_path(ompi_info_path_pkgincludedir, opal_install_dirs.pkgincludedir); } else { count = opal_cmd_line_get_ninsts(cmd_line, "path"); for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { scope = opal_cmd_line_get_param(cmd_line, "path", i, 0); if (0 == strcmp(ompi_info_path_prefix, scope)) { ompi_info_show_path(ompi_info_path_prefix, opal_install_dirs.prefix); } else if (0 == strcmp(ompi_info_path_bindir, scope)) { ompi_info_show_path(ompi_info_path_bindir, opal_install_dirs.bindir); } else if (0 == strcmp(ompi_info_path_libdir, scope)) { ompi_info_show_path(ompi_info_path_libdir, opal_install_dirs.libdir); } else if (0 == strcmp(ompi_info_path_incdir, scope)) { ompi_info_show_path(ompi_info_path_incdir, opal_install_dirs.includedir); } else if (0 == strcmp(ompi_info_path_mandir, scope)) { ompi_info_show_path(ompi_info_path_mandir, opal_install_dirs.mandir); } else if (0 == strcmp(ompi_info_path_pkglibdir, scope)) { ompi_info_show_path(ompi_info_path_pkglibdir, opal_install_dirs.pkglibdir); } else if (0 == strcmp(ompi_info_path_sysconfdir, scope)) { ompi_info_show_path(ompi_info_path_sysconfdir, opal_install_dirs.sysconfdir); } else if (0 == strcmp(ompi_info_path_exec_prefix, scope)) { ompi_info_show_path(ompi_info_path_exec_prefix, opal_install_dirs.exec_prefix); } else if (0 == strcmp(ompi_info_path_sbindir, scope)) { ompi_info_show_path(ompi_info_path_sbindir, opal_install_dirs.sbindir); } else if (0 == strcmp(ompi_info_path_libexecdir, scope)) { ompi_info_show_path(ompi_info_path_libexecdir, opal_install_dirs.libexecdir); } else if (0 == strcmp(ompi_info_path_datarootdir, scope)) { ompi_info_show_path(ompi_info_path_datarootdir, opal_install_dirs.datarootdir); } else if (0 == strcmp(ompi_info_path_datadir, scope)) { ompi_info_show_path(ompi_info_path_datadir, opal_install_dirs.datadir); } else if (0 == strcmp(ompi_info_path_sharedstatedir, scope)) { ompi_info_show_path(ompi_info_path_sharedstatedir, opal_install_dirs.sharedstatedir); } else if (0 == strcmp(ompi_info_path_localstatedir, scope)) { ompi_info_show_path(ompi_info_path_localstatedir, opal_install_dirs.localstatedir); } else if (0 == strcmp(ompi_info_path_infodir, scope)) { ompi_info_show_path(ompi_info_path_infodir, opal_install_dirs.infodir); } else if (0 == strcmp(ompi_info_path_pkgdatadir, scope)) { ompi_info_show_path(ompi_info_path_pkgdatadir, opal_install_dirs.pkgdatadir); } else if (0 == strcmp(ompi_info_path_pkgincludedir, scope)) { ompi_info_show_path(ompi_info_path_pkgincludedir, opal_install_dirs.pkgincludedir); } else { char *usage = opal_cmd_line_get_usage_msg(cmd_line); orte_show_help("help-ompi_info.txt", "usage", true, usage); free(usage); exit(1); } } } } void ompi_info_show_path(const char *type, const char *value) { char *pretty, *path; pretty = strdup(type); pretty[0] = toupper(pretty[0]); asprintf(&path, "path:%s", type); ompi_info_out(pretty, path, value); free(pretty); free(path); } void ompi_info_do_arch() { ompi_info_out("Configured architecture", "config:arch", OPAL_ARCH); } void ompi_info_do_hostname() { ompi_info_out("Configure host", "config:host", OPAL_CONFIGURE_HOST); } /* * do_config * Accepts: * - want_all: boolean flag; TRUE -> display all options * FALSE -> display selected options * * This function displays all the options with which the current * installation of ompi was configured. There are many options here * that are carried forward from OMPI-7 and are not mca parameters * in OMPI-10. I have to dig through the invalid options and replace * them with OMPI-10 options. */ void ompi_info_do_config(bool want_all) { char *cxx; char *f77; char *f90; char *f90_size; char *heterogeneous; char *memprofile; char *memdebug; char *debug; char *log_event; char *mpi_interface_warning; char *cprofiling; char *cxxprofiling; char *f77profiling; char *f90profiling; char *cxxexceptions; char *threads; char *want_libltdl; char *mpirun_prefix_by_default; char *sparse_groups; char *have_mpi_io; char *wtime_support; char *symbol_visibility; char *ft_support; char *crdebug_support; /* Do a little preprocessor trickery here to figure ompi_info_out the * tri-state of MPI_PARAM_CHECK (which will be either 0, 1, or * ompi_mpi_param_check). The preprocessor will only allow * comparisons against constants, so you'll get a warning if you * check MPI_PARAM_CHECK against 0 or 1, but its real value is the * char *ompi_mpi_param_check. So define ompi_mpi_param_check to * be a constant, and then all the preprocessor comparisons work ompi_info_out * ok. Note that we chose the preprocessor comparison rompi_info_oute because * it is not sufficient to simply set the variable * ompi_mpi_param_check to a non-0/non-1 value. This is because the * compiler will generate a warning that that C variable is unused * when MPI_PARAM_CHECK is hard-coded to 0 or 1. */ char *paramcheck; #define ompi_mpi_param_check 999 #if 0 == MPI_PARAM_CHECK paramcheck = "never"; #elif 1 == MPI_PARAM_CHECK paramcheck = "always"; #else paramcheck = "runtime"; #endif /* setup the strings that don't require allocations*/ cxx = OMPI_WANT_CXX_BINDINGS ? "yes" : "no"; f90 = OMPI_WANT_F90_BINDINGS ? "yes" : "no"; f90_size = OMPI_F90_BUILD_SIZE; heterogeneous = OPAL_ENABLE_HETEROGENEOUS_SUPPORT ? "yes" : "no"; memprofile = OPAL_ENABLE_MEM_PROFILE ? "yes" : "no"; memdebug = OPAL_ENABLE_MEM_DEBUG ? "yes" : "no"; debug = OPAL_ENABLE_DEBUG ? "yes" : "no"; log_event = ORTE_WANT_NOTIFIER_LOG_EVENT ? "yes" : "no"; mpi_interface_warning = OMPI_WANT_MPI_INTERFACE_WARNING ? "yes" : "no"; cprofiling = OMPI_ENABLE_MPI_PROFILING ? "yes" : "no"; cxxprofiling = (OMPI_WANT_CXX_BINDINGS && OMPI_ENABLE_MPI_PROFILING) ? "yes" : "no"; cxxexceptions = (OMPI_WANT_CXX_BINDINGS && OMPI_HAVE_CXX_EXCEPTION_SUPPORT) ? "yes" : "no"; f77profiling = (OMPI_ENABLE_MPI_PROFILING && OMPI_WANT_F77_BINDINGS) ? "yes" : "no"; f90profiling = (OMPI_ENABLE_MPI_PROFILING && OMPI_WANT_F90_BINDINGS) ? "yes" : "no"; want_libltdl = OPAL_WANT_LIBLTDL ? "yes" : "no"; mpirun_prefix_by_default = ORTE_WANT_ORTERUN_PREFIX_BY_DEFAULT ? "yes" : "no"; sparse_groups = OMPI_GROUP_SPARSE ? "yes" : "no"; have_mpi_io = OMPI_PROVIDE_MPI_FILE_INTERFACE ? "yes" : "no"; wtime_support = OPAL_TIMER_USEC_NATIVE ? "native" : "gettimeofday"; symbol_visibility = OPAL_C_HAVE_VISIBILITY ? "yes" : "no"; /* setup strings that require allocation */ if (OMPI_WANT_F77_BINDINGS) { asprintf(&f77, "yes (%s)", (OPAL_HAVE_WEAK_SYMBOLS ? "all" : (OMPI_F77_CAPS ? "caps" : (OMPI_F77_PLAIN ? "lower case" : (OMPI_F77_SINGLE_UNDERSCORE ? "single underscore" : "double underscore"))))); } else { f77 = strdup("no"); } if (OPAL_HAVE_SOLARIS_THREADS || OPAL_HAVE_POSIX_THREADS) { asprintf(&threads, "%s (mpi: %s, progress: %s)", OPAL_HAVE_SOLARIS_THREADS ? "solaris" : (OPAL_HAVE_POSIX_THREADS ? "posix" : "type unknown"), OMPI_ENABLE_THREAD_MULTIPLE ? "yes" : "no", OMPI_ENABLE_PROGRESS_THREADS ? "yes" : "no"); } else { threads = strdup("no"); } asprintf(&ft_support, "%s (checkpoint thread: %s)", OPAL_ENABLE_FT ? "yes" : "no", OPAL_ENABLE_FT_THREAD ? "yes" : "no");; asprintf(&crdebug_support, "%s", OPAL_ENABLE_CRDEBUG ? "yes" : "no"); /* output values */ ompi_info_out("Configured by", "config:user", OPAL_CONFIGURE_USER); ompi_info_out("Configured on", "config:timestamp", OPAL_CONFIGURE_DATE); ompi_info_out("Configure host", "config:host", OPAL_CONFIGURE_HOST); ompi_info_out("Built by", "build:user", OMPI_BUILD_USER); ompi_info_out("Built on", "build:timestamp", OMPI_BUILD_DATE); ompi_info_out("Built host", "build:host", OMPI_BUILD_HOST); ompi_info_out("C bindings", "bindings:c", "yes"); ompi_info_out("C++ bindings", "bindings:cxx", cxx); ompi_info_out("Fortran77 bindings", "bindings:f77", f77); free(f77); ompi_info_out("Fortran90 bindings", "bindings:f90", f90); ompi_info_out("Fortran90 bindings size", "bindings:f90:size", OMPI_WANT_F90_BINDINGS ? f90_size : "na"); ompi_info_out("C compiler", "compiler:c:command", OPAL_CC); ompi_info_out("C compiler absolute", "compiler:c:absolute", OPAL_CC_ABSOLUTE); ompi_info_out("C compiler family name", "compiler:c:familyname", _STRINGIFY(OPAL_BUILD_PLATFORM_COMPILER_FAMILYNAME)); ompi_info_out("C compiler version", "compiler:c:version", _STRINGIFY(OPAL_BUILD_PLATFORM_COMPILER_VERSION_STR)); if (want_all) { ompi_info_out_int("C char size", "compiler:c:sizeof:char", sizeof(char)); /* JMS: should be fixed in MPI-2.2 to differentiate between C _Bool and C++ bool. For the moment, the code base assumes that they are the same. Because of opal_config_bottom.h, we can sizeof(bool) here, so we might as well -- even though this technically isn't right. This should be fixed when we update to MPI-2.2. See below for note about C++ bool alignment. */ ompi_info_out_int("C bool size", "compiler:c:sizeof:bool", sizeof(bool)); ompi_info_out_int("C short size", "compiler:c:sizeof:short", sizeof(short)); ompi_info_out_int("C int size", "compiler:c:sizeof:int", sizeof(int)); ompi_info_out_int("C long size", "compiler:c:sizeof:long", sizeof(long)); ompi_info_out_int("C float size", "compiler:c:sizeof:float", sizeof(float)); ompi_info_out_int("C double size", "compiler:c:sizeof:double", sizeof(double)); ompi_info_out_int("C pointer size", "compiler:c:sizeof:pointer", sizeof(void *)); ompi_info_out_int("C char align", "compiler:c:align:char", OPAL_ALIGNMENT_CHAR); #if OMPI_WANT_CXX_BINDINGS /* JMS: See above for note about C++ bool size. We don't have the bool alignment the way configure currently runs -- need to clean this up when we update for MPI-2.2. */ ompi_info_out_int("C bool align", "compiler:c:align:bool", OPAL_ALIGNMENT_CXX_BOOL); #else ompi_info_out("C bool align", "compiler:c:align:bool", "skipped"); #endif ompi_info_out_int("C int align", "compiler:c:align:int", OPAL_ALIGNMENT_INT); ompi_info_out_int("C float align", "compiler:c:align:float", OPAL_ALIGNMENT_FLOAT); ompi_info_out_int("C double align", "compiler:c:align:double", OPAL_ALIGNMENT_DOUBLE); } ompi_info_out("C++ compiler", "compiler:cxx:command", OMPI_CXX); ompi_info_out("C++ compiler absolute", "compiler:cxx:absolute", OMPI_CXX_ABSOLUTE); ompi_info_out("Fortran77 compiler", "compiler:f77:command", OMPI_F77); ompi_info_out("Fortran77 compiler abs", "compiler:f77:absolute", OMPI_F77_ABSOLUTE); ompi_info_out("Fortran90 compiler", "compiler:f90:command", OMPI_F90); ompi_info_out("Fortran90 compiler abs", "compiler:f90:absolute", OMPI_F90_ABSOLUTE); if (want_all) { /* Will always have the size of Fortran integer */ ompi_info_out_int("Fort integer size", "compiler:fortran:sizeof:integer", OMPI_SIZEOF_FORTRAN_INTEGER); ompi_info_out_int("Fort logical size", "compiler:fortran:sizeof:logical", OMPI_SIZEOF_FORTRAN_LOGICAL); ompi_info_out_int("Fort logical value true", "compiler:fortran:value:true", OMPI_FORTRAN_VALUE_TRUE); /* May or may not have the other Fortran sizes */ if (OMPI_WANT_F77_BINDINGS || OMPI_WANT_F90_BINDINGS) { ompi_info_out("Fort have integer1", "compiler:fortran:have:integer1", OMPI_HAVE_FORTRAN_INTEGER1 ? "yes" : "no"); ompi_info_out("Fort have integer2", "compiler:fortran:have:integer2", OMPI_HAVE_FORTRAN_INTEGER2 ? "yes" : "no"); ompi_info_out("Fort have integer4", "compiler:fortran:have:integer4", OMPI_HAVE_FORTRAN_INTEGER4 ? "yes" : "no"); ompi_info_out("Fort have integer8", "compiler:fortran:have:integer8", OMPI_HAVE_FORTRAN_INTEGER8 ? "yes" : "no"); ompi_info_out("Fort have integer16", "compiler:fortran:have:integer16", OMPI_HAVE_FORTRAN_INTEGER16 ? "yes" : "no"); ompi_info_out("Fort have real4", "compiler:fortran:have:real4", OMPI_HAVE_FORTRAN_REAL4 ? "yes" : "no"); ompi_info_out("Fort have real8", "compiler:fortran:have:real8", OMPI_HAVE_FORTRAN_REAL8 ? "yes" : "no"); ompi_info_out("Fort have real16", "compiler:fortran:have:real16", OMPI_HAVE_FORTRAN_REAL16 && OMPI_REAL16_MATCHES_C ? "yes" : "no"); ompi_info_out("Fort have complex8", "compiler:fortran:have:complex8", OMPI_HAVE_FORTRAN_COMPLEX8 ? "yes" : "no"); ompi_info_out("Fort have complex16", "compiler:fortran:have:complex16", OMPI_HAVE_FORTRAN_COMPLEX16 ? "yes" : "no"); ompi_info_out("Fort have complex32", "compiler:fortran:have:complex32", OMPI_HAVE_FORTRAN_COMPLEX32 && OMPI_REAL16_MATCHES_C ? "yes" : "no"); ompi_info_out_int("Fort integer1 size", "compiler:fortran:sizeof:integer1", OMPI_HAVE_FORTRAN_INTEGER1 ? OMPI_SIZEOF_FORTRAN_INTEGER1 : -1); ompi_info_out_int("Fort integer2 size", "compiler:fortran:sizeof:integer2", OMPI_HAVE_FORTRAN_INTEGER2 ? OMPI_SIZEOF_FORTRAN_INTEGER2 : -1); ompi_info_out_int("Fort integer4 size", "compiler:fortran:sizeof:integer4", OMPI_HAVE_FORTRAN_INTEGER4 ? OMPI_SIZEOF_FORTRAN_INTEGER4 : -1); ompi_info_out_int("Fort integer8 size", "compiler:fortran:sizeof:integer8", OMPI_HAVE_FORTRAN_INTEGER8 ? OMPI_SIZEOF_FORTRAN_INTEGER8 : -1); ompi_info_out_int("Fort integer16 size", "compiler:fortran:sizeof:integer16", OMPI_HAVE_FORTRAN_INTEGER16 ? OMPI_SIZEOF_FORTRAN_INTEGER16 : -1); ompi_info_out_int("Fort real size", "compiler:fortran:sizeof:real", OMPI_SIZEOF_FORTRAN_REAL); ompi_info_out_int("Fort real4 size", "compiler:fortran:sizeof:real4", OMPI_HAVE_FORTRAN_REAL4 ? OMPI_SIZEOF_FORTRAN_REAL4 : -1); ompi_info_out_int("Fort real8 size", "compiler:fortran:sizeof:real8", OMPI_HAVE_FORTRAN_REAL8 ? OMPI_SIZEOF_FORTRAN_REAL8 : -1); ompi_info_out_int("Fort real16 size", "compiler:fortran:sizeof:real17", OMPI_HAVE_FORTRAN_REAL16 ? OMPI_SIZEOF_FORTRAN_REAL16 : -1); ompi_info_out_int("Fort dbl prec size", "compiler:fortran:sizeof:double_precision", OMPI_SIZEOF_FORTRAN_DOUBLE_PRECISION); ompi_info_out_int("Fort cplx size", "compiler:fortran:sizeof:complex", OMPI_SIZEOF_FORTRAN_COMPLEX); ompi_info_out_int("Fort dbl cplx size", "compiler:fortran:sizeof:double_complex", OMPI_HAVE_FORTRAN_DOUBLE_COMPLEX ? OMPI_SIZEOF_FORTRAN_DOUBLE_COMPLEX : -1); ompi_info_out_int("Fort cplx8 size", "compiler:fortran:sizeof:complex8", OMPI_HAVE_FORTRAN_COMPLEX8 ? OMPI_SIZEOF_FORTRAN_COMPLEX8 : -1); ompi_info_out_int("Fort cplx16 size", "compiler:fortran:sizeof:complex16", OMPI_HAVE_FORTRAN_COMPLEX16 ? OMPI_SIZEOF_FORTRAN_COMPLEX16 : -1); ompi_info_out_int("Fort cplx32 size", "compiler:fortran:sizeof:complex32", OMPI_HAVE_FORTRAN_COMPLEX32 ? OMPI_SIZEOF_FORTRAN_COMPLEX32 : -1); ompi_info_out_int("Fort integer align", "compiler:fortran:align:integer", OMPI_ALIGNMENT_FORTRAN_INTEGER); ompi_info_out_int("Fort integer1 align", "compiler:fortran:align:integer1", OMPI_HAVE_FORTRAN_INTEGER1 ? OMPI_ALIGNMENT_FORTRAN_INTEGER1 : -1); ompi_info_out_int("Fort integer2 align", "compiler:fortran:align:integer2", OMPI_HAVE_FORTRAN_INTEGER2 ? OMPI_ALIGNMENT_FORTRAN_INTEGER2 : -1); ompi_info_out_int("Fort integer4 align", "compiler:fortran:align:integer4", OMPI_HAVE_FORTRAN_INTEGER4 ? OMPI_ALIGNMENT_FORTRAN_INTEGER4 : -1); ompi_info_out_int("Fort integer8 align", "compiler:fortran:align:integer8", OMPI_HAVE_FORTRAN_INTEGER8 ? OMPI_ALIGNMENT_FORTRAN_INTEGER8 : -1); ompi_info_out_int("Fort integer16 align", "compiler:fortran:align:integer16", OMPI_HAVE_FORTRAN_INTEGER16 ? OMPI_ALIGNMENT_FORTRAN_INTEGER16 : -1); ompi_info_out_int("Fort real align", "compiler:fortran:align:real", OMPI_ALIGNMENT_FORTRAN_REAL); ompi_info_out_int("Fort real4 align", "compiler:fortran:align:real4", OMPI_HAVE_FORTRAN_REAL4 ? OMPI_ALIGNMENT_FORTRAN_REAL4 : -1); ompi_info_out_int("Fort real8 align", "compiler:fortran:align:real8", OMPI_HAVE_FORTRAN_REAL8 ? OMPI_ALIGNMENT_FORTRAN_REAL8 : -1); ompi_info_out_int("Fort real16 align", "compiler:fortran:align:real16", OMPI_HAVE_FORTRAN_REAL16 ? OMPI_ALIGNMENT_FORTRAN_REAL16 : -1); ompi_info_out_int("Fort dbl prec align", "compiler:fortran:align:double_precision", OMPI_ALIGNMENT_FORTRAN_DOUBLE_PRECISION); ompi_info_out_int("Fort cplx align", "compiler:fortran:align:complex", OMPI_ALIGNMENT_FORTRAN_COMPLEX); ompi_info_out_int("Fort dbl cplx align", "compiler:fortran:align:double_complex", OMPI_HAVE_FORTRAN_DOUBLE_COMPLEX ? OMPI_ALIGNMENT_FORTRAN_DOUBLE_COMPLEX : -1); ompi_info_out_int("Fort cplx8 align", "compiler:fortran:align:complex8", OMPI_HAVE_FORTRAN_COMPLEX8 ? OMPI_ALIGNMENT_FORTRAN_COMPLEX8 : -1); ompi_info_out_int("Fort cplx16 align", "compiler:fortran:align:complex16", OMPI_HAVE_FORTRAN_COMPLEX16 ? OMPI_ALIGNMENT_FORTRAN_COMPLEX16 : -1); ompi_info_out_int("Fort cplx32 align", "compiler:fortran:align:complex32", OMPI_HAVE_FORTRAN_COMPLEX32 ? OMPI_ALIGNMENT_FORTRAN_COMPLEX32 : -1); } else { ompi_info_out("Fort real size", "compiler:fortran:sizeof:real", "skipped"); ompi_info_out("Fort dbl prec size", "compiler:fortran:sizeof:double_precision", "skipped"); ompi_info_out("Fort cplx size", "compiler:fortran:sizeof:complex", "skipped"); ompi_info_out("Fort dbl cplx size", "compiler:fortran:sizeof:double_complex", "skipped"); ompi_info_out("Fort integer align", "compiler:fortran:align:integer", "skipped"); ompi_info_out("Fort real align", "compiler:fortran:align:real", "skipped"); ompi_info_out("Fort dbl prec align", "compiler:fortran:align:double_precision","skipped"); ompi_info_out("Fort cplx align", "compiler:fortran:align:complex", "skipped"); ompi_info_out("Fort dbl cplx align", "compiler:fortran:align:double_complex", "skipped"); } } ompi_info_out("C profiling", "option:profiling:c", cprofiling); ompi_info_out("C++ profiling", "option:profiling:cxx", cxxprofiling); ompi_info_out("Fortran77 profiling", "option:profiling:f77", f77profiling); ompi_info_out("Fortran90 profiling", "option:profiling:f90", f90profiling); ompi_info_out("C++ exceptions", "option:cxx_exceptions", cxxexceptions); ompi_info_out("Thread support", "option:threads", threads); free(threads); ompi_info_out("Sparse Groups", "option:sparse:groups", sparse_groups); if (want_all) { /* Don't display the build CPPFLAGS or CXXCPPFLAGS because they're * just -I$(top_srcdir)/include, etc. Hence, they're a) boring, * and c) specific for ompi_info. */ ompi_info_out("Build CFLAGS", "option:build:cflags", OMPI_BUILD_CFLAGS); ompi_info_out("Build CXXFLAGS", "option:build:cxxflags", OMPI_BUILD_CXXFLAGS); ompi_info_out("Build FFLAGS", "option:build:fflags", OMPI_BUILD_FFLAGS); ompi_info_out("Build FCFLAGS", "option:build:fcflags", OMPI_BUILD_FCFLAGS); ompi_info_out("Build LDFLAGS", "option:build:ldflags", OMPI_BUILD_LDFLAGS); ompi_info_out("Build LIBS", "option:build:libs", OMPI_BUILD_LIBS); ompi_info_out("Wrapper extra CFLAGS", "option:wrapper:extra_cflags", WRAPPER_EXTRA_CFLAGS); ompi_info_out("Wrapper extra CXXFLAGS", "option:wrapper:extra_cxxflags", WRAPPER_EXTRA_CXXFLAGS); ompi_info_out("Wrapper extra FFLAGS", "option:wrapper:extra_fflags", WRAPPER_EXTRA_FFLAGS); ompi_info_out("Wrapper extra FCFLAGS", "option:wrapper:extra_fcflags", WRAPPER_EXTRA_FCFLAGS); ompi_info_out("Wrapper extra LDFLAGS", "option:wrapper:extra_ldflags", WRAPPER_EXTRA_LDFLAGS); ompi_info_out("Wrapper extra LIBS", "option:wrapper:extra_libs", WRAPPER_EXTRA_LIBS); } ompi_info_out("Internal debug support", "option:debug", debug); ompi_info_out("MPI interface warnings", "option:mpi-interface-warning", mpi_interface_warning); ompi_info_out("MPI parameter check", "option:mpi-param-check", paramcheck); ompi_info_out("Memory profiling support", "option:mem-profile", memprofile); ompi_info_out("Memory debugging support", "option:mem-debug", memdebug); ompi_info_out("Unusual events notif.", "option:log-event", log_event); ompi_info_out("libltdl support", "option:dlopen", want_libltdl); ompi_info_out("Heterogeneous support", "options:heterogeneous", heterogeneous); ompi_info_out("mpirun default --prefix", "mpirun:prefix_by_default", mpirun_prefix_by_default); ompi_info_out("MPI I/O support", "options:mpi-io", have_mpi_io); ompi_info_out("MPI_WTIME support", "options:mpi-wtime", wtime_support); ompi_info_out("Symbol vis. support", "options:visibility", symbol_visibility); ompi_info_out("MPI extensions", "options:mpi_ext", OMPI_MPIEXT_COMPONENTS); ompi_info_out("FT Checkpoint support", "options:ft_support", ft_support); free(ft_support); ompi_info_out("C/R Enabled Debugging", "options:crdebug_support", crdebug_support); free(crdebug_support); ompi_info_out_int("MPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME", "options:mpi-max-processor-name", MPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME); ompi_info_out_int("MPI_MAX_ERROR_STRING", "options:mpi-max-error-string", MPI_MAX_ERROR_STRING); ompi_info_out_int("MPI_MAX_OBJECT_NAME", "options:mpi-max-object-name", MPI_MAX_OBJECT_NAME); ompi_info_out_int("MPI_MAX_INFO_KEY", "options:mpi-max-info-key", MPI_MAX_INFO_KEY); ompi_info_out_int("MPI_MAX_INFO_VAL", "options:mpi-max-info-val", MPI_MAX_INFO_VAL); ompi_info_out_int("MPI_MAX_PORT_NAME", "options:mpi-max-port-name", MPI_MAX_PORT_NAME); #if OMPI_PROVIDE_MPI_FILE_INTERFACE ompi_info_out_int("MPI_MAX_DATAREP_STRING", "options:mpi-max-datarep-string", MPI_MAX_DATAREP_STRING); #else ompi_info_out("MPI_MAX_DATAREP_STRING", "options:mpi-max-datarep-string", "IO interface not provided"); #endif }