#!/bin/sh -f # # Copyright (c) 2004-2006 The Trustees of Indiana University and Indiana # University Research and Technology # Corporation. All rights reserved. # Copyright (c) 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. # # # General config vars # The following vars can be set from outside and will affect script behave: # prefix,rpmbuild_options,configure_options,build_srpm,build_single,build_multiple,rpmtopdir # specfile="openmpi.spec" prefix=${prefix:-"/opt/openmpi"} rpmbuild_options=${rpmbuild_options:-"--define 'mflags -j4' --define '_source_filedigest_algorithm md5' --define '_binary_filedigest_algorithm md5'"} configure_options=${configure_options:-""} # Helpful when debugging #rpmbuild_options="--define 'mflags -j4' --define 'install_in_opt 1' --define 'cflags -g' --define 'install_modulefile 1' --define 'modules_rpm_name dhcp'" #configure_options="--disable-mpi-f77 --without-io-romio --disable-mpi-f90" # Some distro's will attempt to force using bizarre, custom compiler # names (e.g., i386-redhat-linux-gnu-gcc). So hardwire them to use # "normal" names. #export CC=gcc #export CXX=g++ #export F77=f77 #export FC= # Note that this script can build one or all of the following RPMs: # SRPM, all-in-one, multiple. # If you want to build the SRPM, put "yes" here build_srpm=${build_srpm:-"yes"} # If you want to build the "all in one RPM", put "yes" here build_single=${build_single:-"no"} # If you want to build the "multiple" RPMs, put "yes" here build_multiple=${build_multiple:-"no"} ######################################################################### # You should not need to change anything below this line ######################################################################### # # get the tarball name # tarball="$1" if test "$tarball" = ""; then echo "Usage: buildrpm.sh " exit 1 fi if test ! -f $tarball; then echo "Can't find $tarball" exit 1 fi echo "--> Found tarball: $tarball" # # get the extension from the tarball (gz or bz2) # extension=`echo $tarball | egrep '\.bz2'` if test -n "$extension"; then extension=bz2 else extension=gz fi # # Get the version number # first="`basename $tarball | cut -d- -f2`" version="`echo $first | sed -e 's/\.tar\.'$extension'//'`" unset first echo "--> Found Open MPI version: $version" # # do we have the spec files? # if test ! -f $specfile; then echo "can't find $specfile" exit 1 fi echo "--> Found specfile: $specfile" # # Find where the top RPM-building directory is # rpmtopdir=${rpmtopdir:-"`grep %_topdir $HOME/.rpmmacros | awk '{ print $2 }'`"} if test "$rpmtopdir" != ""; then rpmbuild_options="$rpmbuild_options --define '_topdir $rpmtopdir'" if test ! -d "$rpmtopdir"; then mkdir -p "$rpmtopdir" mkdir -p "$rpmtopdir/BUILD" mkdir -p "$rpmtopdir/RPMS" mkdir -p "$rpmtopdir/RPMS/i386" mkdir -p "$rpmtopdir/RPMS/i586" mkdir -p "$rpmtopdir/RPMS/i686" mkdir -p "$rpmtopdir/RPMS/noarch" mkdir -p "$rpmtopdir/RPMS/athlon" mkdir -p "$rpmtopdir/SOURCES" mkdir -p "$rpmtopdir/SPECS" mkdir -p "$rpmtopdir/SRPMS" fi need_root=0 elif test -d /usr/src/RPM; then need_root=1 rpmtopdir="/usr/src/RPM" elif test -d /usr/src/packages; then need_root=1 rpmtopdir="/usr/src/packages" else need_root=1 rpmtopdir="/usr/src/redhat" fi echo "--> Found RPM top dir: $rpmtopdir" # # If we're not root, try to sudo # if test "$need_root" = "1" -a "`whoami`" != "root"; then echo "--> Trying to sudo: \"$0 $*\"" echo "------------------------------------------------------------" sudo -u root sh -c "$0 $tarball" echo "------------------------------------------------------------" echo "--> sudo finished" exit 0 fi # # make sure we have write access to the directories we need # if test ! -w $rpmtopdir/SOURCES ; then echo "Problem creating rpms: You do not have a $rpmtopdir directory" echo "tree or you do not have write access to the $rpmtopdir directory" echo "tree. Please remedy and try again." exit 1 fi echo "--> Have write access to $rpmtopdir/SOURCES" # # move the tarball file to the rpm directory # cp $tarball $rpmtopdir/SOURCES # # Print out the compilers # cat < Hard-wired for compilers: CC = $CC CXX = $CXX F77 = $F77 FC = $FC EOF # # what command should we use? # RH 8.0 changed from using "rpm -ba" to "rpmbuild -ba". ARRGGH!!! # which rpmbuild 2>&1 >/dev/null if test "$?" = "0"; then rpm_cmd="rpmbuild" else rpm_cmd="rpm" fi # # from the specfile # specdest="$rpmtopdir/SPECS/openmpi-$version.spec" sed -e 's/\$VERSION/'$version'/g' \ -e 's/\$EXTENSION/'$extension'/g' \ $specfile > "$specdest" echo "--> Created destination specfile: $specdest" release=`egrep -i release: $specdest | cut -d\ -f2` # # Setup compiler string # if test "$CC" != ""; then configure_options="$configure_options CC=$CC" fi if test "$CXX" != ""; then configure_options="$configure_options CXX=$CXX" fi if test "$F77" != ""; then configure_options="$configure_options F77=$F77" fi if test "$FC" != ""; then configure_options="$configure_options FC=$FC" fi # # Make the SRPM # if test "$build_srpm" = "yes"; then echo "--> Building the Open MPI SRPM" cmd="$rpm_cmd $rpmbuild_options -bs $specdest" echo "--> $cmd" eval $cmd if test $? != 0; then echo "*** FAILURE BUILDING SRPM!" echo "Aborting" exit 1 fi echo "--> Done building the SRPM" fi # # Make the single RPM # if test "$build_single" = "yes"; then echo "--> Building the single Open MPI RPM" cmd="$rpm_cmd -bb $rpmbuild_options --define 'build_all_in_one_rpm 1'" if test "$configure_options" != ""; then cmd="$cmd --define 'configure_options $configure_options'" fi cmd="$cmd $specdest" echo "--> $cmd" eval $cmd if test $? != 0; then echo "*** FAILURE BUILDING SINGLE RPM!" echo "Aborting" exit 1 fi echo "--> Done building the single RPM" fi # # Make the multi RPM # if test "$build_multiple" = "yes"; then echo "--> Building the multiple Open MPI RPM" cmd="$rpm_cmd -bb $rpmbuild_options --define 'build_all_in_one_rpm 0'" if test "$configure_options" != ""; then cmd="$cmd --define 'configure_options $configure_options'" fi cmd="$cmd $specdest" echo "--> $cmd" eval $cmd if test $? != 0; then echo "*** FAILURE BUILDING MULTIPLE RPM!" echo "Aborting" exit 1 fi echo "--> Done building the multiple RPM" fi # # Done # cat <86/ The sources rpms are located in: $rpmtopdir/SRPMS/ The spec files are located in: $rpmtopdir/SPECS/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EOF