/* -*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset:4 ; indent-tabs-mode:nil -*- */
 * Copyright (c) 2013      The University of Tennessee and The University
 *                         of Tennessee Research Foundation.  All rights
 *                         reserved.
 * Copyright (c) 2013      Inria.  All rights reserved.
 * Copyright (c) 2014-2017 Intel, Inc.  All rights reserved.
 * Copyright (c) 2014-2017 Research Organization for Information Science
 *                         and Technology (RIST). All rights reserved.
 * Copyright (c) 2015      Los Alamos National Security, LLC. All rights
 *                         reserved.
 * Additional copyrights may follow

#include "proc.h"
#include "opal/util/proc.h"
#include "opal/util/arch.h"
#include "opal/mca/pmix/pmix.h"

opal_process_name_t opal_name_wildcard = {OPAL_JOBID_WILDCARD, OPAL_VPID_WILDCARD};
opal_process_name_t opal_name_invalid = {OPAL_JOBID_INVALID, OPAL_VPID_INVALID};

opal_process_info_t opal_process_info = {
    .nodename = NULL,
    .job_session_dir = NULL,
    .proc_session_dir = NULL,
    .num_local_peers = 0,  /* there is nobody else but me */
    .my_local_rank = 0,    /* I'm the only process around here */
    .cpuset = NULL,

static opal_proc_t opal_local_proc = {
    { .opal_list_next = NULL,
      .opal_list_prev = NULL},
static opal_proc_t* opal_proc_my_name = &opal_local_proc;

static void opal_proc_construct(opal_proc_t* proc)
    proc->proc_arch = opal_local_arch;
    proc->proc_convertor = NULL;
    proc->proc_flags = 0;
    proc->proc_name = *OPAL_NAME_INVALID;
    proc->proc_hostname  = NULL;

static void opal_proc_destruct(opal_proc_t* proc)
    proc->proc_flags     = 0;
    proc->proc_name      = *OPAL_NAME_INVALID;
    proc->proc_hostname  = NULL;
    proc->proc_convertor = NULL;

OBJ_CLASS_INSTANCE(opal_proc_t, opal_list_item_t,
                   opal_proc_construct, opal_proc_destruct);

OBJ_CLASS_INSTANCE(opal_namelist_t, opal_list_item_t,
                   NULL, NULL);

static int
opal_compare_opal_procs(const opal_process_name_t p1,
                        const opal_process_name_t p2)
    if( p1.jobid < p2.jobid ) {
        return  -1;
    if( p1.jobid > p2.jobid ) {
        return  1;
    if( p1.vpid <  p2.vpid ) {
        return -1;
    if( p1.vpid >  p2.vpid ) {
        return 1;
    return 0;

opal_compare_proc_fct_t opal_compare_proc = opal_compare_opal_procs;

opal_proc_t* opal_proc_local_get(void)
    return opal_proc_my_name;

int opal_proc_local_set(opal_proc_t* proc)
    if( proc != opal_proc_my_name ) {
        if( NULL != proc )
        if( &opal_local_proc != opal_proc_my_name )
        if( NULL != proc ) {
            opal_proc_my_name = proc;
        } else {
            opal_proc_my_name = &opal_local_proc;
    return OPAL_SUCCESS;

/* this function is used to temporarily set the local
 * name while OPAL and upper layers are initializing,
 * thus allowing debug messages to be more easily
 * understood */
void opal_proc_set_name(opal_process_name_t *name)
    /* to protect alignment, copy the name across */
    memcpy(&opal_local_proc.proc_name, name, sizeof(opal_process_name_t));

 * The following functions are surrogates for the RTE functionality, and are not supposed
 * to be called. Instead, the corresponding function pointer should be set by the upper layer
 * before the call to opal_init, to make them point to the correct accessors based on the
 * underlying RTE.
static char*
opal_process_name_print_should_never_be_called(const opal_process_name_t procname)
    return "My Name is Nobody";

static char*
opal_vpid_print_should_never_be_called(const opal_vpid_t unused)
    return "My VPID";

static char*
opal_jobid_print_should_never_be_called(const opal_jobid_t unused)
    return "My JOBID";

static int opal_convert_string_to_process_name_should_never_be_called(opal_process_name_t *name,
                                                                      const char* name_string)

static int opal_convert_process_name_to_string_should_never_be_called(char** name_string,
                                                                      const opal_process_name_t *name)

static int opal_snprintf_jobid_should_never_be_called(char* name_string, size_t size, opal_jobid_t jobid)
    (void)strncpy(name_string, "My JOBID", size);
    return OPAL_SUCCESS;

static int opal_convert_string_to_jobid_should_never_be_called(opal_jobid_t *jobid, const char *jobid_string)

static struct opal_proc_t *opal_proc_for_name_should_never_be_called (opal_process_name_t name)
    return NULL;

char* (*opal_process_name_print)(const opal_process_name_t) = opal_process_name_print_should_never_be_called;
char* (*opal_vpid_print)(const opal_vpid_t) = opal_vpid_print_should_never_be_called;
char* (*opal_jobid_print)(const opal_jobid_t) = opal_jobid_print_should_never_be_called;
int (*opal_convert_string_to_process_name)(opal_process_name_t *name, const char* name_string) = opal_convert_string_to_process_name_should_never_be_called;
int (*opal_convert_process_name_to_string)(char** name_string, const opal_process_name_t *name) = opal_convert_process_name_to_string_should_never_be_called;
int (*opal_snprintf_jobid)(char* name_string, size_t size, opal_jobid_t jobid) = opal_snprintf_jobid_should_never_be_called;
int (*opal_convert_string_to_jobid)(opal_jobid_t *jobid, const char *jobid_string) = opal_convert_string_to_jobid_should_never_be_called;
struct opal_proc_t *(*opal_proc_for_name) (const opal_process_name_t name) = opal_proc_for_name_should_never_be_called;

char* opal_get_proc_hostname(const opal_proc_t *proc)
    int ret;

    /* if the proc is NULL, then we can't know */
    if (NULL == proc) {
        return "unknown";

    /* if it is my own hostname we are after, then just hand back
     * the value in opal_process_info */
    if (proc == opal_proc_my_name) {
        return opal_process_info.nodename;

    /* see if we already have the data - if so, pass it back */
    if (NULL != proc->proc_hostname) {
        return proc->proc_hostname;

    /* if we don't already have it, then try to get it */
                                   (char**)&(proc->proc_hostname), OPAL_STRING);
    if (OPAL_SUCCESS != ret) {
        return "unknown";  // return something so the caller doesn't segfault

    /* user is not allowed to release the data */
    return proc->proc_hostname;