#include #include #include #include "orte/util/proc_info.h" #include "orte/util/name_fns.h" #include "orte/runtime/orte_globals.h" #include "orte/mca/rml/rml.h" #include "orte/mca/oob/base/base.h" #include "orte/mca/errmgr/errmgr.h" #include "orte/runtime/runtime.h" #define MY_TAG 12345 #define MAX_COUNT 3 static bool msg_recvd; static opal_buffer_t buf; static void release_ack(int fd, short event, void *data) { orte_message_event_t *mev = (orte_message_event_t*)data; /* save the buffer */ opal_dss.copy_payload(&buf, mev->buffer); msg_recvd = true; OBJ_RELEASE(mev); } static void recv_ack(int status, orte_process_name_t* sender, opal_buffer_t* buffer, orte_rml_tag_t tag, void* cbdata) { /* don't process this right away - we need to get out of the recv before * we process the message as it may ask us to do something that involves * more messaging! Instead, setup an event so that the message gets processed * as soon as we leave the recv. * * The macro makes a copy of the buffer, which we release above - the incoming * buffer, however, is NOT released here, although its payload IS transferred * to the message buffer for later processing */ ORTE_MESSAGE_EVENT(sender, buffer, tag, release_ack); /* repost recv */ orte_rml.recv_buffer_nb(ORTE_NAME_WILDCARD, MY_TAG, ORTE_RML_NON_PERSISTENT, recv_ack, NULL); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ int count; int msgsize; uint8_t *msg; int i, j, rc; orte_process_name_t peer; double maxpower; /* * Init */ orte_init(ORTE_NON_TOOL); if (argc > 1) { count = atoi(argv[1]); if (count < 0) { count = INT_MAX-1; } } else { count = MAX_COUNT; } peer.jobid = ORTE_PROC_MY_NAME->jobid; for (j=1; j < count+1; j++) { peer.vpid = (ORTE_PROC_MY_NAME->vpid + j) % orte_process_info.num_procs; /* rank0 starts ring */ if (ORTE_PROC_MY_NAME->vpid == 0) { /* setup the initiating buffer - put random sized message in it */ OBJ_CONSTRUCT(&buf, opal_buffer_t); maxpower = (double)(j%7); msgsize = (int)pow(10.0, maxpower); opal_output(0, "Ring %d message size %d bytes", j, msgsize); msg = (uint8_t*)malloc(msgsize); opal_dss.pack(&buf, msg, msgsize, OPAL_BYTE); if (0 > (rc = orte_rml.send_buffer(&peer,&buf, MY_TAG, 0))) { opal_output(0, "error sending to %s %s\n", ORTE_NAME_PRINT(ORTE_PROC_MY_NAME), ORTE_NAME_PRINT(&peer), ORTE_ERROR_NAME(rc)); exit(1); } OBJ_DESTRUCT(&buf); /* wait for it to come around */ OBJ_CONSTRUCT(&buf, opal_buffer_t); msg_recvd = false; orte_rml.recv_buffer_nb(ORTE_NAME_WILDCARD, MY_TAG, ORTE_RML_NON_PERSISTENT, recv_ack, NULL); ORTE_PROGRESSED_WAIT(msg_recvd, 0, 1); opal_output(0, "%s Ring %d completed", ORTE_NAME_PRINT(ORTE_PROC_MY_NAME), j); } else { /* wait for msg */ OBJ_CONSTRUCT(&buf, opal_buffer_t); msg_recvd = false; orte_rml.recv_buffer_nb(ORTE_NAME_WILDCARD, MY_TAG, ORTE_RML_NON_PERSISTENT, recv_ack, NULL); ORTE_PROGRESSED_WAIT(msg_recvd, 0, 1); /* send it along */ if (0 > (rc = orte_rml.send_buffer(&peer, &buf, MY_TAG, 0))) { opal_output(0, "%s error sending to %s %s\n", ORTE_NAME_PRINT(ORTE_PROC_MY_NAME), ORTE_NAME_PRINT(&peer), ORTE_ERROR_NAME(rc)); exit(1); } OBJ_DESTRUCT(&buf); } } orte_finalize(); return 0; }