/* -*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset:4 ; -*- */ /* * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Trustees of Indiana University. * All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Trustees of the University of Tennessee. * All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2004 The Ohio State University. * All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart, * University of Stuttgart. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. * $COPYRIGHT$ * * Additional copyrights may follow * * $HEADER$ */ #include "ompi_config.h" #include "include/types.h" #include "mca/ptl/base/ptl_base_sendreq.h" #include "mca/ptl/base/ptl_base_header.h" #include "ptl_gm.h" #include "ptl_gm_peer.h" #include "ptl_gm_proc.h" #include "ptl_gm_sendfrag.h" #include "ptl_gm_priv.h" #include "mca/pml/teg/pml_teg_proc.h" static int mca_ptl_gm_send_quick_fin_message( struct mca_ptl_gm_peer_t* ptl_peer, struct mca_ptl_base_frag_t* frag ); static void mca_ptl_gm_basic_frag_callback( struct gm_port* port, void* context, gm_status_t status ) { mca_ptl_gm_module_t* gm_ptl; mca_ptl_base_frag_t* frag_base; mca_ptl_base_header_t* header; header = (mca_ptl_base_header_t*)context; frag_base = (mca_ptl_base_frag_t*)header->hdr_frag.hdr_src_ptr.pval; gm_ptl = (mca_ptl_gm_module_t *)frag_base->frag_owner; switch( status ) { case GM_SUCCESS: OMPI_GM_FREE_LIST_RETURN( &(gm_ptl->gm_send_dma_frags), ((opal_list_item_t*)header) ); /* release the send token */ opal_atomic_add( &(gm_ptl->num_send_tokens), 1 ); break; case GM_SEND_TIMED_OUT: opal_output( 0, "send_continue timed out\n" ); break; case GM_SEND_DROPPED: opal_output( 0, "send_continue dropped\n" ); break; default: opal_output( 0, "send_continue other error %d\n", status ); } } #define DO_DEBUG( INST ) #if OMPI_MCA_PTL_GM_HAVE_RDMA_GET static inline int mca_ptl_gm_receiver_advance_pipeline( mca_ptl_gm_recv_frag_t* frag, int onlyifget ); /* This function get called when the gm_get is finish (i.e. when the read from remote memory * is completed. We have to send back the ack. If the original data was too large for just one * fragment it will be split in severals. We have to send back for each of these fragments one * ack. */ static void mca_ptl_gm_get_callback( struct gm_port *port, void * context, gm_status_t status ) { mca_ptl_gm_recv_frag_t* frag = (mca_ptl_gm_recv_frag_t*)context; mca_ptl_gm_peer_t* peer = (mca_ptl_gm_peer_t*)frag->frag_recv.frag_base.frag_peer; switch( status ) { case GM_SUCCESS: DO_DEBUG( opal_output( 0, "receiver %d %p get_callback processed %lld validated %lld", orte_process_info.my_name->vpid, frag, frag->frag_bytes_processed, frag->frag_bytes_validated ); ) /* send an ack message to the sender */ mca_ptl_gm_send_quick_fin_message( peer, &(frag->frag_recv.frag_base) ); peer->get_started = false; /* mark the memory as being ready to be deregistered */ frag->pipeline.lines[frag->pipeline.pos_deregister].flags |= PTL_GM_PIPELINE_DEREGISTER; mca_ptl_gm_receiver_advance_pipeline( frag, 0 ); break; case GM_SEND_TIMED_OUT: opal_output( 0, "mca_ptl_gm_get_callback timed out\n" ); break; case GM_SEND_DROPPED: opal_output( 0, "mca_ptl_gm_get_callback dropped\n" ); break; default: opal_output( 0, "mca_ptl_gm_get_callback other error %d\n", status ); } } static inline int mca_ptl_gm_receiver_advance_pipeline( mca_ptl_gm_recv_frag_t* frag, int onlyifget ) { mca_ptl_gm_peer_t* peer; gm_status_t status; mca_ptl_gm_pipeline_line_t *get_line, *reg_line, *dereg_line; uint64_t length; DO_DEBUG( int count = 0; char buffer[128]; ) peer = (mca_ptl_gm_peer_t*)frag->frag_recv.frag_base.frag_peer; DO_DEBUG( count = sprintf( buffer, " %p", (void*)frag ); ) /* start the current get */ get_line = &(frag->pipeline.lines[frag->pipeline.pos_transfert]); if( (PTL_GM_PIPELINE_TRANSFERT & get_line->flags) == PTL_GM_PIPELINE_TRANSFERT ) { peer->get_started = true; gm_get( peer->peer_ptl->gm_port, get_line->remote_memory.lval, get_line->local_memory.pval, get_line->length, GM_LOW_PRIORITY, peer->peer_addr.local_id, peer->peer_addr.port_id, mca_ptl_gm_get_callback, frag ); get_line->flags ^= PTL_GM_PIPELINE_REMOTE; DO_DEBUG( count += sprintf( buffer + count, " start get %lld (%d)", get_line->length, frag->pipeline.pos_transfert ); ); frag->pipeline.pos_transfert = (frag->pipeline.pos_transfert + 1) % GM_PIPELINE_DEPTH; } else if( 1 == onlyifget ) goto check_completion_status; /* register the next segment */ reg_line = &(frag->pipeline.lines[frag->pipeline.pos_register]); length = frag->frag_recv.frag_base.frag_size - frag->frag_bytes_processed; if( (0 != length) && !(reg_line->flags & PTL_GM_PIPELINE_REGISTER) ) { reg_line->hdr_flags = get_line->hdr_flags; reg_line->offset = get_line->offset + get_line->length; reg_line->length = length; if( reg_line->length > mca_ptl_gm_component.gm_rdma_frag_size ) reg_line->length = mca_ptl_gm_component.gm_rdma_frag_size; reg_line->local_memory.lval = 0L; reg_line->local_memory.pval = (char*)frag->frag_recv.frag_base.frag_addr + reg_line->offset; status = mca_ptl_gm_register_memory( peer->peer_ptl->gm_port, reg_line->local_memory.pval, reg_line->length ); if( GM_SUCCESS != status ) { opal_output( 0, "Cannot register receiver memory (%p, %ld) bytes offset %ld\n", reg_line->local_memory.pval, reg_line->length, reg_line->offset ); return OMPI_ERROR; } DO_DEBUG( count += sprintf( buffer + count, " start register %lld offset %lld processed %lld(%d)", reg_line->length, reg_line->offset, frag->frag_bytes_processed, frag->pipeline.pos_register ); ); reg_line->flags |= PTL_GM_PIPELINE_REGISTER; frag->frag_bytes_processed += reg_line->length; frag->pipeline.pos_register = (frag->pipeline.pos_register + 1) % GM_PIPELINE_DEPTH; } /* deregister the previous one */ dereg_line = &(frag->pipeline.lines[frag->pipeline.pos_deregister]); if( dereg_line->flags & PTL_GM_PIPELINE_DEREGISTER ) { /* something usefull */ status = mca_ptl_gm_deregister_memory( peer->peer_ptl->gm_port, dereg_line->local_memory.pval, dereg_line->length ); if( GM_SUCCESS != status ) { opal_output( 0, "unpinning receiver memory from get (%p, %u) failed \n", dereg_line->local_memory.pval, dereg_line->length ); } dereg_line->flags ^= (PTL_GM_PIPELINE_DEREGISTER|PTL_GM_PIPELINE_REGISTER); assert( dereg_line->flags == 0 ); frag->frag_bytes_validated += dereg_line->length; DO_DEBUG( count += sprintf( buffer + count, " start deregister %lld offset %lld (%d)", dereg_line->length, dereg_line->offset, frag->pipeline.pos_deregister ); ) frag->pipeline.pos_deregister = (frag->pipeline.pos_deregister + 1) % GM_PIPELINE_DEPTH; } check_completion_status: if( frag->frag_recv.frag_base.frag_size <= frag->frag_bytes_validated ) { peer->peer_ptl->super.ptl_recv_progress( (mca_ptl_base_module_t*)peer->peer_ptl, frag->frag_recv.frag_request, frag->frag_recv.frag_base.frag_size, frag->frag_recv.frag_base.frag_size ); OMPI_FREE_LIST_RETURN( &(peer->peer_ptl->gm_recv_frags_free), (opal_list_item_t*)frag ); DO_DEBUG( count += sprintf( buffer + count, " finish" ); ) } DO_DEBUG( opal_output( 0, "receiver %d %s", orte_process_info.my_name->vpid, buffer ); ) return OMPI_SUCCESS; } static inline int mca_ptl_gm_sender_advance_pipeline( mca_ptl_gm_send_frag_t* frag ) { mca_ptl_gm_peer_t* peer; gm_status_t status; mca_ptl_gm_pipeline_line_t *send_line, *reg_line, *dereg_line; mca_ptl_gm_frag_header_t* hdr; DO_DEBUG( int count = 0; char buffer[256]; ) peer = (mca_ptl_gm_peer_t*)frag->frag_send.frag_base.frag_peer; DO_DEBUG( count = sprintf( buffer, " %p", (void*)frag ); ) /* send current segment */ send_line = &(frag->pipeline.lines[frag->pipeline.pos_transfert]); if( (send_line->flags & PTL_GM_PIPELINE_TRANSFERT) == PTL_GM_PIPELINE_TRANSFERT ) { opal_list_item_t* item; int32_t rc; OMPI_FREE_LIST_WAIT( &(peer->peer_ptl->gm_send_dma_frags), item, rc ); opal_atomic_sub( &(peer->peer_ptl->num_send_tokens), 1 ); hdr = (mca_ptl_gm_frag_header_t*)item; hdr->hdr_frag.hdr_common.hdr_type = MCA_PTL_HDR_TYPE_FRAG; hdr->hdr_frag.hdr_common.hdr_flags = send_line->hdr_flags | frag->frag_send.frag_base.frag_header.hdr_common.hdr_flags; hdr->hdr_frag.hdr_src_ptr.lval = 0L; /* for VALGRIND/PURIFY - REPLACE WITH MACRO */ hdr->hdr_frag.hdr_src_ptr.pval = frag; hdr->hdr_frag.hdr_dst_ptr = frag->frag_send.frag_base.frag_header.hdr_ack.hdr_dst_match; hdr->hdr_frag.hdr_frag_offset = send_line->offset; hdr->hdr_frag.hdr_frag_length = send_line->length; hdr->registered_memory = send_line->local_memory; gm_send_with_callback( peer->peer_ptl->gm_port, hdr, GM_SIZE, sizeof(mca_ptl_gm_frag_header_t), GM_HIGH_PRIORITY, peer->peer_addr.local_id, peer->peer_addr.port_id, mca_ptl_gm_basic_frag_callback, (void*)hdr ); send_line->flags ^= PTL_GM_PIPELINE_REMOTE; frag->pipeline.pos_transfert = (frag->pipeline.pos_transfert + 1) % GM_PIPELINE_DEPTH; DO_DEBUG( count += sprintf( buffer + count, " send new fragment %lld", send_line->length ); ) } /* deregister previous segment */ dereg_line = &(frag->pipeline.lines[frag->pipeline.pos_deregister]); if( dereg_line->flags & PTL_GM_PIPELINE_DEREGISTER ) { /* something usefull */ status = mca_ptl_gm_deregister_memory( peer->peer_ptl->gm_port, dereg_line->local_memory.pval, dereg_line->length ); if( GM_SUCCESS != status ) { opal_output( 0, "unpinning receiver memory from get (%p, %u) failed \n", dereg_line->local_memory.pval, dereg_line->length ); } dereg_line->flags ^= (PTL_GM_PIPELINE_REGISTER | PTL_GM_PIPELINE_DEREGISTER); assert( dereg_line->flags == 0 ); frag->frag_bytes_validated += dereg_line->length; frag->pipeline.pos_deregister = (frag->pipeline.pos_deregister + 1) % GM_PIPELINE_DEPTH; DO_DEBUG( count += sprintf( buffer + count, " start deregister %lld offset %lld (validated %lld)", dereg_line->length, dereg_line->offset, frag->frag_bytes_validated ); ) } /* register next segment */ reg_line = &(frag->pipeline.lines[frag->pipeline.pos_register]); if( !(reg_line->flags & PTL_GM_PIPELINE_REGISTER) ) { reg_line->length = frag->frag_send.frag_base.frag_size - frag->frag_bytes_processed; if( 0 != reg_line->length ) { reg_line->hdr_flags = frag->frag_send.frag_base.frag_header.hdr_common.hdr_flags; if( reg_line->length > mca_ptl_gm_component.gm_rdma_frag_size ) { reg_line->length = mca_ptl_gm_component.gm_rdma_frag_size; } else { reg_line->hdr_flags |= PTL_FLAG_GM_LAST_FRAGMENT; } reg_line->offset = send_line->offset + send_line->length; reg_line->local_memory.lval = 0L; reg_line->local_memory.pval = (char*)frag->frag_send.frag_base.frag_addr + reg_line->offset; status = mca_ptl_gm_register_memory( peer->peer_ptl->gm_port, reg_line->local_memory.pval, reg_line->length ); if( GM_SUCCESS != status ) { opal_output( 0, "Cannot register sender memory (%p, %ld) bytes offset %ld\n", reg_line->local_memory.pval, reg_line->length, reg_line->offset ); return OMPI_ERROR; } reg_line->flags |= PTL_GM_PIPELINE_TRANSFERT; frag->frag_bytes_processed += reg_line->length; frag->pipeline.pos_register = (frag->pipeline.pos_register + 1) % GM_PIPELINE_DEPTH; DO_DEBUG( count += sprintf( buffer + count, " start register %lld offset %lld", reg_line->length, reg_line->offset ); ) } } DO_DEBUG( opal_output( 0, "sender %d %s", orte_process_info.my_name->vpid, buffer ); ) return OMPI_SUCCESS; } #endif /* OMPI_MCA_PTL_GM_HAVE_RDMA_GET */ static inline int mca_ptl_gm_send_internal_rndv_header( mca_ptl_gm_peer_t *ptl_peer, mca_ptl_gm_send_frag_t *fragment, mca_ptl_gm_frag_header_t* hdr, int flags ) { struct iovec iov; uint32_t in_size; size_t max_data; int32_t freeAfter; ompi_convertor_t *convertor = &(fragment->frag_send.frag_base.frag_convertor); iov.iov_base = (char*)hdr + sizeof(mca_ptl_gm_frag_header_t); iov.iov_len = fragment->frag_send.frag_base.frag_size - fragment->frag_bytes_processed; if( iov.iov_len > (mca_ptl_gm_component.gm_segment_size - sizeof(mca_ptl_gm_frag_header_t)) ) iov.iov_len = (mca_ptl_gm_component.gm_segment_size - sizeof(mca_ptl_gm_frag_header_t)); max_data = iov.iov_len; in_size = 1; if( ompi_convertor_pack(convertor, &(iov), &in_size, &max_data, &freeAfter) < 0) return OMPI_ERROR; hdr->hdr_frag.hdr_common.hdr_type = MCA_PTL_HDR_TYPE_FRAG; hdr->hdr_frag.hdr_common.hdr_flags = flags; hdr->hdr_frag.hdr_src_ptr.lval = 0L; /* for VALGRIND/PURIFY - REPLACE WITH MACRO */ hdr->hdr_frag.hdr_src_ptr.pval = fragment; hdr->hdr_frag.hdr_dst_ptr = fragment->frag_send.frag_request->req_peer_match; hdr->hdr_frag.hdr_frag_offset = fragment->frag_offset + fragment->frag_bytes_processed; hdr->hdr_frag.hdr_frag_length = fragment->frag_send.frag_base.frag_size - fragment->frag_bytes_processed; hdr->registered_memory.lval = 0L; hdr->registered_memory.pval = NULL; DO_DEBUG( opal_output( 0, "sender %d before send internal rndv header hdr_offset %lld hdr_length %lld max_data %u", orte_process_info.my_name->vpid, hdr->hdr_frag.hdr_frag_offset, hdr->hdr_frag.hdr_frag_length, max_data ); ); gm_send_with_callback( ptl_peer->peer_ptl->gm_port, hdr, GM_SIZE, sizeof(mca_ptl_gm_frag_header_t) + max_data, GM_LOW_PRIORITY, ptl_peer->peer_addr.local_id, ptl_peer->peer_addr.port_id, mca_ptl_gm_basic_frag_callback, (void *)hdr ); fragment->frag_bytes_processed += max_data; fragment->frag_bytes_validated += max_data; DO_DEBUG( opal_output( 0, "sender %d after send internal rndv header processed %lld, validated %lld max_data %u", orte_process_info.my_name->vpid, fragment->frag_bytes_processed, fragment->frag_bytes_validated, max_data ); ); return OMPI_SUCCESS; } static inline int mca_ptl_gm_send_burst_data( mca_ptl_gm_peer_t *ptl_peer, mca_ptl_gm_send_frag_t *fragment, uint32_t burst_length, mca_ptl_base_frag_header_t* hdr, int32_t flags ) { int32_t freeAfter, rc; uint32_t in_size; size_t max_data; struct iovec iov; ompi_convertor_t *convertor = &(fragment->frag_send.frag_base.frag_convertor); while( 0 < burst_length ) { /* send everything for the burst_length size */ if( NULL == hdr ) { opal_list_item_t* item; OMPI_FREE_LIST_WAIT( &(ptl_peer->peer_ptl->gm_send_dma_frags), item, rc ); opal_atomic_sub( &(ptl_peer->peer_ptl->num_send_tokens), 1 ); hdr = (mca_ptl_base_frag_header_t*)item; } iov.iov_base = (char*)hdr + sizeof(mca_ptl_base_frag_header_t); iov.iov_len = mca_ptl_gm_component.gm_segment_size - sizeof(mca_ptl_base_frag_header_t); if( iov.iov_len >= burst_length ) iov.iov_len = burst_length; max_data = iov.iov_len; in_size = 1; if( ompi_convertor_pack(convertor, &(iov), &in_size, &max_data, &freeAfter) < 0) return OMPI_ERROR; hdr->hdr_common.hdr_type = MCA_PTL_HDR_TYPE_FRAG; hdr->hdr_common.hdr_flags = flags; hdr->hdr_src_ptr.lval = 0L; /* for VALGRIND/PURIFY - REPLACE WITH MACRO */ hdr->hdr_src_ptr.pval = fragment; hdr->hdr_dst_ptr = fragment->frag_send.frag_request->req_peer_match; assert( hdr->hdr_dst_ptr.pval != NULL ); hdr->hdr_frag_offset = fragment->frag_offset + fragment->frag_bytes_processed; hdr->hdr_frag_length = max_data; fragment->frag_bytes_processed += max_data; fragment->frag_bytes_validated += max_data; burst_length -= max_data; if( fragment->frag_send.frag_base.frag_size == fragment->frag_bytes_processed ) { assert( 0 == burst_length ); hdr->hdr_common.hdr_flags |= PTL_FLAG_GM_LAST_FRAGMENT; } /* for the last piece set the header type to FIN */ gm_send_with_callback( ptl_peer->peer_ptl->gm_port, hdr, GM_SIZE, iov.iov_len + sizeof(mca_ptl_base_frag_header_t), GM_LOW_PRIORITY, ptl_peer->peer_addr.local_id, ptl_peer->peer_addr.port_id, mca_ptl_gm_basic_frag_callback, (void*)hdr ); hdr = NULL; /* force to retrieve a new one on the next loop */ } DO_DEBUG( opal_output( 0, "sender %d after burst offset %lld, processed %lld, validated %lld\n", orte_process_info.my_name->vpid, fragment->frag_offset, fragment->frag_bytes_processed, fragment->frag_bytes_validated); ); return OMPI_SUCCESS; } int mca_ptl_gm_peer_send_continue( mca_ptl_gm_peer_t *ptl_peer, mca_ptl_gm_send_frag_t *fragment, struct mca_ptl_base_send_request_t *sendreq, size_t offset, size_t *size, int flags ) { mca_ptl_gm_frag_header_t* hdr; uint64_t remaining_bytes, burst_length; opal_list_item_t *item; int rc = 0; #if OMPI_MCA_PTL_GM_HAVE_RDMA_GET gm_status_t status; mca_ptl_gm_pipeline_line_t* pipeline; #endif /* OMPI_MCA_PTL_GM_HAVE_RDMA_GET */ fragment->frag_offset = offset; /* must update the offset after actual fragment size is determined * before attempting to send the fragment */ mca_ptl_base_send_request_offset( fragment->frag_send.frag_request, fragment->frag_send.frag_base.frag_size ); DO_DEBUG( opal_output( 0, "sender %d start new send length %ld offset %ld\n", orte_process_info.my_name->vpid, *size, offset ); ) /* The first DMA memory buffer has been alocated in same time as the fragment */ item = (opal_list_item_t*)fragment->send_buf; hdr = (mca_ptl_gm_frag_header_t*)item; remaining_bytes = fragment->frag_send.frag_base.frag_size - fragment->frag_bytes_processed; if( remaining_bytes < mca_ptl_gm_component.gm_eager_limit ) { burst_length = remaining_bytes; } else { #if OMPI_MCA_PTL_GM_HAVE_RDMA_GET if( remaining_bytes < mca_ptl_gm_component.gm_rndv_burst_limit ) { burst_length = remaining_bytes % (mca_ptl_gm_component.gm_segment_size - sizeof(mca_ptl_base_frag_header_t)); } else { if( mca_ptl_gm_component.gm_rdma_frag_size == UINT_MAX ) burst_length = 0; else burst_length = remaining_bytes % mca_ptl_gm_component.gm_rdma_frag_size; } #else /*burst_length = remaining_bytes % (mca_ptl_gm_component.gm_segment_size - sizeof(mca_ptl_base_frag_header_t));*/ burst_length = (mca_ptl_gm_component.gm_segment_size - sizeof(mca_ptl_base_frag_header_t)); #endif /* OMPI_MCA_PTL_GM_HAVE_RDMA_GET */ } if( burst_length > 0 ) { mca_ptl_gm_send_burst_data( ptl_peer, fragment, burst_length, &(hdr->hdr_frag), flags ); item = NULL; /* this buffer was already used by the mca_ptl_gm_send_burst_data function */ DO_DEBUG( opal_output( 0, "sender %d burst %ld bytes", orte_process_info.my_name->vpid, burst_length ); ); } if( fragment->frag_send.frag_base.frag_size == fragment->frag_bytes_processed ) { *size = fragment->frag_bytes_processed; if( !(flags & MCA_PTL_FLAGS_ACK) ) { ptl_peer->peer_ptl->super.ptl_send_progress( (mca_ptl_base_module_t*)ptl_peer->peer_ptl, fragment->frag_send.frag_request, (*size) ); OMPI_FREE_LIST_RETURN( &(ptl_peer->peer_ptl->gm_send_frags), ((opal_list_item_t*)fragment) ); } return OMPI_SUCCESS; } if( NULL == item ) { OMPI_FREE_LIST_WAIT( &(ptl_peer->peer_ptl->gm_send_dma_frags), item, rc ); opal_atomic_sub( &(ptl_peer->peer_ptl->num_send_tokens), 1 ); hdr = (mca_ptl_gm_frag_header_t*)item; } /* Large set of data => we have to setup a rendez-vous protocol. Here we can * use the match header already filled in by the upper level and just complete it * with the others informations. When we reach this point the rendez-vous protocol * has already been realized so we know that the receiver expect our message. */ #if OMPI_MCA_PTL_GM_HAVE_RDMA_GET /* Trigger the long rendez-vous protocol only if gm_get is supported */ if( remaining_bytes > mca_ptl_gm_component.gm_rndv_burst_limit ) flags |= PTL_FLAG_GM_REQUIRE_LOCK; #endif /* OMPI_MCA_PTL_GM_HAVE_RDMA_GET */ mca_ptl_gm_send_internal_rndv_header( ptl_peer, fragment, hdr, flags ); if( !(PTL_FLAG_GM_REQUIRE_LOCK & flags) ) return OMPI_SUCCESS; #if OMPI_MCA_PTL_GM_HAVE_RDMA_GET pipeline = &(fragment->pipeline.lines[0]); pipeline->length = fragment->frag_send.frag_base.frag_size - fragment->frag_bytes_processed; if( pipeline->length > mca_ptl_gm_component.gm_rdma_frag_size ) { pipeline->length = mca_ptl_gm_component.gm_rdma_frag_size; } pipeline->offset = fragment->frag_offset + fragment->frag_bytes_processed; pipeline->hdr_flags = fragment->frag_send.frag_base.frag_header.hdr_common.hdr_flags; pipeline->local_memory.lval = 0L; pipeline->local_memory.pval = (char*)fragment->frag_send.frag_base.frag_addr + pipeline->offset; status = mca_ptl_gm_register_memory( ptl_peer->peer_ptl->gm_port, pipeline->local_memory.pval, pipeline->length ); if( GM_SUCCESS != status ) { opal_output( 0, "Cannot register sender memory (%p, %ld) bytes offset %ld\n", pipeline->local_memory.pval, pipeline->length, pipeline->offset ); } pipeline->flags = PTL_GM_PIPELINE_TRANSFERT; fragment->frag_bytes_processed += pipeline->length; DO_DEBUG( opal_output( 0, "sender %d %p start register %lld (%d)", orte_process_info.my_name->vpid, fragment, pipeline->length, fragment->pipeline.pos_register ); ) fragment->pipeline.pos_register = (fragment->pipeline.pos_register + 1) % GM_PIPELINE_DEPTH; /* Now we are waiting for the ack message. Meanwhile we can register the sender first piece * of data. In this way we have a recovery between the expensive registration on both sides. */ #else assert( 0 ); #endif /* OMPI_MCA_PTL_GM_HAVE_RDMA_GET */ return OMPI_SUCCESS; } static void send_match_callback( struct gm_port* port, void* context, gm_status_t status ) { mca_ptl_gm_module_t* gm_ptl; mca_ptl_base_header_t* header = (mca_ptl_base_header_t*)context; gm_ptl = (mca_ptl_gm_module_t*)((long)header->hdr_rndv.hdr_frag_length); OMPI_GM_FREE_LIST_RETURN( &(gm_ptl->gm_send_dma_frags), ((opal_list_item_t*)header) ); /* release the send token */ opal_atomic_add( &(gm_ptl->num_send_tokens), 1 ); } /* This function is used for the initial send. For small size messages the data will be attached * to the header, when for long size messages we will setup a rendez-vous protocol. We dont need * to fill a fragment description here as all that we need is the request pointer. In same time * even if we fill a fragment it will be lost as soon as we get the answer from the remote node * and we will be unable to reuse any informations stored inside (like the convertor). */ int mca_ptl_gm_peer_send( struct mca_ptl_base_module_t* ptl, struct mca_ptl_base_peer_t* ptl_base_peer, struct mca_ptl_base_send_request_t *sendreq, size_t offset, size_t size, int flags ) { const int header_length = sizeof(mca_ptl_base_rendezvous_header_t); mca_ptl_base_header_t* hdr; mca_ptl_gm_module_t* ptl_gm = (mca_ptl_gm_module_t*)ptl; ompi_convertor_t *convertor = NULL; int rc, freeAfter; size_t max_data = 0; mca_ptl_gm_peer_t* ptl_peer = (mca_ptl_gm_peer_t*)ptl_base_peer; opal_list_item_t *item; char* sendbuf; OMPI_FREE_LIST_WAIT( &(ptl_gm->gm_send_dma_frags), item, rc ); opal_atomic_sub( &(ptl_gm->num_send_tokens), 1 ); sendbuf = (char*)item; hdr = (mca_ptl_base_header_t*)item; /* Populate the header with the match informations */ (void)mca_ptl_gm_init_header_rndv( hdr, sendreq, flags ); hdr->hdr_rndv.hdr_frag_length = (uint64_t)((long)ptl); if( size > 0 ) { struct iovec iov; uint32_t iov_count = 1; convertor = &sendreq->req_send.req_convertor; /* We send here the first fragment, and the convertor does not need any * particular options. Thus, we can use the one already prepared on the * request. */ if( (size + header_length) <= mca_ptl_gm_component.gm_segment_size ) iov.iov_len = size; else iov.iov_len = mca_ptl_gm_component.gm_segment_size - header_length; /* copy the data to the registered buffer */ iov.iov_base = ((char*)hdr) + header_length; max_data = iov.iov_len; if((rc = ompi_convertor_pack(convertor, &(iov), &iov_count, &max_data, &freeAfter)) < 0) return OMPI_ERROR; assert( max_data != 0 ); /* must update the offset after actual fragment size is determined * before attempting to send the fragment */ mca_ptl_base_send_request_offset( sendreq, max_data ); } /* Send the first fragment */ gm_send_with_callback( ptl_gm->gm_port, hdr, GM_SIZE, max_data + header_length, GM_LOW_PRIORITY, ptl_peer->peer_addr.local_id, ptl_peer->peer_addr.port_id, send_match_callback, (void *)hdr ); if( !(flags & MCA_PTL_FLAGS_ACK) ) { ptl->ptl_send_progress( ptl, sendreq, max_data ); DO_DEBUG( opal_output( 0, "sender %d complete request %p w/o rndv with %d bytes", orte_process_info.my_name->vpid, sendreq, max_data ); ); } else { DO_DEBUG( opal_output( 0, "sender %d sent request %p for rndv with %d bytes", orte_process_info.my_name->vpid, sendreq, max_data ); ); } return OMPI_SUCCESS; } static mca_ptl_gm_recv_frag_t* mca_ptl_gm_recv_frag_ctrl( struct mca_ptl_gm_module_t *ptl, mca_ptl_base_header_t * header, uint32_t msg_len ) { mca_ptl_base_send_request_t *req; assert( MCA_PTL_FLAGS_ACK & header->hdr_common.hdr_flags ); req = (mca_ptl_base_send_request_t*)(header->hdr_ack.hdr_src_ptr.pval); req->req_peer_match = header->hdr_ack.hdr_dst_match; req->req_peer_addr = header->hdr_ack.hdr_dst_addr; req->req_peer_size = header->hdr_ack.hdr_dst_size; DO_DEBUG( opal_output( 0, "sender %d get back the rendez-vous for request %p", orte_process_info.my_name->vpid, req ); ); ptl->super.ptl_send_progress( (mca_ptl_base_module_t*)ptl, req, req->req_offset ); return NULL; } /* We get a RNDV header in two situations: * - when the remote node need a ack * - when we set a rendez-vous protocol with the remote node. * In both cases we have to send an ack back. */ static mca_ptl_gm_recv_frag_t* mca_ptl_gm_recv_frag_match( struct mca_ptl_gm_module_t *ptl, mca_ptl_base_header_t* hdr, uint32_t msg_len ) { mca_ptl_gm_recv_frag_t* recv_frag; bool matched; /* allocate a receive fragment */ recv_frag = mca_ptl_gm_alloc_recv_frag( (struct mca_ptl_base_module_t*)ptl ); if( MCA_PTL_HDR_TYPE_MATCH == hdr->hdr_rndv.hdr_match.hdr_common.hdr_type ) { recv_frag->frag_recv.frag_base.frag_addr = (char*)hdr + sizeof(mca_ptl_base_match_header_t); recv_frag->frag_recv.frag_base.frag_size = hdr->hdr_match.hdr_msg_length; } else { assert( MCA_PTL_HDR_TYPE_RNDV == hdr->hdr_rndv.hdr_match.hdr_common.hdr_type ); recv_frag->frag_recv.frag_base.frag_addr = (char*)hdr + sizeof(mca_ptl_base_rendezvous_header_t); recv_frag->frag_recv.frag_base.frag_size = hdr->hdr_rndv.hdr_match.hdr_msg_length; } recv_frag->frag_recv.frag_is_buffered = false; recv_frag->have_allocated_buffer = false; recv_frag->attached_data_length = msg_len - sizeof(mca_ptl_base_rendezvous_header_t); recv_frag->frag_recv.frag_base.frag_peer = NULL; recv_frag->frag_recv.frag_base.frag_header.hdr_rndv = hdr->hdr_rndv; matched = ptl->super.ptl_match( &(ptl->super), &(recv_frag->frag_recv), &(recv_frag->frag_recv.frag_base.frag_header.hdr_match) ); if( true == matched ) return NULL; /* done and fragment already removed */ /* get some memory and copy the data inside. We can then release the receive buffer */ if( 0 != recv_frag->attached_data_length ) { char* ptr = (char*)mca_ptl_gm_get_local_buffer(); recv_frag->have_allocated_buffer = true; memcpy( ptr, recv_frag->frag_recv.frag_base.frag_addr, recv_frag->attached_data_length ); recv_frag->frag_recv.frag_base.frag_addr = ptr; } else { recv_frag->frag_recv.frag_base.frag_addr = NULL; } recv_frag->matched = false; return recv_frag; } static void recv_short_callback( struct gm_port* port, void* context, gm_status_t status ) { mca_ptl_gm_module_t* gm_ptl; mca_ptl_base_frag_t* frag_base; mca_ptl_base_ack_header_t* header; header = (mca_ptl_base_ack_header_t*)context; frag_base = (mca_ptl_base_frag_t*)header->hdr_dst_match.pval; gm_ptl = (mca_ptl_gm_module_t *)frag_base->frag_owner; OMPI_GM_FREE_LIST_RETURN( &(gm_ptl->gm_send_dma_frags), ((opal_list_item_t*)header) ); /* release the send token */ opal_atomic_add( &(gm_ptl->num_send_tokens), 1 ); } static int mca_ptl_gm_send_quick_fin_message( struct mca_ptl_gm_peer_t* ptl_peer, struct mca_ptl_base_frag_t* frag ) { opal_list_item_t *item; mca_ptl_base_header_t *hdr; int rc; OMPI_FREE_LIST_WAIT( &(ptl_peer->peer_ptl->gm_send_dma_frags), item, rc ); opal_atomic_sub( &(ptl_peer->peer_ptl->num_send_tokens), 1 ); hdr = (mca_ptl_base_header_t*)item; hdr->hdr_common.hdr_type = MCA_PTL_HDR_TYPE_FIN; hdr->hdr_common.hdr_flags = PTL_FLAG_GM_HAS_FRAGMENT | frag->frag_header.hdr_common.hdr_flags; hdr->hdr_ack.hdr_src_ptr.pval = frag->frag_header.hdr_frag.hdr_src_ptr.pval; hdr->hdr_ack.hdr_dst_match.lval = 0; hdr->hdr_ack.hdr_dst_match.pval = frag; hdr->hdr_ack.hdr_dst_addr.lval = 0; /*we are filling both p and val of dest address */ hdr->hdr_ack.hdr_dst_addr.pval = NULL; hdr->hdr_ack.hdr_dst_size = frag->frag_header.hdr_frag.hdr_frag_length; gm_send_with_callback(ptl_peer->peer_ptl->gm_port, hdr, GM_SIZE, sizeof(mca_ptl_base_ack_header_t), GM_HIGH_PRIORITY, ptl_peer->peer_addr.local_id, ptl_peer->peer_addr.port_id, recv_short_callback, (void*)hdr ); DO_DEBUG( opal_output( 0, "receiver %d %p send quick message for length %lld", orte_process_info.my_name->vpid, frag, frag->frag_header.hdr_frag.hdr_frag_length ); ) return OMPI_SUCCESS; } static mca_ptl_gm_recv_frag_t* mca_ptl_gm_recv_frag_frag( struct mca_ptl_gm_module_t* ptl, mca_ptl_gm_frag_header_t* hdr, uint32_t msg_len ) { mca_ptl_base_recv_request_t *request; ompi_convertor_t local_convertor, *convertor; struct iovec iov; uint32_t iov_count, header_length; size_t max_data = 0; int32_t freeAfter, rc; mca_ptl_gm_recv_frag_t* frag; header_length = sizeof(mca_ptl_base_frag_header_t); if( hdr->hdr_frag.hdr_common.hdr_flags & PTL_FLAG_GM_HAS_FRAGMENT ) { frag = (mca_ptl_gm_recv_frag_t*)hdr->hdr_frag.hdr_dst_ptr.pval; frag->frag_recv.frag_base.frag_header.hdr_frag = hdr->hdr_frag; request = (mca_ptl_base_recv_request_t*)frag->frag_recv.frag_request; /* here we can have a synchronisation problem if several threads work in same time * with the same request. The only question is if it's possible ? */ convertor = &(frag->frag_recv.frag_base.frag_convertor); DO_DEBUG( opal_output( 0, "receiver %d get message tagged as HAS_FRAGMENT", orte_process_info.my_name->vpid ); ); if( PTL_FLAG_GM_REQUIRE_LOCK & hdr->hdr_frag.hdr_common.hdr_flags ) header_length = sizeof(mca_ptl_gm_frag_header_t); } else { request = (mca_ptl_base_recv_request_t*)hdr->hdr_frag.hdr_dst_ptr.pval; if( hdr->hdr_frag.hdr_frag_length <= (mca_ptl_gm_component.gm_segment_size - sizeof(mca_ptl_base_frag_header_t)) ) { convertor = &local_convertor; request->req_recv.req_base.req_proc = ompi_comm_peer_lookup( request->req_recv.req_base.req_comm, request->req_recv.req_base.req_ompi.req_status.MPI_SOURCE ); frag = NULL; } else { /* large message => we have to create a receive fragment */ frag = mca_ptl_gm_alloc_recv_frag( (struct mca_ptl_base_module_t*)ptl ); frag->frag_recv.frag_request = request; frag->frag_offset = hdr->hdr_frag.hdr_frag_offset; frag->matched = true; frag->frag_recv.frag_base.frag_addr = frag->frag_recv.frag_request->req_recv.req_base.req_addr; frag->frag_recv.frag_base.frag_size = hdr->hdr_frag.hdr_frag_length; frag->frag_recv.frag_base.frag_peer = (struct mca_ptl_base_peer_t*) mca_pml_teg_proc_lookup_remote_peer( request->req_recv.req_base.req_comm, request->req_recv.req_base.req_ompi.req_status.MPI_SOURCE, (struct mca_ptl_base_module_t*)ptl ); /* send an ack message to the sender ... quick hack (TODO) */ frag->frag_recv.frag_base.frag_header.hdr_frag = hdr->hdr_frag; frag->frag_recv.frag_base.frag_header.hdr_frag.hdr_frag_length = 0; mca_ptl_gm_send_quick_fin_message( (mca_ptl_gm_peer_t*)frag->frag_recv.frag_base.frag_peer, &(frag->frag_recv.frag_base) ); header_length = sizeof(mca_ptl_gm_frag_header_t); frag->frag_recv.frag_base.frag_header.hdr_frag.hdr_frag_length = hdr->hdr_frag.hdr_frag_length; convertor = &(frag->frag_recv.frag_base.frag_convertor); DO_DEBUG( opal_output( 0, "receiver %d create fragment with offset %lld and length %lld", orte_process_info.my_name->vpid, frag->frag_offset, frag->frag_recv.frag_base.frag_size ); ); } /* GM does not use any of the convertor specializations, so we can just clone the * standard convertor attached to the request and set the position. */ ompi_convertor_clone_with_position( &(request->req_recv.req_convertor), convertor, 1, (size_t*)&(hdr->hdr_frag.hdr_frag_offset) ); } if( header_length != msg_len ) { iov.iov_base = (char*)hdr + header_length; iov.iov_len = msg_len - header_length; iov_count = 1; max_data = iov.iov_len; freeAfter = 0; /* unused here */ rc = ompi_convertor_unpack( convertor, &iov, &iov_count, &max_data, &freeAfter ); assert( 0 == freeAfter ); /* If we are in a short burst mode then update the request */ if( NULL == frag ) { ptl->super.ptl_recv_progress( (mca_ptl_base_module_t*)ptl, request, max_data, max_data ); return NULL; } } /* Update the status of the fragment depending on the amount of data converted so far */ frag->frag_bytes_processed += max_data; frag->frag_bytes_validated += max_data; if( !(PTL_FLAG_GM_REQUIRE_LOCK & hdr->hdr_frag.hdr_common.hdr_flags) ) { if( frag->frag_bytes_validated == frag->frag_recv.frag_base.frag_size ) { ptl->super.ptl_recv_progress( (mca_ptl_base_module_t*)ptl, request, frag->frag_recv.frag_base.frag_size, frag->frag_recv.frag_base.frag_size ); OMPI_FREE_LIST_RETURN( &(((mca_ptl_gm_peer_t*)frag->frag_recv.frag_base.frag_peer)->peer_ptl->gm_recv_frags_free), (opal_list_item_t*)frag ); } DO_DEBUG( opal_output( 0, "receiver %d waiting for burst with fragment ...", orte_process_info.my_name->vpid ); ); return NULL; } #if OMPI_MCA_PTL_GM_HAVE_RDMA_GET { mca_ptl_gm_pipeline_line_t* pipeline; /* There is a kind of rendez-vous protocol used internally by the GM driver. If the amount of data * to transfert is large enough, then the sender will start sending a frag message with the * remote_memory set to NULL (but with the length set to the length of the first fragment). * It will allow the receiver to start to register it's own memory. Later when the receiver * get a fragment with the remote_memory field not NULL it can start getting the data. */ if( NULL == hdr->registered_memory.pval ) { /* first round of the local rendez-vous protocol */ pipeline = &(frag->pipeline.lines[0]); pipeline->hdr_flags = hdr->hdr_frag.hdr_common.hdr_flags; pipeline->offset = frag->frag_offset + frag->frag_bytes_processed; pipeline->length = 0; /* we can lie about this one */ mca_ptl_gm_receiver_advance_pipeline( frag, 0 ); } else { pipeline = &(frag->pipeline.lines[frag->pipeline.pos_remote]); DO_DEBUG( opal_output( 0, "receiver %d %p get remote memory length %lld (%d)\n", orte_process_info.my_name->vpid, frag, hdr->hdr_frag.hdr_frag_length, frag->pipeline.pos_remote ); ); frag->pipeline.pos_remote = (frag->pipeline.pos_remote + 1) % GM_PIPELINE_DEPTH; assert( (pipeline->flags & PTL_GM_PIPELINE_REMOTE) == 0 ); pipeline->remote_memory = hdr->registered_memory; pipeline->flags |= PTL_GM_PIPELINE_REMOTE; mca_ptl_gm_receiver_advance_pipeline( frag, 0 ); } } #else assert( 0 ); #endif /* OMPI_MCA_PTL_GM_HAVE_RDMA_GET */ return NULL; } static mca_ptl_gm_recv_frag_t* mca_ptl_gm_recv_frag_fin( struct mca_ptl_gm_module_t* ptl, mca_ptl_base_header_t* hdr, uint32_t msg_len ) { mca_ptl_gm_send_frag_t* frag; frag = (mca_ptl_gm_send_frag_t*)hdr->hdr_ack.hdr_src_ptr.pval; frag->frag_send.frag_base.frag_header.hdr_common.hdr_flags = hdr->hdr_common.hdr_flags; frag->frag_send.frag_base.frag_header.hdr_ack.hdr_dst_match = hdr->hdr_ack.hdr_dst_match; frag->frag_send.frag_request->req_peer_match = hdr->hdr_ack.hdr_dst_match; if( PTL_FLAG_GM_REQUIRE_LOCK & hdr->hdr_common.hdr_flags ) { #if OMPI_MCA_PTL_GM_HAVE_RDMA_GET if( 0 == hdr->hdr_ack.hdr_dst_size ) { DO_DEBUG( opal_output( 0, "sender %d %p get FIN message (initial)", orte_process_info.my_name->vpid, frag ); ); /* I just receive the ack for the first fragment => setup the pipeline */ mca_ptl_gm_sender_advance_pipeline( frag ); } else { /* mark the memory as ready to be deregistered */ frag->pipeline.lines[frag->pipeline.pos_deregister].flags |= PTL_GM_PIPELINE_DEREGISTER; DO_DEBUG( opal_output( 0, "sender %d %p get FIN message (%d)", orte_process_info.my_name->vpid, frag, frag->pipeline.pos_deregister ); ); } /* continue the pipeline ... send the next segment */ mca_ptl_gm_sender_advance_pipeline( frag ); #else assert( 0 ); #endif /* OMPI_MCA_PTL_GM_HAVE_RDMA_GET */ } else { DO_DEBUG( opal_output( 0, "sender %d burst data after rendez-vous protocol", orte_process_info.my_name->vpid ); ); /* do a burst but with the remote fragment as we just get it from the message */ mca_ptl_gm_send_burst_data( (mca_ptl_gm_peer_t*)frag->frag_send.frag_base.frag_peer, frag, frag->frag_send.frag_base.frag_size - frag->frag_bytes_validated, NULL, hdr->hdr_common.hdr_flags ); } if( frag->frag_send.frag_base.frag_size == frag->frag_bytes_validated ) { DO_DEBUG( opal_output( 0, "sender %d complete send operation", orte_process_info.my_name->vpid ); ); ptl->super.ptl_send_progress( (mca_ptl_base_module_t*)ptl, frag->frag_send.frag_request, frag->frag_bytes_validated ); OMPI_FREE_LIST_RETURN( &(ptl->gm_send_frags), (opal_list_item_t*)frag ); } return NULL; } void mca_ptl_gm_outstanding_recv( struct mca_ptl_gm_module_t *ptl ) { mca_ptl_gm_recv_frag_t * frag = NULL; int size; bool matched; size = opal_list_get_size (&ptl->gm_recv_outstanding_queue); if (size > 0) { frag = (mca_ptl_gm_recv_frag_t *) opal_list_remove_first( (opal_list_t *)&(ptl->gm_recv_outstanding_queue) ); matched = ptl->super.ptl_match( &(ptl->super), &(frag->frag_recv), &(frag->frag_recv.frag_base.frag_header.hdr_match) ); if(!matched) { opal_list_append((opal_list_t *)&(ptl->gm_recv_outstanding_queue), (opal_list_item_t *) frag); } else { /* if allocated buffer, free the buffer */ /* return the recv descriptor to the free list */ OMPI_FREE_LIST_RETURN(&(ptl->gm_recv_frags_free), (opal_list_item_t *)frag); } } } mca_ptl_gm_frag_management_fct_t* mca_ptl_gm_frag_management_fct[MCA_PTL_HDR_TYPE_MAX] = { NULL, /* empty no header type equal to zero */ NULL, /* mca_ptl_gm_recv_frag_match, */ mca_ptl_gm_recv_frag_match, (mca_ptl_gm_frag_management_fct_t*)mca_ptl_gm_recv_frag_frag, /* force the conversion to remove a warning */ mca_ptl_gm_recv_frag_ctrl, NULL, NULL, mca_ptl_gm_recv_frag_fin, NULL }; int mca_ptl_gm_analyze_recv_event( struct mca_ptl_gm_module_t* ptl, gm_recv_event_t* event ) { mca_ptl_base_header_t *header = NULL, *release_buf; mca_ptl_gm_frag_management_fct_t* function; uint32_t priority = GM_HIGH_PRIORITY, msg_len; release_buf = (mca_ptl_base_header_t*)gm_ntohp(event->recv.buffer); switch (gm_ntohc(event->recv.type)) { case GM_FAST_RECV_EVENT: case GM_FAST_PEER_RECV_EVENT: priority = GM_LOW_PRIORITY; case GM_FAST_HIGH_RECV_EVENT: case GM_FAST_HIGH_PEER_RECV_EVENT: header = (mca_ptl_base_header_t *)gm_ntohp(event->recv.message); break; case GM_RECV_EVENT: case GM_PEER_RECV_EVENT: priority = GM_LOW_PRIORITY; case GM_HIGH_RECV_EVENT: case GM_HIGH_PEER_RECV_EVENT: header = release_buf; break; case GM_NO_RECV_EVENT: default: gm_unknown(ptl->gm_port, event); return 1; } assert( header->hdr_common.hdr_type < MCA_PTL_HDR_TYPE_MAX ); function = mca_ptl_gm_frag_management_fct[header->hdr_common.hdr_type]; assert( NULL != function ); msg_len = gm_ntohl( event->recv.length ); (void)function( ptl, header, msg_len ); gm_provide_receive_buffer( ptl->gm_port, release_buf, GM_SIZE, priority ); return 0; } void mca_ptl_gm_dump_header( char* str, mca_ptl_base_header_t* hdr ) { switch( hdr->hdr_common.hdr_type ) { case MCA_PTL_HDR_TYPE_MATCH: goto print_match_hdr; case MCA_PTL_HDR_TYPE_RNDV: goto print_rndv_hdr; case MCA_PTL_HDR_TYPE_FRAG: goto print_frag_hdr; case MCA_PTL_HDR_TYPE_ACK: goto print_ack_hdr; case MCA_PTL_HDR_TYPE_NACK: goto print_ack_hdr; case MCA_PTL_HDR_TYPE_GET: goto print_match_hdr; case MCA_PTL_HDR_TYPE_FIN: goto print_ack_hdr; case MCA_PTL_HDR_TYPE_FIN_ACK: goto print_match_hdr; default: opal_output( 0, "unknown header of type %d\n", hdr->hdr_common.hdr_type ); } return; print_ack_hdr: opal_output( 0, "%s hdr_common hdr_type %d hdr_flags %x\nack header hdr_src_ptr (lval %lld, pval %p)\n hdr_dst_match (lval %lld pval %p)\n hdr_dst_addr (lval %lld pval %p)\n hdr_dst_size %lld\n", str, hdr->hdr_common.hdr_type, hdr->hdr_common.hdr_flags, hdr->hdr_ack.hdr_src_ptr.lval, hdr->hdr_ack.hdr_src_ptr.pval, hdr->hdr_ack.hdr_dst_match.lval, hdr->hdr_ack.hdr_dst_match.pval, hdr->hdr_ack.hdr_dst_addr.lval, hdr->hdr_ack.hdr_dst_addr.pval, hdr->hdr_ack.hdr_dst_size ); return; print_frag_hdr: opal_output( 0, "%s hdr_common hdr_type %d hdr_flags %x\nfrag header hdr_frag_length %lld hdr_frag_offset %lld\n hdr_src_ptr (lval %lld, pval %p)\n hdr_dst_ptr (lval %lld, pval %p)\n", str, hdr->hdr_common.hdr_type, hdr->hdr_common.hdr_flags, hdr->hdr_frag.hdr_frag_length, hdr->hdr_frag.hdr_frag_offset, hdr->hdr_frag.hdr_src_ptr.lval, hdr->hdr_frag.hdr_src_ptr.pval, hdr->hdr_frag.hdr_dst_ptr.lval, hdr->hdr_frag.hdr_dst_ptr.pval ); return; print_match_hdr: opal_output( 0, "%s hdr_common hdr_type %d hdr_flags %x\nmatch header hdr_contextid %d hdr_src %d hdr_dst %d hdr_tag %d\n hdr_msg_length %lld hdr_msg_seq %d\n", str, hdr->hdr_common.hdr_type, hdr->hdr_common.hdr_flags, hdr->hdr_match.hdr_contextid, hdr->hdr_match.hdr_src, hdr->hdr_match.hdr_dst, hdr->hdr_match.hdr_tag, hdr->hdr_match.hdr_msg_length, hdr->hdr_match.hdr_msg_seq ); return; print_rndv_hdr: opal_output( 0, "%s hdr_common hdr_type %d hdr_flags %x\nrndv header hdr_contextid %d hdr_src %d hdr_dst %d hdr_tag %d\n hdr_msg_length %lld hdr_msg_seq %d\n hdr_frag_length %lld hdr_src_ptr (lval %lld, pval %p)\n", str, hdr->hdr_common.hdr_type, hdr->hdr_common.hdr_flags, hdr->hdr_rndv.hdr_match.hdr_contextid, hdr->hdr_rndv.hdr_match.hdr_src, hdr->hdr_rndv.hdr_match.hdr_dst, hdr->hdr_rndv.hdr_match.hdr_tag, hdr->hdr_rndv.hdr_match.hdr_msg_length, hdr->hdr_rndv.hdr_match.hdr_msg_seq, hdr->hdr_rndv.hdr_frag_length, hdr->hdr_rndv.hdr_src_ptr.lval, hdr->hdr_rndv.hdr_src_ptr.pval); return; }