dnl -*- shell-script -*-
dnl Copyright (c) 2004-2006 The Trustees of Indiana University and Indiana
dnl                         University Research and Technology
dnl                         Corporation.  All rights reserved.
dnl Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The University of Tennessee and The University
dnl                         of Tennessee Research Foundation.  All rights
dnl                         reserved.
dnl Copyright (c) 2004-2005 High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart, 
dnl                         University of Stuttgart.  All rights reserved.
dnl Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Regents of the University of California.
dnl                         All rights reserved.
dnl Additional copyrights may follow
dnl $HEADER$

# OMPI_F90_CHECK(Fortran type, expected size)
# Check Fortran type/kind combinations, including:
# - whether compiler supports or not
# - size of type
# - equal to expected size
# - alignment
# - range (optional)
# - precision (optional)
# types to search is a comma-seperated list of values


    # Only check if we actually want the F90 bindings / have a F90
    # compiler.  This allows us to call this macro even if there is
    # no F90 compiler.  If we have no f90 compiler, then just set a
    # bunch of defaults.
    if test "$OMPI_WANT_F90_BINDINGS" = "1"; then
        OMPI_F90_CHECK_TYPE([$1], [ofc_have_type=1], [ofc_have_type=0])
        AC_MSG_CHECKING([if Fortran 90 compiler supports $ofc_fortran_type])

    if test "$ofc_have_type" = "1"; then
        # What is the size of this type?  

        # NOTE: Some Fortran compilers actually will return that a
        # type exists even if it doesn't support it -- the compiler
        # will automatically convert the unsupported type to a type
        # that it *does* support.  For example, if you try to use
        # INTEGER*16 and the compiler doesn't support it, it may well
        # automatically convert it to INTEGER*8 for you (!).  So we
        # have to check the actual size of the type once we determine
        # that the compiler doesn't error if we try to use it
        # (i.e,. the compiler *might* support that type).  If the size
        # doesn't match the expected size, then the compiler doesn't
        # really support it.
        OMPI_F90_GET_SIZEOF([$1], [ofc_type_size])
        if test "$ofc_expected_size" != "" -a "$ofc_type_size" != "$ofc_expected_size"; then
            AC_MSG_WARN([*** Fortran 90 $ofc_fortran_type does not have expected size!])
            AC_MSG_WARN([*** Expected $ofc_expected_size, got $ofc_type_size])
            AC_MSG_WARN([*** Disabling MPI support for Fortran $ofc_fortran_type])
            # If this type has an F77 counterpart, see if it's
            # supported.
            [ofc_f77_have_type=$OMPI_HAVE_FORTRAN_]m4_bpatsubst(m4_bpatsubst([$1], [*], []), [[^a-zA-Z0-9_]], [_])
            if test "$ofc_f77_have_type" = "0"; then
                AC_MSG_WARN([*** Corresponding Fortran 77 type ($1) not supported])
                AC_MSG_WARN([*** Skipping Fortran 90 type ($1)])

                # Check the size of this type against its F77 counterpart
                [ofc_f77_sizeof=$OMPI_SIZEOF_FORTRAN_]m4_bpatsubst(m4_bpatsubst([$1], [*], []), [[^a-zA-Z0-9_]], [_])
                if test "$ofc_f77_sizeof" != ""; then
                    AC_MSG_CHECKING([if Fortran 77 and 90 type sizes match])
                    if test "$ofc_f77_sizeof" != "$ofc_type_size"; then
                        AC_MSG_WARN([*** Fortran 77 size for $1 ($ofc_f77_sizeof) does not match])
                        AC_MSG_WARN([*** Fortran 90 size for $1 ($ofc_type_size)])
                        AC_MSG_ERROR([*** Cannot continue])

                # Get the alignment of the type and check against its F77
                # counterpart
                OMPI_F90_GET_ALIGNMENT([$1], [ofc_type_alignment])
                ofc_f77_alignment=$[OMPI_ALIGNMENT_FORTRAN_]m4_bpatsubst(m4_bpatsubst([$1], [*], []), [[^a-zA-Z0-9_]], [_])
                if test "$ofc_f77_alignment" != ""; then
                    AC_MSG_CHECKING([if Fortran 77 and 90 type alignments match])
                    if test "$ofc_f77_alignment" != "$ofc_type_alignment"; then
                        AC_MSG_WARN([*** Fortran 77 alignment for $1 ($ofc_f77_alignment) does not match])
                        AC_MSG_WARN([*** Fortran 90 alignment for $1 ($ofc_type_alignment)])
# JMS Commented out for now so that a) people can continue developing
# with f90, b) we stop breaking "make dist", and c) we can find out
# the Real Deal from Fortran compiler vendors.
#                        AC_MSG_ERROR([*** Cannot continue])
                        AC_MSG_WARN([*** OMPI-F90-CHECK macro needs to be updated!])

                # If we passed in the expected size, then also add the
                # type to the relevant list of types found.
                if test "$ofc_expected_size" != ""; then
                    ofc_letter=m4_translit(m4_bpatsubst($1, [^\(.\).+], [[\1]]), [a-z], [A-Z])
                    ofc_str="OMPI_F90_${ofc_letter}KINDS=\"\$OMPI_F90_${ofc_letter}KINDS $ofc_type_size \""
                    eval $ofc_str

    # We always need these defines -- even if we don't have a given
    # type, there are some places in the code where we have to have
    # *something*.  Note that the bpatsubst's are the same as used
    # above (see comment above), but we added a translit to make them
    # uppercase.

    # If we got a pretty name, use that as the basis.  If not, use the
    # first part of the provided fortran type (e.g.,
    # "logical(selected_int_kind(2))" -> logical1")

    # Note that there is no need to AC_DEFINE the size and alignment
    # of the F90 datatype.  We have ensured (above) that they are the
    # same as the corresponding F77 datatypes, and that's good enough
    # (i.e., the DDT engine only looks at the F77 sizes/alignments).

    # Finally, note that it is necessary to use the Big Long Ugly m4
    # expressions in the AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTEDs.  If you don't (e.g., put
    # the result of the BLUm4E in a shell variable and use that in
    # AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED), autoheader won't put them in the
    # AC_CONFIG_HEADER (or AM_CONFIG_HEADER, in our case).

    AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED([OMPI_HAVE_F90_]m4_translit(m4_bpatsubst(m4_bpatsubst([$1], [*], []), [[^a-zA-Z0-9_]], [_]), [a-z], [A-Z]),
                       [Whether we have Fortran 90 $ofc_type_name or not])

    # Save some in shell variables for later use.  Have to use m4
    # functions here (vs. $ompi_upper_var_name, defined above) because
    # these need to be set at autoconf time, not configure time.
    [OMPI_SIZEOF_F90_]m4_translit(m4_bpatsubst([$1], [^\([a-zA-Z_]*\).+], [[\1]]), [A-Z], [a-z])[=$ofc_type_size]
    AC_SUBST([OMPI_SIZEOF_F90_]m4_translit(m4_bpatsubst([$1], [^\([a-zA-Z_]*\).+], [[\1]]), [A-Z], [a-z]))

    # Clean up
    unset ofc_fortran_type ofc_expected_size ofc_want_range ofc_pretty_name
    unset ofc_have_type ofc_type_size ofc_type_alignment ofc_letter ofc_str
    unset ofc_type_range ofc_type_precision
    unset ofc_f77_sizeof ofc_f77_alignment