// -*- c++ -*- // // Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Trustees of Indiana University and Indiana // University Research and Technology // Corporation. All rights reserved. // Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The University of Tennessee and The University // of Tennessee Research Foundation. All rights // reserved. // Copyright (c) 2004-2005 High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart, // University of Stuttgart. All rights reserved. // Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Regents of the University of California. // All rights reserved. // $COPYRIGHT$ // // Additional copyrights may follow // // $HEADER$ // class Intracomm : public Comm { public: // construction Intracomm() { } // copy Intracomm(const Comm_Null& data) : Comm(data) { } // inter-language operability #if 0 /* OMPI_ENABLE_MPI_PROFILING */ //NOTE: it is extremely important that Comm(data) happens below // because there is a not only pmpi_comm in this Intracomm but // there is also a pmpi_comm in the inherited Comm part. Both // of these pmpi_comm's need to be initialized with the same // MPI_Comm object. Also the assignment operators must take this // into account. Intracomm(const Intracomm& data) : Comm(data), pmpi_comm(data) { } Intracomm(const MPI_Comm& data) : Comm(data), pmpi_comm(data) { } Intracomm(const PMPI::Intracomm& data) : Comm((const PMPI::Comm&)data), pmpi_comm(data) { } // assignment Intracomm& operator=(const Intracomm& data) { Comm::operator=(data); pmpi_comm = data.pmpi_comm; return *this; } Intracomm& operator=(const Comm_Null& data) { Comm::operator=(data); pmpi_comm = (PMPI::Intracomm)data; return *this; } // inter-language operability Intracomm& operator=(const MPI_Comm& data) { Comm::operator=(data); pmpi_comm = data; return *this; } #else Intracomm(const Intracomm& data) : Comm(data.mpi_comm) { } inline Intracomm(const MPI_Comm& data); // assignment Intracomm& operator=(const Intracomm& data) { mpi_comm = data.mpi_comm; return *this; } Intracomm& operator=(const Comm_Null& data) { mpi_comm = data; return *this; } // inter-language operability Intracomm& operator=(const MPI_Comm& data) { mpi_comm = data; return *this; } #endif // // Collective Communication // virtual void Barrier() const; virtual void Bcast(void *buffer, int count, const Datatype& datatype, int root) const; virtual void Gather(const void *sendbuf, int sendcount, const Datatype & sendtype, void *recvbuf, int recvcount, const Datatype & recvtype, int root) const; virtual void Gatherv(const void *sendbuf, int sendcount, const Datatype & sendtype, void *recvbuf, const int recvcounts[], const int displs[], const Datatype & recvtype, int root) const; virtual void Scatter(const void *sendbuf, int sendcount, const Datatype & sendtype, void *recvbuf, int recvcount, const Datatype & recvtype, int root) const; virtual void Scatterv(const void *sendbuf, const int sendcounts[], const int displs[], const Datatype & sendtype, void *recvbuf, int recvcount, const Datatype & recvtype, int root) const; virtual void Allgather(const void *sendbuf, int sendcount, const Datatype & sendtype, void *recvbuf, int recvcount, const Datatype & recvtype) const; virtual void Allgatherv(const void *sendbuf, int sendcount, const Datatype & sendtype, void *recvbuf, const int recvcounts[], const int displs[], const Datatype & recvtype) const; virtual void Alltoall(const void *sendbuf, int sendcount, const Datatype & sendtype, void *recvbuf, int recvcount, const Datatype & recvtype) const; virtual void Alltoallv(const void *sendbuf, const int sendcounts[], const int sdispls[], const Datatype & sendtype, void *recvbuf, const int recvcounts[], const int rdispls[], const Datatype & recvtype) const; virtual void Alltoallw(const void *sendbuf, const int sendcounts[], const int sdispls[], const Datatype sendtypes[], void *recvbuf, const int recvcounts[], const int rdispls[], const Datatype recvtypes[]) const; virtual void Reduce(const void *sendbuf, void *recvbuf, int count, const Datatype & datatype, const Op & op, int root) const; virtual void Allreduce(const void *sendbuf, void *recvbuf, int count, const Datatype & datatype, const Op & op) const; virtual void Reduce_scatter(const void *sendbuf, void *recvbuf, int recvcounts[], const Datatype & datatype, const Op & op) const; virtual void Scan(const void *sendbuf, void *recvbuf, int count, const Datatype & datatype, const Op & op) const; virtual void Exscan(const void *sendbuf, void *recvbuf, int count, const Datatype & datatype, const Op & op) const; Intracomm Dup() const; virtual Intracomm& Clone() const; virtual Intracomm Create(const Group& group) const; virtual Intracomm Split(int color, int key) const; virtual Intercomm Create_intercomm(int local_leader, const Comm& peer_comm, int remote_leader, int tag) const; virtual Cartcomm Create_cart(int ndims, const int dims[], const bool periods[], bool reorder) const; virtual Graphcomm Create_graph(int nnodes, const int index[], const int edges[], bool reorder) const; // // Process Creation and Management // virtual Intercomm Accept(const char* port_name, const Info& info, int root) const; virtual Intercomm Connect(const char* port_name, const Info& info, int root) const; virtual Intercomm Spawn(const char* command, const char* argv[], int maxprocs, const Info& info, int root) const; virtual Intercomm Spawn(const char* command, const char* argv[], int maxprocs, const Info& info, int root, int array_of_errcodes[]) const; virtual Intercomm Spawn_multiple(int count, const char* array_of_commands[], const char** array_of_argv[], const int array_of_maxprocs[], const Info array_of_info[], int root); virtual Intercomm Spawn_multiple(int count, const char* array_of_commands[], const char** array_of_argv[], const int array_of_maxprocs[], const Info array_of_info[], int root, int array_of_errcodes[]); //#if 0 /* OMPI_ENABLE_MPI_PROFILING */ // virtual const PMPI::Comm& get_pmpi_comm() const { return pmpi_comm; } //#endif protected: #if 0 /* OMPI_ENABLE_MPI_PROFILING */ PMPI::Intracomm pmpi_comm; #endif public: // JGS see above about friend decls #if ! 0 /* OMPI_ENABLE_MPI_PROFILING */ static Op* current_op; #endif };