#!/usr/bin/env perl # # Copyright (c) 2008-2016 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. # Copyright (c) 2017 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. # All Rights reserved. # use strict; use Data::Dumper; use Getopt::Long; use Cwd; # Ensure that we're in the root of a writeable Git clone my $in_git_clone = 1; my $skip_ok = 0; my $quiet = 0; my $srcdir = "."; my $destdir = getcwd(); GetOptions("skip-ok" => \$skip_ok, "quiet" => \$quiet, "srcdir=s" => \$srcdir, "destdir=s" => \$destdir) or die("Error in command line arguments\n"); # we still work with git old enough to not have the -C option, and the # --git-dir option screws up .mailmap, so just jump into the source # directory and make life easier. chdir($srcdir); if (! -e ".git") { if ($skip_ok == 0) { print STDERR "I don't seem to be in a git repo :(\n"; exit(1); } else { # called from make dist, just exit quietly (for case where # user runs "make dist" from a dist tarball) exit(0); } } ###################################################################### my $people; ###################################################################### # Run git log to get a list of committers open (GIT, "git log --no-merges --format=tformat:'%aN <%aE>'|") || die "Can't run 'git log'."; while (<GIT>) { chomp; m/^\s*(.+)\s+<(.+)>\s*$/; my $email = lc($2); # special case from the SVN migration if ($email eq 'no-author@open-mpi.org') { next; } # skip the mpi bot... if ($email eq 'mpiteam@open-mpi.org') { next; } if (!exists($people->{$1})) { # The person doesn't exist, so save a new entry $people->{$1} = { name => $1, emails => { $email => 1, } }; if ($quiet == 0) { print STDOUT "Found Git committer: $1 <$email>\n"; } } else { # The person already exists, so just add (or overwrite) this # email address $people->{$1}->{emails}->{$email} = 1; } } close(GIT); if (scalar(keys(%{$people})) == 0) { print STDERR "Found no author entries, assuming git broke. Aborting!\n"; exit(1); } ###################################################################### # Output a new AUTHORS file open (AUTHORS, ">$destdir/AUTHORS") || die "Can't write to AUTHORS file"; my $header = <<'END_HEADER'; Open MPI Authors ================ The following cumulative list contains the names and email addresses of all individuals who have committed code to the Open MPI repository (either directly or through a third party, such as through a Github.com pull request). Note that these email addresses are not guaranteed to be current; they are simply a unique indicator of the individual who committed them. END_HEADER print AUTHORS $header; my $email_dups; my @sorted_people = sort(keys(%{$people})); foreach my $p (@sorted_people) { print AUTHORS "$p\n"; foreach my $e (sort(keys(%{$people->{$p}->{emails}}))) { # Sanity check: make sure this email address does not show up # with any other person/name my $dup; foreach my $p2 (@sorted_people) { next if ($p eq $p2); foreach my $e2 (keys(%{$people->{$p2}->{emails}})) { if ($e eq $e2) { $dup = $p2; # Record this so that we can warn about it if ($p le $p2) { $email_dups->{$p} = $p2; } else { $email_dups->{$p2} = $p; } last; } } last if (defined($dup)); } print AUTHORS " $e"; print AUTHORS " (**** DUPLICATE EMAIL ADDRESS WITH $dup ***)" if (defined($dup)); print AUTHORS "\n"; } } close(AUTHORS); print STDOUT "New AUTHORS file written.\n"; ###################################################################### # Output any relevant warnings my $warned = 0; my @k = sort(keys(%{$email_dups})); if ($#k >= 0) { $warned = 1; print STDERR "\n*** WARNING: The following people had the same email address:\n"; foreach my $p (@k) { print STDERR "*** $p, $email_dups->{$p}\n"; } } if ($warned) { print STDERR " ******************************************************************************* *** YOU SHOULD EDIT THE .mailmap FILE TO RESOLVE THESE WARNINGS! *******************************************************************************\n"; } exit($warned);