#!/usr/bin/env perl # # Copyright (c) 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. # Copyright (c) 2015 Los Alamos National Security, LLC. All rights reserved. # $COPYRIGHT$ # # Simple script to check all the opal_show_help (and orte_show_help) # strings against what is found in help files. # use strict; use Cwd; use File::Find; use Getopt::Long; use Data::Dumper; my $num_warnings = 0; my $num_errors = 0; ########################################################################### my $VERBOSE = 0; my $HELP = 0; GetOptions( "help|h" => \$HELP, "verbose|v" => \$VERBOSE, ) or die "unable to parse options, aborted"; if ($HELP) { print <Purity(1)->Indent(1); my $s = $d->Dump; print $s; } sub isTopDir { my ($d) = @_; # trunk if (-f "$d/Makefile.ompi-rules") { return 1; } # v1.8 if (-f "$d/Makefile.man-page-rules") { return 1; } return 0; } ########################################################################### # Find the top-level OMPI source tree dir my $start = cwd(); my $top = $start; while (!isTopDir($top)) { chdir(".."); $top = cwd(); die "Can't find top-level Open MPI directory" if ($top eq "/"); } chdir($start); ########################################################################### my @owner_files; # Helper: Search for all owner files sub match_files { # Don't process sym links return if (-l $_); # Don't recurse down "special" directories if (-d $_ && ((/^\.deps$/) || (/^\.libs$/) || (/^\.svn$/) || (/^\.hg$/) || (/^\.git$/))) { $File::Find::prune = 1; return; } # $File::Find::name is the path relative to the starting point. # $_ contains the file's basename. The code automatically changes # to the processed directory, so we want to open / close $_. verbose("--> $File::Find::name\n"); my $relative = $File::Find::name; $relative =~ s/^$top//; $relative =~ s/^\///; my $short = $_; if ($short =~ "owner.txt") { push(@owner_files, { full => $File::Find::name, short => $short, relative => $relative, }); verbose(" Found owner file: $short\n"); } } # Find all owner files print "Searching for owner files...\n"; my $startrel = $start; if ($top ne $start) { $startrel =~ s/^$top//; $startrel =~ s/^\///; } find(\&match_files, "."); ########################################################################### # Index all help files my $help_topics; my $help_file_refs; print "Indexing owner files (from entire source tree)...\n"; my $old_lib = ""; my $filename; foreach my $info (@owner_files) { verbose("Indexing owner: $info->{full}\n"); open(OWNERFILE, $info->{full}) || die "Could not open file $info->{full}\n"; my $owner="unknown"; my $status="unknown"; my $label="unknown"; while () { next if /^#/; chop; if (/^owner/) { ($label,$owner) = split(/:/); $owner =~ s/\s//ge; # get rid of white space, may need something better } if (/^status/) { ($label,$status) = split(/:/); $status =~ s/\s//ge; } } my @components = split(/\//,$info->{full}); shift(@components); my $lib = shift(@components); if ($lib ne $old_lib) { $filename = $lib."_mca_owner.md"; printf("hey, found a new lib %s filename %s\n",$lib,$filename); open(MDFILE, ">$filename") || die "Could not open file $filename\n"; printf(MDFILE "| Framework | Component | Owner | Status |\n"); printf(MDFILE "| --- | --- | --- | --- |\n"); $old_lib = $lib; } shift(@components); my $frame = shift(@components); my $comp = shift(@components); printf("For lib %s framework %s component %s owner %s status %s\n", $lib, $frame, $comp, $owner, $status); printf(MDFILE "| $frame | $comp | $owner | $status |\n"); close (OWNERFILE); }