#!/bin/bash # Copyright (c) 2001-2004 The Trustees of Indiana University. # All rights reserved. # Copyright (c) 1998-2001 University of Notre Dame. # All rights reserved. # Copyright (c) 1994-1998 The Ohio State University. # All rights reserved. # # This file is part of the Open MPI software package. For license # information, see the LICENSE file in the top level directory of the # Open MPI source distribution. # # $Id: buildpackage.sh,v 1.3 2003/06/30 07:16:26 brbarret Exp $ # # # Build a Mac OS X package for use by Installer.app # # Usage: buildpackage.sh [prefix] # # Prefix defaults to /usr/local ######################################################################## # # Configuration Options # ######################################################################## # # User-configurable stuff # OMPI_PREFIX="/usr/local/" OMPI_OPTIONS="--disable-mpi-f77 --without-cs-fs -enable-mca-no-build=ras-slurm,pls-slurm,gpr-null,sds-pipe,sds-slurm" OMPI_PACKAGE="openmpi" OMPI_VER_PACKAGE="openmpi" OMPI_OSX_README="ReadMe.rtf" # note - if want XGrid support, make sure that a cocoa-supported # architecture appears first on the list. Otherwise, we won't # lipo that component and it will be dropped OMPI_ARCH_LIST="ppc ppc64 i386" OMPI_SDK="/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk" # # Not so modifiable stuff # BUILD_TMP="/tmp/buildpackage-$$" if test ! "$2" = ""; then OMPI_PREFIX="$2" fi OMPI_STARTDIR=`pwd` echo "--> Configuration options:" echo " Package Name: $OMPI_PACKAGE" echo " Prefix: $OMPI_PREFIX" echo " Config Options: $OMPI_OPTIONS" ######################################################################## # # Start actual code that does stuff # ######################################################################## # # Sanity check # fulltarball="$1" if test "$fulltarball" = ""; then echo "Usage: buildpackage.sh [prefix]" exit 1 fi if test ! -f $fulltarball; then echo "*** Can't find $fulltarball!" exit 1 fi echo "--> Found tarball: $fulltarball" # # Find version info # tarball=`basename $fulltarball` first="`echo $tarball | cut -d- -f2`" version="`echo $first | sed -e 's/\.tar\.gz//'`" unset first echo "--> Found OMPI version: $version" OMPI_VER_PACKAGE="${OMPI_VER_PACKAGE}-${version}" # # Sanity check that we can continue # if test -d "/Volumes/${OMPI_VER_PACKAGE}"; then echo "*** Already have disk image (/Volumes/${OMPI_VER_PACKAGE}) mounted." echo "*** Unmount and try again" exit 1 fi if test ! -r "${OMPI_OSX_README}"; then echo "*** Can not find ${OMPI_OSX_README} in `pwd`." exit 1 else OMPI_OSX_README="`pwd`/${OMPI_OSX_README}" fi # # Clean out the environment a bit # echo "--> Cleaning environment" PATH=/bin:/sbin/:/usr/bin LANGUAGE=C LC_ALL=C LC_MESSAGES= LANG= export PATH LANGUAGE LC_ALL LC_MESSAGES LANG unset LD_LIBRARY_PATH CC CXX FC F77 OBJC # # Make some play space # echo "--> Making play space: $BUILD_TMP" if test -d $BUILD_TMP; then echo "Build dir $BUILD_TMP exists - exiting" exit 1 fi # -p is safe - will only run on OS X mkdir -p $BUILD_TMP ######################################################################## # # Configure, Build, and Install Open MPI # ######################################################################## # # Put tarball in right place # echo "--> Copying tarball" cp $fulltarball $BUILD_TMP/. cd $BUILD_TMP # # Expand tarball # # we know there can't be spaces in $tarball - filename only cmd="tar xzf $tarball" echo "--> Untarring source: $cmd" eval $cmd srcdir="$BUILD_TMP/openmpi-$version" if test ! -d "$srcdir"; then echo "*** Didn't find $srcdir as expected - aborting" exit 1 fi build_arch=`uname -p`"-apple-darwin"`uname -r` real_install=1 for arch in $OMPI_ARCH_LIST ; do builddir="$BUILD_TMP/build-$arch" mkdir "$builddir" case "$arch" in ppc) host_arch="powerpc-apple-darwin"`uname -r` ;; ppc64) # lie, but makes building on G4 easier host_arch="powerpc64-apple-darwin"`uname -r` ;; i386) host_arch="i386-apple-darwin"`uname -r` ;; x86_64) host_arch="x86_64-apple-darwin"`uname -r` ;; *) echo "**** Could not find arch string for $arch ****" exit 1 ;; esac # # Run configure # cd $builddir config="$srcdir/configure CFLAGS=\"-arch $arch -isysroot $OMPI_SDK\" CXXFLAGS=\"-arch $arch -isysroot $OMPI_SDK\" OBJCFLAGS=\"-arch $arch -isysroot $OMPI_SDK\" --prefix=$OMPI_PREFIX $OMPI_OPTIONS --build=$build_arch --host=$host_arch" echo "--> Running configure: $config" eval $config > "$BUILD_TMP/configure.out-$arch" 2>&1 if test $? != 0; then echo "*** Problem running configure - aborting!" echo "*** See $BUILD_TMP/configure.out-$arch for help." exit 1 fi # # Build # cmd="make -j 4 all" echo "--> Building: $cmd" eval $cmd > "$BUILD_TMP/make.out-$arch" 2>&1 if test $? != 0; then echo "*** Problem building - aborting!" echo "*** See $BUILD_TMP/make.out-$arch for help." exit 1 fi # # Install into tmp place # if test $real_install -eq 1 ; then distdir="dist" real_install=0 else distdir="dist-$arch" fi fulldistdir="$BUILD_TMP/$distdir" cmd="make DESTDIR=$fulldistdir install" echo "--> Installing:" eval $cmd > "$BUILD_TMP/install.out-$arch" 2>&1 if test $? != 0; then echo "*** Problem installing - aborting!" echo "*** See $BUILD_TMP/install.out-$arch for help." exit 1 fi # # Copy in special doc files # SPECIAL_FILES="README LICENSE" echo "--> Copying in special files: $SPECIAL_FILES" pushd $srcdir >/dev/null mkdir -p "${fulldistdir}/${OMPI_PREFIX}/share/openmpi/doc" cp $SPECIAL_FILES "${fulldistdir}/${OMPI_PREFIX}/share/openmpi/doc/." if [ ! $? = 0 ]; then echo "*** Problem copying files $SPECIAL_FILES. Aborting!" exit 1 fi popd >/dev/null distdir= fulldistdir= done ######################################################################## # # Make the fat binary # ######################################################################## print_arch_if() { case "$1" in ppc) echo "#ifdef __ppc__" >> mpi.h ;; ppc64) echo "#ifdef __ppc64__" >> mpi.h ;; i386) echo "#ifdef __i386__" >> mpi.h ;; x86_64) echo "#ifdef __x86_64__" >> mpi.h ;; *) echo "*** Could not find arch #ifdef for $1" exit 1 ;; esac } for arch in $OMPI_ARCH_LIST ; do cd $BUILD_TMP other_archs=`ls -d dist-*` fulldistdir="$BUILD_TMP/dist" echo "--> Creating fat binares and libraries" for other_arch in $other_archs ; do cd "$fulldistdir" # /bin files=`find ./${OMPI_PREFIX}/bin -type f -print` for file in $files ; do other_file="$BUILD_TMP/${other_arch}/$file" if test -r $other_file ; then lipo -create $file $other_file -output $file fi done # /lib - ignore .la files files=`find ./${OMPI_PREFIX}/lib -type f -print | grep -v '\.la$'` for file in $files ; do other_file="$BUILD_TMP/${other_arch}/$file" if test -r $other_file ; then lipo -create $file $other_file -output $file else echo "Not lipoing missing file $other_file" fi done done cd $BUILD_TMP echo "--> Creating multi-architecture mpi.h" # mpi.h # get the top of mpi.h mpih_top=`grep -n '@OMPI_BEGIN_CONFIGURE_SECTION@' $BUILD_TMP/dist/${OMPI_PREFIX}/include/mpi.h | cut -f1 -d:` mpih_top=`echo "$mpih_top - 1" | bc` head -n $mpih_top $BUILD_TMP/dist/${OMPI_PREFIX}/include/mpi.h > mpih_top.txt # now the bottom of mpi.h mpih_bottom_top=`grep -n '@OMPI_END_CONFIGURE_SECTION@' $BUILD_TMP/dist/${OMPI_PREFIX}/include/mpi.h | cut -f1 -d:` mpih_bottom_bottom=`wc -l $BUILD_TMP/dist/${OMPI_PREFIX}/include/mpi.h | cut -f1 -d/` mpih_bottom=`echo "$mpih_bottom_bottom - $mpih_bottom_top" | bc` tail -n $mpih_bottom $BUILD_TMP/dist/${OMPI_PREFIX}/include/mpi.h > mpih_bottom.txt # now get our little section of fun mpih_top=`echo "$mpih_top + 1" | bc` mpih_fun_len=`echo "$mpih_bottom_top - $mpih_top + 1" | bc` head -n $mpih_bottom_top $BUILD_TMP/dist/${OMPI_PREFIX}/include/mpi.h | tail -n $mpih_fun_len > mpih_$arch.txt # start putting it back together rm -f mpi.h cat mpih_top.txt > mpi.h print_arch_if $arch cat mpih_$arch.txt >> mpi.h echo "#endif" >> mpi.h for other_arch_dir in $other_archs ; do other_arch=`echo $other_arch_dir | cut -f2 -d-` mpih_top=`grep -n '@OMPI_BEGIN_CONFIGURE_SECTION@' $BUILD_TMP/$other_arch_dir/${OMPI_PREFIX}/include/mpi.h | cut -f1 -d:` mpih_bottom_top=`grep -n '@OMPI_END_CONFIGURE_SECTION@' $BUILD_TMP/$other_arch_dir/${OMPI_PREFIX}/include/mpi.h | cut -f1 -d:` mpih_fun_len=`echo "$mpih_bottom_top - $mpih_top + 1" | bc` head -n $mpih_bottom_top $BUILD_TMP/$other_arch_dir/${OMPI_PREFIX}/include/mpi.h | tail -n $mpih_fun_len > mpih_$other_arch.txt print_arch_if $other_arch cat mpih_$other_arch.txt >> mpi.h echo "#endif" >> mpi.h done cat mpih_bottom.txt >> mpi.h mv mpi.h $BUILD_TMP/dist/${OMPI_PREFIX}/include/. rm mpih* break done ######################################################################## # # Do all the package mojo # ######################################################################## # # Prep package info # debug_file="${BUILD_TMP}/disk.out" touch "$debug_file" echo "--> Creating Package Info:" cd $BUILD_TMP pkdir="${BUILD_TMP}/${OMPI_PACKAGE}.pkg" mkdir -p ${pkdir} mkdir ${pkdir}/Contents mkdir ${pkdir}/Contents/Resources mkdir ${pkdir}/Contents/Resources/English.lproj echo 'pmkrpkg1' > ${pkdir}/Contents/PkgInfo infofile=${pkdir}/Contents/Resources/English.lproj/${OMPI_PACKAGE}.info echo "Title Open MPI ${version}" > ${infofile} echo "Version ${version}" >> ${infofile} echo "Description Install Open MPI ${version}" >> ${infofile} echo 'DefaultLocation /' >> ${infofile} echo 'DeleteWarning' >> ${infofile} echo 'NeedsAuthorization YES' >> ${infofile} echo 'Required NO' >> ${infofile} echo 'Relocatable NO' >> ${infofile} echo 'RequiresReboot NO' >> ${infofile} echo 'UseUserMask NO' >> ${infofile} echo 'OverwritePermissions NO' >> ${infofile} echo 'InstallFat NO' >> ${infofile} echo "--> Copying OS X-specific ReadMe into package" cp "${OMPI_OSX_README}" "${pkdir}/Contents/Resources/ReadMe.rtf" if [ ! $? = 0 ]; then echo "*** Could not copy in ReadMe.rtf. Aborting!" exit 1 fi echo "--> Creating pax file" CWD=`pwd` cd "$fulldistdir" pax -w -f "${pkdir}/Contents/Resources/${OMPI_PACKAGE}.pax" . >> "$debug_file" 2>&1 if [ ! $? = 0 ]; then echo "*** Failed building pax file. Aborting!" echo "*** Check $debug_file for information" cd "$CWD" exit 1 fi cd "$CWD" unset CWD echo "--> Compressing pax file" gzip "${pkdir}/Contents/Resources/${OMPI_PACKAGE}.pax" >> "$debug_file" 2>&1 if [ ! $? = 0 ]; then echo "*** Failed compressing pax file. Aborting!" echo "*** Check $debug_file for information" exit 1 fi echo "--> Creating bom file" mkbom "$fulldistdir" "${pkdir}/Contents/Resources/${OMPI_PACKAGE}.bom" >> "$debug_file" 2>&1 if [ ! $? = 0 ]; then echo "*** Failed building bom file. Aborting!" echo "*** Check $debug_file for information" exit 1 fi echo "--> Generating sizes file:" sizesfile="${pkdir}/Contents/Resources/${OMPI_PACKAGE}.sizes" numFiles=`du -a ${fulldistdir} | wc -l` installedSize=`du -s ${fulldistdir} | cut -f1` compressedSize=`du -s ${fulldistdir} | cut -f1` echo "NumFiles ${numFiles}" > ${sizesfile} echo "InstalledSize ${installedSize}" >> ${sizesfile} echo "CompressedSize ${compressedSize}" >> ${sizesfile} cat ${sizesfile} # # Make a disk image in read-write mode # echo "--> Creating Disc Image" # Allocated about 2.5MB more than we need, just to be safe. If that # number is less than about 5MB, make 5MB to keep disk utilities # happy. sectorsAlloced=`echo 2*${compressedSize}+50|bc` if [ $sectorsAlloced -lt 10000 ]; then sectorsAlloced=10000 fi hdiutil create -ov "${BUILD_TMP}/${OMPI_VER_PACKAGE}RW" -sectors ${sectorsAlloced} >> "$debug_file" 2>&1 if [ ! $? = 0 ]; then echo "*** Failed hdiutil create. Aborting!" echo "*** Check $debug_file for information" exit 1 fi mountLoc=`hdid -nomount ${BUILD_TMP}/${OMPI_VER_PACKAGE}RW.dmg | grep HFS | cut -f1` /sbin/newfs_hfs -v ${OMPI_VER_PACKAGE} ${mountLoc} >> "$debug_file" 2>&1 if [ ! $? = 0 ]; then echo "*** Failed building HFS+ file system. Aborting!" echo "*** Check $debug_file for information" exit 1 fi hdiutil eject ${mountLoc} >> "$debug_file" 2>&1 if [ ! $? = 0 ]; then echo "*** Could not unmount $mountLoc. Aborting!" echo "*** Check $debug_file for information" exit 1 fi # # Copy above package into the disk image # echo "--> Copying Package to Disc Image" hdid "${BUILD_TMP}/${OMPI_VER_PACKAGE}RW.dmg" >> "$debug_file" 2>&1 if [ ! $? = 0 ]; then echo "*** Could not mount ${BUILD_TMP}/${OMPI_VER_PACKAGE}RW.dmg. Aborting!" echo "*** Check $debug_file for information" exit 1 fi if [ ! -d "/Volumes/${OMPI_VER_PACKAGE}" ]; then echo "*** /Volumes/${OMPI_VER_PACKAGE} does not exist. Aborting!" echo "*** Check $debug_file for information" exit 1 fi cp -R "${pkdir}" "/Volumes/${OMPI_VER_PACKAGE}" if [ ! $? = 0 ]; then echo "*** Error copying ${OMPI_VER_PACKAGE}.pkg. Aborting!" echo "*** Check $debug_file for information" exit 1 fi # # Converting Disk Image to read-only (and shrink to size needed) # cmd="hdiutil eject ${mountLoc}" echo "--> Ejecting R/W disk: $cmd" eval $cmd >> "$debug_file" 2>&1 if [ ! $? = 0 ]; then echo "*** Error ejecting R/W disk. Aborting!" echo "*** Check $debug_file for information" exit 1 fi cmd="hdiutil resize \"${BUILD_TMP}/${OMPI_VER_PACKAGE}RW.dmg\" -sectors min" echo "--> Resizing: $cmd" eval $cmd >> "$debug_file" 2>&1 if [ ! $? = 0 ]; then echo "*** Error resizing disk. Aborting!" echo "*** Check $debug_file for information" exit 1 fi cmd="hdiutil convert \"${BUILD_TMP}/${OMPI_VER_PACKAGE}RW.dmg\" -format UDRO -o \"/tmp/${OMPI_VER_PACKAGE}.dmg\"" echo "--> Converting to R-O: $cmd" eval $cmd >> "$debug_file" 2>&1 if [ ! $? = 0 ]; then echo "*** Error converting disk to read-only. Aborting!" echo "*** Check $debug_file for information" exit 1 fi echo "--> Compressing disk image" gzip --best "/tmp/${OMPI_VER_PACKAGE}.dmg" echo "--> Cleaning up the staging directory" rm -rf "${BUILD_TMP}" if [ ! $? = 0 ]; then echo "*** Could not clean up ${BUILD_TMP}." echo "You may want to clean it up yourself." exit 1 fi echo "--> Done. Package is at: /tmp/${OMPI_VER_PACKAGE}.dmg.gz"