/* * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Trustees of Indiana University. * All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Trustees of the University of Tennessee. * All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart, * University of Stuttgart. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. * $COPYRIGHT$ * * Additional copyrights may follow * * $HEADER$ */ /** @file: * * The Open MPI general purpose registry. * * The Open MPI system contains a general purpose registry for use by both * applications and internal systems to dynamically share information. For * speed purposes, the registry is divided into "segments", each labelled * with an appropriate "token" string that describes its contents. Segments * are automatically provided for the "universe" and for each MPI CommWorld. * At this time, all segments may be accessed by any application within the universe, thus * providing a mechanism for cross-CommWorld communications (with the requirement * that all participating CommWorlds must reside within the same universe). In the future, * some form of security may be provided to limit access privileges between * segments. * * Within each registry segment, there exists a list of objects that have * been "put" onto the registry. Each object must be tagged with at least * one token, but may be tagged with as many tokens as the creator desires. * Retrieval requests must specify the segment and at least one token, but * can specify an arbitrary number of tokens to describe the search. The registry * will return a list of all objects that meet the search criteria. * * Tokens are defined as character strings, thus allowing for clarity in * the program. However, for speed purposes, tokens are translated into * integer keys prior to storing an object. A table of token-key pairs * is independently maintained for each registry segment. Users can obtain * an index of tokens within a dictionary by requesting it through the orte_registry_index() * function. * * The registry also provides a subscription capability whereby a caller * can subscribe to a stored object and receive notification when various actions * are performed on that object. Currently supported actions include modification, * the addition of another subscriber, and deletion. Notifications are sent via * the OOB communication channel. * * */ #ifndef ORTE_GPR_BASE_H_ #define ORTE_GPR_BASE_H_ /* * includes */ #include "orte_config.h" #include "include/orte_constants.h" #include "include/orte_types.h" #include "opal/threads/mutex.h" #include "opal/threads/condition.h" #include "opal/class/opal_list.h" #include "dps/dps_types.h" #include "mca/mca.h" #include "mca/base/base.h" #include "mca/base/mca_base_param.h" #include "mca/rml/rml_types.h" #include "mca/gpr/gpr.h" /* * Global functions for MCA overall collective open and close */ #if defined(c_plusplus) || defined(__cplusplus) extern "C" { #endif /* * Define flag values for remote commands */ #define ORTE_GPR_DELETE_SEGMENT_CMD (uint8_t) 1 #define ORTE_GPR_PUT_CMD (uint8_t) 2 #define ORTE_GPR_DELETE_ENTRIES_CMD (uint8_t) 3 #define ORTE_GPR_INDEX_CMD (uint8_t) 4 #define ORTE_GPR_SUBSCRIBE_CMD (uint8_t) 5 #define ORTE_GPR_UNSUBSCRIBE_CMD (uint8_t) 6 #define ORTE_GPR_CANCEL_TRIGGER_CMD (uint8_t) 7 #define ORTE_GPR_GET_CMD (uint8_t) 8 #define ORTE_GPR_TEST_INTERNALS_CMD (uint8_t) 9 #define ORTE_GPR_NOTIFY_CMD (uint8_t) 10 #define ORTE_GPR_DUMP_ALL_CMD (uint8_t) 11 #define ORTE_GPR_DUMP_SEGMENTS_CMD (uint8_t) 12 #define ORTE_GPR_DUMP_TRIGGERS_CMD (uint8_t) 13 #define ORTE_GPR_DUMP_SUBSCRIPTIONS_CMD (uint8_t) 14 #define ORTE_GPR_DUMP_CALLBACKS_CMD (uint8_t) 15 #define ORTE_GPR_INCREMENT_VALUE_CMD (uint8_t) 16 #define ORTE_GPR_DECREMENT_VALUE_CMD (uint8_t) 17 #define ORTE_GPR_COMPOUND_CMD (uint8_t) 18 #define ORTE_GPR_CLEANUP_JOB_CMD (uint8_t) 19 #define ORTE_GPR_CLEANUP_PROC_CMD (uint8_t) 20 #define ORTE_GPR_ERROR (uint8_t)0xff typedef uint8_t orte_gpr_cmd_flag_t; #define ORTE_GPR_CMD_T ORTE_UINT8 OMPI_DECLSPEC int orte_gpr_base_open(void); OMPI_DECLSPEC int orte_gpr_base_select(void); OMPI_DECLSPEC int orte_gpr_base_close(void); OMPI_DECLSPEC int orte_gpr_base_put_1(orte_gpr_addr_mode_t addr_mode, char *segment, char **tokens, char *key, orte_data_type_t type, orte_gpr_value_union_t value); OMPI_DECLSPEC int orte_gpr_base_put_N(orte_gpr_addr_mode_t addr_mode, char *segment, char **tokens, size_t n, char **keys, orte_data_type_t *types, orte_gpr_value_union_t *data_values); OMPI_DECLSPEC int orte_gpr_base_subscribe_1(orte_gpr_subscription_id_t *id, char *trig_name, char *sub_name, orte_gpr_notify_action_t action, orte_gpr_addr_mode_t addr_mode, char *segment, char **tokens, char *key, orte_gpr_notify_cb_fn_t cbfunc, void *user_tag); OMPI_DECLSPEC int orte_gpr_base_subscribe_N(orte_gpr_subscription_id_t *id, char *trig_name, char *sub_name, orte_gpr_notify_action_t action, orte_gpr_addr_mode_t addr_mode, char *segment, char **tokens, size_t n, char **keys, orte_gpr_notify_cb_fn_t cbfunc, void *user_tag); OMPI_DECLSPEC int orte_gpr_base_define_trigger(orte_gpr_trigger_id_t *id, char *trig_name, orte_gpr_trigger_action_t action, orte_gpr_addr_mode_t addr_mode, char *segment, char **tokens, size_t n, char **keys, orte_gpr_trigger_cb_fn_t cbfunc, void *user_tag); /* general usage functions */ OMPI_DECLSPEC int orte_gpr_base_pack_delete_segment(orte_buffer_t *cmd, char *segment); OMPI_DECLSPEC int orte_gpr_base_unpack_delete_segment(orte_buffer_t *buffer, int *ret); OMPI_DECLSPEC int orte_gpr_base_pack_delete_entries(orte_buffer_t *buffer, orte_gpr_addr_mode_t mode, char *segment, char **tokens, char **keys); OMPI_DECLSPEC int orte_gpr_base_unpack_delete_entries(orte_buffer_t *buffer, int *ret); OMPI_DECLSPEC int orte_gpr_base_pack_index(orte_buffer_t *cmd, char *segment); OMPI_DECLSPEC int orte_gpr_base_unpack_index(orte_buffer_t *cmd, int *ret, size_t *cnt, char ***index); OMPI_DECLSPEC int orte_gpr_base_pack_subscribe(orte_buffer_t *cmd, size_t num_subs, orte_gpr_subscription_t **subscriptions, size_t num_trigs, orte_gpr_trigger_t **trig); OMPI_DECLSPEC int orte_gpr_base_unpack_subscribe(orte_buffer_t *buffer, int *ret); OMPI_DECLSPEC int orte_gpr_base_pack_unsubscribe(orte_buffer_t *cmd, orte_gpr_subscription_id_t id); OMPI_DECLSPEC int orte_gpr_base_unpack_unsubscribe(orte_buffer_t *buffer, int *ret); OMPI_DECLSPEC int orte_gpr_base_pack_cancel_trigger(orte_buffer_t *cmd, orte_gpr_trigger_id_t id); OMPI_DECLSPEC int orte_gpr_base_unpack_cancel_trigger(orte_buffer_t *buffer, int *ret); OMPI_DECLSPEC int orte_gpr_base_pack_put(orte_buffer_t *cmd, size_t cnt, orte_gpr_value_t **values); OMPI_DECLSPEC int orte_gpr_base_unpack_put(orte_buffer_t *buffer, int *ret); OMPI_DECLSPEC int orte_gpr_base_pack_get(orte_buffer_t *cmd, orte_gpr_addr_mode_t mode, char *segment, char **tokens, char **keys); OMPI_DECLSPEC int orte_gpr_base_unpack_get(orte_buffer_t *buffer, int *ret, size_t *cnt, orte_gpr_value_t ***values); OMPI_DECLSPEC int orte_gpr_base_pack_dump_all(orte_buffer_t *cmd); OMPI_DECLSPEC int orte_gpr_base_pack_dump_segments(orte_buffer_t *cmd, char *segment); OMPI_DECLSPEC int orte_gpr_base_pack_dump_triggers(orte_buffer_t *cmd); OMPI_DECLSPEC int orte_gpr_base_pack_dump_subscriptions(orte_buffer_t *cmd); OMPI_DECLSPEC int orte_gpr_base_pack_dump_callbacks(orte_buffer_t *cmd); OMPI_DECLSPEC int orte_gpr_base_print_dump(orte_buffer_t *buffer, int output_id); OMPI_DECLSPEC void orte_gpr_base_dump_keyval_value(orte_buffer_t *buffer, orte_gpr_keyval_t *iptr); OMPI_DECLSPEC int orte_gpr_base_dump_notify_msg(orte_buffer_t *buffer, orte_gpr_notify_message_t *msg); OMPI_DECLSPEC int orte_gpr_base_dump_notify_data(orte_buffer_t *buffer, orte_gpr_notify_data_t *data); OMPI_DECLSPEC int orte_gpr_base_dump_value(orte_buffer_t *buffer, orte_gpr_value_t *value); OMPI_DECLSPEC int orte_gpr_base_pack_cleanup_job(orte_buffer_t *buffer, orte_jobid_t jobid); OMPI_DECLSPEC int orte_gpr_base_unpack_cleanup_job(orte_buffer_t *buffer, int *ret); OMPI_DECLSPEC int orte_gpr_base_pack_cleanup_proc(orte_buffer_t *buffer, orte_process_name_t *proc); OMPI_DECLSPEC int orte_gpr_base_unpack_cleanup_proc(orte_buffer_t *buffer, int *ret); OMPI_DECLSPEC int orte_gpr_base_pack_increment_value(orte_buffer_t *cmd, orte_gpr_value_t *value); OMPI_DECLSPEC int orte_gpr_base_unpack_increment_value(orte_buffer_t *buffer, int *ret); OMPI_DECLSPEC int orte_gpr_base_pack_decrement_value(orte_buffer_t *cmd, orte_gpr_value_t *value); OMPI_DECLSPEC int orte_gpr_base_unpack_decrement_value(orte_buffer_t *buffer, int *ret); /* GPR DATA TYPE PACKING FUNCTIONS */ int orte_gpr_base_pack_cmd(orte_buffer_t *buffer, void *src, size_t num_vals, orte_data_type_t type); int orte_gpr_base_pack_subscription_id(orte_buffer_t *buffer, void *src, size_t num_vals, orte_data_type_t type); int orte_gpr_base_pack_trigger_id(orte_buffer_t *buffer, void *src, size_t num_vals, orte_data_type_t type); int orte_gpr_base_pack_notify_action(orte_buffer_t *buffer, void *src, size_t num_vals, orte_data_type_t type); int orte_gpr_base_pack_trigger_action(orte_buffer_t *buffer, void *src, size_t num_vals, orte_data_type_t type); int orte_gpr_base_pack_addr_mode(orte_buffer_t *buffer, void *src, size_t num_vals, orte_data_type_t type); int orte_gpr_base_pack_keyval(orte_buffer_t *buffer, void *src, size_t num_vals, orte_data_type_t type); int orte_gpr_base_pack_value(orte_buffer_t *buffer, void *src, size_t num_vals, orte_data_type_t type); int orte_gpr_base_pack_subscription(orte_buffer_t *buffer, void *src, size_t num_vals, orte_data_type_t type); int orte_gpr_base_pack_trigger(orte_buffer_t *buffer, void *src, size_t num_vals, orte_data_type_t type); int orte_gpr_base_pack_notify_data(orte_buffer_t *buffer, void *src, size_t num_vals, orte_data_type_t type); int orte_gpr_base_pack_notify_msg(orte_buffer_t *buffer, void *src, size_t num_vals, orte_data_type_t type); /* GPR DATA TYPE UNPACKING FUNCTIONS */ int orte_gpr_base_unpack_cmd(orte_buffer_t *buffer, void *dest, size_t *num_vals, orte_data_type_t type); int orte_gpr_base_unpack_subscription_id(orte_buffer_t *buffer, void *dest, size_t *num_vals, orte_data_type_t type); int orte_gpr_base_unpack_trigger_id(orte_buffer_t *buffer, void *dest, size_t *num_vals, orte_data_type_t type); int orte_gpr_base_unpack_notify_action(orte_buffer_t *buffer, void *dest, size_t *num_vals, orte_data_type_t type); int orte_gpr_base_unpack_trigger_action(orte_buffer_t *buffer, void *dest, size_t *num_vals, orte_data_type_t type); int orte_gpr_base_unpack_addr_mode(orte_buffer_t *buffer, void *dest, size_t *num_vals, orte_data_type_t type); int orte_gpr_base_unpack_keyval(orte_buffer_t *buffer, void *dest, size_t *num_vals, orte_data_type_t type); int orte_gpr_base_unpack_value(orte_buffer_t *buffer, void *dest, size_t *num_vals, orte_data_type_t type); int orte_gpr_base_unpack_subscription(orte_buffer_t *buffer, void *dest, size_t *num_vals, orte_data_type_t type); int orte_gpr_base_unpack_trigger(orte_buffer_t *buffer, void *dest, size_t *num_vals, orte_data_type_t type); int orte_gpr_base_unpack_notify_data(orte_buffer_t *buffer, void *dest, size_t *num_vals, orte_data_type_t type); int orte_gpr_base_unpack_notify_msg(orte_buffer_t *buffer, void *dest, size_t *num_vals, orte_data_type_t type); /* general utilities */ OMPI_DECLSPEC int orte_gpr_base_xfer_payload(orte_gpr_value_union_t *dest, orte_gpr_value_union_t *src, orte_data_type_t type); /* * globals that might be needed inside the gpr */ OMPI_DECLSPEC extern int orte_gpr_base_output; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern size_t orte_gpr_array_max_size, orte_gpr_array_block_size; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern bool orte_gpr_base_selected; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern opal_list_t orte_gpr_base_components_available; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern mca_gpr_base_component_t orte_gpr_base_selected_component; #if defined(c_plusplus) || defined(__cplusplus) } #endif #endif