 * Copyright (c) 2014      Intel, Inc.  All rights reserved.
 * Copyright (c) 2015 Cisco Systems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
 * Additional copyrights may follow


#include "opal_config.h"

#include "opal/mca/event/event.h"

 * Initialize a progress thread name; if a progress thread is not
 * already associated with that name, start a progress thread.
 * If you have general events that need to run in *a* progress thread
 * (but not necessarily a your own, dedicated progress thread), pass
 * NULL the "name" argument to the opal_progress_thead_init() function
 * to glom on to the general OPAL-wide progress thread.
 * If a name is passed that was already used in a prior call to
 * opal_progress_thread_init(), the event base associated with that
 * already-running progress thread will be returned (i.e., no new
 * progress thread will be started).
OPAL_DECLSPEC opal_event_base_t *opal_progress_thread_init(const char *name);

 * Finalize a progress thread name (reference counted).
 * Once this function is invoked as many times as
 * opal_progress_thread_init() was invoked on this name (or NULL), the
 * progress function is shut down and the event base associated with
 * it is destroyed.
 * Will return OPAL_ERR_NOT_FOUND if the progress thread name does not
 * exist; OPAL_SUCCESS otherwise.
OPAL_DECLSPEC int opal_progress_thread_finalize(const char *name);

 * Temporarily pause the progress thread associated with this name.
 * This function does not destroy the event base associated with this
 * progress thread name, but it does stop processing all events on
 * that event base until opal_progress_thread_resume() is invoked on
 * that name.
 * Will return OPAL_ERR_NOT_FOUND if the progress thread name does not
 * exist; OPAL_SUCCESS otherwise.
OPAL_DECLSPEC int opal_progress_thread_pause(const char *name);

 * Restart a previously-paused progress thread associated with this
 * name.
 * Will return OPAL_ERR_NOT_FOUND if the progress thread name does not
 * exist; OPAL_SUCCESS otherwise.
OPAL_DECLSPEC int opal_progress_thread_resume(const char *name);
