 * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Trustees of Indiana University and Indiana
 *                         University Research and Technology
 *                         Corporation.  All rights reserved.
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2006 The University of Tennessee and The University
 *                         of Tennessee Research Foundation.  All rights
 *                         reserved.
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart, 
 *                         University of Stuttgart.  All rights reserved.
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Regents of the University of California.
 *                         All rights reserved.
 * Copyright (c) 2008      Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
 * Additional copyrights may follow

#include "ompi_config.h"

#include "mpi.h"
#include "ompi/constants.h"
#include "ompi/datatype/datatype.h"
#include "ompi/communicator/communicator.h"
#include "opal/mca/base/mca_base_param.h"
#include "ompi/mca/coll/base/base.h"
#include "ompi/mca/coll/coll.h"
#include "ompi/mca/coll/base/coll_tags.h"
#include "coll_tuned.h"
#include "ompi/mca/pml/pml.h"
#include "opal/util/bit_ops.h"

#include "coll_tuned.h"

 * Notes on evaluation rules and ordering 
 * The order is: 
 *      use file based rules if presented (-coll_tuned_dynamic_rules_filename = rules)
 * Else
 *      use forced rules (-coll_tuned_dynamic_ALG_intra_algorithm = algorithm-number)
 * Else
 *      use fixed (compiled) rule set (or nested ifs)

 *  allreduce_intra
 *  Function:   - allreduce using other MPI collectives
 *  Accepts:    - same as MPI_Allreduce()
 *  Returns:    - MPI_SUCCESS or error code
ompi_coll_tuned_allreduce_intra_dec_dynamic (void *sbuf, void *rbuf, int count,
                                             struct ompi_datatype_t *dtype,
                                             struct ompi_op_t *op,
                                             struct ompi_communicator_t *comm,
					     struct mca_coll_base_module_1_1_0_t *module)
    mca_coll_tuned_module_t *tuned_module = (mca_coll_tuned_module_t*) module;
    mca_coll_tuned_comm_t *data = tuned_module->tuned_data;

    OPAL_OUTPUT((ompi_coll_tuned_stream, "ompi_coll_tuned_allreduce_intra_dec_dynamic"));

    /* check to see if we have some filebased rules */
    if (data->com_rules[ALLREDUCE]) {
        /* we do, so calc the message size or what ever we need and use this for the evaluation */
        int alg, faninout, segsize, ignoreme;
        size_t dsize;

        ompi_ddt_type_size (dtype, &dsize);
        dsize *= count;

        alg = ompi_coll_tuned_get_target_method_params (data->com_rules[ALLREDUCE], 
                                                        dsize, &faninout, &segsize, &ignoreme);

        if (alg) {
	    /* we have found a valid choice from the file based rules for this message size */
            return ompi_coll_tuned_allreduce_intra_do_this (sbuf, rbuf, count, dtype, op,
							    comm, module,
                                                            alg, faninout, segsize);
        } /* found a method */
    } /*end if any com rules to check */

    if (data->user_forced[ALLREDUCE].algorithm) {
        return ompi_coll_tuned_allreduce_intra_do_forced (sbuf, rbuf, count, dtype, op,
							  comm, module);
    return ompi_coll_tuned_allreduce_intra_dec_fixed (sbuf, rbuf, count, dtype, op,
						      comm, module);

 *    alltoall_intra_dec 
 *    Function:    - seletects alltoall algorithm to use
 *    Accepts:    - same arguments as MPI_Alltoall()
 *    Returns:    - MPI_SUCCESS or error code (passed from the bcast implementation)

int ompi_coll_tuned_alltoall_intra_dec_dynamic(void *sbuf, int scount, 
                                               struct ompi_datatype_t *sdtype,
                                               void* rbuf, int rcount, 
                                               struct ompi_datatype_t *rdtype, 
                                               struct ompi_communicator_t *comm,
					       struct mca_coll_base_module_1_1_0_t *module)
    mca_coll_tuned_module_t *tuned_module = (mca_coll_tuned_module_t*) module;
    mca_coll_tuned_comm_t *data = tuned_module->tuned_data;

    OPAL_OUTPUT((ompi_coll_tuned_stream, "ompi_coll_tuned_alltoall_intra_dec_dynamic"));

    /* check to see if we have some filebased rules */
    if (data->com_rules[ALLTOALL]) {
        /* we do, so calc the message size or what ever we need and use this for the evaluation */
        int comsize;
        int alg, faninout, segsize, max_requests;
        size_t dsize;

        ompi_ddt_type_size (sdtype, &dsize);
        comsize = ompi_comm_size(comm);
        dsize *= comsize * scount;

        alg = ompi_coll_tuned_get_target_method_params (data->com_rules[ALLTOALL], 
                                                        dsize, &faninout, &segsize, &max_requests);

        if (alg) {
	    /* we have found a valid choice from the file based rules for this message size */
            return ompi_coll_tuned_alltoall_intra_do_this (sbuf, scount, sdtype,
							   rbuf, rcount, rdtype,
							   comm, module,
                                                           alg, faninout, segsize, max_requests);
        } /* found a method */
    } /*end if any com rules to check */

    if (data->user_forced[ALLTOALL].algorithm) {
        return ompi_coll_tuned_alltoall_intra_do_forced (sbuf, scount, sdtype,
							 rbuf, rcount, rdtype,
							 comm, module);
    return ompi_coll_tuned_alltoall_intra_dec_fixed (sbuf, scount, sdtype,
						     rbuf, rcount, rdtype,
						     comm, module);

 *    Function:   - selects alltoallv algorithm to use
 *    Accepts:    - same arguments as MPI_Alltoallv()
 *    Returns:    - MPI_SUCCESS or error code

int ompi_coll_tuned_alltoallv_intra_dec_dynamic(void *sbuf, int *scounts, int *sdisps,
                                                struct ompi_datatype_t *sdtype,
                                                void* rbuf, int *rcounts, int *rdisps,
                                                struct ompi_datatype_t *rdtype, 
                                                struct ompi_communicator_t *comm,
                                                struct mca_coll_base_module_1_1_0_t *module)
    mca_coll_tuned_module_t *tuned_module = (mca_coll_tuned_module_t*) module;
    mca_coll_tuned_comm_t *data = tuned_module->tuned_data;

    OPAL_OUTPUT((ompi_coll_tuned_stream, "ompi_coll_tuned_alltoallv_intra_dec_dynamic"));

     * BEGIN - File Based Rules
     * Here is where we would check to see if we have some file based
     * rules.  Currently, we do not, so move on to seeing if the user
     * specified a specific algorithm.  If not, then use the fixed
     * decision code to decide.
     * END - File Based Rules
    if (data->user_forced[ALLTOALLV].algorithm) {
        return ompi_coll_tuned_alltoallv_intra_do_forced(sbuf, scounts, sdisps, sdtype,
                                                         rbuf, rcounts, rdisps, rdtype,
                                                         comm, module);
    return ompi_coll_tuned_alltoallv_intra_dec_fixed(sbuf, scounts, sdisps, sdtype,
                                                     rbuf, rcounts, rdisps, rdtype,
                                                     comm, module);

 *    barrier_intra_dec 
 *    Function:    - seletects barrier algorithm to use
 *    Accepts:    - same arguments as MPI_Barrier()
 *    Returns:    - MPI_SUCCESS or error code (passed from the barrier implementation)
int ompi_coll_tuned_barrier_intra_dec_dynamic(struct ompi_communicator_t *comm,
					      struct mca_coll_base_module_1_1_0_t *module)
    mca_coll_tuned_module_t *tuned_module = (mca_coll_tuned_module_t*) module;
    mca_coll_tuned_comm_t *data = tuned_module->tuned_data;


    /* check to see if we have some filebased rules */
    if (data->com_rules[BARRIER]) {
        /* we do, so calc the message size or what ever we need and use this for the evaluation */
        int alg, faninout, segsize, ignoreme;

        alg = ompi_coll_tuned_get_target_method_params (data->com_rules[BARRIER], 
                                                        0, &faninout, &segsize, &ignoreme);

        if (alg) {
	    /* we have found a valid choice from the file based rules for this message size */
            return ompi_coll_tuned_barrier_intra_do_this (comm, module,
                                                          alg, faninout, segsize);
        } /* found a method */
    } /*end if any com rules to check */

    if (data->user_forced[BARRIER].algorithm) {
        return ompi_coll_tuned_barrier_intra_do_forced (comm, module);
    return ompi_coll_tuned_barrier_intra_dec_fixed (comm, module);

 *   bcast_intra_dec 
 *   Function:   - seletects broadcast algorithm to use
 *   Accepts:   - same arguments as MPI_Bcast()
 *   Returns:   - MPI_SUCCESS or error code (passed from the bcast implementation)
int ompi_coll_tuned_bcast_intra_dec_dynamic(void *buff, int count,
                                            struct ompi_datatype_t *datatype, int root,
                                            struct ompi_communicator_t *comm,
					    struct mca_coll_base_module_1_1_0_t *module)
    mca_coll_tuned_module_t *tuned_module = (mca_coll_tuned_module_t*) module;
    mca_coll_tuned_comm_t *data = tuned_module->tuned_data;

    OPAL_OUTPUT((ompi_coll_tuned_stream, "coll:tuned:bcast_intra_dec_dynamic"));

    /* check to see if we have some filebased rules */
    if (data->com_rules[BCAST]) {
        /* we do, so calc the message size or what ever we need and use this for the evaluation */
        int alg, faninout, segsize, ignoreme;
        size_t dsize;

        ompi_ddt_type_size (datatype, &dsize);
        dsize *= count;

        alg = ompi_coll_tuned_get_target_method_params (data->com_rules[BCAST], 
                                                        dsize, &faninout, &segsize, &ignoreme);

        if (alg) {
	    /* we have found a valid choice from the file based rules for this message size */
            return ompi_coll_tuned_bcast_intra_do_this (buff, count, datatype, root,
							comm, module,
                                                        alg, faninout, segsize);
        } /* found a method */
    } /*end if any com rules to check */

    if (data->user_forced[BCAST].algorithm) {
        return ompi_coll_tuned_bcast_intra_do_forced (buff, count, datatype, root,
						      comm, module);
    return ompi_coll_tuned_bcast_intra_dec_fixed (buff, count, datatype, root,
						  comm, module);

 *    reduce_intra_dec 
 *    Function:    - seletects reduce algorithm to use
 *    Accepts:    - same arguments as MPI_reduce()
 *    Returns:    - MPI_SUCCESS or error code (passed from the reduce implementation)
int ompi_coll_tuned_reduce_intra_dec_dynamic( void *sendbuf, void *recvbuf,
                                              int count, struct ompi_datatype_t* datatype,
                                              struct ompi_op_t* op, int root,
                                              struct ompi_communicator_t* comm,
					      struct mca_coll_base_module_1_1_0_t *module)
    mca_coll_tuned_module_t *tuned_module = (mca_coll_tuned_module_t*) module;
    mca_coll_tuned_comm_t *data = tuned_module->tuned_data;

    OPAL_OUTPUT((ompi_coll_tuned_stream, "coll:tuned:reduce_intra_dec_dynamic"));

    /* check to see if we have some filebased rules */
    if (data->com_rules[REDUCE]) {

        /* we do, so calc the message size or what ever we need and use this for the evaluation */
        int alg, faninout, segsize, max_requests;
        size_t dsize;

        ompi_ddt_type_size (datatype, &dsize);
        dsize *= count;

        alg = ompi_coll_tuned_get_target_method_params (data->com_rules[REDUCE], 
                                                        dsize, &faninout, &segsize, &max_requests);

        if (alg) {
	    /* we have found a valid choice from the file based rules for this message size */
            return  ompi_coll_tuned_reduce_intra_do_this (sendbuf, recvbuf, count, datatype, 
                                                          op, root,
							  comm, module,
                                                          alg, faninout, 
        } /* found a method */
    } /*end if any com rules to check */

    if (data->user_forced[REDUCE].algorithm) {
        return ompi_coll_tuned_reduce_intra_do_forced (sendbuf, recvbuf, count, datatype,
						       op, root,
						       comm, module);
    return ompi_coll_tuned_reduce_intra_dec_fixed (sendbuf, recvbuf, count, datatype,
						   op, root,
						   comm, module);

 *    reduce_scatter_intra_dec 
 *    Function:   - seletects reduce_scatter algorithm to use
 *    Accepts:    - same arguments as MPI_Reduce_scatter()
 *    Returns:    - MPI_SUCCESS or error code (passed from
 *                  the reduce_scatter implementation)
int ompi_coll_tuned_reduce_scatter_intra_dec_dynamic(void *sbuf, void *rbuf, 
                                                     int *rcounts,
                                                     struct ompi_datatype_t *dtype,
                                                     struct ompi_op_t *op,
                                                     struct ompi_communicator_t *comm,
						     struct mca_coll_base_module_1_1_0_t *module)
    mca_coll_tuned_module_t *tuned_module = (mca_coll_tuned_module_t*) module;
    mca_coll_tuned_comm_t *data = tuned_module->tuned_data;

    OPAL_OUTPUT((ompi_coll_tuned_stream, "coll:tuned:reduce_scatter_intra_dec_dynamic"));

    /* check to see if we have some filebased rules */
    if (data->com_rules[REDUCESCATTER]) {
        /* we do, so calc the message size or what ever we need and use 
           this for the evaluation */
        int alg, faninout, segsize, ignoreme, i, count, size;
        size_t dsize;
        size = ompi_comm_size(comm);
        for (i = 0, count = 0; i < size; i++) { count += rcounts[i];}
        ompi_ddt_type_size (dtype, &dsize);
        dsize *= count;

        alg = ompi_coll_tuned_get_target_method_params (data->com_rules[REDUCESCATTER], 
                                                        dsize, &faninout, 
                                                        &segsize, &ignoreme);
        if (alg) { 
           /* we have found a valid choice from the file based rules for this message size */
            return  ompi_coll_tuned_reduce_scatter_intra_do_this (sbuf, rbuf, rcounts,
								  dtype, op,
								  comm, module,
                                                                  alg, faninout, 
        } /* found a method */
    } /*end if any com rules to check */
    if (data->user_forced[REDUCESCATTER].algorithm) {
        return ompi_coll_tuned_reduce_scatter_intra_do_forced (sbuf, rbuf, rcounts, 
                                                               dtype, op,
                                                               comm, module);
    return ompi_coll_tuned_reduce_scatter_intra_dec_fixed (sbuf, rbuf, rcounts,
							   dtype, op,
							   comm, module);

 *    allgather_intra_dec 
 *    Function:    - seletects allgather algorithm to use
 *    Accepts:    - same arguments as MPI_Allgather()
 *    Returns:    - MPI_SUCCESS or error code (passed from the selected
 *                        allgather function).

int ompi_coll_tuned_allgather_intra_dec_dynamic(void *sbuf, int scount, 
                                                struct ompi_datatype_t *sdtype,
                                                void* rbuf, int rcount, 
                                                struct ompi_datatype_t *rdtype, 
                                                struct ompi_communicator_t *comm,
						struct mca_coll_base_module_1_1_0_t *module)
    mca_coll_tuned_module_t *tuned_module = (mca_coll_tuned_module_t*) module;
    mca_coll_tuned_comm_t *data = tuned_module->tuned_data;

    if (data->com_rules[ALLGATHER]) {
	/* We have file based rules:
	   - calculate message size and other necessary information */
	int comsize;
	int alg, faninout, segsize, ignoreme;
	size_t dsize;
	ompi_ddt_type_size (sdtype, &dsize);
	comsize = ompi_comm_size(comm);
	dsize *= comsize * scount;
	alg = ompi_coll_tuned_get_target_method_params (data->com_rules[ALLGATHER], 
							dsize, &faninout, &segsize, &ignoreme);
	if (alg) { 
	    /* we have found a valid choice from the file based rules for 
	       this message size */
	    return ompi_coll_tuned_allgather_intra_do_this (sbuf, scount, sdtype,
							    rbuf, rcount, rdtype,
							    comm, module,
							    alg, faninout, segsize);

    /* We do not have file based rules */
    if (data->user_forced[ALLGATHER].algorithm) {
	/* User-forced algorithm */
	return ompi_coll_tuned_allgather_intra_do_forced (sbuf, scount, sdtype, 
							  rbuf, rcount, rdtype, 
							  comm, module);

    /* Use default decision */
    return ompi_coll_tuned_allgather_intra_dec_fixed (sbuf, scount, sdtype, 
						      rbuf, rcount, rdtype, 
						      comm, module);

 *    allgatherv_intra_dec 
 *    Function:    - seletects allgatherv algorithm to use
 *    Accepts:    - same arguments as MPI_Allgatherv()
 *    Returns:    - MPI_SUCCESS or error code (passed from the selected
 *                        allgatherv function).

int ompi_coll_tuned_allgatherv_intra_dec_dynamic(void *sbuf, int scount, 
                                                 struct ompi_datatype_t *sdtype,
                                                 void* rbuf, int *rcounts, 
                                                 int *rdispls,
                                                 struct ompi_datatype_t *rdtype, 
                                                 struct ompi_communicator_t *comm,
						 struct mca_coll_base_module_1_1_0_t *module)
    mca_coll_tuned_module_t *tuned_module = (mca_coll_tuned_module_t*) module;
    mca_coll_tuned_comm_t *data = tuned_module->tuned_data;
    if (data->com_rules[ALLGATHERV]) {
	/* We have file based rules:
	   - calculate message size and other necessary information */
	int comsize, i;
	int alg, faninout, segsize, ignoreme;
	size_t dsize, total_size;

	comsize = ompi_comm_size(comm);      
	ompi_ddt_type_size (sdtype, &dsize);
	total_size = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < comsize; i++) { total_size += dsize * rcounts[i]; }
	alg = ompi_coll_tuned_get_target_method_params (data->com_rules[ALLGATHERV], 
							total_size, &faninout, &segsize, &ignoreme);
	if (alg) { 
	    /* we have found a valid choice from the file based rules for 
	       this message size */
	    return ompi_coll_tuned_allgatherv_intra_do_this (sbuf, scount, sdtype,
							     rbuf, rcounts, 
							     rdispls, rdtype,
							     comm, module,
							     alg, faninout, segsize);

    /* We do not have file based rules */
    if (data->user_forced[ALLGATHERV].algorithm) {
	/* User-forced algorithm */
	return ompi_coll_tuned_allgatherv_intra_do_forced (sbuf, scount, sdtype, 
							   rbuf, rcounts, 
							   rdispls, rdtype, 
							   comm, module);

    /* Use default decision */
    return ompi_coll_tuned_allgatherv_intra_dec_fixed (sbuf, scount, sdtype, 
						       rbuf, rcounts, 
						       rdispls, rdtype, 
						       comm, module);

int ompi_coll_tuned_gather_intra_dec_dynamic(void *sbuf, int scount, 
					     struct ompi_datatype_t *sdtype,
					     void* rbuf, int rcount, 
					     struct ompi_datatype_t *rdtype, 
					     int root,
					     struct ompi_communicator_t *comm,
					     struct mca_coll_base_module_1_1_0_t *module)
    mca_coll_tuned_module_t *tuned_module = (mca_coll_tuned_module_t*) module;
    mca_coll_tuned_comm_t *data = tuned_module->tuned_data;


    if (data->user_forced[GATHER].algorithm) {
	return ompi_coll_tuned_gather_intra_do_forced (sbuf, scount, sdtype,
						       rbuf, rcount, rdtype,
						       root, comm, module);

    return ompi_coll_tuned_gather_intra_dec_fixed (sbuf, scount, sdtype, 
						   rbuf, rcount, rdtype, 
						   root, comm, module);

int ompi_coll_tuned_scatter_intra_dec_dynamic(void *sbuf, int scount, 
					      struct ompi_datatype_t *sdtype,
					      void* rbuf, int rcount, 
					      struct ompi_datatype_t *rdtype, 
					      int root, struct ompi_communicator_t *comm,
					      struct mca_coll_base_module_1_1_0_t *module)
    mca_coll_tuned_module_t *tuned_module = (mca_coll_tuned_module_t*) module;
    mca_coll_tuned_comm_t *data = tuned_module->tuned_data;


    if (data->user_forced[SCATTER].algorithm) {
	return ompi_coll_tuned_scatter_intra_do_forced (sbuf, scount, sdtype,
							rbuf, rcount, rdtype,
							root, comm, module);

    return ompi_coll_tuned_scatter_intra_dec_fixed (sbuf, scount, sdtype, 
						    rbuf, rcount, rdtype, 
						    root, comm, module);