/* * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Trustees of Indiana University. * All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Trustees of the University of Tennessee. * All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart, * University of Stuttgart. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. * $COPYRIGHT$ * * Additional copyrights may follow * * $HEADER$ */ #include "ompi_config.h" #include "mca/topo/base/base.h" #include "communicator/communicator.h" #include "mca/topo/topo.h" /* * function - Returns the shifted source and destination ranks, given a * shift direction and amount * * @param comm communicator with cartesian structure (handle) * @param direction coordinate directionension of shift (integer) * @param disp displacement (> 0: upwards shift, < 0: downwards shift) (integer) * @param rank_source rank of source process (integer) * @param rank_dest rank of destination process (integer) * * The 'direction' argument is in the range '[0,n-1]' for an n-directionensional * Cartesian mesh. * * @retval MPI_SUCCESS * @retval MPI_ERR_TOPOLOGY * @retval MPI_ERR_DIMS * @retval MPI_ERR_COMM * @retval MPI_ERR_ARG */ int mca_topo_base_cart_shift (MPI_Comm comm, int direction, int disp, int *rank_source, int *rank_dest){ int factor; int thisdirection = 0; int thisperiod = 0; int ord; int srcord; int destord; int i; int *p; /* * Handle the trivial case. */ ord = ompi_comm_rank(comm); if (disp == 0) { *rank_dest = *rank_source = ord; return MPI_SUCCESS; } /* * Compute the rank factor and ordinate. */ factor = ompi_comm_size(comm); p = comm->c_topo_comm->mtc_dims_or_index; for (i = 0; (i < comm->c_topo_comm->mtc_ndims_or_nnodes) && (i <= direction); ++i, ++p) { if ((thisdirection = *p) > 0) { thisperiod = 0; } else { thisperiod = 1; thisdirection = -thisdirection; } ord %= factor; factor /= thisdirection; } ord /= factor; /* * Check the displacement value and compute the new ranks. */ *rank_source = *rank_dest = MPI_UNDEFINED; srcord = ord - disp; destord = ord + disp; if ( ((destord < 0) || (destord >= thisdirection)) && (!thisperiod) ) { *rank_dest = MPI_PROC_NULL; } else { destord %= thisdirection; if (destord < 0) destord += thisdirection; *rank_dest = ompi_comm_rank(comm); *rank_dest += ((destord - ord) * factor); } if ( ((srcord < 0) || (srcord >= thisdirection)) && (!thisperiod) ) { *rank_source = MPI_PROC_NULL; } else { srcord %= thisdirection; if (srcord < 0) srcord += thisdirection; *rank_source= ompi_comm_rank(comm); *rank_source += ((srcord - ord) * factor); } return MPI_SUCCESS; }