/* * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Trustees of Indiana University. * All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Trustees of the University of Tennessee. * All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart, * University of Stuttgart. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. * $COPYRIGHT$ * * Additional copyrights may follow * * $HEADER$ */ /** @file: * * The Open MPI general purpose registry - unit test * */ /* * includes */ #include "orte_config.h" #include #include #include "include/orte_constants.h" #include "mca/schema/schema.h" #include "mca/schema/base/base.h" #include "mca/ns/base/base.h" #include "mca/soh/base/base.h" #include "mca/rmgr/base/base.h" #include "support.h" #include "components.h" #include "class/orte_pointer_array.h" #include "dps/dps.h" #include "runtime/runtime.h" #include "util/proc_info.h" #include "util/sys_info.h" #include "util/malloc.h" #include "util/output.h" #include "mca/gpr/gpr.h" #include "mca/gpr/base/base.h" #include "mca/gpr/replica/api_layer/gpr_replica_api.h" #include "mca/gpr/replica/functional_layer/gpr_replica_fn.h" #include "mca/gpr/replica/communications/gpr_replica_comm.h" #include "mca/gpr/replica/transition_layer/gpr_replica_tl.h" /* output files needed by the test */ static FILE *test_out=NULL; static char *cmd_str="diff ./test_gpr_replica_out ./test_gpr_replica_out_std"; /* * Local functions */ static void find(const char *name, test_component_handle_t *handle, test_component_fn_t *ptr); int main(int argc, char **argv) { int rc; size_t num_names, num_found; size_t i; char *tmp=NULL, *tmp2=NULL, *names[15], *keys[5]; orte_gpr_replica_segment_t *seg=NULL; orte_gpr_replica_itag_t itag[10], itag2, *itaglist; orte_gpr_replica_container_t *cptr=NULL; orte_gpr_keyval_t *kptr=NULL; orte_gpr_replica_itagval_t **ivals=NULL, *iptr; bool allow, have; int priority; test_component_handle_t handle; mca_gpr_base_component_t *gpr_component = NULL; orte_gpr_base_module_t *gpr_module = NULL; orte_gpr_replica_find_seg_fn_t find_seg_fn; orte_gpr_replica_create_itag_fn_t create_itag_fn; orte_gpr_replica_dict_lookup_fn_t dict_lookup_fn; orte_gpr_replica_dict_reverse_lookup_fn_t dict_reverse_lookup_fn; orte_gpr_replica_delete_itag_fn_t delete_itag_fn; orte_gpr_replica_get_itag_list_fn_t get_itag_list_fn; orte_gpr_replica_create_container_fn_t create_container_fn; orte_gpr_replica_add_keyval_fn_t add_keyval_fn; orte_gpr_replica_search_container_fn_t search_container_fn; orte_gpr_replica_update_keyval_fn_t update_keyval_fn; orte_gpr_replica_check_itag_list_fn_t check_itag_list_fn; orte_gpr_replica_release_segment_fn_t release_segment_fn; test_init("test_gpr_replica"); /* test_out = fopen( "test_gpr_replica_out", "w+" ); */ test_out = stderr; if( test_out == NULL ) { test_failure("gpr_test couldn't open test file failed"); test_finalize(); exit(1); } /* ENSURE THE REPLICA IS ISOLATED */ setenv("OMPI_MCA_gpr_replica_isolate", "1", 1); /* Open up the output streams */ if (!ompi_output_init()) { return OMPI_ERROR; } /* * If threads are supported - assume that we are using threads - * and reset otherwise. */ ompi_set_using_threads(OMPI_HAVE_THREAD_SUPPORT); /* For malloc debugging */ ompi_malloc_init(); /* Ensure the system_info structure is instantiated and initialized */ if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (rc = orte_sys_info())) { return rc; } /* Ensure the process info structure is instantiated and initialized */ if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (rc = orte_proc_info())) { return rc; } /* initialize the pointer variables */ for (i=0; i < 15; i++) names[i]=NULL; for (i=0; i < 5; i++) keys[i] = NULL; /* initialize the system variables */ orte_process_info.seed = true; orte_process_info.my_name = (orte_process_name_t*)malloc(sizeof(orte_process_name_t)); orte_process_info.my_name->cellid = 0; orte_process_info.my_name->jobid = 0; orte_process_info.my_name->vpid = 0; /* startup the MCA */ if (OMPI_SUCCESS == mca_base_open()) { fprintf(test_out, "MCA started\n"); } else { fprintf(test_out, "MCA could not start\n"); exit (1); } /* startup the dps */ if (OMPI_SUCCESS == orte_dps_open()) { fprintf(test_out, "DPS started\n"); } else { fprintf(test_out, "DPS could not start\n"); exit (1); } /* startup the name services */ if (OMPI_SUCCESS == orte_ns_base_open()) { fprintf(test_out, "NS started\n"); } else { fprintf(test_out, "NS could not start\n"); exit (1); } /* startup the soh */ if (OMPI_SUCCESS == orte_soh_base_open()) { fprintf(test_out, "SOH started\n"); } else { fprintf(test_out, "SOH could not start\n"); exit (1); } /* startup the rmgr */ if (OMPI_SUCCESS == orte_rmgr_base_open()) { fprintf(test_out, "RMGR started\n"); } else { fprintf(test_out, "RMGR could not start\n"); exit (1); } /* startup the schema */ if (OMPI_SUCCESS == orte_schema_base_open()) { fprintf(test_out, "SCHEMA started\n"); } else { fprintf(test_out, "SCHEMA could not start\n"); exit (1); } /* Open the gpr replica component and initialize a module */ if (OMPI_SUCCESS != test_component_open("gpr", "replica", &handle, (mca_base_component_t**) &gpr_component) || NULL == gpr_component) { fprintf(test_out, "Could not open replica\n"); exit(1); } gpr_module = gpr_component->gpr_init(&allow, &have, &priority); if (NULL == gpr_module) { fprintf(test_out, "replica component did not return a module\n"); exit(1); } if (ORTE_SUCCESS == orte_dps_open()) { fprintf(test_out, "DPS started\n"); } else { fprintf(test_out, "DPS could not start\n"); exit (1); } /* Find a bunch of function pointers */ fprintf(stderr, "finding relevant function pointers in component\n"); find("orte_gpr_replica_find_seg", &handle, (test_component_fn_t*) &find_seg_fn); find("orte_gpr_replica_create_itag", &handle, (test_component_fn_t*) &create_itag_fn); find("orte_gpr_replica_dict_lookup", &handle, (test_component_fn_t*) &dict_lookup_fn); find("orte_gpr_replica_dict_reverse_lookup", &handle, (test_component_fn_t*) &dict_reverse_lookup_fn); find("orte_gpr_replica_delete_itag", &handle, (test_component_fn_t*) &delete_itag_fn); find("orte_gpr_replica_get_itag_list", &handle, (test_component_fn_t*) &get_itag_list_fn); find("orte_gpr_replica_check_itag_list", &handle, (test_component_fn_t*) &check_itag_list_fn); find("orte_gpr_replica_create_container", &handle, (test_component_fn_t*) &create_container_fn); find("orte_gpr_replica_add_keyval", &handle, (test_component_fn_t*) &add_keyval_fn); find("orte_gpr_replica_search_container", &handle, (test_component_fn_t*) &search_container_fn); find("orte_gpr_replica_update_keyval", &handle, (test_component_fn_t*) &update_keyval_fn); find("orte_gpr_replica_release_segment", &handle, (test_component_fn_t*) &release_segment_fn); /* Now do the tests */ fprintf(stderr, "going to find seg\n"); if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (rc = find_seg_fn(&seg, true, "test-segment"))) { fprintf(test_out, "gpr_test: find_seg failed with error code %s\n", ORTE_ERROR_NAME(rc)); test_failure("gpr_test: find_seg failed"); test_finalize(); return rc; } else { test_success(); fprintf(test_out, "gpr_test: find_seg passed\n"); } gpr_module->dump_all(0); fprintf(stderr, "creating tags\n"); for (i=0; i<10; i++) { asprintf(&tmp, "test-tag-%lu", (unsigned long) i); if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (rc = create_itag_fn(&itag[i], seg, tmp))) { fprintf(test_out, "gpr_test: create_itag failed with error code %s\n", ORTE_ERROR_NAME(rc)); test_failure("gpr_test: create_itag failed"); test_finalize(); return rc; } else { test_success(); fprintf(test_out, "gpr_test: create_itag passed\n"); } free(tmp); } fprintf(stderr, "lookup tags\n"); for (i=0; i<10; i++) { asprintf(&tmp, "test-tag-%lu", (unsigned long) i); if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (rc = dict_lookup_fn(&itag2, seg, tmp)) || itag2 != itag[i]) { fprintf(test_out, "gpr_test: lookup failed with error code %s\n", ORTE_ERROR_NAME(rc)); test_failure("gpr_test: lookup failed"); test_finalize(); return rc; } else { test_success(); fprintf(test_out, "gpr_test: lookup passed\n"); } free(tmp); } fprintf(stderr, "reverse lookup tags\n"); for (i=0; i<10; i++) { asprintf(&tmp2, "test-tag-%lu", (unsigned long) i); if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (rc = dict_reverse_lookup_fn(&tmp, seg, itag[i])) || 0 != strcmp(tmp2, tmp)) { fprintf(test_out, "gpr_test: reverse lookup failed with error code %s\n", ORTE_ERROR_NAME(rc)); test_failure("gpr_test: reverse lookup failed"); test_finalize(); return rc; } else { test_success(); fprintf(test_out, "gpr_test: reverse lookup passed\n"); } free(tmp); free(tmp2); } fprintf(stderr, "delete tags\n"); for (i=0; i<10; i++) { asprintf(&tmp, "test-tag-%lu", (unsigned long) i); if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (rc = delete_itag_fn(seg, tmp))) { fprintf(test_out, "gpr_test: delete tag failed with error code %s\n", ORTE_ERROR_NAME(rc)); test_failure("gpr_test: delete tag failed"); test_finalize(); return rc; } else { fprintf(test_out, "gpr_test: delete tag passed\n"); } free(tmp); } fprintf(stderr, "get itag list\n"); for (i=0; i < 14; i++) { asprintf(&names[i], "dummy%lu", (unsigned long) i); } names[14] = NULL; num_names = 0; if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (rc = get_itag_list_fn(&itaglist, seg, names, &num_names))) { fprintf(test_out, "gpr_test: get itag list failed with error code %s\n", ORTE_ERROR_NAME(rc)); test_failure("gpr_test: get itag list failed"); test_finalize(); return rc; } else { fprintf(test_out, "gpr_test: get itag list passed\n"); } fprintf(test_out, "number of names found %lu\n", (unsigned long) num_names); for (i=0; i < num_names; i++) { fprintf(test_out, "\tname %s itag %lu\n", names[i], (unsigned long) itaglist[i]); } fprintf(stderr, "creating container\n"); if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (rc = create_container_fn(&cptr, seg, 3, itaglist))) { fprintf(test_out, "gpr_test: create_container failed with error code %s\n", ORTE_ERROR_NAME(rc)); test_failure("gpr_test: create_container failed"); test_finalize(); return rc; } else { fprintf(test_out, "gpr_test: create_container passed\n"); } gpr_module->dump_all(0); fprintf(test_out, "itags for container\n"); for (i=0; i < cptr->num_itags; i++) { fprintf(test_out, "\tindex %lu itag %lu\n", (unsigned long) i, (unsigned long) cptr->itags[i]); } fprintf(stderr, "add keyval\n"); kptr = OBJ_NEW(orte_gpr_keyval_t); kptr->key = strdup("stupid-value"); kptr->type = ORTE_INT16; kptr->value.i16 = 21; if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (rc = add_keyval_fn(&iptr, seg, cptr, kptr))) { fprintf(test_out, "gpr_test: add keyval failed with error code %s\n", ORTE_ERROR_NAME(rc)); test_failure("gpr_test: add keyval failed"); test_finalize(); return rc; } else { fprintf(test_out, "gpr_test: add keyval passed\n"); } OBJ_RELEASE(kptr); ivals = (orte_gpr_replica_itagval_t**)((cptr->itagvals)->addr); if (NULL != ivals[0]) { fprintf(stderr, "ival[0] %lu %d %d\n", (unsigned long) ivals[0]->itag, ivals[0]->type, (int) ivals[0]->value.i16); } fprintf(stderr, "search container for single entry\n"); kptr = OBJ_NEW(orte_gpr_keyval_t); kptr->key = strdup("stupid-value"); kptr->type = ORTE_STRING; kptr->value.strptr = strdup("try-string-value"); create_itag_fn(&itag2, seg, kptr->key); if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (rc = search_container_fn(&num_found, ORTE_GPR_REPLICA_OR, &itag2, 1, cptr) || 0 >= num_found)) { fprintf(test_out, "gpr_test: search container for single entry failed - returned %s for itag %lu\n", ORTE_ERROR_NAME(rc), (unsigned long) itag2); test_failure("gpr_test: search container for single entry failed"); test_finalize(); return -1; } else { fprintf(test_out, "gpr_test: search container for single entry passed\n"); } OBJ_RELEASE(kptr); fprintf(stderr, "update single keyval\n"); kptr = OBJ_NEW(orte_gpr_keyval_t); kptr->key = strdup("stupid-value"); kptr->type = ORTE_STRING; kptr->value.strptr = strdup("try-string-value"); if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (rc = update_keyval_fn(seg, cptr, kptr))) { fprintf(test_out, "gpr_test: update single keyval failed with error code %s\n", ORTE_ERROR_NAME(rc)); test_failure("gpr_test: update single keyval failed"); test_finalize(); return rc; } else { fprintf(test_out, "gpr_test: update single keyval passed\n"); } OBJ_RELEASE(kptr); ivals = (orte_gpr_replica_itagval_t**)((cptr->itagvals)->addr); for (i=0; i < (cptr->itagvals)->size; i++) { if (NULL != ivals[i]) { if (ivals[i]->type == ORTE_INT16) { fprintf(stderr, "ival[%lu] %lu %d %d\n", (unsigned long) i, (unsigned long) ivals[i]->itag, ivals[i]->type, (int) ivals[i]->value.i16); } else if (ivals[i]->type == ORTE_STRING) { fprintf(stderr, "ival[%lu] %lu %d %s\n", (unsigned long) i, (unsigned long) ivals[i]->itag, ivals[i]->type, ivals[i]->value.strptr); } } } fprintf(stderr, "add multiple keyvals to a container\n"); for (i=0; i < 10; i++) { kptr = OBJ_NEW(orte_gpr_keyval_t); kptr->key = strdup("stupid-value"); kptr->type = ORTE_INT16; kptr->value.i16 = i * 100; if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (rc = add_keyval_fn(&iptr, seg, cptr, kptr))) { fprintf(test_out, "gpr_test: add keyval failed with error code %s\n", ORTE_ERROR_NAME(rc)); test_failure("gpr_test: add keyval failed"); test_finalize(); return rc; } else { fprintf(test_out, "gpr_test: add keyval passed\n"); } OBJ_RELEASE(kptr); } fprintf(stderr, "update multiple keyvals in a container\n"); if(ORTE_SUCCESS != find_seg_fn(&seg, false, "test-segment")) { fprintf(test_out, "Failure in orte_gpr_replica_find_seg\n"); return -1; } gpr_module->dump_all(0); kptr = OBJ_NEW(orte_gpr_keyval_t); kptr->key = strdup("stupid-value"); kptr->type = ORTE_INT32; kptr->value.i32 = 123456; if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (rc = create_itag_fn(&itag2, seg, kptr->key))) { fprintf(test_out, "gpr_internal_fns: update multiple keyvals - failed to get itag with error %s\n", ORTE_ERROR_NAME(rc)); test_failure("gpr_test: update multiple keyvals failed"); test_finalize(); return rc; } if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (rc = search_container_fn(&num_found, ORTE_GPR_REPLICA_OR, &itag2, 1, cptr))) { fprintf(test_out, "gpr_internal_fns: update multiple keyvals - failed to find itag with error %s\n", ORTE_ERROR_NAME(rc)); test_failure("gpr_test: update multiple keyvals failed"); test_finalize(); return rc; } if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (rc = update_keyval_fn(seg, cptr, kptr))) { fprintf(test_out, "gpr_test: update multiple keyvals failed with error code %s\n", ORTE_ERROR_NAME(rc)); test_failure("gpr_test: update multiple keyvals failed"); test_finalize(); return rc; } else { fprintf(test_out, "gpr_test: update multiple keyvals passed\n"); } OBJ_RELEASE(kptr); gpr_module->dump_all(0); fprintf(stderr, "check itag list\n"); if (check_itag_list_fn(ORTE_GPR_REPLICA_XAND, 0, NULL, 15, itaglist)) { fprintf(test_out, "check_itag_list: trivial NULL case passed\n"); } else { fprintf(test_out, "check_itag_list: trivial NULL case failed\n"); } if (!check_itag_list_fn(ORTE_GPR_REPLICA_XAND, 5, itaglist, 15, itaglist)) { fprintf(test_out, "check_itag_list: trivial mismatched xand case passed\n"); } else { fprintf(test_out, "check_itag_list: trivial mismatched xand case failed\n"); } if (!check_itag_list_fn(ORTE_GPR_REPLICA_AND, 15, itaglist, 5, itaglist)) { fprintf(test_out, "check_itag_list: trivial mismatched and case passed\n"); } else { fprintf(test_out, "check_itag_list: trivial mismatched and case failed\n"); } if (check_itag_list_fn(ORTE_GPR_REPLICA_XAND, 10, itaglist, 10, itaglist)) { fprintf(test_out, "check_itag_list: non-trivial xand case passed\n"); } else { fprintf(test_out, "check_itag_list: non-trivial xand case failed\n"); } if (check_itag_list_fn(ORTE_GPR_REPLICA_AND, 5, itaglist, 10, itaglist)) { fprintf(test_out, "check_itag_list: non-trivial and case passed\n"); } else { fprintf(test_out, "check_itag_list: non-trivial and case failed\n"); } if (check_itag_list_fn(ORTE_GPR_REPLICA_OR, 5, itaglist, 10, itaglist)) { fprintf(test_out, "check_itag_list: non-trivial or case passed\n"); } else { fprintf(test_out, "check_itag_list: non-trivial or case failed\n"); } if (check_itag_list_fn(ORTE_GPR_REPLICA_XOR, 10, itaglist, 5, itaglist)) { fprintf(test_out, "check_itag_list: non-trivial or case passed\n"); } else { fprintf(test_out, "check_itag_list: non-trivial or case failed\n"); } fprintf(stderr, "\nreleasing segment\n"); if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (rc = release_segment_fn(&seg)) || NULL != seg) { fprintf(test_out, "gpr_test: release segment failed with error code %s\n", ORTE_ERROR_NAME(rc)); test_failure("gpr_test: release segment failed"); test_finalize(); return rc; } else { fprintf(test_out, "gpr_test: release segment passed\n"); } fprintf(stderr, "now finalize and see if all memory cleared\n"); for (i=0; i < 15; i++) { if (NULL != names[i]) free(names[i]); } for (i=0; i < 5; i++) { if (NULL != keys[i]) free(keys[i]); } free(itaglist); /* finalize the gpr component */ if (NULL != gpr_component->gpr_finalize) { gpr_component->gpr_finalize(); } test_component_close(&handle); orte_dps_close(); orte_sys_info_finalize(); orte_proc_info_finalize(); mca_base_close(); ompi_malloc_finalize(); ompi_output_finalize(); ompi_class_finalize(); fclose( test_out ); /* result = system( cmd_str ); if( result == 0 ) { test_success(); } else { test_failure( "test_gpr_replica failed"); } */ test_finalize(); return 0; } static void find(const char *name, test_component_handle_t *handle, test_component_fn_t *ptr) { test_component_sym_t sym; if (OMPI_SUCCESS != test_component_find_symbol(name, handle, &sym)) { fprintf(test_out, "Unable to find symbol: %s\n", name); exit(1); } fprintf(test_out, "Found symbol: %s\n", name); *ptr = sym.tcs_function; }