#!/bin/sh ##### # # Configuration options # ##### # e-mail address to send results to results_addr=hwloc-devel@lists.open-mpi.org #results_addr=rhc@open-mpi.org # git repository URL code_uri=https://github.com/open-mpi/hwloc.git raw_uri=https://raw.github.com/open-mpi/hwloc # where to put built tarballs outputroot=$HOME/hwloc/nightly # Target where to scp the final tarballs output_ssh_target=ompiteam@ # where to find the build script script_uri=contrib/nightly/make_snapshot_tarball # helper scripts dir script_dir=$HOME/ompi/contrib/build-server # Set this to any value for additional output; typically only when # debugging : ${debug:=} # The tarballs to make if [ $# -eq 0 ] ; then # Branches v1.6 and earlier were not updated to build nightly # snapshots from git, so only check v1.7 and later branches="master v1.11" else branches=$@ fi # Build root - scratch space build_root=$HOME/hwloc/nightly-tarball-build-root # Coverity stuff coverity_token=`cat $HOME/coverity/hwloc-token.txt` export PATH=$HOME_PREFIX/bin:$PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME_PREFIX/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH ##### # # Actually do stuff # ##### debug() { if test -n "$debug"; then echo "=== DEBUG: $*" fi } run_command() { debug "Running command: $*" debug "Running in pwd: `pwd`" if test -n "$debug"; then eval $* else eval $* > /dev/null 2>&1 fi if test $? -ne 0; then echo "=== Command failed: $*" fi } # load the modules configuration . $MODULE_INIT module use $AUTOTOOL_MODULE # get our nightly build script mkdir -p $build_root cd $build_root pending_coverity=$build_root/tarballs-to-run-through-coverity.txt rm -f $pending_coverity touch $pending_coverity # Loop making them module unload autotools for branch in $branches; do echo "=== Branch: $branch" # Get the last tarball version that was made prev_snapshot=`cat $outputroot/$branch/latest_snapshot.txt` prev_snapshot_hash=`echo $prev_snapshot | cut -d- -f3` echo "=== Previous snapshot: $prev_snapshot (hash: $prev_snapshot_hash)" # Form a URL-specific script name script=$branch-`basename $script_uri` echo "=== Getting script from: $raw_uri" run_command wget --quiet --no-check-certificate --tries=10 $raw_uri/$branch/$script_uri -O $script if test ! $? -eq 0 ; then echo "wget of hwloc nightly tarball create script failed." if test -f $script ; then echo "Using older version of $script for this run." else echo "No build script available. Aborting." exit 1 fi fi chmod +x $script module load "autotools/hwloc-$branch" # module load "tex-live/hwloc-$branch" echo "=== Running script..." run_command ./$script \ $build_root/$branch \ $results_addr \ $outputroot/$branch \ $code_uri \ $branch module unload autotools echo "=== Done running script" # Did the script generate a new tarball? Ensure to compare the # only the hash of the previous tarball and the hash of the new # tarball (the filename also contains the date/timestamp, which # will always be different). # If so, save it so that we can spawn the coverity checker on it # afterwards. Only for this for the master (for now). latest_snapshot=`cat $outputroot/$branch/latest_snapshot.txt` latest_snapshot_hash=`echo $latest_snapshot | cut -d- -f3` echo "=== Latest snapshot: $latest_snapshot (hash: $latest_snapshot_hash)" if test "$prev_snapshot_hash" = "$latest_snapshot_hash"; then echo "=== Hash has not changed; no need to upload/save the new tarball" else if test "$branch" = "master"; then echo "=== Saving output for a Coverity run" echo "$outputroot/$branch/hwloc-$latest_snapshot.tar.bz2" >> $pending_coverity else echo "=== NOT saving output for a Coverity run" fi echo "=== Posting tarball to open-mpi.org" # tell the web server to cleanup old nightly tarballs run_command ssh -p 2222 \ $output_ssh_target \ \"git/ompi/contrib/build-server/remove-old.pl 7 public_html/software/hwloc/nightly/$branch\" # upload the new ones run_command scp -P 2222 \ $outputroot/$branch/hwloc-$latest_snapshot.tar.* \ $output_ssh_target:public_html/software/hwloc/nightly/$branch/ run_command scp -P 2222 \ $outputroot/$branch/latest_snapshot.txt \ $output_ssh_target:public_html/software/hwloc/nightly/$branch/ # direct the web server to regenerate the checksums run_command ssh -p 2222 \ $output_ssh_target \ \"cd public_html/software/hwloc/nightly/$branch \&\& md5sum hwloc\* \> md5sums.txt\" run_command ssh -p 2222 \ $output_ssh_target \ \"cd public_html/software/hwloc/nightly/$branch \&\& sha1sum hwloc\* \> sha1sums.txt\" fi # Failed builds are not removed. But if a human forgets to come # in here and clean up the old failed builds, we can accumulate # many over time. So remove any old failed builds that are over # 4 weeks old. run_command ${script_dir}/remove-old.pl 7 $build_root/$branch done # If we had any new snapshots to send to coverity, process them now for tarball in `cat $pending_coverity`; do run_command ${script_dir}/hwloc-nightly-coverity.pl \ --filename=$tarball \ --coverity-token=$coverity_token \ --verbose \ --logfile-dir=$HOME/coverity \ --make-args=\"-j8\" done rm -f $pending_coverity