// -*- c++ -*-
// Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Trustees of Indiana University and Indiana
//                         University Research and Technology
//                         Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The University of Tennessee and The University
//                         of Tennessee Research Foundation.  All rights
//                         reserved.
// Copyright (c) 2004-2005 High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart, 
//                         University of Stuttgart.  All rights reserved.
// Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Regents of the University of California.
//                         All rights reserved.
// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Cisco Systems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
// Copyright (c) 2007      Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
// Additional copyrights may follow

class Win {
  //  friend class P;
  friend class MPI::Comm; //so I can access pmpi_win data member in comm.cc
  friend class MPI::Request; //and also from request.cc


  // construction / destruction
  Win() { }
  virtual ~Win() { }

  // copy / assignment
  Win(const Win& data) : pmpi_win(data.pmpi_win) { }

  Win(MPI_Win i) : pmpi_win(i) { }

  Win& operator=(const Win& data) {
    pmpi_win = data.pmpi_win; return *this; }

  // comparison, don't need for win

  // inter-language operability
  Win& operator= (const MPI_Win &i) {
    pmpi_win = i; return *this; }
  operator MPI_Win () const { return pmpi_win; }
  //  operator MPI_Win* () const { return pmpi_win; }
  operator const PMPI::Win&() const { return pmpi_win; }


  Win() : mpi_win(MPI_WIN_NULL) { }
  // copy
  Win(const Win& data) : mpi_win(data.mpi_win) { }

  Win(MPI_Win i) : mpi_win(i) { }
  virtual ~Win() { }

  Win& operator=(const Win& data) {
    mpi_win = data.mpi_win; return *this; }

  // comparison, don't need for win

  // inter-language operability
  Win& operator= (const MPI_Win &i) {
    mpi_win = i; return *this; }
  operator MPI_Win () const { return mpi_win; }
  //  operator MPI_Win* () const { return (MPI_Win*)&mpi_win; }


  // User defined functions
  typedef int Copy_attr_function(const Win& oldwin, int win_keyval, 
				 void* extra_state, void* attribute_val_in, 
				 void* attribute_val_out, bool& flag); 
  typedef int Delete_attr_function(Win& win, int win_keyval, 
				   void* attribute_val, void* extra_state); 
  typedef void Errhandler_function(Win &, int *, ... );
  typedef Errhandler_function Errhandler_fn
        __mpi_interface_deprecated__("MPI::Win::Errhandler_fn was deprecated in MPI-2.2; use MPI::Win::Errhandler_function instead");
  // Errhandler
  static MPI::Errhandler Create_errhandler(Errhandler_function* function);

  virtual void Set_errhandler(const MPI::Errhandler& errhandler) const;

  virtual MPI::Errhandler Get_errhandler() const; 

  // One sided communication
  virtual void Accumulate(const void* origin_addr, int origin_count, 
			  const MPI::Datatype& origin_datatype, 
			  int target_rank, MPI::Aint target_disp, 
			  int target_count, 
			  const MPI::Datatype& target_datatype, 
			  const MPI::Op& op) const;
  virtual void Complete() const;
  static  Win Create(const void* base, MPI::Aint size, int disp_unit, 
		     const MPI::Info& info, const MPI::Intracomm& comm);
  virtual void Fence(int assert) const;
  virtual void Free(); 
  virtual void Get(const void *origin_addr, int origin_count, 
		   const MPI::Datatype& origin_datatype, int target_rank, 
		   MPI::Aint target_disp, int target_count, 
		   const MPI::Datatype& target_datatype) const;
  virtual MPI::Group Get_group() const;  

  virtual void Lock(int lock_type, int rank, int assert) const;
  virtual void Post(const MPI::Group& group, int assert) const;
  virtual void Put(const void* origin_addr, int origin_count, 
		   const MPI::Datatype& origin_datatype, int target_rank, 
		   MPI::Aint target_disp, int target_count, 
		   const MPI::Datatype& target_datatype) const;
  virtual void Start(const MPI::Group& group, int assert) const; 
  virtual bool Test() const;

  virtual void Unlock(int rank) const;
  virtual void Wait() const;

  // External Interfaces
  virtual void Call_errhandler(int errorcode) const;
  // Need 4 overloaded versions of this function because per the
  // MPI-2 spec, you can mix-n-match the C predefined functions with
  // C++ functions.
  static int Create_keyval(Copy_attr_function* win_copy_attr_fn, 
			   Delete_attr_function* win_delete_attr_fn, 
			   void* extra_state);
  static int Create_keyval(MPI_Win_copy_attr_function* win_copy_attr_fn, 
			   MPI_Win_delete_attr_function* win_delete_attr_fn, 
			   void* extra_state);
  static int Create_keyval(Copy_attr_function* win_copy_attr_fn, 
			   MPI_Win_delete_attr_function* win_delete_attr_fn, 
			   void* extra_state);
  static int Create_keyval(MPI_Win_copy_attr_function* win_copy_attr_fn, 
			   Delete_attr_function* win_delete_attr_fn, 
			   void* extra_state);
  // Back-end function to do the heavy lifting for creating the
  // keyval
  static int do_create_keyval(MPI_Win_copy_attr_function* c_copy_fn,
                              MPI_Win_delete_attr_function* c_delete_fn,
                              Copy_attr_function* cxx_copy_fn,
                              Delete_attr_function* cxx_delete_fn,
                              void* extra_state, int &keyval);

  virtual void Delete_attr(int win_keyval);
  static void Free_keyval(int& win_keyval); 
  // version 1: pre-errata Get_attr (not correct, but probably nice to support
  bool Get_attr(const Win& win, int win_keyval,
               void* attribute_val) const;

  // version 2: post-errata Get_attr (correct, but no one seems to know about it)
  bool Get_attr(int win_keyval, void* attribute_val) const;
  virtual void Get_name(char* win_name, int& resultlen) const;
  virtual void Set_attr(int win_keyval, const void* attribute_val);
  virtual void Set_name(const char* win_name);

  // Data that is passed through keyval create when C++ callback
  // functions are used
  struct keyval_intercept_data_t {
      MPI_Win_copy_attr_function *c_copy_fn;
      MPI_Win_delete_attr_function *c_delete_fn;
      Copy_attr_function* cxx_copy_fn;
      Delete_attr_function* cxx_delete_fn;
      void *extra_state;

  // Protect the global list from multiple thread access
  static opal_mutex_t cxx_extra_states_lock;
  PMPI::Win pmpi_win;
  MPI_Win mpi_win;