#!/usr/bin/env perl # # $HEADER$ # use strict; use Carp; use Cwd; use Getopt::Long; use File::Basename; ############################################################################ # Local variables ############################################################################ my $lam_topdir; my $module_topdir; my %config_values; my %config_params; my $initial_cwd = cwd(); my $announce_str = "LAM/MPI MCA module configure generator"; my %config_param_names = (PIFILE => "PARAM_INIT_FILE", PCFGAUXDIR => "PARAM_CONFIG_AUX_DIR", PC => "PARAM_WANT_C", PCXX => "PARAM_WANT_CXX", PVERFILE => "PARAM_VERSION_FILE", PVARPREFIX => "PARAM_VAR_PREFIX", PAMNAME => "PARAM_AM_NAME", PCFGHDRFILE => "PARAM_CONFIG_HEADER_FILE", PCFGFILES => "PARAM_CONFIG_FILES" ); ############################################################################ # Command line arg procemcang ############################################################################ Getopt::Long::Configure("bundling", "require_order"); my $ok = Getopt::Long::GetOptions("lamdir|l=s" => \$lam_topdir, "moduledir|m=s" => \$module_topdir); if (!$ok) { print "Usage: $0 [--lamdir=DIR] [--moduledir=DIR]\n"; exit(1); } ############################################################################ # Try to figure out the lam and module topdirs ############################################################################ print "$announce_str starting\n"; if (!$lam_topdir) { $lam_topdir = dirname($0); } chdir($lam_topdir); $lam_topdir = cwd(); chdir($initial_cwd); if (!$lam_topdir || ! -f "$lam_topdir/autogen.sh") { croak("Unable to find LAM base directory (try using --lamdir)"); } if (!$module_topdir) { $module_topdir = $initial_cwd; if ($module_topdir eq $lam_topdir) { croak("Unable to determine which module to operate on"); } } chdir($module_topdir); $module_topdir = cwd(); chdir($initial_cwd); if (!$lam_topdir || ! -d $module_topdir) { croak("Unable to find module directory (try using --moduledir)"); } # Print them out print "--> Found LAM top dir: $lam_topdir\n"; print "--> Found module top dir: $module_topdir\n"; # If we have a configure.params file in the module topdir, we're good to # go. if (! -f "$module_topdir/configure.params") { die("No configure.params in module topdir; nothing to do"); } # Make a backup if (-f "$module_topdir/acinclude.m4") { printf(" *** WARNING: Replacing old acinclude.m4 in $module_topdir\n"); unlink("$module_topdir/acinclude.m4.bak"); rename("$module_topdir/acinclude.m4", "$module_topdir/acinclude.m4.bak"); } if (-f "$module_topdir/configure.ac") { printf(" *** WARNING: Replacing old configure.ac in $module_topdir\n"); unlink("$module_topdir/configure.ac.bak"); rename("$module_topdir/configure.ac", "$module_topdir/configure.ac.bak"); } ############################################################################ # Set and calculate sensible default parameter values ############################################################################ # Unchangeable values # MCA_TYPE: calculate $config_values{"MCA_TYPE"} = dirname($module_topdir); $config_values{"MCA_TYPE"} = basename($config_values{"MCA_TYPE"}); # PROCESSED_MCA_TYPE: For "special" MCA types, like "crlam" and # "crmpi". $config_values{"PROCESSED_MCA_TYPE"} = $config_values{"MCA_TYPE"}; if ($config_values{"PROCESSED_MCA_TYPE"} eq "crlam" || $config_values{"PROCESSED_MCA_TYPE"} eq "crmpi") { $config_values{"PROCESSED_MCA_TYPE"} = "cr"; } # MCA_NAME: calculate $config_values{"MCA_MODULE_NAME"} = basename($module_topdir); # Parameter (changeable) values # PARAM_CONFIG_AUX_DIR: set if (-d "$module_topdir/config") { $config_params{$config_param_names{PCFGAUXDIR}} = "config"; } else { $config_params{$config_param_names{PCFGAUXDIR}} = "."; } $config_params{$config_param_names{PC}} = 1; $config_params{$config_param_names{PCXX}} = 0; # PARAM_VERSION_FILE: calculate if (-f "$module_topdir/VERSION") { $config_params{$config_param_names{PVERFILE}} = "\$srcdir/VERSION"; } elsif (-f "$module_topdir/$config_params{$config_param_names{PCFGAUXDIR}}/VERSION") { $config_params{$config_param_names{PVERFILE}} = "\$srcdir/$config_params{$config_param_names{PCFGAUXDIR}}/VERSION"; } # PARAM_VAR_PREFIX: calculate $config_params{$config_param_names{PVARPREFIX}} = "MCA_" . uc($config_values{"MCA_TYPE"}) . "_" . uc($config_values{"MCA_MODULE_NAME"}); # PARAM_AM_NAME: calculate $config_params{$config_param_names{PAMNAME}} = lc($config_values{"MCA_TYPE"}) . "-" . lc($config_values{"MCA_MODULE_NAME"}); # PARAM_CONFIG_HEADER_FILE: calculate $config_params{$config_param_names{PCFGHDRFILE}} = "src/" . lc($config_values{"MCA_TYPE"}) . "_" . lc($config_values{"MCA_MODULE_NAME"}) . "_config.h"; # Is there a config.stub file in the module topdir? if (-f "$module_topdir/configure.stub") { $config_values{CONFIGURE_STUB_SINCLUDE} = "# # Module-specific tests # sinclude(configure.stub)\n"; $config_values{CONFIGURE_STUB_MACRO} = "lam_show_subtitle \"MCA " . $config_values{"MCA_TYPE"} . " " . $config_values{"MCA_MODULE_NAME"} . "-specific setup\" MCA_CONFIGURE_STUB"; # See if there's a CONFIGURE_DIST_STUB in configure.stub open(STUB, "$module_topdir/configure.stub"); my $found = 0; while (<STUB>) { $found = 1 if ($_ =~ /MCA_CONFIGURE_DIST_STUB/); } close(STUB); if ($found == 1) { $config_values{CONFIGURE_DIST_STUB_MACRO} = "lam_show_subtitle \"MCA " . $config_values{"MCA_TYPE"} . " " . $config_values{"MCA_MODULE_NAME"} . "-specific setup (dist specific!)\" MCA_CONFIGURE_DIST_STUB"; } else { $config_values{CONFIGURE_DIST_STUB_MACRO} = "true"; } } else { $config_values{CONFIGURE_STUB_MACRO} = "true"; $config_values{CONFIGURE_DIST_STUB_MACRO} = "true"; } ############################################################################ # Read in the configure.params file (pomcably overriding the defaults # set above) ############################################################################ my $found = 0; my @names = values %config_param_names; open(PARAMS, "$module_topdir/configure.params") || die("Could not open configure.params in $module_topdir"); while (<PARAMS>) { chomp; # Ignore comments and blank lines my $line = $_; $line =~ s/^[ \t]+(.*)[ \t]+$/\1/; $line =~ s/(.*)[\#]+.*/\1/; next if (length($line) == 0); # So we have a key=value line # Split into componenty, and remove quotes my ($key, $value) = split(/=/, $line); $key =~ s/^[ \t]+(.*)[ \t]+$/\1/; $value =~ s/^[ \t]+(.*)[ \t]+$/\1/; $value =~ s/^[\"](.*)[\"]$/\1/; $value =~ s/^[\'](.*)[\']$/\1/; for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#names; ++$i) { if ($key eq $names[$i]) { if (!$found) { printf("--> Found parameter override:\n"); $found = 1; } printf(" $key = $value\n"); $config_params{$key} = $value; last; } } } # Print out the values print "--> Final configuration values:\n"; foreach my $key (sort keys(%config_param_names)) { print " $config_param_names{$key} = " . $config_params{$config_param_names{$key}} . "\n"; } # Do some error checking on the values that we've determined if (! -f $config_params{PARAM_INIT_FILE}) { print "*** WARNING: PARAM_INIT_FILE does not exist:\n"; print "*** WARNING: $config_params{PARAM_INIT_FILE}\n"; print "*** WARNING: resulting configure script will not run properly!\n"; exit(1); } if ($config_params{PARAM_INIT_FILE} eq "" || ! -f $config_params{PARAM_INIT_FILE}) { print "*** WARNING: PARAM_VERSION_FILE does not exit:\n"; print "*** WARNING: $config_params{PARAM_VERSION_FILE} does not exist!\n"; print "*** WARNING: resulting configure script will not check for the version!!\n"; } my @files = split(/ /, $config_params{PARAM_CONFIG_FILES}); foreach my $file (@files) { if (! -f "$file.in" && ! -f "$file.am") { print "*** WARNING: PARAM_CONFIG_FILES file does not exist:\n"; print "*** WARNING: $file.[in|am]\n"; print "*** WARNING: resulting configure script may not run correctly!!\n"; exit(1); } } if (! -d $config_params{PARAM_CONFIG_AUX_DIR}) { print "*** WARNING: PARAM_CONFIG_AUX_DIR does not exit:\n"; print "*** WARNING: $config_params{PARAM_CONFIG_AUX_DIR}\n"; print "*** WARNING: Taking the liberty of trying to make it...\n"; if (mkdir($config_params{PARAM_CONFIG_AUX_DIR})) { printf("BARF\n"); exit(1); } } ############################################################################ # Read in the configure.ac template ############################################################################ sub make_template { my ($src, $dest, $mode) = @_; my $template; my $search; my $replace; # Read in the template file print "--> Reading template file: $src\n"; open(TEMPLATE, $src) || die("Cannot open template file: $src"); while (<TEMPLATE>) { $template .= $_; } close(TEMPLATE); # Transform the template print "--> Filling in the template...\n"; foreach my $key (sort keys(%config_values)) { $search = "@" . $key . "@"; $template =~ s/$search/$config_values{$key}/g; } foreach my $key (sort keys(%config_param_names)) { next if ($key eq "PC" || $key eq "PCXX"); $search = "@" . $config_param_names{$key} . "@"; $template =~ s/$search/$config_params{$config_param_names{$key}}/g; } # If we want C or C++, substitute in the right setup macros $search = "\@C_COMPILER_SETUP\@"; $replace = $config_params{$config_param_names{"PC"}} ? "LAM_SETUP_CC" : ""; $template =~ s/$search/$replace/; $search = "\@CXX_COMPILER_SETUP\@"; $replace = $config_params{$config_param_names{"PCXX"}} ? "LAM_SETUP_CXX" : ""; $template =~ s/$search/$replace/; print "--> Writing output file: $dest\n"; open(OUTPUT, ">$dest") || die("Cannot open output flie: $dest"); print OUTPUT $template; close(OUTPUT); chmod($dest, $mode); } # Read and fill in the templates make_template("$lam_topdir/config/mca_configure.ac", "$module_topdir/configure.ac", 0644); make_template("$lam_topdir/config/mca_acinclude.m4", "$module_topdir/acinclude.m4", 0644); ############################################################################ # All done ############################################################################ print "\n$announce_str finished\n"; exit(0);