/* Copyright (c) 2013 Mellanox Technologies, Inc. * All rights reserved. * $COPYRIGHT$ * * Additional copyrights may follow * * $HEADER$ */ #include "oshmem_config.h" #include "oshmem/proc/proc.h" #include "oshmem/mca/spml/spml.h" #include "oshmem/mca/memheap/memheap.h" #include "oshmem/mca/memheap/buddy/memheap_buddy.h" #include "oshmem/mca/memheap/buddy/memheap_buddy_component.h" #include "oshmem/mca/memheap/base/base.h" #include "orte/mca/grpcomm/grpcomm.h" #include "opal/class/opal_hash_table.h" #include "opal/class/opal_object.h" #include "orte/util/name_fns.h" static int buddy_init(mca_memheap_buddy_module_t* buddy); mca_memheap_buddy_module_t memheap_buddy = { { &mca_memheap_buddy_component, mca_memheap_buddy_finalize, mca_memheap_buddy_alloc, mca_memheap_buddy_align, mca_memheap_buddy_realloc, mca_memheap_buddy_free, mca_memheap_buddy_private_alloc, mca_memheap_buddy_private_free, mca_memheap_base_get_mkey, mca_memheap_base_is_symmetric_addr, mca_memheap_modex_recv_all, 0 }, 1 /* priority */ }; /* Memory Heap Buddy Implementation */ /* Static inline functions */ static inline unsigned int bits_per_long(void) { return BITS_PER_BYTE * sizeof(unsigned long); } static inline void bitmap_zero(unsigned long *dst, unsigned long nbits) { unsigned long len = BITS_TO_LONGS(nbits) * sizeof(unsigned long); memset(dst, 0, len); } /* * WARNING: Non atomic version. */ static inline void __clear_bit(unsigned long nr, volatile void * addr) { int *m = ((int *) addr) + (nr >> 5); *m &= ~(1 << (nr & 31)); } /* * WARNING: non atomic version. */ static inline void __set_bit(unsigned long nr, volatile void * addr) { int *m = ((int *) addr) + (nr >> 5); *m |= 1 << (nr & 31); } static inline int test_bit(int nr, const volatile void * addr) { return (1UL & (((const int *) addr)[nr >> 5] >> (nr & 31))) != 0UL; } /* * __ffs - find first bit in word. * @word: The word to search * * Undefined if no bit exists, so code should check against 0 first. */ static inline __opal_attribute_always_inline__ unsigned long __ffs(unsigned long word) { int num = 0; #if SIZEOF_LONG == 8 if ((word & 0xffffffff) == 0) { num += 32; word >>= 32; } #endif if ((word & 0xffff) == 0) { num += 16; word >>= 16; } if ((word & 0xff) == 0) { num += 8; word >>= 8; } if ((word & 0xf) == 0) { num += 4; word >>= 4; } if ((word & 0x3) == 0) { num += 2; word >>= 2; } if ((word & 0x1) == 0) num += 1; return num; } /* round up to next power of two */ static inline unsigned memheap_buddy_find_order(unsigned long size) { unsigned order; if (size & (size - 1)) order = 1; else order = 0; while (size >>= 1) { order++; } return order; } /* * find the first set bit in a memory region * @addr: The address to base the search on * @offset: The bitnumber to start searching at * @size: The maximum size to search */ static inline unsigned long find_next_bit(const unsigned long *addr, unsigned long size, unsigned long offset) { const unsigned long *p = addr + BITOP_WORD(offset); unsigned long result = offset & ~(bits_per_long() - 1); unsigned long tmp; if (offset >= size) return size; size -= result; offset %= bits_per_long(); if (offset) { tmp = *(p++); tmp &= (~0UL << offset); if (size < bits_per_long()) goto found_first; if (tmp) goto found_middle; size -= bits_per_long(); result += bits_per_long(); } while (size & ~(bits_per_long() - 1)) { if ((tmp = *(p++))) goto found_middle; result += bits_per_long(); size -= bits_per_long(); } if (!size) return result; tmp = *p; found_first: tmp &= (~0UL >> (bits_per_long() - size)); if (tmp == 0UL) /* Are any bits set? */ return result + size; /* Nope. */ found_middle: return result + __ffs(tmp); } /** * Initialize the Memory Heap */ int mca_memheap_buddy_module_init(memheap_context_t *context) { if (!context || !context->user_size || !context->private_size) { return OSHMEM_ERR_BAD_PARAM; } /* Construct a mutex object */ OBJ_CONSTRUCT(&memheap_buddy.lock, opal_mutex_t); memheap_buddy.heap.max_order = memheap_log2(context->user_size); memheap_buddy.heap.min_order = MEMHEAP_BASE_MIN_ORDER; memheap_buddy.private_heap.max_order = memheap_log2(context->private_size); memheap_buddy.private_heap.min_order = MEMHEAP_BASE_MIN_ORDER; if (context->user_size != (1ULL << memheap_buddy.heap.max_order)) { MEMHEAP_VERBOSE(1, "Memheap rounded to the nearest power of two: requested %llu bytes, allocated %llu bytes", (unsigned long long)context->user_size, 1ULL << memheap_buddy.heap.max_order); } assert(context->private_size == (1ULL << memheap_buddy.private_heap.max_order)); memheap_buddy.heap.symmetric_heap = context->user_base_addr; memheap_buddy.private_heap.symmetric_heap = context->private_base_addr; memheap_buddy.super.memheap_size = (1ULL << memheap_buddy.heap.max_order); MEMHEAP_VERBOSE(1, "symmetric heap memory (user+private): %llu bytes", (unsigned long long)(context->user_size + context->private_size)); /* Initialize buddy allocator */ if (OSHMEM_SUCCESS != buddy_init(&memheap_buddy)) { MEMHEAP_ERROR("Failed to setup MEMHEAP buddy allocator"); goto err; } return OSHMEM_SUCCESS; err: mca_memheap_buddy_finalize(); return OSHMEM_ERROR; } static int buddy_init(mca_memheap_buddy_module_t* buddy) { unsigned long long total_size; unsigned i; unsigned long long s; /* Allocate and init Hashtable */ memheap_buddy.heap.symmetric_heap_hashtable = OBJ_NEW(opal_hash_table_t); if (NULL == memheap_buddy.heap.symmetric_heap_hashtable) { MEMHEAP_ERROR("Opal failed to allocate hashtable object"); goto err; } memheap_buddy.private_heap.symmetric_heap_hashtable = OBJ_NEW(opal_hash_table_t); if (NULL == memheap_buddy.private_heap.symmetric_heap_hashtable) { MEMHEAP_ERROR("Opal failed to allocate hashtable object"); goto err; } opal_hash_table_init(memheap_buddy.heap.symmetric_heap_hashtable, DEFAULT_HASHTABLE_SIZE); opal_hash_table_init(memheap_buddy.private_heap.symmetric_heap_hashtable, DEFAULT_HASHTABLE_SIZE); /* Init Buddy Allocator */ buddy->heap.bits = (unsigned long**) calloc((buddy->heap.max_order + 1), sizeof(unsigned long *)); buddy->private_heap.bits = (unsigned long**) calloc((buddy->private_heap.max_order + 1), sizeof(unsigned long *)); buddy->heap.num_free = (unsigned int*) calloc((buddy->heap.max_order + 1), sizeof(unsigned int)); buddy->private_heap.num_free = (unsigned int*) calloc((buddy->private_heap.max_order + 1), sizeof(unsigned int)); if ((NULL == buddy->heap.bits) || (NULL == buddy->heap.num_free) || (NULL == buddy->private_heap.bits) || (NULL == buddy->private_heap.num_free)) { MEMHEAP_ERROR("Failed to allocate buddy allocator"); goto err; } total_size = 0; for (i = buddy->heap.min_order; i <= buddy->heap.max_order; ++i) { s = BITS_TO_LONGS(1UL << (buddy->heap.max_order - i)); MEMHEAP_VERBOSE(20, "%d: (order=%d) allocating %llu longs (sizeof long = %d)", i, buddy->heap.max_order, s, (int)sizeof(unsigned long)); total_size += s * sizeof(unsigned long); buddy->heap.bits[i] = (unsigned long*) malloc(s * sizeof(unsigned long)); if (NULL == buddy->heap.bits[i]) { MEMHEAP_ERROR("Failed to allocate buddy->allocator"); goto err; } bitmap_zero(buddy->heap.bits[i], 1UL << (buddy->heap.max_order - i)); } MEMHEAP_VERBOSE(5, "MEMHEAP metadata size = %llu bytes", total_size); total_size = 0; for (i = buddy->private_heap.min_order; i <= buddy->private_heap.max_order; ++i) { s = BITS_TO_LONGS(1UL << (buddy->private_heap.max_order - i)); MEMHEAP_VERBOSE(20, "%d: (order=%d) allocating %llu longs (sizeof long = %d)", i, buddy->private_heap.max_order, s, (int)sizeof(unsigned long)); total_size += s * sizeof(unsigned long); buddy->private_heap.bits[i] = (unsigned long*) malloc(s * sizeof(unsigned long)); if (NULL == buddy->private_heap.bits[i]) { MEMHEAP_ERROR("Failed to allocate buddy->allocator"); goto err; } bitmap_zero(buddy->private_heap.bits[i], 1UL << (buddy->private_heap.max_order - i)); } MEMHEAP_VERBOSE(5, "private MEMHEAP metadata size = %llu bytes", total_size); set_bit(0, buddy->heap.bits[buddy->heap.max_order]); set_bit(0, buddy->private_heap.bits[buddy->private_heap.max_order]); buddy->heap.num_free[buddy->heap.max_order] = 1; buddy->private_heap.num_free[buddy->private_heap.max_order] = 1; return OSHMEM_SUCCESS; err: return OSHMEM_ERROR; } static int buddy_cleanup(mca_memheap_buddy_module_t* buddy) { unsigned int i; MEMHEAP_VERBOSE(5, "buddy cleanup"); if (NULL == buddy) { return OSHMEM_SUCCESS; } for (i = 0; i <= buddy->heap.max_order; ++i) { if (NULL != buddy->heap.bits && NULL != buddy->heap.bits[i]) { free(buddy->heap.bits[i]); } } for (i = 0; i <= buddy->private_heap.max_order; ++i) { if (NULL != buddy->private_heap.bits && NULL != buddy->private_heap.bits[i]) { free(buddy->private_heap.bits[i]); } } if (NULL != buddy->heap.bits) { free(buddy->heap.bits); } if (NULL != buddy->heap.num_free) { free(buddy->heap.num_free); } if (NULL != buddy->private_heap.bits) { free(buddy->private_heap.bits); } if (NULL != buddy->private_heap.num_free) { free(buddy->private_heap.num_free); } OBJ_DESTRUCT(&buddy->lock); return OSHMEM_SUCCESS; } static int _buddy_alloc(unsigned order, uint32_t* seg, mca_memheap_buddy_heap_t *heap) { uint32_t o; uint32_t m; MEMHEAP_VERBOSE(20, "order=%d size=%d", order, 1<max_order; ++o) { if (heap->num_free[o]) { m = 1 << (heap->max_order - o); *seg = find_first_bit(heap->bits[o], m); MEMHEAP_VERBOSE(20, "found free bit: order=%d, bits=0x%lx m=%d, *seg=%d", o, heap->bits[o][0], m, *seg); if (*seg < m) goto found; } } OPAL_THREAD_UNLOCK(&memheap_buddy.lock); return OSHMEM_ERROR; found: clear_bit(*seg, heap->bits[o]); --(heap->num_free[o]); while (o > order) { --o; *seg <<= 1; set_bit(*seg ^ 1, heap->bits[o]); ++(heap->num_free[o]); } OPAL_THREAD_UNLOCK(&memheap_buddy.lock); *seg <<= order; return OSHMEM_SUCCESS; } static int _buddy_free(mca_memheap_buddy_module_t* buddy, uint32_t seg, unsigned order, mca_memheap_buddy_heap_t *heap) { MEMHEAP_VERBOSE(20, "order=%d size=%d seg=%d", order, 1<>= order; OPAL_THREAD_LOCK(&buddy->lock); while (test_bit(seg ^ 1, heap->bits[order])) { clear_bit(seg ^ 1, heap->bits[order]); --(heap->num_free[order]); seg >>= 1; ++order; } set_bit(seg, heap->bits[order]); ++(heap->num_free[order]); OPAL_THREAD_UNLOCK(&buddy->lock); return OSHMEM_SUCCESS; } static int buddy_free(mca_memheap_buddy_module_t* buddy, uint32_t seg, unsigned order) { return _buddy_free(buddy, seg, order, &buddy->heap); } static int buddy_private_free(mca_memheap_buddy_module_t* buddy, uint32_t seg, unsigned order) { return _buddy_free(buddy, seg, order, &buddy->private_heap); } static int _do_alloc(uint32_t order, void **p_buff, mca_memheap_buddy_heap_t *heap) { int rc; unsigned long base; uint32_t offset; unsigned long addr; if (order < heap->min_order) order = heap->min_order; *p_buff = 0; if (order > heap->max_order) { /* Test allocated size overflow */ MEMHEAP_VERBOSE(5, "Allocation overflow of symmetric heap size"); return OSHMEM_ERROR; } base = (unsigned long) heap->symmetric_heap; if (OSHMEM_SUCCESS != _buddy_alloc(order, &offset, heap)) { MEMHEAP_VERBOSE(5, "Buddy Allocator failed to return a base address"); return OSHMEM_ERROR; } /* Save the order of the allocated variable */ addr = base + offset; rc = opal_hash_table_set_value_uint64(heap->symmetric_heap_hashtable, addr, (void *) (unsigned long) order); if (OPAL_SUCCESS != rc) { MEMHEAP_VERBOSE(5, "Failed to insert order to hashtable"); goto alloc_error; } *p_buff = (void*) addr; /* no barrier because it is not required by spec! */ return OSHMEM_SUCCESS; alloc_error: _buddy_free(&memheap_buddy, offset, order, heap); return OSHMEM_ERROR; } static int do_alloc(uint32_t order, void **p_buff) { return _do_alloc(order, p_buff, &(memheap_buddy.heap)); } static int do_private_alloc(uint32_t order, void **p_buff) { return _do_alloc(order, p_buff, &(memheap_buddy.private_heap)); } /** * Allocate size bytes on the symmetric heap. * The allocated variable is aligned to its size. */ int mca_memheap_buddy_alloc(size_t size, void** p_buff) { uint32_t order; order = memheap_buddy_find_order(size); return do_alloc(order, p_buff); } int mca_memheap_buddy_private_alloc(size_t size, void** p_buff) { uint32_t order; int status = 0; order = memheap_buddy_find_order(size); status = do_private_alloc(order, p_buff); MEMHEAP_VERBOSE(20, "private alloc addr: %p", *p_buff); return status; } int mca_memheap_buddy_private_free(void* ptr) { int rc; uint32_t offset; unsigned long addr; unsigned long base; void *order; if (0 == ptr) { return OSHMEM_SUCCESS; } base = (unsigned long) memheap_buddy.private_heap.symmetric_heap; addr = (unsigned long) ptr; offset = addr - base; rc = opal_hash_table_get_value_uint64(memheap_buddy.private_heap.symmetric_heap_hashtable, addr, &order); if (OPAL_SUCCESS != rc) { return OSHMEM_ERROR; } buddy_private_free(&memheap_buddy, offset, (unsigned) (unsigned long) order); opal_hash_table_remove_value_uint64(memheap_buddy.private_heap.symmetric_heap_hashtable, addr); return OSHMEM_SUCCESS; } int mca_memheap_buddy_align(size_t align, size_t size, void **p_buff) { uint32_t order; if (align == 0) { *p_buff = 0; return OSHMEM_ERROR; } /* check that align is power of 2 */ if (align & (align - 1)) { *p_buff = 0; return OSHMEM_ERROR; } order = memheap_buddy_find_order(size); if ((unsigned long) align > (1UL << order)) order = memheap_buddy_find_order(align); return do_alloc(order, p_buff); } int mca_memheap_buddy_realloc(size_t new_size, void *p_buff, void **p_new_buff) { int rc; unsigned long addr; void *order; size_t old_size; char *tmp_buf; /* equiv to alloc if old ptr is null */ if (NULL == p_buff) return mca_memheap_buddy_alloc(new_size, p_new_buff); addr = (unsigned long) p_buff; rc = opal_hash_table_get_value_uint64(memheap_buddy.heap.symmetric_heap_hashtable, addr, &order); if (OPAL_SUCCESS != rc) { *p_new_buff = NULL; return OSHMEM_ERROR; } /* equiv to free if new_size is 0 */ if (0 == new_size) { *p_new_buff = NULL; return mca_memheap_buddy_free(p_buff); } old_size = 1UL << (unsigned long) order; /* do nothing if new size is less then current size */ if (new_size <= old_size) { *p_new_buff = p_buff; return OSHMEM_SUCCESS; } if (new_size > (1UL << memheap_buddy.heap.max_order)) { *p_new_buff = NULL; return OSHMEM_ERR_OUT_OF_RESOURCE; } if (old_size + new_size >= (1UL << memheap_buddy.heap.max_order)) { /* copy via temporary buffer */ tmp_buf = (char *) malloc(old_size); if (!tmp_buf) return OSHMEM_ERR_OUT_OF_RESOURCE; memcpy(tmp_buf, p_buff, old_size); mca_memheap_buddy_free(p_buff); } else tmp_buf = p_buff; /* alloc and copy data to new buffer, free old one */ rc = mca_memheap_buddy_alloc(new_size, p_new_buff); if (OSHMEM_SUCCESS != rc) { *p_new_buff = NULL; if (old_size + new_size >= (1UL << memheap_buddy.heap.max_order) && tmp_buf) { free(tmp_buf); } return rc; } memcpy(*p_new_buff, tmp_buf, old_size); if (old_size + new_size < (1UL << memheap_buddy.heap.max_order)) mca_memheap_buddy_free(p_buff); else if (tmp_buf) free(tmp_buf); return OSHMEM_SUCCESS; } /* * Free a variable allocated on the * symmetric heap. */ int mca_memheap_buddy_free(void* ptr) { int rc; uint32_t offset; unsigned long addr; unsigned long base; void *order; base = (unsigned long) memheap_buddy.heap.symmetric_heap; addr = (unsigned long) ptr; offset = addr - base; rc = opal_hash_table_get_value_uint64(memheap_buddy.heap.symmetric_heap_hashtable, addr, &order); if (OPAL_SUCCESS != rc) { return OSHMEM_ERROR; } buddy_free(&memheap_buddy, offset, (unsigned) (unsigned long) order); opal_hash_table_remove_value_uint64(memheap_buddy.heap.symmetric_heap_hashtable, addr); return OSHMEM_SUCCESS; } int mca_memheap_buddy_finalize() { MEMHEAP_VERBOSE(5, "deregistering symmetric heap"); /* was not initialized - do nothing */ if (memheap_buddy.heap.max_order == 0) return OSHMEM_SUCCESS; /* Destruct hashtable supporting shfree of symmetric heap variables */ if (memheap_buddy.heap.symmetric_heap_hashtable) { OBJ_RELEASE(memheap_buddy.heap.symmetric_heap_hashtable); } if (memheap_buddy.private_heap.symmetric_heap_hashtable) { OBJ_RELEASE(memheap_buddy.private_heap.symmetric_heap_hashtable); } buddy_cleanup(&memheap_buddy); return OSHMEM_SUCCESS; }